Chapter 7 - Blue Haired Beauty

Since I am beneath her, the face or bosom part isn't visible properly but judging from her hips size, clothes, naked sexy looking thighs, length of her blue hair, high heel which embedded inside the branch she slept and how she slept so peacefully in midst of a dangerous forest; I concluded that she is most likely a year or so older than me and is strong enough to get a good position in an organization or lead a group. Not my cup of tea. People like these ask a lot of questions and suspect every little things. I am already in a fix since I arrived here I can't go on carrying more trouble.

I ignored the sleeping hot bottom lady and took a step forward. A rustling sound caught my attention. It came from beneath the tree, a snake steadily crawled the trunk of the tree and approached the sleeping lady.

[It's just a normal tree snake, a bite from it won't count to anything. ]

4 more snakes started to crawl on the tree.

[They are just mere 5 snakes, if the lady is sleeping so carefreely then it must mean she knows the dangers of this forest and can easily defend herself from them.]

10 more snakes added to the count, and some of them merged to become larger snakes.


A kitchen knife appeared in my hand, and I thrust forward towards the tree, hesitating. My body moved on its own. I wanted to save her, even though she may or may not be requiring it.

[When I needed someone's help no one showed up, or either ignored me, so shouldn't I do the same and ignore her? But I can't. Unlike others, I can't ignore this once I have noticed. What happens, so happens.]

Using the knife in my hand, I chopped the small snakeheads. The larger ones were strong and sturdy, the knife didn't do much damage to them. Also, the chopped snakeheads started to regenerate. Now, all of them glared, hissing at me. I know I messed it up. I can use 'oh shoot' but I can't risk using it with the lady on the tree.

[Only if my attacks were vigorous, only if my attack power increased I can defeat it.]

With such words running in my mind, I felt energy filling my hands with courage. Nothing is wrong with trying one more time. Using both my hands, I held the knife above my right shoulder like a sword, as I waited for the right moment to strike.


A weird insect came buzzing close to my left ear. As a reflex, my hands swung and went towards my left where the insect came buzzing. I opened my eyes, the insect wasn't buzzing anymore because it fell down on the ground with its body in 2 pieces, and so, were the heads of the snakes. All the heads lay in front of me while their slender body regenerated. Their speed of regeneration decreased drastically, so I used this moment to pull their bodies from the bushes.

To my great surprise, came out a crocodile body at the head of which all the snakes' tails were attached. It was like a hydra, but with the body of a crocodile instead of a snake.

Without hesitating, in heroism or in fear, I swung my knife once more and the crocodile split in half. I waited to see if it will regenerate or not, but it didn't. All the serpents lay motionless on the ground like the body.

"Namu amida butsu" I prayed for the deceased. "Don't take it personally."

"Yay. I did it" A broad smile gleamed on my face.

"Esdeath, *thud* Esdeaths' my name"