We ended up at the Secret Elixir again, our fated meeting place and this time the management was sure to give us the seats by the window. After quick lunch it was back to the coach. Finally, we can go home and I can have a long nap.
"By the way we're not heading back just yet," does she read minds now.
"Then where the hell are we going?"
"Where else, the Royal palace," and how was I supposed to know that. She might say it like we're just going for a walk in some park or some street shop but for some of us that's a once in a life time opportunity.
"What sort of business do you have there?" Seriously though, I was really tired.
"Nothing much, just visiting a friend. Actually she's not really my friend, we've just known each other for a long time" I don't want to know her definition of 'friend'.
"Couldn't you give me more detail about this person?" By now she had her head turned looking out at the streets.
"Lia," Okay, Lia, where had I heard that name before. Considering how far I'd come from some remote village at the edge of the sea, I wouldn't know who's involved with the palace. But the old man who I lived with did his best to drill the knowledge he had about this kingdom into me, including the royal family.
If I remember correctly, the current King's name is Gerrin, I'm not too sure abut his last name. The old man said he had three kids, two sons and a daughter. The boys names were Il..Ilka...oh yeah, Ilkai and Martial and the girl was Emilia. I think I got 'em right. Other than that I can't remember anyone else. The queen already passed long ago.
If I had to put my finger on then this unwanted friend of Autumn must be the princess, the names match...if you shorten it.
"Fine, let's get it over with."
"Can't you at least pretend to get excited, it's your job," She was right though, my first actual day on the job and I'm already whining like a little kid and the sun was very much still up. Need I remind myself it was actually a 24 hour job with the exception of the manor since there are guards to keep out intruders, and even in the case someone were to break in I was responsible for her. So I gave Autumn a salute but she didn't care much for it.
The ride to the palace was even longer than I imagined. The palace was all the way on the other side of town. Past the downtown market center making our way through the city square at the heart of Elrow adourned with gleaming towers, to the huge estates owned by nobles and aristocrats and finally at the end of our little trip, the Royal Palace in all its glory.
The architecture was simply stunning, not that a country boy like me would know much about architecture. The palace had a tall cobble stone wall sculpted with various drawings erected around it making the only entrance for guests the huge thick brown iron reinforced oak gate with the blue and white colours of the emblem of the kingdom of Dimiris.
All it took for the guards to let us in was one look at Autumn's face. Our coach slowly made its way along the marble road all the way to the entrance of the palace. On both sides of the path were neatly tended lawns, flower beds and trees and at the end of the path were two statues on either side with a fountain right in front of the palace doors.
Multiple carriages lined up outside, nobles, guards, palace attendants and a lot of other people were moving about the area. This place was quite busy I see. We got out and left the coachman to watch over the carriage while I followed Autumn into the palace.
And the palace itself was comprised of three different buildings forming a triangle around the main building. All of them were fairly large but the center building was much more grand. It served as the royal family's home and from what Autumn so graciously explained to me, only a few people had clearance to enter, herself included which is why I almost got stripped down to my undies at the security check while she passed scott free. I hope my paycheck includes an extra fee for my dignity, that was seriously embarrassing.
We climbed up three flights of stairs just to be told that the princess was currently at the palace gardens, and that meant another trip down the stairs. Thankfully the princess was actually at the garden. She had a table laid out with a chess board on top of it, looks like she was waiting for Autumn. She finally spotted us coming her way and waved at us.
"Damn you Lia, you made me climb up those stupid stairs for nothing. I was already at your room's door when that maid of yours told me to come here," Autumn plopped down on the only other seat opposite the princess meaning I get a free pass to stand for however long their girl talk would last so I just set myself up behind Autumn.
"Apologies, I really wanted some fresh air. I had them set up a game for us and was just waiting for you to arrive. The refreshments will be here shortly..." This girl had the sweetest voice I'd heard in while, no snarky attitude, no comments about ball busting, no threats. Maybe my bar was just set really low.
"You just wanted to beat me again. You know I don't like chess, and you'd better have those imported biscuits," so much for not friends.
"You sure Autumn, you had quite the lunch back at the-" I started but that death glare she was giving me was
enough for me to take a hint.
"First of all, you work for me so it's Miss Autumn. Second, who told you to speak..." She was actually angry. I've said a lot of things in the past she could've gotten angry over but didn't but this, really?
"I see you still like your servings large, well you are a growing lady, so please stop yelling at him..." Autumn's face was turning red at the princess' comment, she must really be embarrassed. However I realised it wasn't me so much as the princess who go this reaction out from her. But now the princess had her eyes on me.
"It was quite rude of me not to intoduce myself to your companion Autumn..." she stood up and walked toward me. She was definitely at the top of the most beautiful girls I've seen so far. Well Autumn's actually just as pretty but maybe if she could tone down the attitude.
Princess Emilia, with her long flowing dark hair, brown eyes, fair skin and rocking body, seriously her curves were perfect. She must train her body pretty well. As she shook my hand she graciously ignored the fact that I was oggling her in her plain but beautiful white dress.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Emilia Clarric," she still intoduced herself despite the fact that I probably already know with no fancy princess title.
"Hi...I mean, pleased to make your aquaintance your highness, I'm Eden," Nailed it.