Chapter 5 - Furry Millipede

Louis Pov

Millipede and other crawly insects with many legs are my worst nightmare. They are even scarier than Yuno after she catches me trying to escape or kill her.

"Stay away, don't come close" I backed off.

The millipede's diameter was just longer than 1/4th of my height. It's still glaring at me. Those beady black eyes reflected the little sunlight, which crossed all the leaves from the tree. The worst of all is that I am practically naked.

In a single thrust, it head-butted my knees and I fell back on the ground. Covered in fear and lying on the ground, the millipede looked like a demon approaching its prey.

This time it jumped on me with its little legs, I could see all its legs joined in pairs and the segments of its body. The distance between us is closing in slow-motion; I shut my eyes, mouth wide open to yell and hands stretched towards the millipede with a small hope to defend myself.

*squish* I felt a squishy feeling in my hand and something wet and warm spilled on me. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw the millipede, pierced deep inside with a knife held by me.

I yelled and stood up, and ran randomly, shaking the knife to throw away the millipedes' body. It finally dropped somewhere, my only brief soaked the green blood. I inspected the knife in my hand.

"Wah!" I dropped the knife on the ground and it vanished. It was Yuno's knife, I had many terrible memories with it so it's hard to forget it. Feeling tired, I used my left hand as a support to balance myself while I removed my brief.

The feeling in my left hand somehow felt similar, I already got goosebumps on my skin. The furry feeling on my left-hand palm.

Turning my head towards the left, I noticed a giant millipede of my size, and stuck to her fur was the body of the smaller millipede which was just killed by me.

"You called your mom?... "

Taking away my hand from its fur, I ran away in my highest gear.

There is no need to look behind to check whether it's following me. I am hearing a stampede behind my back.

There is no time to think about a weapon. I can only think of running and dodging the branches on my way.

[It's been so long since I am able to run so freely, it feels as if I am the wind; I didn't know I can run so fast.]

No matter how fast I ran, the millipede tailed me.I thought of something random and my collar appeared in my hand.

"Oh Shoot"

Lighting fell behind me on the millipede and it burst into pieces of meat. It's gooey green blood again splashed on my body.

[It looks like lightning falls on the ground here, thanks to it I am saved, I should watch out for lightning next time.]

"Bad luck, millipede."

Leaving behind the dead body, I continued walking in the sun's direction. It wasn't because it is west or east or something, it's just that, It's because I am afraid of the night.

I took a little bath in a nearby stream, also I was afraid the whole time what might pop up, so I used a bucket to fetch water from the stream.

[Brief, T-shirt, Shorts]

This time all of them appeared, they were like my casual clothes. I wore them and thought of some food since I am hungry. The sun is setting down. The next thought which ran through my mind was of a house, but nothing appeared.

It's getting dark, dark and very dark. I can't see a thing, are my eyes even open?