Chapter 20 - leaped into sky

Below him stood guards holding their spears, pointing upwards towards Troy, ready to pierce him.

"No! don't kill him" Rem yelled outside towards the guards, but her voice didn't reach them.

Troy looked beneath at all those spears pointed towards him, but not even an ounce of fear developed in him. He only smirked.

From the clear sky semi-dark, with a rumble of roaring thunder, struck the land a bombardment of lightning. All guards surrounding Troy, including the ones who pointed their spears towards him, got electrocuted by the lightning which got attracted to their metallic spears.

"Ha ha haha Haha"

While everyone on landed tried to avoid the bolts of lightning, Troy, who still was in the sky, kept on laughing looking at them. He landed on top of the only curtain wall of the palace. More guards standing on the wall charged towards him, but the lightning didn't stop yet. The wall crumbled and Troy took a giant leap again, heading towards the east of the town.

Troy's expression changed, and he turned back to normal.

"Huh? What?" He looked confused.

Lightning struck the confused Troy, and he fell down as he lost consciousness on a cart carrying a pile of hay.


Rem's Pov---

He vanished after going outside the walls. What I see in front of me is a trail of burnt ground with electrocuted dead or alive bodies. There is no way someone like him could have done that.

"Everyone hurry and use healing magic on the injured." The chief guard instructed other guards. Many people in uniform gathered there to use healing magic on them.

"Rem..." My sister held my arm.

"What do we tell Esdeath-Sama?"

"We will tell her the truth." I answered, "and we have to find him as fast as possible, or the city might be in danger because of him."

"Well yes, I didn't think in the least bit that he is so dangerous." She patted my shoulder, "Don't worry, I bet Esdeath-Sama will understand the situation."

[That's not the problem, the problem is why wasn't I able to go into Demon mode, and why did my behavior change suddenly.]

The palace is in havoc. The outer wall is demolished, we have to mend it soon or someone or something may enter inside.

I stood up to lift my broken flail. A loud sound grabbed everyone's attention to it.

As the dust settled down on the ground, everyone is able to see the annoyed look on Esdeath-Sama's face.

"What happened here?" She asked the same question twice. The second time 10 times louder than the first time, making everyone near her jump.
