Chapter 10 - That way.

Esdeath's Pov---

"This is the way towards the town. " I pointed my finger towards the direction behind me.

"Oh, Ya I got a bit confused. OK then bye. " Troy replied.

[First, this forest is enclosed by different cities, so it doesn't matter which direction he goes, he will reach some town, second, the way he killed Hissaptor (Crocydra) shows that it is the first time he encountered it even though it is a common monster in this continent. The way he killed it was wrong, that's why its fleet came for its aid; as I expected he isn't from this place or continent, that's why I showed him the direction towards the town I live and he fell for that.]

Troy already is a few meters ahead.

"Wait, go slowly, I will also come with you." I sped forward to join by his side.

"Goddammit" Troy charged right into the forest at a swift speed.

"Stop!" In a blink, he vanished among the trees and creepers. His unusual action took me by surprise, I didn't expect him to run away like that, but more importantly why didn't I move?

[What is this sudden uneasiness I am feeling in my chest? Why was I so unguarded when I was with him? Why do I want to see him again?, Why do I want to see his smile? Rest assured, he went towards Doan Town, the town where I live; I am sure we will meet again. Right?]


Louis Pov--

"Wait go slowly, I will also come with you."

[Oh no... She doubts me or what?]

"Goddammit" I took an instant charge into the trees ahead of me, friction caused due to the sudden acceleration felt on my cheeks.

[It is abnormal, I don't think even the fastest human or a car can accelerate so fast? Is it again some power I have?]

The worst thing is that I don't know how to apply the brakes. I charged through all the vines, sticky webs, and even though both weak and strong branches; My body bled and healed simultaneously, I can't see the terrain in front of me. No, I am scared to open my eyes; it pains when even a little dust enters your eyes.

I made a tough decision. It's 'do' or 'keep running'.

Taking one more step, I leaped into mid-air; holding both my legs using my hands, I turned into a cannonball and risked it. For the first time in my life, I felt empathy for a tennis ball as my body rotated randomly mid-air.

A shock wave shook my body followed by a loud blow, I can feel my head crashing into something which was not very hard, but the place where I landed is uncomfortable and prickly.

[Am I dead again? No, I can feel some pain and I can move my body, I am alive.]

I am astonished myself that I have survived something like this. Opening my eyes, I stood up and dusted my clothes. I could see some cuts across my thigh and chest as blood flowed from my head.

After the enveloping dust settled down on the ground, I inspected my surrounding. I am already ready to apologize or run away(slower) if I caused any damage to anyone's property.

Two guys who stood in front of me looked behind, facing me with a confused look on their face. Red bandana's tied on their forehead and black stripes on their cheeks with a shabby half-sleeve shirt. Every single thing about them reeked of a bandit. In their hands, they held a knife in their right hand. To be precise, a wide single-edged short-sword.