Finally, Elrow city, I didn't think I'd get here so soon especially when that damn horse ran off, wasted fifty of my gold which could have got me a few more meals while I looked for something to do. Whatever, I was here now and my plan was to live my life easy.
The city was spectacular as I've heard. Gleaming towers at its center and other marvelous feats of architecture. But enough of that, I was getting hungry. After asking around for quite a while, most people here are real jerks, I finally got someone who told me about the Secret Elixir. Apparently they have the best food in all of Elrow, mostly frequented by nobles meaning if I go there I'd have to sleep in an alley somewhere. Nah, I'd be able to work out something, for now I gotta see how good that food really is.
'I've been walking around for an hour, just how far is this place,' I had gotten tired from walking all the way from the other side of the city. I was about to curse at the damn idiot who gave me the directions when the three storey building with a black and gold banner outside written 'The Secret Elixir'.
"Finally!" I walked into the place and just by the looks I got I was sure I was very out of place. All the people here looked like nobles with their expensive and fancy clothes with jewelry. With my worn out clothes from only having another sole set in my leather bag I felt really awkward, so I took a seat at the corner right by the window.
The waiter approached me, his face didn't seem bothered by my presence, as long as I had money. He listed all the special dishes they had, and I had to say they all sounded great. Of course I also thought he might have exaggerated some of them. In the end I ordered their beef stew along with some of the fine bread he kept bragging about.
As he went away I took a peek at my pouch and frowned, either I got a job today or sleep out on the streets. But I didn't think it would be hard to find something to do in this place, it was huge. I could help out in a few shops, cleaning and moving stuff and such, it shouldn't be too difficult.
"Ehem!" Someone disturbed my thought process, making me take my eyes off the passing crowds outside. Deep blue eyes glared angrily at me, her pink lips curled into a frown as she cocked her head to the side, her blonde hair falling to her left. She wore a short blue silk dress that just reached up to her knees with a blue shawl wrapped around her shoulders. Once I was done I turned back to the window not really caring anymore, but damn she's hot.
"How dare you! You basically strip me with your eyes and ignore me," she was really angry.
"Ok, what do you want?" I didn't hold back on the attitude.
"You're on my seat," her glare intensified throwing me off a little.
"Is that so? I didn't realize but that's probably because your name isn't on it so buzz off." She was startled by my answer.
"I meant I usually sit hear, I hoped you'd understand but it seems you're a bit on the dumb side," a smirk played on her lips.
'Dumb?' I couldn't believe the nerve of her, just because of a seat. "If this spot gave you such a big head I don't think I want it anymore. By all means it's yours," I stood up and offered her the seat but she didn't budge. Her smirk was now one angry expression. Two men stepped out from behind her and made me wonder how I failed to notice them all this time.
"Sorry but we won't take kindly to you insulting the young miss," the one with the long dark hair spoke.
"Settle down, I'm not looking for a fight. I just wanted to eat but she had to come and ruin it for me. I mean it's just a seat," I tried reasoning with them.
"You must be new around here so I'll just explain it to you," the other spoke, "Young miss here usually sits by this window. She asked the owner to reserve it for her everytime she comes since she likes the outside view. Sorry if the miss was a bit rash." I finally understood but it didn't mean I was okay with it. But who was I to complain, the long haired guy was giving me I weird look while the little princess was acting all smug.
"I see, the waiter guy didn't tell me anything so I didn't know. I'll just take another seat," I was about to leave when the other guy held me.
"You still haven't apologized to the young miss," he glared at me.
"Yeah, I'm not doing that," I pulled my arm free. He was about to follow me but the girl stopped him. "Let him go. He's already given up my table so I'm good."
I had my meal without anymore issues and I gotta say, this was the best thing I've had ever. I didn't regret losing all my money by the time I got out of here.
"Alright, time to get a job," I told myself. I walked around for quite a while asking around for any place that needed to hire someone to help out.
Unfortunately, I wasn't getting anywhere with this. The sun was already low and soon most shops would be closing for the night. I was heading back towards the Secret Elixir hoping I could get something to do when some maniac ran straight into me.
We tumbled down the street and I hit my head pretty hard. I angrily shoved him off me but he immediately stood up and just kept running. I was about to curse him out but noticed the blue pouch on the ground.
I picked it up and just from its weight I could tell it was loaded with money and since the guy was long gone it wouldn't hurt to keep it to myself.
I was about to pocket it when to men came around the corner running at full speed. They would have passed me if one of them hadn't noticed the pouch in my hand.
He looked at my face and his frown grew even more. I also recognized him, the long haired jerk from Secret Elixir along with the other guy.
"I see you're also a thief. I knew I should have handed you a proper beating back then," a smile grew on his lips.
"What do you mean thief?"
"Don't play fool with me. You're holding the young miss' pouch are you not? You thought you could get away?"
I looked at the pouch in my hand. That guy must have stolen it from that bit... I mean girl.
"Wait, this is a misunderstanding. I just picked it up from the real thief, he dropped it when he ran into–"
"Enough of your lies. Prepare yourself for a harsh night in prison," the long hair guy was really getting on my nerves.
"Here, you can have your money back–"
"Too late for that now. You're coming with us."
"Alright but no I'm not. I didn't steall your stupid money," I threw the pouch at his feet and backed up.
"If you resist I guess will have to use force," he looked ready to pounce on me.
"Wait Clyde, that's not necessa–" the other guy tried to intervene but it was too late. Looks like I was going to have to hand this guy a serious beating.