Chereads / Souls Hero Academia / Chapter 6 - Quirk Apprehension Test

Chapter 6 - Quirk Apprehension Test

"A QUIRK APPREHENSION TEST!?" most of the class shrieked in unison at the sudden bombshell Aizawa dropped.

"But what about orientation!?" Uraraka exclaimed as she had this mild nervous look in her eyes.

"If you want to be heroes, then we have no time for formalities," Aizawa said as he took softball from somewhere on his person. "You've all heard about the freedom on campus, well that freedom also applies to us U.A. teachers."

"Meaning, we get to teach you in any way we see fit," Aizawa threw the ball towards Izuku who was just listening in with an indifferent face who caught it with ease. "Softball pitch, standing long jump, 50-meter dash, endurance running, grip strength test, sustained sideways jumps, upper body exercises, seated toe-touch. These are all activities you all did back in middle school. Physical tests where you were barred from using your quirks."

"Midoriya, you got the highest score on the entrance exam, how far could you pitch a softball in middle school?" Aizawa asked with a glint in his eyes.

"About 58 meters," Izuku answered truthfully. He did get that score, only he half-assed it on his attempt. In truth, he could probably throw that to about a few hundred meters with only arm strength alone.

"Try using your quirk this time. Anything goes as long as you stay inside the circle. And remember, DON'T HOLD BACK," Aizawa stated as he guided Izuku towards the circle. Izuku nodded and stepped inside, thinking if he should really go all out or not. But a glance at Aizawa's face made him decide to go all out.

"All right, everybody, hold on to your legs," Izuku said towards the group of teens and teacher as he tossed the softball high in the air. As he did so, he took a giant, wooden, club from the Dimension Storage, shocking everybody present, including Aizawa.

"Holy shit! That's a huge ass stick!" Kaminari Denki, a teen with blonde hair muttered under his breath, which was heard throughout the whole group.

"Kaminari, language, or detention," Aizawa calmly stated, but inside, he was surprised as well at the sight of a boy shorter than him wielding a giant club at least as tall as the door to their classroom. Kaminari nodded in fright in response to Aizawa's warning.

Izuku brought the Giant Club +15 in a batter's position, and when the softball fell down, just at the tip of the range of the club, Izuku swung.

The swing was fast, as if it was made of paper in the hands of the short boy. The club touched the ball, and the ball was sent flying into the sky. The swing also generated a mild shockwave that pushed the group of students and teacher back a few feet.

The students gaped in shock, while Aizawa raised an eyebrow. Checking the device used to measure the distance the ball flew, Aizawa had to suppress a grin.

"Before anything else, one must know what they're capable of, and this test is designed to show your limits," Aizawa stated with that same face of tiredness. When the students got a look at the results, their eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

"2010.25 meters!?" most of the students exclaimed while the others were just too shocked too comment.

"So manly!" a redhead (dyed) exclaimed while punching his fists together. "I'm getting pumped up!"

"Awesome! This looks like fun!" And when that particular comment reached the ears of the ever so stoic Aizawa, he grinned and put an end to the dreams of the students before it gets out of hand.

"It looks fun you say? So… You all were planning to spend your three years here having a good time while making friends? What happened to being a hero?" Aizawa's tone made the entire group fall silent and shudder as metaphorical ice crawled down their backs. "All right then, new rule. Those I deem unfit for the Hero course… Will be instantly expelled."

"Wha!? But that's not fair!" Uraraka tried being the voice of reason, but that reason was instantly shut down by Aizawa's cold facts.

"Unfair? Then what about natural disasters? Massive accidents? Or how about the Villains?" Aizawa denied their hopes and dreams for a fun, easy high school. "All kinds of unfairness are hurled at heroes on a day-to-day basis, and it's our job to turn that unfairness around. If you were expecting to have a friendly chat at a fast-food joint right after class, then you're sorely mistaken. From now, for the next three years of your life in this school, U.A. is going to be throwing one hardship after the next at you. This is 'Plus Ultra.' I expect you to overcome these hardships and climb to the top."

"Welcome to the Department of Heroics! Time to step up to the plate," Aizawa finished his dream shattering speech and beckoned the students towards the first trial.

TRIAL 1: 50-Meter Dash

"Iida Tenya, Asui Tsuyu, you two go first," Aizawa said as he waited at the finish line.

The two students got ready, and when the signal shot off, both of them took off. Iida was the first one to reach the finish line because of his quirk, Engine. Tsuyu came in 2 seconds later while running on all fours.

"Next two, Uraraka and Ojiro."

"I'll make my shoes weigh less, and my clothes too," Uraraka thought as she activated her quirk on her clothes. Once the signal went off, both of them ran. Even with the less weight on her body, there wasn't a significant increase, but she was at least faster than back in middle school.

"Aoyama, Ashido, your turns."

Aoyama is a Japanese blonde who had an obsession with the French and Ashido is a pink-skinned teen who had two horns jutting out from her pink hair, with black sclera and yellow irises.

When the signal went off, Aoyama turned around and used his quirk, Naval Laser to propel himself towards the finish line, only to stop a second later because of the consequences. He got himself back up and propelled himself again towards the finish line.

Ashido on the other hand skated towards the finish line using her acid as a makeshift water board. She got in first because Aoyama stopped once.

"Midoriya, Bakugou, on the starting line."

Izuku just walked towards the starting line as he equipped the Mask of the Child and the Green Crest Shield (Weed Shield). Bakugou on the other hand, just stared at Izuku with a conflicting gaze.

He wants to apologize now, but tries to put it off because of the test. Mentally kicking and punching himself, Bakugou put it off for the moment. For now, he needs to focus on the test, he doesn't want to be expelled.


Izuku took off to a sprint, while Bakugou propelled himself forward using the explosions he generated with his sweat.

"2.89 seconds!" Bakugou was stunned for a moment before he continued, earning himself a result of 4.23 seconds. Iida on the other hand, looked shock that he was beat in terms of speed.

"He really is my better, I must strive to become faster!" Iida swore to himself to push himself to his limits while he is here in U.A.

"De- Midoriya, meet me later after class," Bakugou said towards the emerald teen as he huffed away. Izuku on the other hand stared at the explosive teen in wonder.

"Did he finally grow a conscience? I hope so…" Izuku thought as he continued on with the trials. He didn't hate Bakugou, in fact, he respected him, so much so, that if he was the one who was thrown into Lordran, he would've been able to overcome the challenges thrown at him with ease, though he doubted he would link the fire.


"Alright, since time is precious, I'll just show you all the results," Aizawa said as he pressed a button, causing the screen behind him to emit light and show the rankings of the class.

Izuku looked for his name and he saw himself place second. Not that he minded it that much. When he checked the last placer, he found the name of that invisible girl. Figures, this was a pure, physical test, and that girl had no outstanding score whatsoever. If that perverted midget didn't get that score on the sidesteps, then he would've been last.

The class looked nervous, hoping to high heaven that nobody would be expelled.

"… You all did well," Aizawa nodded while the class heaved a sigh of relief. "Since we're all done here, class is dismissed, although, you give me a reason to expel you, then I will."

Leaving those ominous words behind, Aizawa strolled towards the building, leaving the relieved but anxious teens in the sports track.

"Oi, Midoriya, follow me," Bakugou tapped Izuku's shoulders and Izuku nodded. Once the both of them were isolated from the group, Izuku looked at Bakugou's face, which was full of conflicted thoughts.

"Ok, look Bakugou, I know what you're trying to do, and forget it," Izuku stated with an expressionless face, making Bakugou shocked speechless, his mouth wide open. "I won't forgive for what you have done, but frankly, I don't care. At least, you're changing. We may never be friends again, but there are still a lot of students you could get along with in this class. Just tone down that pride and narcissism of yours then you're good. Don't, and I repeat, don't make the same mistakes twice, it's you who'll suffer, not me."

With his piece said, Izuku left the flabbergasted explosive teen and headed towards the exit, only to be stopped by a brunette and a blunette.

"Deku!" Uraraka exclaimed with a happy face.

"Midoriya! You clearly are my superior! I shall work harder in order to surpass you!" Iida stated while doing his signature robotic hands.

Izuku just sighed as the golden trio walked their way towards the train station.

Meanwhile, Bakugou was contemplating on the words Midoriya left him with. He was a little bit disappointed that he wasn't forgiven, but that was his own fault for being an asshole.

"Goddamnit! I'm a fucking idiot!" Bakugou mentally kicked himself and he trudged towards the exit, only to be met with a redhead teen.

"Yo! You're Bakugou right? Man, your explosions are so manly!" the redhead stated with a determined expression. "My name is Kirishima Eijiro, hope we get along!"

Bakugou stared dumbly at the hand Kirishima put out, and then Izuku's words floated within his mind for a second.

"You goddamned right you are spiky hair! Mark my words, I'll be number one! And not one of you will be fucking stopping me!" Bakugou exclaimed with fervor, while Kirishima just smiled.

"Damn it Bakugou! Even with that mouth of yours, I can't help but feel your determination! That's just so manly!" Kirishima just grinned as the both of them kicked it off.

"I won't make the same fucking mistake twice, you hear me Midoriya!" Bakugou mentally screamed. "I will become the number one hero! And I will show it to everyone in the world!"

And with that, the first day of school in U.A. has concluded.