POV Jonathan Kent
". . .I beg you to watch over my son Rota prince of the Saiyans and our last hope for our freedom," Then the video ended both children had become upset by the sad mood that had been created after the messages had been played so Martha took the children to bed together, so we could continue the discussion of what to do with the children but it quickly became clear our only choice was to raise the children as our own something Martha had been not so subtly hinting to since we found the children.
"So firstly if you're going to adopt the two of them they're going to need new names have you thought of any," dr.brief asked I looked towards Martha expectantly and she look back up at me and nodded, "we have for our little warrior Samuel Kent and our little adventure Clark kent" she spoke softly and I took her hand into mine.
"Alright I'll get the papers sent to you and to make things easier Samuels is a few days older than Clark and we have a lot more to discuss to keep them hidden," dr.brief said getting ready for another long day.
(POV Sam)
Since being put to bed and taken out of the discussion from here on I tried to understand my situation better from my perspective as looking back on my wishes for a new life, especially my origin.
I thought I would get the Freiza origin with him destroying planet Vegeta and I would eventually fight him to the death and go on with my life like Goku and just not think about my true parents and entire species.
But fate decided to give me a long-term arc with me freeing the Saiyans from the tyrannical rule of the frost demons and learning more about the Saiyans and my own past which has me excited I always love learning more about the Saiyans in DBZ and super and hope to learn more about other aliens as well.
But let's not forget the elephant in my new house Dr.Breifs arrival in the Dc universe so that must mean Bulma and her mother are here as well so who else is here from dragon ball and how is that going to affect things in the future but one thing for sure I need to get strong and fast for what's to come.
I felt something on me and I looked to see Clark had fallen asleep hugging me I relaxed into it and thought, 'and enjoy my new life while im at it.'
(Years later)
(Date May 16, 1988)
POV: third person
It was night out with a half moon floating in the sky with stars out and clear sky and those looking close enough could see floating in the night sky two dots, and if any were near they may hear the sound of laughter on the wind as we see two boys flying and playing with a football.
"Come on Clark put your back into it!" Samuel said he had the same hairstyle as a baby with a height of 5 feet with black eyes wearing a pair of black jeans and a blue t-shirt and boots.
"Alright, here it comes!" Clark said he had black hair with piercing blue eyes wearing blue jeans a blue T-shirt and sneakers and was a height of 4.5 feet.
Clark threw the ball with his super strength and the ball spun in a perfect spiral right towards Samuel who caught the ball with a loud thud and was pushed back 2 feet before regaining his posture, "now that's what I'm looking for come on let's throw some long shots," Samuel said with a smile Clark flew up to his brother, "maybe we should head back its already been twenty minutes and we do have school tomorrow" Samuel gave his brother a raised eyebrow.
"You and I both know we could stay up all night and still be fully awake during class," he said with confidence but Clark shook his head "but Ma said we need to get our rest so we grow up big and strong and no I'm not going by myself we go together," Clark said in a voice that left no room for negotiation.
"Ok fine let's head home," Samuel conceded and so the two flew off only taking three minutes to make it back to the familiar two-story house and quietly making their way back into bed through their room windows saying goodnight to one another.
(Pov: Samuel Kent)
As I entered my room I made sure to still float to not make any noise while taking off my clothes and getting in my bed as I lay down and rest I look around my room.
A desk was in the corner with a lamp and small figures that needed to be painted and a chair with his red ranger backpack hanging off it.
I wonder if I should do some image training' I consider it but I need to relax more for the past ten years I've mostly image trained and meditated to work out in any spare time I have even when playing with Clark and other kids I'd sometimes use it as some form of training in disguise, but Ma wanted us to have some kind of hobby besides going outside and getting covered in dirt and mud, after a while I showed some promise in arts and crafts at school so she got me for my ninth birthday some familiar unpainted figure that demanded my full attention.
'Who would have thought a Saiyan would like a reality where in the grim darkness of the far future there is only war,' I thought sarcastically as I relaxed and reflected on all the differences this universe had to the main dc universe big differences were my brother.
He's far more confident and holds himself up more even defending kids from being bullied and instead of his powers being a dirty little secret he's hidden from and in the beginning, rejects, now he has embraced them and shows far more control over them, but whether that's good or bad that's for the future to decide.
The morning sun lights the fields as standing at the end of the driveway brothers stand waiting for the bus to take them to school one looking forward to a new day and the other fixing his pants to hide his tail.
(POV: Clark Kent)
I stood there taking in the morning sunshine as I felt the dwindling sleepiness evaporate as I felt its rays on my face.
Looking over I saw my brother was having trouble with his tail taking his time to make it look like a belt around his waist, "why didn't you let ma or pa put it in a place like they always do?" I asked curious.
"Because ma and pa aren't always going to be there to handle my tail I need to get over its sensitively," he said as if this was the third time I'd asked which it wasn't.
"Why don't I fix it for you," I asked but he quickly shook his head no and even took a step back.
"I remember the last time you said you would fix it for me and I still feel my tail twist every time you bring it up," he said with a pointed stare at me I wince at the memory, "And I've already fixed it and just in time too" looking down the road the bus was moving towards us.
(POV: Samuel Kent)
We got on the bus and made our way to the back we saw our mutual friend Lana lang the sweetheart of superboy get our attention so Clark could sit next to her I sat across from them next to Peter ross who was good freinds with me and Clark since we happened to be neighbors.
Quickly we made small talk as the bus took off towards school as we arrived the day quickly became a blur as the only real subject I was interested in was history as I compared this universe's history to what I knew about Dc canon.
(Hours later)
After school, I and Clark walk home some might wonder why not take the bus back and we do from time to time, but walking home also means playing time or more accurately training our less flashy powers like hiding and seeking where we use all our senses to find the other will they hide their presence.
We played tag to practice our speed and reflection and some hand-to-hand, and many other games before we head home to clean up and eat dinner and all the country life you can imagine and I love it.
As we finish playing tag we make our way home and as we do we see a large truck in our yard.
"Uncle Briefs is here," Clark says excitedly and rushes forward me right behind him we arrived in the front yard in a blur with a dust cloud behind us as we greeted Dr.briefs the front door of the truck flew open, and a teen girl with blue hair and blue eyes wearing a pink dress with her name bedazzled on the front it was Dr.Briefs daughter Bulma.
"I'm also here you guys and I can't wait to give the good news," she said running up to us with an excited grin on her face "What news," I asked wondering what was going on to get Bulma so excited.
(A few Hours later)
"Ships from our people are coming!" Clark and I said at the same time I could feel my tail wagging back and forth and Clark was floating with excellent literally.
"Yep both will be here in a few hours I was able to make a homing beckon and both should land where ever it is," Dr.Briefs said pointing to the large antenna on his mobile lab.
After hours of waiting nothing happened until the sun had set and the sky was filled with bright stars and a waxing moon then we saw two falling stars that got closer.