I found myself in a void of black no matter where I looked all I saw was nothing like space but witg no stars or galaxies to light it up. I tried to remember how I got here one second I was in his bed falling asleep the next I was here in this void.
'So maybe im asleep and this is a dream?' I thought I tried to pinch myself but looking down I saw I had no arm to pinch or body.
[This is not a dream]
In front of me the glowing letters floated in front of my face 'so what is this' I tried to talk but only now did I notice I haven't heard myself speak I had no mouth to speak with.
[This is the void where souls come to make another life in another world and now it's your turn to choose]
{Wish 1}
{Wish 2}
{Wish 3}
A different screen appears in front of me with multiple tabs I opened the first one and found an extremely large list of fantasy worlds from all across fiction, but it took me less than a second to find the Dc universe select it 'huh I guess I use my mind to select stuff' I thought as all I had to do was think what I wanted to press and it was.
With that, I opened the species tab and it was probably longer than the first list with every fantasy creature you could think of on the list but I was looking for the Saiyan race and selected it without hesitation.
Mentally opening the origins tab I found it was just a small bar for me to write out on so thinking of the origin of Goku I wrote,
Next, we're my wishes and like the last tab all I had to do was fill in the sentence and after much debate and consideration, I filled in all the tabs.
--Dc universe--
{Wish 1}
{Wish 2}
{Wish 3}
After filling in the last tab the screen faded away and I returned to nothingness again but this time it felt like the nothingness was caused by the fact I had my eyes closed.
Opening my eyes I found myself not in my bed but in what could only describe as an advanced space pod with flashing lights on both sides and a single plushy chair and a large window in front of me showing the vastness of space for a few minutes of watching space he saw a light blue planet go by.
'if I were a betting man I would guess that Neptune' I thought and I would have won that bet for in the distance I saw Jupiter and Saturn which were getting closer over time with Uranus passing by.
As I was looking outside something caught my attention to the right of my pod I saw what I would describe as a sleeker ship like Jimmy Neutrons' rocket ship fly not too far away from me.
'That has to be Clark's not too far away we'll probably arrive on earth at the same time,'
over time I tried to move and get acquainted with his new body especially my new appendage a brown monkey tail but I found that mastering this tail would be the most difficult part of this new body as trying to control his tail ended with it slapping me in the face and me recoiling in pain at how sensitive it was just by hitting himself with it.
'Note to self consider removal of tail' I thought
but I knew that having the tail later would have its advantages especially if I ever wanted to achieve ssj4 if it was a transformation I could achieve, which meant being able to go gold great ape, and that meant controlling my great ape transformation so I would cause less damage to my surroundings if I ever want to look at a full moon again.
As Saturn passed by and Jupiter was in view I tied to tab into my ki reserve to see if I could at least attempt to use it since I had nothing better to do than watch the planets go by on my way to earth.
Closing his eye and concentrating on his center he imagined a vast Ocean with no shoreline in sight I reached down to touch the reflective and still water and just as I felt my hand touch it
Suddenly I felt power rush through my body and I saw my aura expand quickly and became a light greenish yellow before disappearing entirely, and my senses returned to normal, and looked around for the source of the roar but I was back in the pod and saw nothing was wrong except a considerable amount of time must of past since he couldn't see Jupiter any more and saw his ship maneuver through and around and through asteroids.
I spent the rest of the time thinking about what just happened and I came to a startling conclusion I had almost gone berserk like the original Broly by just trying to use some of his ki.
'No wonder Broly goes mad with power if I as a baby almost went berserk just by touching my ki reserves imagine an abandoned child on a hostile world,' I thought so I made a rule to never use this power until he could reign it in and control it unless in an extreme situation but he knew like the hulk he would need to control his emotions, especially anger and training to make sure he never went bezerk or at least be able to aim it, as he thought through plans earth came into view and the lights on the pod started to change.
(POV Martha Kent)
Location Smallville, Kansas
it was a normal day out in Smallville she and Jonathan were on their way back for dinner it was a beautiful night with the stars shining bright and the moon was crescent in the night sky
"What in the...?" she heard Jonathan say she turned her head from the view to see Jonathan was looking at something she followed his gaze and saw what he saw was smoke rising from a field.
Jonathan quickly came to a stop and got out to observe the fire and got out his phone to call the fire department as he was dialing I thought I heard something in the wind. Jonathan was cursing under his breath trying to get a signal.
"Shhh, do you hear that?" I said Jonathonput down the phone ". . . .hear wha-" he was interrupted by a baby's cry coming from the smoke, one second I was in the open door of the pickup truck the next I was running towards the smoke my mind was racing with the possibility of a child in the middle of a wildfire but as she made it to a clearing and I was not prepared for what I saw two ships or one ship and what looked like a giant beach ball with a window screen.
Jonathan was only a second behind me with a fire extinguisher in hand and paused for a second before putting out the small fires before they could spread anymore but my full attention was on the two ships one had its hatch open and I could hear whimpering coming from inside so I made my way to it and inside she saw the cutest baby she ever set eyes on its bright blue eyes immediately locked on to hers and she felt her heart almost exploded. but then he started to whimper again and she immediately took the baby into her arms calming it down before it cried.
Jonathan done putting out the fires came to her side "Martha maybe you sho-" before he could finish his sentence the pod opened and crying could be heard as the pod opened to her shock another baby was inside the other ship.
The crying from the other baby seemed to cause the one in her arms to start whimpering she was about to have two cry babies in her hands, so she immediately scooped up the other one in her other hand and gently hummed to them both to calm them down and they both were now in her arms fast asleep.
(POV Jonathan)
One minute he was on his way home from a lovely dinner the next he was. . .well he didn't know what this was, his wife was holding tge two babies that came out of the spaceships.
"Martha maybe we should..." he was met by his wife giving him a look that meant he was in hot water if he continued down his current conversation path so he did what any husband in his situation would do, "I'll...go grab the truck?" I said as if it was a question she smiled at him and then went back to keeping the children calm.
'What have we gotten ourselves into?' I thought walking towards the truck.