Chereads / Souls Hero Academia / Chapter 8 - Show me Your Worth

Chapter 8 - Show me Your Worth

A/N: Omakes at the bottom, suggested by reviews from Fanfiction.

"Before we start, what is this awful stench?" All Might asked when his nose picked up a smell that is very… VERY disturbing to the nose.

"Mineta crapped his pants, or is that a diaper?" Jiro jabbed at the midget while pinching her nose. The smell was damn awful! The others nodded in agreement as they took a step farther away from the diaper-wearing midget.

"Oh, come on! That was Midoriya's fault!" Mineta tried to retort, but the other students just shrugged and glared at the midget.

"He did that because you were peeping on the girls!" when Kirishima said that out loud, all of the female students glared harder, causing the midget to flinch.

"Well… I-I-I…" Mineta was trying hard to come up with an excuse, but clearly, no one was on his side at the moment. It looked like the whole female group was ready to murder the midget, until a cough brought them out of the bloodlust.

"Ahem… Anyway, let's just continue on with the trial. We're losing time here students." All Might said while tapping his wrist. "Also, young Mineta, if you ever try to sexually harass the female students again, I'll have Aizawa deal with you," Mineta just cowered in fear while the females smirked.

"Anyway, before we begin, any questions?" All Might asked the group of students, and a hand raised from the class.

"Sir! Are we going to be conducting urban battles again?" Iida questioned as he looked upon the battle arena, which was a full-blown city!

"Good question young Iida! But not quite, we are going to be skipping ahead two steps!" All Might stated with fervor. "Indoor Battle Training!"

Hearing this, Izuku groaned. 'Why? Why must it be indoors where my weapons can bounce off of walls?'

"Villain cleanup is usually done outside, but statistically speaking most of the villains conduct illegal acts within closed boundaries. Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals, in this hero-saturated society, any villain with a capable mind lurks in the shadows!" All Might explained while the students just listened in awe and determination. "For this test, you'll be separated into 'Villain' and 'Hero' teams for a two-on-two battle!"

"What about foundational training, kero?" a teen with dark green hair questioned. She was Tsuyu Asui, the girl with a quirk known as 'Frog.'

"This is foundational training! Only this time, your opponents are living, breathing, human beings! No robots to smash ad destroy I'm afraid," All Might replied with a grin. "Remember students, the best teacher for a hero is experience. The more experience you have, the better your chances of coming out ALIVE," All Might put an emphasis on 'Alive' to better let the students know what they're getting into, which made said students flinch.

Izuku on the other hand, just nodded in agreement. He should know, really, how it feels to have experience teach you in the hellish place that is Lordran. 'Without experience, you're just a toddler fighting grown-ups in the real world, or in my case, bloodthirsty hollows that attack you no questions asked.'

"So how do we determine who wins and loses?" Yaoyorozu Momo, a girl with raven-black hair styled in a spiked ponytail asked.

"Can we blow 'em up?" an excited Bakugo asked while making tiny explosions in his hands.

"Is there a threat of expulsion like with Aizawa-sensei's exercise?" a nervous Ochako asked with an anxious expression.

"Is we're separating in groups, what's the best way to do so?" a heavily armored Iida questioned with a hand raised in the air.

"Isn't my cape fabulous?" a sparkling Aoyama asked while twirling his cape to and fro.

All Might however, just sweat-dropped at the barrage of questions heading his way. "Hng! I'll answer your question all at once! First, I'll explain, second, don't go too far, third, no, forth, I was just getting to that, and last, yes, it is fabulous."

The students who had their questions answered relaxed and let All Might continue. "The situation goes as is, the villains have a nuclear weapon they are guarding they intend to deploy while the heroes must stop them from doing so. If the heroes capture the villains or reach the bomb before the time limit, they win. If the villains however, manage to keep the bomb safe until the time limit or capture the heroes, they win," said All Might while reading a piece of paper he got from his pocket, causing the students deadpan at the hero.

"Your teams and opponents will be chosen via lottery," said All Might as he took out a raffle box. Iida however, looked confused, "Is that how we'll really do it!?"

"Iida, think for a moment, pros mostly have to work with other heroes on the spot during a crisis," Izuku just stated with a deadpan. Even though he has no more interest in heroes, he still has knowledge on how heroes operate, that, and he still writes on that notebook on quirk analysis, recording both heroes and villains, as well as some quirks he saw civilians use from time to time. Better knowledgeable than ignorant if someone whose quirk's the same come running at him screaming 'MURDER!'

"I see! Once again you have proven yourself better than me! I will strive to be better!" Iida exclaimed as he turned towards All Might and bowed. "Forgive me for interrupting!"

"Well done young Midoriya. It seems who have a good mind on your head. Anyway! Let's start!"

Team A: Midoriya Izuku & Yaoyorozu Momo

Team B: Mezo Shoju & Hagakure Toru

Team C: Minoru Mineta & Koji Koda

Team D: Katsuki Bakugou & Shoto Todoroki

Team E: Mina Ashido & Yuga Aoyama

Team F: Rikido Sato & Mashirao Ojiro

Team G: Denki Kaminari & Kyoka Jiro

Team H: Fumikage Tokoyami & Tsuyu Asui

Team I: Iida Tenya & Uraraka Ochako

Team J: Eijiro Kirishima & Hanta Sero

'Hmm… The creation girl, wonder if she could create Titanite?' Izuku pondered as his teammate approached him with a steady gait.

"Your Midoriya Izuku, right? Pleased to have you," Momo bowed towards Izuku, and Izuku bowed as well.

"Likewise," Izuku replied as he brought his head back up. Meanwhile on the other side with Iida, Ochako was pouting a bit for not being Izuku's partner. On the other hand, Mineta was screaming his lungs out why his partner had to be a boy, while said teammate was inching away further in disgust from the stench.

"And the first two pairs to do combat will be the following!" All Might exclaimed as he shoved his hands into two ballot boxes and took two balls with a corresponding letter written on it.

"TEAM A v.s. TEAM D! With Team A as the heroes and Team D as the villains!" Izuku just nodded while Bakugou grinned.

'This time Midoriya, I will show you, I will not make the same mistakes again, but I will still be number one!' Bakugou declared as he headed towards Shoto who was still indifferent to everything around him

"Oi! Half-n-half bastard!" Bakugou called out to Shoto in his own Bakugou way. Shoto turned his gaze towards the explosive blonde and deadpanned.

"Do you really have to curse?" Shoto said with an expressionless face.

"I can talk to you however I want Icy-hot! Anyway, we need to come up with a plan. Ponytail and Midoriya will be a tough fight," Bakugou stated with a serious expression, making Shoto raise an eyebrow.

"And why is it going to be tough?" Shoto just asked, curiosity in his voice. Bakugou sharpened his glare, but answered anyway.

"Don't underestimate Midoriya you half-n-half bastard," Bakugou snarled. Ever since his conscience grew, he somehow understood Izuku's strength, his uncanny observational skills what with all those quirk analysis books. Then there was the sudden quirk manifestation after his attempted suicide, which made Bakugou flinch for a bit for remembering his mistake. "Anyway, we need a plan. And I think I just have the perfect one."

Meanwhile, with Izuku, Momo was asking about his quirk.

"That? Its name is 'Dimensional Storage.' I can store anything inside it without any limit or consequence," Izuku calmly replied while he equipped the 'Elite Knight' set of armor. "I also have some armors and weapons already made inside my quirk, which I can equip instantly, ranging from swords, daggers, maces, to bows, crossbows, and some other range weapons."

Momo just stared in shock at the versatility of said quirk. Sure, it's no 'Creation' quirk, but you could literally have a person carrying an arsenal of dangerous weapons with none being the wiser. Then there was the feature of instantly equipping anything. If that was right, which she just realized was right since Izuku was now standing inside a suit of full plate armor, then he could immediately switch to any type of weapon and armor based on the situation.

"How about you? Yaoyorozu? What's your quirk?" Izuku asked with curiosity laced in his tone. I mean, come on, its called Creation for Gwyn's sake!

"Well, I can create any non-living thing using the lipids in my body. To create one, I must first know the chemical composition of said object," Momo stated while creating a Matryoshka doll.

Izuku almost went to cloud nine after hearing her quirk. 'If I had that back at Lordran, then I could've just made Titanite every time of the day… Problem is… I don't know what Titanite is made of…'

Just then, an idea popped up in Izuku's head.

"Yaoyorozu, I'm going to show you something that you must not, absolutely not, share to anyone. Do you think you can do it?" Izuku asked with a serious expression that caused Momo to flinch.

"Why? Is it dangerous?" Momo recovered and asked with a curious face.

"It's not that dangerous, but very dangerous in the wrong hands. If the knowledge of this item is spread, I could pretty much turn you and I into a target for villains and some questionable companies in a single day," relaying that kind of information gave Momo pause, then a horrified expression came over her face.

"It's that bad?" Momo asked with a terrified gaze, while Izuku just nodded. It was Titanite for Gwyn's sake! An ore made by a blacksmith deity who gave it for the mortals in Lordran to use. Basically, it's super-god-ore.

Momo hesitated for a moment, but her curiosity beat her frightened mind. She nodded, and Izuku just took out a Titanite shard. When Momo got a good look at it, she was confused, but then surprised at the seemingly ordinary ore.

"This… This isn't an ore I know… And I know all of the ores because of intense studying…" Momo murmured as she touched the ore, causing her to jolt back in surprise. 'There's something pulsing within!'

"I-I'm afraid I can't create that ore…" Momo replied with an anxious face while Izuku just sighed in disappointment.

"I see, well, it was a try at least," Izuku just replied as he placed the shard back in his storage. "Anyway, you come up with a plan yet?"

"Hmm… I may have, but I want to hear your input first," Momo asked with a serious gaze. Both of them finally focusing on the test at hand.


"Man, can't wait for them to duke it out!" Kirishima stated as he looked at the screens on one side of the wall. All Might was staying at the front to better observe the fight so that he can grade the students accordingly.

"Who do you think's gonna win?" Hagakure asked an excited Mina as they stared at the screens.

"Hmm… I don't know… There's Yaomomo and Midori on one tea, and Bakugou and Todoroki on the other… All of them are strong…" Mina thought hard as she wracked her brain for an answer.

"Deku'll win!" Ochako grinned as she exclaimed towards a serious Iida.

"You don't know that yet Uraraka, their opponents are strong as well you know," Iida stated with a scrutinizing glare towards the screens. On them, both of the teams could be seen conversing, probably coming up with a plan.

Too bad only All Might can hear their conversations.

"What is Midoriya's quirk anyway?" Tsuyu asked towards a calm Jiro.

"Can't say for sure. Only thing I know is that he can get some weapons and armor from somewhere… A transporting quirk? Or a storage one?" Jiro analyzed as she relayed her guess towards Tsuyu, who just nodded in agreement.

"Ah Midoriya, I know, you hold a deep darkness within you. Your face says it all," a raven-headed teen monologued. He never knew how right he was on this one.

"Dude, stop being a chuuni," A teen with tape dispensers for elbows retorted with a deadpan.

"Nonsense, can't you see? His hidden past? He locked it all away with that indifferent face," the raven-headed teen replied with a huff. He was right again… he just didn't know it.

"…" The tape-dispenser teen just kept quiet and let the raven-head monologue.

"All right, your 5 minutes are up. Let the trial begin!" All Might spoke towards his mike, causing the students to shut up and stare at the screen, scrutinizing every detail they could get to gain an advantage.


Once the signal went off, Momo and Izuku quickly went to work. First, Momo created some flashbangs, nine-bangers to be exact, and Izuku stored them in his storage. Once that was done, Izuku and Momo went inside and Momo made another item.

A thermal scanner. One that could scan through walls.

"First floor is clear. I see heat signatures on the third and fourth floor," Momo relayed the information and Izuku nodded.

"All right, Momo, you know what to do," Izuku said as the both of them split up. Izuku headed upstairs towards the third floor and Momo towards the second floor. Once they reached their destinations, Izuku quickly made a loud sound, garnering the attention of Bakugou a few rooms away.

"Damn it, he's earlier than I expected. Icy-hot, change of plans, freeze the building right now!" Bakugou shouted towards the transceiver, causing Shoto to almost have a burst eardrum.

"Don't shout!" Shoto scowled as he placed his right hand on the wall. Once he did so, ice spread, starting from his hand, and encompassed the entire wall. Then the floor, and the roof, and in just a few seconds, the whole room was coated in ice, except the bomb.

A few more seconds and the entire floor became coated in ice. It spread even further, making the other floors become coated in its own frost.

This surprised Izuku and Momo, but Izuku having dealt with a lot of bullshit situations before, quickly adapted and jumped just to avoid the wave of ice from covering his feet. Momo on the other hand was not so lucky.

"Momo, you got stuck?" Izuku asked while Momo just replied with a stuttering 'Yes' through the transceiver. "How long until you get yourself free?"

"Give me a-about 30 s-seconds," Momo replied and Izuku responded with an 'All right.' All of a sudden though, Momo shouted through the transceiver with a flustered tone.

"I-Izuku, a heat signature is coming your way!" Izuku just got his stance ready, hoping to Gwyn that he won't slip in all this ice.

"Midoriya!" Bakugou came blasting through the doors and saw a fully armored Midoriya wielding what looked like a wooden club on his right and a metal shield on his left.

Izuku just stayed silent and stared at the blonde, looking for weakpoints and openings. Bakugou noticing the slight shift in demeanor on his childhood friend narrowed his eyes and did the same.

'Midoriya will expect me to use a big right, I'll feint it!' Bakugou thought as he launched himself towards Izuku.

Seeing the straightforward assault, Izuku prepared himself for the incoming hit. He saw his right-hand twitch and got ready to parry the blow.

That was a mistake.

Bakugou quickly redirected his right hand downward, cancelling his big right haymaker, and blasting the air with an explosion, causing Bakugou to fly overhead Izuku due to the recoil. During his overhead flight, Bakugou used his left hand and blasted Izuku's head, disorienting Izuku from the impact.

Izuku staggered a little bit, but quickly recovered and thrusted the club towards Bakugou's stomach. Bakugou coughed out a bit of spit as he was sent flying a few feet back. He however, landed on his feet, using a couple of explosions to soften his landing.

'Damn, that's some hit…' Bakugou thought with a bloodthirsty grin.

'He got me…' Izuku just sharpened his glare towards the blonde. 'Looks like I'll have to throw some assumptions out in the air.'

"Momo, how much longer?" Izuku whispered towards the transceiver. Since his head was covered, Bakugou had no idea whether Izuku was talking or not.

"A few more seconds," Momo replied through the transceiver while using a blowtorch to melt the ice around her feet.

"All right," Izuku responded and just stared at the blonde teen before him. "Just give me the signal when you're ready."


"Oi, Icy-hot. I don't see ponytail anywhere, just be ready," Bakugou said through the transceiver while Shoto just murmured a 'Yes' from the other side.

After a moment, Izuku sprinted towards Bakugou with speed that a person in full-metal armor shouldn't be able to achieve. Bakugou sprinted as well, his hands behind him to propel himself using the explosions in his hands.

Izuku swung the club, but Bakugou dodged by using the recoil from his explosions, but Izuku took that situation in mind and quickly made counters.

Since Bakugou dodged left, Izuku used his shield to bash Bakugou's head, concussing him. Then in a swift motion, Izuku kicked him in the gut, sending Bakugou skidding a few feet away.

"Izuku, I'm ready!" Once Izuku heard that, a chance to finally finish this one-on-one came into view. Equipping the Havel Set, Izuku brought out the Giant Club +15 and jumped.

Then smashed the floor near Bakugou, causing it to collapse.

"WHAT THE FU-!?" Bakugou cursed in surprise, while the audience back in the observation room had wide eyes and slack jaws.

In an instant, before Izuku could land, he unequipped everything and landed on a soft trampoline. Bakugou however, landed on a net and was quickly tied up.

"NO FUCKING WAY!" Bakugou snarled, the debris that came down with them sucked inside Izuku's storage.

Without missing a beat, Momo tied Bakugou's hands with the capture tape.

"Good job Momo, time to finish this," Izuku said while Momo nodded in agreement.

Needless to say, the whole audience, including All Might was stunned in surprise and shock at the calculated plan that was made into action before their very eyes.


Omake #1: What if game mechanics transferred as well.

Bakugou launched himself towards Izuku. Izuku held up his guard.

Then flicked his shield.


Once he did so, Bakugou lost all control of his body, while Izuku took advantage, smacking his gut with the club in his hands.

"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL!?" Bakugou was crumpled down on the floor, then tried to get back up. Tried being the keyword.

Izuku circled around him then smacked his backside. During this, Bakugou lost all control of his movement again.


"Riposte and backstab ya filthy casual!" Izuku snickered as he continued to troll the casual before him.



"TEAM A (Villains) – Midoriya and Uraraka vs TEAM D (Heroes) – Bakugou and Iida!"

"Hey, Uraraka, do you care if I roleplay for a bit?"


A few moments later.

"SOULS FOR LADY URAVITY!" Izuku yelled as he equipped the Knight of Thorns set and attacked Bakugou and Iida on their way towards the bomb.

By rolling towards them.



"ROOOLLLL TO VICTORYYYYYY!" Izuku yelled as he kept on rolling, damaging the two with every roll.