Chapter 23 - Wheel

"Watch out" he yelled and jumped in front of Troy.

The blazing wheel crashed into him and broke. He struggled in pain on the ground. The in-charge noticed him at the last moment but wasn't able to prevent it. She lifted him up and used healing magic to ease his pain.

The fire is completely extinguished. Everyone surrounded the guy who rested on the in-charges' lap. Even Troy stood there behind the in-charge.

"Vich-sama, I am happy that I was on your team." He muttered.

"Don't say that Miyonishi" A girl with a sad face interfered.

"These 3 years were great, especially the two days before a mission."

"Stop it, don't say that aloud." The in-charge said.

"If possible, I want to go on one more mission with you Vich-san..." His voice dropped and he closed his eyes.


"Don't yell he is just sleeping, take him to his room." Everyone calmed down and took his body from the in-charge's hands. "Everyone go and wait for me, in the base."

"Vich-San but we have a member less in our team." A girl with a wand and wearing a thin robe stood in front of her as everyone started to move.

"Don't worry about that, I will take care of it."

Everyone is leaving the place, and so is Troy along with them.

"You wait!"

Troy stopped and faced her.


"Will you join our team?" She asked Troy with no hesitation.

"Umm... I don't know how to use magic."

"No problem, our mission is just to carry dead bodies which are generated by other teams."

"Also, I am new here and I don't have any money."

"I will let someone escort you tomorrow and about money, you will get 5 silver coins after the mission."

"Fine. I will join." Troy answered her with a bright face.

"Follow me, " She took the lead and Troy followed her."By the way, my name is Irina Jelavich (Irina Jelavić), I don't like to be called captain so you can call me Vich-San".


Troy's Pov---

[She looks friendly if I ignore how she commanded her troop, and also she takes care of every member of her troop. Please God, at least this time make my decision on a woman correct.]

The cape she is wearing is half burnt at the bottom and has soiled marks all over, I wonder how many people she was carrying. who will escort me

[I want a place to stay for the night and also she promised to introduce me to someone who will escort me tomorrow, and more importantly the currency system, I wonder if 5 silver coins are high or low.]

"Excuse me... Vich-San?"

"Yes?" She didn't turn behind and continued walking.

"Can I know where we are going."

"It's to our base. You can either sleep there or take a room in the hotel beside it. But remember, the expenses for the hotel will be from you 5 silver coins, so I will recommend sleeping in the base."

"Do everyone sleep in the base or at their house?" I asked, to which she responded by stopping.

"Actually, you are pretty lucky. Everyone sleep in the base when we have a mission, one or two days later."

[How am I lucky for this? I don't want to train all day, and also, I think today is one of the 'sleep in the base' days. If I sleep with everyone, I will feel guarded, so it's better to sleep with them rather than sleeping alone in fear.]

"I guess there is nothing wrong with training myself now and then, but why do we have to train to carry dead bodies."

"If there are dead bodies, there is a fight and everyone involved in it can get attacked by the enemy, that's a battle. I think you have a small wrong idea, you will understand it soon."

I looked at my surroundings. The size of the houses varied from short to tall and from wide to narrow as an alley.

[I guess diversity is present everywhere.]

"I will not ask where you are from, or where you are headed to. So don't worry about it."

"Thank you," I replied.

[A problem solved on its own.]

"Here is our base."

She showed a plain-looking two-storey building, which was about 12 meters wide.