We watched as two completely different ships landed one was a massive sphere with four legs the other a pod much like Clark's landed in the field, since Clark's was closer we ran up to it Bulma just behind us Ma, Pa, and Dr. briefs telling us to be careful.
Clark flew up and I carried Bulma on my back as the canopy of the ship opened and inside was. . . a pure white puppy with a gold collar with the house of EL symbols on it.
"Awww a puppy he's so cute wait why is a puppy inside of a spaceship," she asked and I knew why but just shrugged my shoulder almost causing her to fall off.
"He looks familiar," Clark said "But we've never had a dog," I said and Clark just shrugged before grabbing the puppy and bringing it to Dr. briefs Mobile lab to do a check-up on the pup bulma got off my back to help while I went to the other ship.
I already knew what it was because I had specifically wished for it and I know now my training will reach a whole new level, it was at least double the size of the capsule ship in the Namake saga it had the saiyan royal symbol on it four times but was otherwise greyish white like the pod I arrived in, as I approached the middle of the ship rotated a laser shot out and scanned me than a green light flashed and a door reviled itself and opened with a staircase.
"Well, aren't you gonna go in?" Pa asked I didn't even notice he had walked up next to me, but I nodded my head and walked up the staircase with him right behind me.
Inside was sparse except for the large pillar in the middle with the royal symbol on it walking up to it a panel extended out and came down to my height and I realized I had a problem.
"I can't read the Saiyan language," I said out loud and Pa rubbed his chin before snapping his finger, "What about that eyepiece of yours maybe that can help?" he suggested and I almost face palmed I had completely forgotten about it.
The scooter I received with my mother's message on it was taken by Dr. briefs for studying like my and Clark's ships, it was returned to me on my sixth birthday fully translated to English and functions restored and it was a very versatile divide with many functions including a universal translator.
I rushed out of the ship and flew up to my room scrounging under my bed I pulled out the scouter it was the classic green and placed it on my ear before flying out, as I enter I saw that the panel had readjusted itself for Pa to access but he didn't touch it and once I stepped up it came back down to my hight turning on the scooter I looked down at the panel and the many symbols and buttons and I pressed the 'on button.'
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Ding!*
"Well?" Pa asked and I press a button that was labeled kitchen, immediately the panel lifted up and on one side of the ship out of the wall formed what looked like a mini kitchen, "Well ain't that something" Pa said walking over it was a miniature kitchen fully stocked with alien foods.
Going back to the panel I pressed another button labled bedroom and the ship rotated once again before the wall moved out and up, and a single wall bed with a window appeared and as I looked closer and on the bed was a sword.
I immediately ran over to the bed and picked up the sword it looked like a Claymore the sheath it was in was black with gold highlights and a silver end where the blad tip, the guard and grip were black and the pommel had a gem with the saying royal seal in it after looking it over I picked it up and was surprised at how light it was.
'I guess I never specified what kind of sword I wanted' I thought the blade didn't fit in my hand but I was still just a kid, "Whatcha got their sam?" Pa asked and he froze seeing the giant sheathed blade he took it from me gingerly and suggested Dr. briefs take a look at it.
I agreed ad we left the ship once nact at the mobile lab we saw Clark literally hovering over the still-sleeping puppy and Dr. briefs and Bulma going over the data collected by the Kryptonian ship.
"So how was the other ship," Ma asked keeping a hand on Clark to keep him calm Pa explained what we found causing both father and daughter to pause and question us about the ship.
Pa was began to speak up about what we saw inside while I looked over my new sword but I didn't miss the sparkle in both father and daughters eyes as Pa kept talking
'This is going to be a long weekend' I thought while putting the sword on my back.
POV Clark Kent
(One week later)
I sat in the living read the book 'of Mice and men' for a school project when I heard a commotion looking up I saw my brother stuck to the ceiling "What are you doing?" I asked and a moment later crypto jumped into the air trying to reach my brother.
"Your dog keeps trying to bite my tail," he said as Krypto circled on the ground whining up at him I got up and grabbed Krypto so Sam could get down.
"He's your dog too ya know maybe if you spent more time with him he wouldn't need to bite your tail to get your attention," I said petting Krypto while my brother simply but sam just glared down at the dog and then at his tail "maybe I should just get rid of my tail," sam said floating down while I kept a good grip on Krypto.
"I thought you wanted to master the big money you turn into," I said and Sam nodded his head, "Yeah but when have I ever succeeded," he said and I remembered the last time sam tried to control his transformation.
We stood inside the monitoring room as Sam stood in the middle of what was a stadium-sized room in the middle was Sam chained to the ground.
"Alright my boy before you see the moon let's see if the computer can actually measure your power this time so go as high as you can," Dr. briefs said and Sam nodded and closed his eyes.
"Your sure the computers aren't going to blow up again," I asked the first time Sam transformed the computers and instruments went haywire exploded, and caught on fire.
"That's why we want him to power up first so we can see if the computers and instruments can handle it," Bulma said and then the computer began to light up as the air around Sam seemed to turn and move around him.
Sam calmly stood in the middle of the stadium his eyes still closed but the computers and instruments were going wild measuring his power rising rapidly.
230. . .285. . .325. . .435. . .444. . .
"It looks like he's almost done," Pa said as the rising numbers slowed down but Bulma had other ideas and grabbed the microphone "come on sam is that the best you got your not even in the thousands," she said before anyone could say something else.
Sam's eyes opened wide and a white aura began to cover his body the air began to form a swirl around him, and the numbers on the screen rose rapidly.
"Bulma dear don't antagonize him," Ma said and Bulma nodded as the numbers went up and up until finally stopping at 1,575 "Sam it stopped at 1,575," I said as the white aura around him flared up and disappeared.
"Alright my boy we're ready you can open your eyes," Dr. briefs said and Sam looked up and did so in the roof of the stadium was a sunroof allowing the full moon to be seen.
Like last time at first, nothing happened but then Sam's body stiffened and his eyes became pink before turning into white orbs his body began to expand and hair grew on his body and his tail grew long and thick.
After a few seconds, he was 20 feet tall and after a minute he had fully grown to 80 feet, "this is incredible his power level is off the charts" Bulma said wearing Sam's scooter I learned next to her.
"How strong is he" I asked looking at the giant ape it remained me of an old movie monster.
"15,750 he's ten times stronger while he's an oozaru," she said and I watched as my brother the giant ape raged against his restraints and fired pillars of blue energy from his mouth.
But like last time he didn't gain control and transformed back unconscious when the sun came up.
*Flashback end*
"Yeah, but the equipment held up and you didn't attack the monitoring room this time," I said Sam gave me a small smile then kneeled and gave Krypto a scratch under his chin.
"Boys were up were going to be late!" Ma yelled from outside we made our way outside and saw ma and pa already in the truck we ran up and inside Krypto jumped into my lap and we were on our way.