I was about to strangle Damon for being such a deep sleeper. I had been honking for five minutes, trying to get the bloody sheep out of the road. I was about two minutes away from getting out and going to push all of them off the road. I was about three minutes away from running them all over. I punch Damon in the arm causing him to wake up and scream a string of profanities. He looks at me, "Why would you do that!"
"Sheep," I say.
"What?" he says, starting to get angry. "Is that some kind of sex thing becuase if you woke me up to do weird shit, I got to say sheep is where I cross the line."
I just stare at him. He eventually rubs his eyes and looks out the windshield, "Oh."
"You should've already known it had something to do with actual sheep, I'm not planning on doing anything sexual with you or anyone else for that matter. So if you would be kind enough to not mention it again that would be fantastic," I say, with an attitude that told him I wasn't playing.
"Ma'am yes ma'am," he salutes me.
I roll my eyes, "Now do me a favor and get out there and start scaring them sheep away before I run them over."
He looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth. I just laughed at him, "Let's go! This is slowing us down and I'm ready to get back on the road."
"No way! I'm not going to push sheep out of the freaking road without any help. Let's go Amethyst. You're going to take part in this activity too," he almost yells, visibly getting angry.
I couldn't help but chuckle at his anger, "No need to get mad, I'm coming."
I unbuckled my seatbelt and put the car into park. I don't turn off the ignition and I don't close the door when I get out of the car. Call it anxiety, call it being paranoid, but I had a feeling in my gut that something was bound to go wrong. I think it's called Murphy's Law: If something can go wrong, it will go wrong. I wasn't about to take any chances for a quick get away.
We were pushing the sheep out of the way and we had gotten all but one off of the road. At this point, I was ready to go. The pit in my stomach is only getting deeper and harder to ignore. However, ole special Damon wanted to get the last one off of the road and out of danger. This was his first mistake. The last mistake nearly caused him to lose his life.
I was walking back to the car while Damon was trying to push the last sheep off of the road. This sheep was heavier than the rest of the sheep, I guess. It was taking him longer to even get this one to move than it had taken for us to get the other sheep off of the road. Suddenly I look at him and the sheep and something caught my eye. I don't know what it was but I yelled. "Damon, get away from that sheep, quickly."
He looked at me as if I was crazy. "Why? I don't want to leave this sheep in the road and away from its flock."
I was about to tell him to leave it be when a voice bellowed, "What do you think you're doing young man?"
Damon stopped what he was doing and froze. Could he be an any bigger moron? "Damon, let's go! Before he eats you preferably!"
Damon took a step backwards as if he's testing his ability to move. Then gradually, he started taking a step faster when he realized he could still run. He ran to the passenger side of the car and was about to get in when a massive boulder hit the roof of my car. I wanted to cry. Instead I used those feelings and I became angry. "Excuse me, Pan. Who in Hades do you think you are? You crushed my fucking car!"
I was so angry. I just kept cursing him out. He stood at the top of the small hill that we were perched on, with his hands on his hips. The audacity of him! "You obviously know who I am, young warrior, I am the great Pan, God of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, rustic music and impromptus, and companion of the nymphs. And I would mind your manners child, because I certainly know who you are and I'm certain you haven't told this young man who you actually are."
I stop mid-step. He knew who I was. This was bad, this was very bad. "Pan, sir, what are you doing so far away from your forests in the wetlands?" I ask, slightly bowing.
Pan is not a god that you want on your bad side. He used to be one of the best gods, he was nice to everyone. Then pollution really started to get bad. The worse that the pollution got, the meaner and more evil he became. It wasn't the best idea of mine when I charged him cursing. I'm just hoping he doesn't tell Damon who I am quite yet. Although, I suppose there could be some positive to Damon knowing that I'm the destruction of all humanity. He wouldn't want to travel with me anymore, probably.
"I'm not here to cause trouble to you children, although it would be great pleasure to eat you. I'm here to get my sheep, and only my sheep. I have been told that if I cause any trouble with either one of you I will be incinerated. However, Amethyst, it would help you greatly if you accept your fate. Things would be a lot simpler. Now, I shall be on my way. Enjoy y'alls quest, it should be a good one to watch," Pan picks up the sheep that Damon was struggling with, and tucks him under his arm like it wasn't a full grown sheep; and walked away.
I stood there in shock, with my mouth wide open, starting at the spot that Pan once stood. "Mind telling me what that last part was about, Amethyst," Damon says, hands on his head, looking up at the sky.
I sigh, "It's a long story, and one that I'm not keen on telling."
He lowers his head to look at me and then he looks at my car, "Well, it looks like we got a good way to go now, so why don't you just tell me the story as we walk."
"I'll think about it, however, why don't you go ahead and tell me a story about your childhood or something," I say trying to change the subject.
"Absolutely not," Damon said, his voice stern.
I groan, "Fine, It started when I was three, that's when everything changed."