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Chasing The Runner

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Usually when two people are destined for each other, their love story unravels with very little restraint. Normally they would find their way to each other in some sappy love-fest with Unicorns – that fart pixie dust and shit Neapolitan ice cream - frolicking on rainbows while letting tiny butterfly-fairies braid their colorful ‘Maybe it’s Maybelline’ hair. The two lovebirds typically end up together and live happily ever after. With a tinsy-winsy addition of drama, of course. But this...this is not that type of story. This story has more than half a cup of drama and quite frankly makes you chuckle and shit... If you’re into that sort of stuff. FAIR WARNING! This pair needs serious therapy. Nathaniel Park – one half of the doomed pair – is a Hollywood actor with a stadium of screaming fans, the sexiest smile to have ever graced our screens and a laugh that could surely churn butter. Appearance: DAAAAAAMMN-Hot Diggity Dog With Five Jalapeño-Poppers on the side. He’s annoyingly persistent, sarcastic and charmingly awkward with a hint of emotional detachment and he has a knack for being the most confusing person in all of existence. Personality: I don’t- I think- Maybe he’s- I’m at a loss for words… Moving on. Oh. He also had a super hot blonde girlfriend. What a perfect life right? Yes? Let’s check the polls... No! And then you had Riley Andrews - the other half - one of LA’s most sought after dancers. Her dark hair and dangerous hazel eyes matched her dark past. Appearance: YASSS HONTEY! GET IT! On the outside Riley had an air of a dancer’s confidence but way, way deep down she was just like everybody else. Hiding her truest self behind, leotards and sarcasm. Personality: GOLD!! If only she’d let people see. Running from her past, her problems and her fears seemed to be the only thing - other than dancing - she was good at. One thing can be guaranteed; When it comes to this, seemingly botched pairing - hearts will be broken, tears will be shed and dreams will be crushed. But maybe out of all that, love could bloom?

Chapter 1 - Mr. I have...

Riley's POV

"Riles you are opening the show, so don't embarrass me. Remember, posture straight! I want the audience to feel the emotion from their seats!" Rolling my eyes, I nodded at Sylvester, my dance instructor, savior, big brother, best friend. He was everything. He'd been part of my life for as long as I could remember. I think I must've been, what, four or five years old when I met him.

It was weird to think I had known Sly for a good twenty years although when you ask him he'd say he'd known me all my life. He basically manages my career and my life, helping me perfect my dancing skills.

"I know, I know." I respond, stretching. 

"This is a big deal." He continues. "It's America's Best Dance Crew! We moved to America for this exact exposure!"

"I get it Sly!!" I wasn't expecting my outburst and clearly neither was he. We hardly talk about our life before moving to the US. It was hard. Him bringing it up doesn't help, especially if I'm about to go on stage. I don't like being psyched out before big performances. Sly knows this. 

"I'm Sorry Riles." He responds, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder in a soothing manner. I sigh heavily then turn to give him a hug.

"I know." Pulling him tighter, I can't help but feel at home in his arms.

"I'm sorry for my outburst, I shouldn't have –" 

"Shh don't worry about it, I understand." Sly was too good for me. 

I'm sorry, let me back track a bit. My name is Riley Andrews. I was originally born in Bristol, England. But moved to LA a little after I turned twelve. In an attempt to forget everything about my old life I got my accent completely knocked out of me. I now had a normal American accent (if I can even call it that) and just made sure I focused on my career and a way to pay Sly back. 

I know you're confused, so let me clear up somethings for you. When I was five, I lost my mother to cancer, my father remarried two years later and then he was killed after my eleventh birthday.

Sylvester was best friends with my two older brothers. They were the three musketeers. Sly, Eli and Levi were my world after my mom died. We all shared the same love for dance that my mom did. Sylvester fit in with the family like a glove the first moment he met my brothers. Nothing could ever separate them. Nothing other than... 

Okay let's just move on. I've already told you too much. 

"Riley Andrews!?" The backstage manager came looking for me. "Riley Andrews you're on in two minutes. You need to be by the stage."

"Alrighty," I told the man, shrugging on my white button down.

"Wish me luck." I jokingly told Sly as I followed the backstage manager. 

"Luck is for losers!" he called out. 

I stood behind the curtain and said a little prayer while the host introduced me and the show. 

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to ABDC Champions for charity, a special live event!" the audience went crazy "All season seven champions have decided to come back the smash the stage for a good cause. Tonight we've teamed up with a ground breaking, non-profit organization that gives young people the tools they need to get involved in making a difference in their community. All seven champions have decided to make spectacular routines for these inspirational people. To kick start our show, we have one of LA's best dancers Riley Andrews!!"  The crowd went crazy and I stepped out onto the circled stage.

My heart was thumping in my chest and the adrenalin was coursing through my blood. Jessie J's Nobody's Perfect blared through the speakers and I just let go. My body went on its own accord and did what it did best.  By the end of my dance I was in the crowd, looking at some random guy. It was part of the routine. My hands were on his chest and I was breathing heavy.

I looked deep into his blue eyes then gave him a small smile before walking back on to the stage where I would then take a bow and walk off.  When I made it backstage, Sly gave me the biggest hug ever. His shoulders were shaking and I assumed he was attempting - and I say that loosely - not to cry.

This was a very emotional piece for the both of us. When I heard the song over the radio something told me that I had to perform it and I'm glad I did.

"They would be so proud." Sly mumbled into my hair. I nodded – no words could ever describe what was going through my head – and hugged him closer.

After lounging backstage for the duration of the show, Sly stood, stretching his back then turned to give me yet another hug for the job well done. "We should get going soon." Sly pulled away "go change then we'll go and get dinner." I did as I was told.

The walk back to my dressing room wasn't long and as I went, I received a lot of praises for my routine. Smiling and thanking people I continued the short journey. The moment I arrived to my dressing room I packed my stuff and slipped on a pair of black sweatpants, a black slouchy tee and my beanie, over my head. I then completed my outfit by slipping on my boots. 

After taking my bag, I walked out of the room, not before double checking for anything I might have left behind.

"Took you long enough." Sly commented. 

"Bite me." I teased him. 

"Gross. You're sweaty and you smell."

Gee thanks Sly. I groaned internally. 

"No I don't."

Slowly and slyly I rose my arms up to smell my armpits. Sylvester's gruff laughter stopped me.

"Shut up." I muttered walking past him. 

Sly and I approached a makeshift receptionist desk to sign out. (Just a thing we had to do just so that the people organizing the show knew that we had left) Sly signed both of us out and we were about to leave when someone called out to us. 


We turned to figure out where the noise was coming from. Running from the studio – where ABDC was about to wrap up filming  – were three guys. All three of them were gorgeous but looks never really swayed me. In fact, I found the more attractive the guy, the douchier he was. And it was worse if he knew he looked good.

Narcissist much. Am I right?

"Wait don't go!" 

When they finally made it to Sly and I. They stopped to catch a breath. I looked at them up and down, trying to figure out where I had seen them before, they looked so familiar.

"Hey..." Sly started cautiously. "Can we help you?" 

"Yes. Yes you can." The guy with the tattoos littered around his bicep spoke first.

Damn it, I know I've seen these guys before.

Think Riley think! 

Sly and I waited for them to continue, but neither one said a thing. I looked at all three guys. The one with the tattoos had a a nice face. It was a face of a nice guy I guess. Hey don't ask me to explain what I mean by that, I've had about as much experience with guys as, a porcupine has had with a flamingo.


I was sheltered, can you tell?

My knowledge is based on what I see on TV, what I read, what I remember from my life before I moved here and Sly.

And now that I think of it, Sly doesn't really get out much.

The guy in the middle had bright blue playful eyes, he was young I could tell. His age, however, didn't make him less appealing. It might've made him slightly more attractive.

Oh gosh I sound like a pedophile.

The third guy seemed all kinds of different. But a nice different. He had brown messy hair and a gorgeous big smile on his face. It was contagious because I found myself smiling with him. When I caught myself doing that I immediately forced a blank expression on my face. 

"Are you guys going to just stand there or are you going to tell us why you're here?" Sly asked, his tone confused and sarcastic.

"Oh right!" The tattooed guy responded. "My name is Logan by the way, Logan Mitchell" he held out his hand for Sly to shake and shake it Sly did. Cautiously, of course.

Logan then offered me a hug. Well offer is a light way of putting it – he attacked me with a bear hug. "Sorry I'm a hugger." He shrugged at me. 

I nodded and fixed my shirt.  "I'm Nate Homer-Smith." the young blue eyed responded, hugging me as well and shaking Sly's hand.

"Nathaniel Park. Well, it's actually Nathan." Mr-my-smile-is-so-gorgeously-infectious said. I eyed him warily but accepted his hug, my body instantly setting on fire.

Nate and Nathaniel...

Is no one going to comment on that or...

"Okay now that we have gotten introductions out of the way, can somebody tell me what you want with my sister and I?" Sly widened his stance.

Although he was my dance coach or whatever, he was pretty muscular. He was more of a hip hop dancer but trained in ballet. But shhh don't tell him I told you. 

"Sister?" Mr-I-can-stop-wars-with-my-amazing-smile asked, staring at me. 

"Yes...she's my sister." Sly spoke catching baby blue eyed, Nate's attention. 

"Oh..." Logan gave me an award winning smile, but it wasn't the same as Mr-the-female-race-will-literally-faint-at-the-sight-of-this-frown-upside-down.

"Well my friend Nate, wanted to tell you that your solo was amazing and he was wondering if he could have your number."

"We" baby blue eyes corrected a slight tinge of pink crept on his cheeks "we wanted to say those things. We all — all of us— wanted your number."  He pointed to the two yum yums next to him.

Quick side bar, I know I said looks don't sway me because - fuck men and douchebag this and- yes but...

Hear me out. 

That was before.

These were some good looking guys! Especially Mr.-my-smile-could-power-street-lamps. But that didn't mean I liked him or any of them.

I could admire God's handiwork. When you go to a museum you look and it's normal...

You know what, I don't have to explain myself to you.

"Just to be clear, we all" baby blue eyes, Nate, pointed at his two friends "one, two, three of us wanted your number. It was a group decision that was decided together" he rambled.

"Let it go." Logan whispered to him, while patting his back, in embarrassment. "Nah dude, we came to be your wing men." Mr-my-smile-will-drop-your-panties announced. "Plus I, already have a girlfriend." 


Something inside me stirred and I couldn't quite understand what it was. I rolled my eyes and thought to myself the last part didn't have to be mentioned.

Nobody needs to know you have a girlfriend. 

"I just thought it would be appropriate to mention it, just in case you thought Logan was talking about me." 


Did I really say that out loud?

I looked around at the faces that surrounded me. Logan and baby blue eyes were gobsmacked because this was the first time I actually contributed to the conversation. Sly smirked at me because he knew that sometimes I spoke my thoughts out loud and that got me into trouble more often than not.

Mr-I-have-an-amazing-smile-but-I'm-taken, had a blank expression on his face but I could tell he was hiding his true feelings behind the façade.  Composing myself, I ignored my little slip up

"I'm Riley." I spoke. 

"Yeah we know..." Logan spoke and gave a teasing smile.  I pursed my lips, choosing my words wisely. "Thank you."

All three boys raised their eyebrows. Sly folded his arms across his chest and had an amused look on his face – one I wanted to slap off.

He knew I was socially challenged. "For complimenting my dancing. I'm afraid though, I can't give you my number." I turned around and started walking to the elevator, that was going to take me to the underground parking and away from embarrassing myself any further.

Sly was right behind me but so was Logan and his friends.

"Wait!" he – followed by his friends – ran around Sly and I, blocking our path. Ducking under Logan's arm, I pressed the button to call the elevator.


I looked at all three of them. Like really, really looked at them. I was socially inept why didn't they understand? Still being sucked into this interaction was draining my will to survive and I just couldn't allow anymore embarrassing slip ups.

Huffing I pulled out my phone. "If I do, I will you leave me alone?" I asked just as the elevator door opened but Logan stood in the middle of the doors so they wouldn't close. 

"Yes?" baby blue eyes answered or more like questioned, while looking at his friends for confirmation.

Logan nodded eagerly. I handed Logan my phone and he put his number in, calling himself, so that he had my number. Nate did the same. When the phone was passed to Mr-my-smile-is-heart-melting-but-I'm confusing-people, I hesitated. I wasn't sure if I wanted him to have my number or not. Using his long slender fingers I watched as they effortlessly glided across the screen -adding his number to my contacts list.

Guess that ship has officially sailed.

He handed me my phone and our fingers brushed against each other, briefly, but it was enough to cause a spark that electrocuted me. I dropped my phone and pulled my hands back. Not willing to meet his eyes, I picked up my phone, examining if there were any cracks and brushed past them, trying my best to keep my body as far away from them as possible. I still wasn't sure if I smelled bad like Sly had insinuated earlier and it would be very unfortunate to end my rather awkward first impression with a sweaty stench no?

Logan stepped away from the door and soon they were about to close.  "Hold it for me Riles!" Sly exclaimed as he turned to speak to the guys.

I looked down at my hands in confusion. Stuffing them in my pockets I looked up to see all three guys looking at me. Mr-my-smile okay I got nothing.

Nathan looked at me, like he had never seen me before this moment. I turned my face away and waited for Sly to enter the elevator.  Eventually, after swapping numbers with the guys he walked into the small metal box.

As we descended I felt like I was suffocating. What the actual fuck just happened.

"Oh Riles" Sly mused.
