Chapter 14 - Rem

"R...R...Rem" She answered and dashed out of my vision, dragging a large white cloth on the floor.


[What's wrong with her? I could only see her face, but she really looked very cute. I wonder who she is. Wait, how did I come here?]

I got up and sat on the cushiony couch. I am sitting in a room with a brown antique-looking well-polished table in front of the window. The wind made the silk-like curtains flutter.

[I am feeling warm.]

My clothes are feeling softer than usual. I glanced towards my clothes and to my astonishment; I am wearing an ultra-soft white fur robe and nothing inside.

[Did somebody remove my clothes while I was asleep.]

I recalled my memories before I fell asleep.

[Now, I remember. Esdeath knocked me out, and I somehow arrived here. The girl earlier doesn't look like Esdeath, I wonder if she saved me from her or something else happened.]

I am awfully calmed even after what happened; I think this is because of my two years long session with Yuno, which makes even the weirdest and worst situation look like a child in front of the experiences I had with her.

I stood up and inspected the room. There is a lot of space in the center of the room with no furniture in it. I wonder what they use it for. Three cars can easily be parked in this much space.

There are some bookshelves adjoining the walls and a fancy red chair with golden outlining behind the table.

[Looks like some office room, but I still wonder what this place is for.]

Beside the couch is a wooden door. I want to go out and see what is in store, so I moved towards the direction of the door open. Just before I could reach the doorknob, I tripped on the robe and stumbled forward.

[Its gonna hurt, Its gonna hurt.]

I gritted my teeth as I fell.

*Click* The door opened, and my head is now resting on something soft and a little bouncy.



Esdeath's Pov--

[I will wait until he wakes up. But, I also have someone important to attend.]

"Do you need any help, Esdeath-Sama, you look troubled," Rem asked Esdeath, who sat on the couch beside Louis.

"Can you take care of him until I come back from the meeting?"

"Yes, but who is this boy?"

"His name is Troy, and you don't need to know any other details," I answered Rem.

Looking at his sleeping face makes me happy for some reason. I brushed his cheek with my palm and felt his lips once more before I left.

"I will be back soon. If he tries to run away, you know what to do right, but don't overdo it." I left from there to go to the meeting room.

Goza (an old dude, partially bald) waited eagerly in the meeting room to tell something to me.

I went inside and sat on the head's chair.

"Tell fast."

" Yes, Esdeath-sama, Yesterday 4 more workers got injured "

"What about the guards?"

"None of them are alive to tell what they fought with, and the 4 workers got knocked out when a tree fell on them. So no one saw what happened."

[Something which killed 15 guards, and none of the workers saw it. A large tree falling. So the enemy is someone who is very strong physically or someone who can use magic. If the enemy can use magic, then it means he is a human. Even I was in the forest from the morning, but I saw nothing. Is there any link between Troy and him?]

"It's going to be troublesome if it continues, send the magical troupe 4C to escort the workers tomorrow."

"Yes, Now I will take my leave."

Goza bowed and went outside the room.

I opened my notebook.

[Let's see, now I have to go to Aschina (birth place) and get my sword, which I ordered. It will take a long time, so I will let it go. Next, ok I have a meeting with Team 2A, it's important so let's attend it.]

Calling my vehicle (Baby Ice Dragon) I went towards the guild.

"Esdeath-sama, Team 2A is inside the VIP room." An elf approached me and led me to a room.

"Good-Afternoon, Esdeath-Sama" 3 girls greeted in unison.