In the afternoon the 13th unit was called together. The unit of 34 men was brought together, Ava looked around a little surprised that the unit was called to the field, this was something that rarely happened. They were then called to attention and Ava noticed the man from earlier wearing sunglasses walked in front of them with the unit captain and another man she didn't recognize.
"At ease. We are here to select one of you for a special operation force (s.o.f) unit." Maj. McCarty told the unit with a neutral expression.
'Pff. Yeah, right they had to have been forced to come here due to the higher up. No s.o.f unit in their right mind would come to the infamous 13th unit. It's a gag unit one that isn't to experience combat since it's for the children of the higher rank that have no place here, those that are useless for the army, those they see of some value and don't want them to die, or people sent by their family to not achieve anything.' Ava thought as she held her hands behind her back with her thumbs in her palms. 13 was thought to be an unlucky number so this unit was given the number.
"I will call out Individuals selected as potential candidates." Maj. McCarty exclaimed as he looked down at the clipboard in his hand before he began to call out names and one by one people stepped forward. After the 7th name, "2Lt Roan Liman step forward!"
Ava looked up a little surprised that she was called the captain was more than likely aware of her family's stance so why was she called. Ava replied before stepping out in front of the other 7 people.
The higher-ranking officer a Lieutenant-General (LGen) was the man that Ava spoke to earlier this morning, she assumed he was probably the captain of this s.o.f unit considering his rank, before noticing that he was looking intently at her. "So you are Roan Liman?" he asked looking at Ava. She couldn't see his eyes behind the sunglasses but she could tell he was silently judging her or rather him since her physical appearance was less than desirable for a man, I could be considered sickly, to say the least.
"Yes sir." Ro replied with a salute looking directly at him unflinching. 'If you think you can scare my by your gaze alone buddy you got another thing coming.' Ava sneered annoyed she was already being judged. She moved her hand slightly as the metal on her hand clicked softly as she flexed her fingers. 'I wonder if he knows my brother Shane, that might be why he's looking at me. Yeah, that's probably why.' Ava told herself a little nervous with his gaze on her so intently half hoping it wasn't because of what happened this morning.
"5km run with 20kg weights." the LGen told the 8 people. They grabbed the backpacks with the 20kg weight before going off for the run. Ava went at a steady pace saving her energy, doing fairly well despite going at such a pace since the other's were not in the best shape.
The LGen was called Lukas Haas and as Ava suspects, he was the one in charge of the s.o.f unit that was looking for new recruits, and he did know her brother Shane Liman. When Lukas saw one of the recommend soldiers was one named Avalon Roan Liman he recalled something from a few months ago when Shane was drunk during a New Year party which Lukas unwillingly attended with Shane.
'~"Lllluuukas! My brother is something else. Very thick-skinned, totally something else. Also very good looking like me." Shane slurred as he leaned against the table pointing at Lukas with little care. Lukas slapped his hand away to prevent an accident, with a slightly annoyed look towards the drunk man.
"You really shouldn't be getting drunk Brigadier-General (BGen) Liman." Lukas muttered with a sharp piercing glare with his silver eyes locking with Shane's bright blue eyes. "Besides which brother are you talking about?"
"… Sibling, I mean sibling."
"That isn't any different."
"It's my twin, my twin. They are really special… have a secret a lot of secerts... and there is one in particular that only the family knows about. It's super-secret. Plus they are great really great. I'd help them if they let me." Shane rambled sloshing around his glass spilling some.
"Your twin? You have a twin?"
"Yes yes! Aavaalon oh wait no that not right they are not that... what's that name the name… ah right Roan Liman they use that name at the moment cause of the matriarch, Roan Liman remember it. Though if the matriarch, ah no, I mean my mother. If she gets her way they will achieve nothing." Shane muttered placing his head on the table.
"Sigh… why's that?" Lukas asked knowing Shane was going to tell him either way.
"Mom and Roan don't have a good relationship. Nor with any of the older generation on the family… dad's neutral for the most part though. She made a bet with Roan that involves the military. It a really stupid bet, a rude bet." Shane huffed chugging down his drink. "But I'm telling you, Lukas, you meeting Ro would be good. Something good will happen. Interesting things." Shane hiccupped. This caught Lukas's attention. Shane had a reputation of being able to predict things, and certain things he says that have an odd 'weight' to them were usually true as a result.
"Hey, Shane what do you mean by that?" Lukas asked shaking the 25-year-old man with his gloved hand but it was no use as Shane had passed out. "Damn you, Shane, you could have at least elaborated on what you meant before passing out." he growled. ~'
'What did that drunk idiot even mean.' Lukas thought with his arms crossed watching Ro run the 5km. 'He' was doing better than the other's he didn't appear the that tired just yet and had a steady pace, slowly passing the other potential recruits. As if feeling the LGen's gaze on 'him' Ro's violet eyes monetarily flicked over at him essentially locking eyes before looking back at the track in front of 'him'. Lukas decided to keep an eye on the 'man' for now.
After the first round of exercises, most of those from the 13th did less than desired however Roan's performance while not the desired result but was better than the rest. In the end, Roan was squatting down looking at the ground sweat dripping down 'his' face breathing a little ragged. It was late spring and it was getting warmer, Roan was the only one out of the group not to remove his shirt. Another person from the 13th unit walked over to Roan with a smile before hitting him hard on the back (without warning), causing Roan to fall forward to the ground with a yelp.
Roan pushed 'himself' up from the ground and glared at the person that hit them on the back. "I was balancing on the balls of my feet… Lt. Bailey this is the second time today you've caused me to land on my face in the dirt. Agh, seriously give me a warning next time."
"Hahah! Sorry sorry! I didn't think I'd send you to the ground." Lt. Bailey laughed offering Roan his hand. Ro took it and was pulled to his feet. "Jeez, Roan you are super light."
"I'm not sure whether that's an insult or a compliment so I'm gonna take it as a compliment," Roan muttered as he dusted himself off.