Chereads / Argysus Saga / Chapter 4 - The Battle Junkie

Chapter 4 - The Battle Junkie

As soon as we stepped on the training yard sure enough Clyde gave me the stink eye.

"You're not ten anymore, can't we let this go?" I asked him since he wasn't letting off.

"I don't trust you. Just because of that little fluke of a victory you had you think I'm going to look past the fact that I caught you with Miss Autumn's purse? I shan't forget!" I had to give him points for drama, but he was still annoying.

"Look guy, think whatever you want. I'm not gonna stop you..." I told him as the others gathered around. There were five of them on the yard with one being female. The big dark one stepped forward and smacked Clyde's back while chuckling, "He's the one you were talking about? He doesn't seem so bad. What's your name brother?"

"Eden. What's yours?"

"Telmore. That's Fargus the short one there, Vin, Hans, Garvin and that beauty right there's Olive," Olive kicked his shin at the comment but I doubt he felt it.

"The others are presently with Lord Argus at the Rosewood main house in the Eastern Province..." Telmore gave the run down on a few things. He was an earth wielder, Fargus was a fire wielder, bothe Vin and Hans were wind users same as Ian and the girl Olive had darkness, very rare. For Lord Argus to find someone like her he must be big in this Kingdom.

"Enough of that, I want you to fight me," Telmore's hand tightly gripped my shoulder and the look in his eyes was frightening.


"He's a battle junkie," Vin answered.

"More like a masochist..." Olive added.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure he just likes it when only you kick his balls in," Fargus joined in.

"Yeah, I think his more of sadist and Clyde's balls are a testament to that... if he still has any" the group laughed at Ian's comment, he was too until he started choking on his own saliva when Clyde smacked the back of his head.

I'll be honest, this group was making me nervous. I tried backing away slowly but that grip only tightened.

"Relax, I don't kick balls...that much, just Clyde's, but he's the one always asking for it," who asks to get his balls smashed. I just had to take a look at the person in question.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I don't ask him to kick me in the nuts."

"Telmore's right, you're the one always looking for a fight. Maybe you're the masochist," Ian just couldn't resist.

"I'm not picking fights, I'm just want to train with him so I can get stronger because he's the strongest out of us," all of a sudden they were bickering like little kids. But my issue was the big guy, why wasn't he letting go still gleaming at me like a freak.

"That's enough guys, we were in the middle of something," he cut off all the arguing that was going on.

"So, how about it. Wanna fight me? I heard you beat those two up pretty good and they couldn't even touch you," that was too much of an exaggeration, probably must have been Ian, just how much did he want to put down Clyde that he'd undersell himself too? Maybe they're all masochists.

"That's not really what happened, if they'd used their elements I wouldn't have had a chance."

"Don't worry, I won't use mine too. It'll be a fair fight," as if you could call those mountains on you're body fair.

"Just do it, he won't let you go until you agree," Well thanks for the advice Olive.

"Fine..." Looked like there was no backing out.

"Good, just try to last at least five minutes," Now look who's cocky. Why ask me if you didn't think i stood a chance.

The others gave us some room. They looked eager to watch...or at least see me get pummeled. Fine you jerks!


"I guess s--" the huge bastard didn't even let me finish already swinging his huge fist. I managed to move only missing it narrowly. I wasn't sure if he was trying to break my jaw or just knock me out. I shuffled back a couple of steps to get my footing right after that dodge.

"Sorry, got a little excited there." Well your excitement almost killed me you freak.

He was already charging in again throwing in punch after punch and after getting almost blown to the ground trying to block one I could only dodge and swerve around them looking for an opening.

His form was good to be honest, left little chance to find an opening meaning I'd have to force one out of him. I'd figured I was being to defensive in this fight so it was time to let loose. In came another fist but instead of dodging I deflected it away with a fist of my own and its still hurt. However now I had my chance, he couldn't bring his other arm fast enough to block the kick I had following up striking him straight in the gut.

No matter how tough he was that must have knocked some wind out of him. He staggered back to get some air but I wasn't giving him that. I kept on with the fast strikes going for his ribs, knees, ankles trying to get his defense all over the place. His guard didn't break that easy and right when I was going to roundhouse his head good his hand moved to try and catch my leg.

Instead of trying to pull out of it which didn't seem possible I let him have it...and another as I followed up into a spin with my other catching his temple clean. That rocked him quite a bit but not enough for him to let go of my foot he was still holding.

I was way off balance to pull out on my own and I happened to catch a glimpse of him. The face he was making at that moment was that of a maniac right before he pulled me to him preparing to deliver a knock fatal punch. Lucky for me he also let go of my foot and I had to do an emergency split to avoid having to see a doctor anytime soon. Plus that impulsive move had left his lower body exposed. I rolled up from the split and kicked his knee making his leg give as he crumpled to one knee. I went into a hand spin giving enough power into the next kick straight to the back of his head before flipping back onto my feet.

My immediate thought was relentless attacking. I didn't want to give Telmore any chance. That look I saw earlier, it gave the chills. He wasn't holding back anything and I could possibly get seriously injured. Telmore was already staggering back to his feet and my foot was already making its way to the back of his head again before something yanked me back.

"Enough already Eden!" That was Ian's voice.