Chapter 21 - Hay Cart

Third Person pov--


A driverless cart carrying a load of hay along with Troy, pulled by a ground lizard, is going across the town. No one notices Troy who slept in it.

The moon is glowing in the night sky, and Troy hears the mechanical sound.


Troy's Pov------

{{Magic power leveled up, Managride used successfully... mana levels returned to normal }}

{{Mana storage increased 10%}}

{{Skill - Sigil _ exhaustion time decreased by 10%}}

{{HP - increased 10%}}

{{New move acquired... What will you like to name it..}}

--[Heaven's Fury]

{{Name Heaven's Fury is given to the S class attack. *Notice* System Names are only given to S or above class spells.**}}

I opened my eyes, I can feel a few body pains and also the blades of hay against my skin. The moon is glowing and the clouds are passing by. I don't have a destination to go to, neither I have a place to call home.

[I have no one waiting for me; I miss my parents. I wonder how they are, and how they are doing. I hope big sis and brother will take care of them.]

Now, I can adjust my fingers and body joints. The pebble which I had in my hands disappeared and I can only feel some dust on the palm.

[I had no idea that the pebble which I randomly picked up when Rem kept on throwing her flail in the mansion; had this much power. I still can't forget the feeling of the fight I had. Their movements turned slow, so I was able to take all three at once. Also, I think I get stronger when I concentrate on my moves and attacks, still can't believe I broke the metallic flail and the face she made was awesome.]

The cart slowed down and felt like it stopped moving. Also, I can hear many animal voices, I wonder where I am.

Getting down from the cart, I inspected my surrounding. It looks like a stop for all carts driven by lizards since all of them are standing and munching something in their stables. No one appears to be unloading the hay. I am feeling unguarded, so I summoned the flail which I used in the battle.

[I kind of understand how to use my powers. When I was in mid-air and the guards pointed their spears towards me, the only thought which ran in my mind was to strike them before they could kill me, and suddenly I see a rainfall of lightning. I couldn't stop laughing at that moment, looking at how what I wanted really happened. Time still ticked slowly for me, by about 0.75x. Where ever I wanted to attack, a bolt would land there. I don't feel any remorse for what I did. You should be ready to be killed when you want to kill someone. Was it because of the shiny pebble I took from her shiny flail before I leaped into the sky? But the worst thing was the ending. When I stopped laughing after looking at the small bug-like insect which was sucking my blood. I wanted to kill it and a bolt landed on me, nevertheless, I am happy that I escaped that place and I got to know how to use some of my powers.]

Glaring at my hand, I felt an eagerness to try using the magic again. I didn't wait anymore and aimed it right in front of me. A bolt of lightning landed in front of me, where I wanted. But... I messed up, I aimed it on the hay cart and now the fire is spreading around like a bush fire.