Chereads / Souls Hero Academia / Chapter 9 - A Brief Respite

Chapter 9 - A Brief Respite

After having Bakugou out of the equation, it wasn't that hard to finish off Todoroki, though it was still harder than average.

First, before entering the room, Izuku wore the Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring and told Momo to wait by the door to capture Todoroki. Izuku kicked the door down then threw the nine-bangers Momo gave to him earlier. Thanks to his helmet, just turning away for a second negated the flash about to blind his eyes. The ringing noise however, was overcome due to getting used to the noise back in Lordran.

There were a lot of loud enemies back there after all.

Todoroki however, was another matter. First of all, there was no noise when the door opened suddenly, and when he did get a good look at the attacker, a bright flash assaulted his eyes and a loud ringing sound raped his ears. Couple that with it ringing 9-times, it was incredibly painful for Todoroki.

Because of that, Todoroki lashed out, sending ice all over the place in a desperate attempt to hold back the attacker before he could recover. He couldn't see, nor hear because of the nine-bangers, and Izuku took that advantage over the dual-colored teen.

Since most of the waves of frost and ice were haphazardly flying around, Izuku had to dodge those coming towards him by rolling and sidestepping some barrage of ice. Partner that with his ring, then he was totally silent, even while wearing that heavy armor. No sound could be heard from his running.

Once Izuku was close enough, he grabbed the confused and flustered blind teen, and threw him towards the door, where Momo was waiting with the capture tape. After wrapping his arms with it, Izuku touched the plastic model of the nuclear bomb they were supposed to capture.

"HERO TEAM WINS!" All Might screamed in the microphone after the intense, but pitiful battle.

'Todoroki… You're holding back… I can sense the fire inside you,' Izuku thought as he stared at the dual-colored teen right next to Momo. "By the way, sorry for getting on a first name basis during the match Yaoyorozu. Time is precious after all."

"Oh, think nothing of it Midoriya," Momo smiled at the emerald teen. "After all, a single second in battle can be a drastic change for those involved."

Once the two were done untying Todoroki, who was cursing the two of them because of using those utility bombs which did a number on him, they then headed towards a tied up Bakugou who was busy snarling and… biting, at the net that was wrapped around him.

"Seriously Bakugou?" Izuku said with an exasperated face.

"Shut up! Try being tied up in this piece of shit net!" Bakugou growled out towards the emerald teen, who just shook his head in response as he cut the net open, freeing Bakugou from the trap.

Once all four of them were up and moving, they then headed back towards the observation room where the rest of the group was waiting. After a few minutes of walking, the four arrived at the room with most of the students staring at them with shock, specifically, the emerald teen who was expressionless as always.

"Now then, for this match, the MVPs are none other Young Midoriya and Young Yaoyorozu." All Might stated towards the gathering of students, who in turn, nodded in agreement at the result. "Could anyone elaborate as to why?"

"Sir!" Iida raised his hand among the gathering of students who were busy coming up with an answer. "It is because of the plan they came up with. During the fight, Midoriya was baiting Bakugou into a particular spot. That was probably the first step in their plan. Next was how to capture Bakugou."

"Destroying a floor to catch an opponent off-guard is not a viable plan because of how destructive it is to the surroundings and how it can harm those below the floor as well. Depending on the weight as well, it can even cause the next floor to break and continue all the way towards the ground floor."

"But Midoriya took that into account. He used just enough force and weight to crumble the specific part of the floor he wanted destroyed, and using his quirk, he was able to negate any type of damage towards the floor below them, as well as securing the safety of himself, his partner, and the villain."

"Once Bakugou was caught in the trap, capturing him became easy and fighting Todoroki 2 on 1 was a definite win in terms of combat capability."

"W-Well done Young Iida, I couldn't have said it better!" All Might exclaimed, a little taken aback by the analytic capability of the blue-haired teen before him. "Anyway, Young Bakugou, Young Todoroki, your mistake was only relying on one plan. Remember this, students, no plan survives first contact with the enemy. Now then, shall we proceed with the next group?"


After having all of the groups finish their fights, the students went back to their classroom all tired and a little bruised.

"Man, can't believe I made that mistake," said a gloomy Kirishima.

"Cheer up man, we lost because we couldn't find Hagakure," said another gloomy Sero.

"Yeah, that was a bad match-up," said Shoji who was with Hagakure trying to cheer up the two gloomy teens.

"Y-You can get us next time! Just increase your spatial awareness!" Hagakure said with a flustered expression, which was lost on everybody because of being invisible.

The two gloomy teens just staired at the duo before them, before faceplanting on the desks.

"Yeah no, you two are a scary combination…" Sero said with his face on the desk.

"I agree with you man," agreed another faceplanting Kirishima.

It happened like this, Shoji stayed at the ground floor, relaying the locations of the two teens using his enhanced senses to the invisible girl. Once Hagakure knew where the bomb was after carefully ascending the stairs and corridors full of tape, she gave the signal for Shoji to cause a ruckus.

This prompted for Kirishima to head towards the sound while leaving Sero behind. With the training Hagakure had in grappling techniques when she was younger, she neutralized Sero and tied him with the tape, then proceeded to capture the weapon.

While that was happening, Izuku stared at his once best friend Bakugou who was thinking to himself quietly. Izuku shrugged and when the bell rung, headed back home.

"I wonder what's for food tonight?" Izuku wondered aloud. 'Even though I no longer need food to sustain myself…'


Next Day…

Izuku was having a bad day… A very bad day… First of all, there was his alarm clock not sounding off, making him 10 minutes late on his preparations, then there was a ruckus outside his house, which delayed him a few more minutes for trying to fix said ruckus. After that, the train got delayed because of a villain fight, causing even more minutes.

Then, there's this…

Dozens of reporters swarmed the outside of U.A. High School after hearing rumors about All Might having a teaching job at the school. Having had enough of this bullshit of a day, Izuku went inside an alleyway then took out a catalyst.

Then used the sorcery Hidden Body.

Although it won't give him total invisibility, at least it made it harder to notice him. Equipping the Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring again, Izuku dashed towards the gate and towards an isolated area where the spell effect can disperse safely without anyone knowing then proceeded towards class.


"All right, before we begin, all latecomers will not be penalized for the day," Aizawa said to the students who came in late, who sighed in relief, because of the vultures known as the media. "Seriously, this is ridiculous."

Izuku nodded in agreement. Disrupting the schedule of students whose goal is to be heroes is not something to be taken lightly. They're learning how to protect the populace after all, which included those vultures.

"Anyway, let's get to business," Aizawa stated, making most of the students tremble in nervousness. "You'll be picking a class representative. How you do it, I don't care. Take your time."

Aizawa said while he took out the sleeping bag and slept inside of it. Once Aizawa took position, the whole class erupted into shouts saying it should be them who should be class rep. Izuku just ignored the whole class and contemplated on what to do about the message about the Abyss Watchers coming.

While he was mulling his thoughts over, a paper was passed onto him from the front. He noticed all of the students were getting one each. And when he saw a name being written on the paper, he deducted that the decision was put into a vote.

'Pay attention next time Izuku,' he berated himself for locking himself away into his thoughts. Without making a second thought, he wrote Yaoyorozu Momo on the paper then folded it and placed it on the box at the front where other students were doing the same.

"Well then, shall we see who got the position?" said an excited Iida.


"Not a single vote…" Iida said with a depressed atmosphere hanging around him while eating his food at the table. Izuku just shrugged and Ochako just giggled nervously. Next to the three sat Momo, Kirishima and Bakugou.

"That's why you're an extra," Bakugou stated as he munched on his very spicy burger. This did not reassure the blue-haired teen who just further slumped down into the seat.

"Oh, come on Bakugou, try being a little bit nicer to Iida!" an annoyed Ochako grumbled.

"Yeah, not manly at all!" shouted an equally annoyed Kirishima.

"… Whatever," Bakugou just turned his gaze away from the two teens' eyes. Izuku just smiled a bit at the improvement of his childhood friend.

'Looks like he's improving,' Izuku thought to himself as he continued eating at the same pace. Momo however, just stared at the emerald teen with curiosity.

"By the way, congratulation on getting voted as class rep Deku!" Ochako bubbly said with a hint of joy. Momo nodded in agreement and congratulated the expressionless teen before her as well.

"Thanks," Izuku thanked them with a tiny smile, hoping to Gwyn's fiery ass that his day won't get any worse.

Ironically, Izuku's bad day streak just get worse.

"WARNING! SECURITY BREACH LEVEL 3! PLEASE EVACUATE PROMPTLY!" the siren blared and a mechanical voice echoed through the PA system. Needless to say, everything went to chaos in just one second.

Screams of panic and anxiousness echoed around the giant room. Students rushed to get to the exit faster than anyone, causing some other students to be trampled and injured. Izuku and the others were no exceptions.

'Why?' Izuku just thought in irritation at the very bad day he's been having. Luckily though, a floating Iida sped through the air and calmed the students by pointing out the reason for said warning.

'… Should I trash those cameras?' Izuku thought darkly as he glared at the reporters, only to notice something that shouldn't have happened.

The gate was decayed and crumbling.

'Looks like something bad is gonna happen soon,' Izuku grimly thought as he and his classmates went back to class.