Chapter 22 - Fire

The fire is spreading around; the lizards are going crazy and bumping into each other. I want to run away from here, but also the last thing I want is to be seen fleeing from here. I have to extinguish this fire before something big happens.

But it's already too late, the fire already spread into all the carts and black ash is whirling around.

[What should I do, How to extinguish all this fire?]

I imagined a fire extinguisher, I never touched it but I know how it looks like. Even after imaging the very detail of it, nothing appeared in my hand.

[Is this power limited to what I have touched?]

I imagined water to shoot out of my hands, but even it didn't work. The fire from the hay is now spreading to the buildings.

"Fire! Fire!" Someone is yelling.


There is the noise of water sizzling, but I can't see even a bit of this fire getting extinguished.


Third Person Pov---

Troy stood between the fire, while some countrymen from the outside kept pouring buckets of water. Ten people (5 boys and 5 girls) in uniform arrived at the location. The girls used magic spells to spray water on the buildings while the boys carried outside the people stuck inside the buildings.

Troy decided on what to do. First, using his flail, he released all the lizards from their respective carts. Second, he summoned steel chains and large hooks; which he attached to all the carts on fire and connected them to a single strong steel chain. A few meters from the stables is a well with a pulley. He touched it and summoned two larger pulleys than the original size. Connecting the steel chain to the bottom-most or the 3rd pulley, and the 3rd pulley to the 2nd and the 2nd pulley to the first; he successfully pulled all the carts at once using his concentrated strength and now, near the well on the empty land, rounded up all the carts which are set on fire.

The countrymen and the people in uniform looked at it in surprise when all the carts moved away from the buildings at once, and the lizards ran in havoc. No one knew who set them free and is pulling the carts. They fixated their eyes on the heap of carts that got piled up, and are blazing under the night sky.

"What, are you staring at, extinguish the fire., " A woman yelled. To her command, all the people in uniform got alert and raced towards it to extinguish.


A cart toppled and Troy came out from inside the burning pile, with his face half-covered with soot, and half burnt clothes. The fur robe is missing.

"Are you safe? Here, drink this water." The in-charge handed Troy a water bottle. "What are you staring my face for? In-charge of 4B, can't you handle your team?"

Troy opened the bottle and gulped all of it in one go, letting a sigh of relief.

"Thank you" He handed her the bottle.

"Are you the one who did this?" She asked refilling the bottle with a jet of water which sprayed from her finger.

"No, it wasn't me. It was a guy in a white robe. He pulled all of them near the well and helped me get out of there." Troy replied to her.

"Does that mean he is still inside?" She became alarmed and held Troy's shoulders.

"No, after he made a way out for me he went towards the opposite side and disappeared."

"It's good that nothing terrible happened." She looked relieved.


Troy's pov----

[I managed to hide my identity, Esdeath is probably searching for me by now. Man... It was really hard to breathe in there... She looks like an amiable and well-respected lady. Maybe I can count on her to help me with lodging tonight.]

"Watch Out!" Somebody yelled. I wonder who he is yelling at. I turned behind..



Third-person Pov---

A large wheel toppled from the top most cart and sped towards Troy, who is taking with the in-charge. A guy in uniform noticed it.

"Watch out" he yelled and jumped in front of Troy.