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Underseas: Remastered

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Just now awakening from a deep hibernation, Kyrie quickly discovers that she is aboard Argos...a underwater Sea base near the bottom of an Ocean in a All-water planet named Aquaros. most of all, she doesn't have any memory prior to waking up. Humans began to inhabit Aquaros and are adapting quite well...Things seem to be going smoothly...everyone is beginning to enjoy their new lives on a new planet. But strange stories and events begin to occur. Kyrie slowly realizes something evil is responsible for these occurrences and lurks in the backround...

Chapter 1 - Awakening

Blinding felt like being hit with a flash bang when I had opened my eyes, followed with a massive headache. My sense of feel slowly returned to me. I began to feel how chilly the room was and my body shivered in response. The fans were on in the room, that could very well explain why it was so cold. My vision began to adjust to the Blue lights that softly illuminated the room. I stared at the blank ceiling. I was laying on a queen sized bed. The bed was...soft, so soft to the touch. I felt like I was sinking into the bed. For some strange reason, I didn't want to leave. I wanted to close my eyes and fall back into the peaceful and blissful state of nothingness, yet something told me it was time to wake up and get moving.

I obeyed my consciousness and reluctantly pulled the covers off of me and I slowly sat up. I groaned feeling stiff as if I hadn't moved for a very long time. I drew in my first breaths. I took them slowly and steady. I discovered that I wore nothing but a pair of Lacy black panties and a Sports Bra. I had no idea why I was so underdressed in such a cold room.

I slowly turned and put my feet down onto the stone cold floor and stood up, feeling suddenly nauseous as I did. I looked around the room, Which was dimly lit by the blue lights. It was a large, single room. There was another empty bed next to mine. On the left side of my bed was a nightstand. On top of it was a digital alarm clock which displayed blue numbers. Across the room was a Sofa. And across from the sofa was a entertainment center with a large flat screen TV mounted on the wall directly above it. In another section of the room was a glass table and a pair of chairs. A bookshelf stood in another corner filled with...well, books. Every now and then, the light would flicker, making a small noise. Something must be wrong with them. I looked over next to the Neighboring bed. To the right side of it was a wide window.

"Hm?" I startled myself by the noise I made.

I slowly walked over to it on wobbly legs and peered outside. Outside was just a dark void. I could barely see anything, but I jumped back when I saw a figure glide past. I looked again and saw another figure slowly glide past. My slight fear turned into curiosity. Was that a fish? Yes..It was just a harmless fish. A new question formed in my head. Was I underwater? I looked upwards through the window and didn't see anything different.

Where Was I? I tried to think as I stood there. Ugh. My head hurt so badly that It was hard to think at all. Not only that, but my eyes ached just as badly, But ignoring the pain, I concentrated on trying to remember something...But I couldn't seem to recall anything. My mind felt empty...completely empty. It felt as if my head were hollow inside. I had no memories at all save for the moment I woke up. I felt as If I had just been born. I began to wonder who I was, where I was, any why did I just wake up in such a strange and unfamiliar place?

On the wall next to the window was a life size mirror. Next to it was a wardrobe closet. I walked over and stepped in front of the mirror and examined the girl who was reflected in it.

I assume the girl was me. Who else would it be? I had long...very long dark blue hair. my eyes were a rich dark blue color. My face was round with smooth edges. Either I had pale skin, or that's how I looked in the poor lighting. I was just about below average height, and I was very petite. I had small breasts...and my body had barely any curve to it. I looked like a young adult... I didn't know how old I was. My eyes went to my stomach...I noticed a blue diamond belly piercing. I decided to leave it, seeing that it wasn't doing any harm.

My first emotion was confusion...secondly...curiosity. I wanted to know where I was, Who I was. I wanted some answers. a new feeling began to come to my senses...I felt somewhat lost. I looked around the room and suddenly began to feel lonely. Where was everyone...or was I alone? the very thought of that terrified me, especially considering that I was completely clueless as to where I was. The dark blue color of the room was giving me a sorrowful feeling. The discomfort of being all alone was just beginning to sink in. The weight of these feelings were like iron weights that had been suddenly dropped on top of me.

The cold was beginning to be too much for me. I wanted to put something on...Anything that could keep me warm. Or at least slightly warmer that I was. I opened the wardrobe closet and looked inside. There was quite a selection of clothes to choose from. I chose to put on a pair of black pants and a white shirt. It didn't keep me toasty warm, but at least I wasn't freezing anymore. But it didn't stop my shivering.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I jumped in surprise, frightened by the sudden knocking sounds behind me. I looked around, finding that no one was in the room besides me...Which made me feel more unsettled. Double doors opened with a hiss. and another person walked in. She was too, a female. She had long black hair, some of which covered her right eye, which was a beautiful shade of violet. She was dressed in a white shirt, and black skirt. She wore black leggings and shoes. She had what looked like a uniform sweater that was tied around her waist. She looked at the bed, then around the room, her gaze shifted over to me.

"You're finally awake. We were beginning to think you weren't going to make it." She said.

The girl approached me. My instincts fired up and I began to feel a little uneasy about this stranger.

"Hey. It's okay...I won't hurt you. I understand you must feel overwhelmed enough as is before I came in...That's normal. We didn't expect you to be yourself right from the start."

I tilted my head, "We?" Who was "We?" Were there...other people?

"Other humans, like you and me, have woken up after a very long deep sleep. It's the first step to getting everyone adjusted to the new planet we're on. You see...Earth was quickly starting to become...unlivable. But luckily we found another planet to live on. Sadly, we couldn't save everyone...we only had ten vessels to send everyone in. And only enough fuel for one trip. they were put to sleep so they could adjust to the atmosphere. we hooked them up to life support. Everyone woke up...we were just waiting for you."

Then who was flying the vessels?

Not only this, but what on Earth was she talking about? New Planet? I couldn't seem to wrap my head around it.

The girl looked at me.

"Do you know who you are?"

I met eyes with the girl. Did she perhaps know me? I didn't even know myself. I was desperate for answers. I shook my head.

"I see. Looks like the doctors were right. You seemed to have lost your memory. That's...really sad. Well… your name is Kyrie Preobrazhensky. You...Are my closest friend. We have been friends for the last three years. Along with Maxis. He's your friend as well. Do you remember us?"

I looked at this girl. Clipped to the breast pocket of her blouse was an ID tag. It had a picture of her and under her was a name:

Saiya Iwohara

Assistant security

Saiya? The name seemed vaguely familiar. But I didn't know this girl. I feel like I should know who she was. The name she mentioned...Maxis. That name sounded familiar. But I couldn't say I knew this Maxis guy until I saw him.

Again, I shook my head.

"That's okay, Kyrie. I don't expect you to know us right off the bat. But I do hope you can remember us soon. For the time being, we will keep you safe and take care of you. you'll be seeing a lot of the two of us from now on. Do you want to see Maxis? I'm sure He'll be happy to see you." Will he? Well, I was starting to get curious about Maxis. Anyhow. I nodded my head.