(POV Sam)
(Hours after being found)
The past few hours have been the most entertaining moments of my new and old life as I was watching superman the man of steel and future founding member of the justice league in a diaper clinging to a teddy bear while watching bugs bunny and I wasn't doing anything differently, besides looking at my surroundings as Ma and Pa Kent scrambled together whatever baby supplies they had but that had been an hour ago now, only Ma was in the living room watching the both of us and taking many pictures of us with a camera, Pa had left and was most likely out getting more baby supplies.
'Or probably to get the ships clear of the field before anyone else show up,' but that was out of my hands as for now I was to act and play like a baby and so I did.
(2 days later)
After the first day, some of Clark's powers started showing with him playing with a ball that I threw which slipped under the recliner in the living room Clark lifted it over his head and grabbed the ball, and put it back, luckily for us Ma and Pa were in the kitchen discussing how to raise two alien children they know nothing about well mostly Ma getting more worried by the day she'd accidentally feed use some food we couldn't eat.
"Don't worry honey he should be here soon to help us with everything," Pa said while reading the newspaper I don't remember them telling anyone about Clark wonder who's coming to help them.
"Oh, you mean your conspiracy theorist friend from when you were a kid he got you to stay up all night to help him in his investigations,"
ma said she couldn't hide her snark behind the word investigation, but now they had my full attention I really want to know who's coming now.
"We were just kids back then wanting to explore the world now I'm a farmer in Kansas and he's the CEO of his own company."
Pa said while continuing his morning read of the newspaper.
"Ok but still you have to admit he can go a little too far when he finds something that excites him," Ma said wagging her finger and Pa just shrugged.
"That's what we should count on when he sets his mind on something he doesn't quite remember how many people he helped with their equipment and electronic problems that nobody could solve but he could," Pa said looking at her now ma seemed she wanted to rebuttal that but she remained quiet and went back to couple small take I went back to watching tv since I had no interest in playing with the toys.
"Ah!" looking at Clark I saw he crawled his way up to me and seemed to want my attention when he saw he had it he dropped the ball near me, "Ah!" Clark repeated looking at me.
"Baba," I said and threw the ball, and Clark went off after it with some speed 'super crawl who knew' I thought.
Then the house started to rumble Ma quickly came to gather me and Cark who now had the ball in hand Pa had a smirk on his face and then headed to the door by the time he got there someone was pounding furiously on the door.
"How's it been Briefs," Pa said opening the door, and in steps, a middle-aged man with thick glass wearing a lab coat but his most striking feature was his light purple hair which extends to a purple mustache, "it been well Jon how have you been oh wait I know discovering alien life that's what!" Dr. brief said while hugging Pa.
I was in complete shock a Dragonball character in dc not to mention the father of Bulma was standing next to the adopted father of superman, but then I notice outside and in the front yard was a futuristic eighteen-wheeler with a double-deck storage container on the back like a British bus with the capsule Corp symbol on the side.
"Ladies and gentlemen I present to you my mobile lab and research station or the M.A.R.S for short," Dr.brief said with pride Ma and Pa were both impressed while I and Clark had stars in our eyes at the cool truck he holds up the keys in his hands and pressed a button then the back opens up and we walk inside with Dr.breif leading the way and inside was an advanced laboratory.
"Now if you would set the children on the table here," Dr.brief said as a table came out of the wall when Ma hesitantly placed use on the table then a light passed through both of us and the computer screen on the other side of the wall lights up with pictures of both me and Clark and what I can only assume is data as on the both of use and it is a lot.
"This is incredible," Dr.breif said looking at the screens, "well what can you tell us," Pa said looking over his shoulder at the screen but looking utterly lost as to what any of it meant.
"First let me see the ships to confirm what I have now is only the beginning of what is to be a great mystery to solve," Dr.breif said with a mad smile on his face while Pa smiled and rubbed the back of his head while Ma looks tired already, 'this is going to be fun I thought as Clark leaned on me.
(4 weeks later)
It had been a tiring amount of work for everyone including us babies as we were poked and prodded by Dr.breif every day for four weeks especially after they got introduced to both our powers.
While Clark was on the scanner Dr.briefs was trying to take some blood samples but the needle couldn't penetrate his skin and when Clark noticed the needle he freaked out and started to cry loudly so loud it blasted Dr.briefs outside the truck I tried to calm him down from were I was but I was on the opposite side of the truck so I had to put my ki control to the test and I started to float over to him and started to make noise to get his attention it worked immediately as one second he was balling his eyes out the next he was trying to join me in the air.
'Guess he can't fly yet,' I thought as I floated toward him and finally got caught and pulled into a crushing hug, 'well at least it was me and not Ma or Pa I'm sure if I was human he would have broken a bone with this hug of his." I thought.
+flashback end+
'It took an hour before Clark finally let go' I thought that's when dr.breif stepped in front of a screen he set up in the living room
"Now then let me start by getting the elephants in the room out of the way both children are aliens from other worlds." dr.brief said 'Yeah no shit' I thought.
"But not just that they are completely different species of aliens" he clicked a button on a remote and the screen lit up and show a picture of both Clark and me with the name of both of our people above us, "They called Saiyans and Kryptonians both are similar but very different in multiple ways to use humans"
"How so," ma asked, "well first the Saiyans are naturally stronger than humans even as babies and when he's about ten he'll be stronger then grown most grown men and pro athletes, and he'll have keener sense than any human and than theirs his physical differences" dr.brief said and everyone looked at my tail that swayed back and forth.
"Then there's the Kryptonians they are a different matter altogether however because of the environmental differences between our two planets," Dr.briefs said and Ma looked worried "what kind of difference are we talking about here," Pa asked with a worried tone holding Ma's hand.
"Nothing that will harm him in the long term in the short term he will have some issues now one difference is the size of our planets the Kryptonian home world was one thousand times bigger than earth" dr.breif said to the utter shock to both Kents but he did not stop talking and continues to speak, "and was rotating around a red giant star with the gravitational force of both of which make Kryptonian naturally stronger than humans even the Saiyans would be no match for them naturally with their home planet only being only five-time bigger than earth but that not all Kryptonians, can absorb the solar radiation of stars to active superhuman abilities and increasing their physical abilities as well."
'Thank you for making me sound so insignificant if I wanted that I'd watch death battle' I thought but I already knew everything he was saying including when he got to the ships and the message left behind by Clark's parents explain why he was sent away and how krypton exploded the only item he had with him was his classic red Cape with his family symbol on it what I didn't expect was a message from my parents.
Dr.brief pulled out what I recognize as a scouter and plugged it into his projector and a video played on the screen a woman was what appeared she had brown eyes tail and long wild black hair going past her shoulders, and she had custom armor with the Saiyan royal Crest on it she looked to be in her early twenties but Saiyan aged differently to human so she could be in her forties for all I could tell.
"My name is Vege queen of the Saiyans to whoever finds this ship know that you hold the royal prince of the Saiyans and much more," everyone in the room was paying attention even baby Clark couldn't take his eyes off the woman who spoke again, "my son Rota was the strongest natural born Saiyan up to date with a power level of ten thousand with a power level that high he could easily destroy a small planet to a large moon."
This new information left them all pale knowing that I had that kind of power inside me, "but we knew he was much more after an incident with a doctor while in his chamber caused him to get upset Rota unleashed a powerful aura with reading going as high as twenty-five thousands and having a golden aura confirming he was part of an old legend of the Saiyans the legendary super Saiyan he will become the most powerful Saiyan to exist but we had to send him away before word spread of his existence we spread the word that I had a miscarriage and the child had died to keep him safe from those who would try and use him including ourselves as we Saiyans are under the rule of the frost demon clan unable to gain our freedom through our own power I beg you to watch over my son Rota prince of the Saiyans and our last hope for our freedom.