Chapter 9 - Esdeath

Louis Pov

The blue-haired girl who sat on the tree now stood in front of me. My eyes locked on her breasts and cleavage. She has a slim waist, which I didn't notice properly earlier. I turned my eyes towards her face, her eyelashes matched the color of her eyebrows and hair and an elegant face brimming with confidence.

So much to get in the starting of the unknown world, I felt something was sketchy with her, a hot sexy lady, out of nowhere appearing in front of me and introducing her name. I mean, what can even go right.

My brain screamed to get away from her, but my heart said to flirt with her. This time I followed my brain against my heart, especially after the incident with Yuno, I can't believe my heart anymore.

"Troy... Troy's my name"

"Troy huh?" Esdeath folded her arms. "It's a new name I heard, but it doesn't sound bad."

"...." I waited for her gratitude.

"Thank you for saving me from the monster, I didn't know something as dangerous as it can be here in this part of the forest."

"You should be careful in the forest, a lady should not be alone in such a dangerous forest, it's better if you return to your place"

"..." She isn't answering. Wait, her face turned red, and is standing like a statue with her mouth slightly open. Did something happen to her?

*rusting and splashing sound*

"Shit," I noticed us getting surrounded by a horde of these crocodile hydra monsters. Few showed up from the river while the other came out from the thick bushes.

[What do I do? 1 was already tough enough and now these many? What's wrong with them? I can use magic, but I don't think I can cast accurately where I want, and with these many crocodiles, one spell won't be enough. So let's bring out the knife and somehow make an escape for me and the Esdeath]

Before, I could bring out my knife.

"Freeze" Esdeath spelled angrily.

All of them stopped in their tracks within a moment, neither of them moved even in the slightest, I didn't understand whether time stopped for them or they froze to death.

"Don't interfere, " Esdeath drew out her sword, and with a slash all of them shattered into large chunks of frozen pieces.

[What the fck, she is just too strong. I just feel like an idiot after saving her from the mere one crocydra, Let's just get out from here before she asks me anything. A single wrong move and I can die.]

"Now, let's continue..." Esdeath's face grew back normal with a cute, brief smile.

[Sorry, but I already got enough of this double personality shit. Just say goodbye and never meet her again.]

"A...ah *stuttering* Thank you Miss Esdeath for killing the monsters, Now I must leave, goodbye and have a nice day." I turned behind and speed walked forward.

[Don't turn behind, don't turn behind, I just have to reach that tree then I will be away from her sight.]


I pretended not to hear.

"Troy" The voice came from just behind me.

[No way]

She stood right behind me.

Facing her, "Yes?"

"This is the way for the town." She pointed behind her.

[Option one, say ' I know but I have some work in the forest', Option two, Just say 'Oh! Ya, that's the way, just got a little confused.]

I didn't know what else waited inside the forest, or for how long she planned to stay there. So, I went with option two.

She seemed to buy it; I went towards the direction she pointed.

[Yes!, Mission successful]