I stop dead in my tracks.
I turn around slowly and walk back over to him stopping directly in front of him, 'What the fuck did you just say?!'
His eyes flash in surprise, like he thought I was too far away to hear him.
'I was just saying that it's evident we have different views on how someone should conduct themselves at work'.
'Rigggght...I'm sure that's what you said' I snarl.
He looks completely unrepentant and lifts his chin as if he's some king that has nothing to apologise for.
I roll up my sleeves, 'you know what Nikolai screw you! You think you're so goddamn smart!'
He smirks at me, 'I don't think I am I know I am.'
I look up at the ceiling praying to god to give me strength not to kill this man, 'you honestly don't realise how wrong you are! If you were so goddam smart you would have known that I was undercover so that I could check up on everyone's work output so that I would be able to cull the 'actual' bad workers and not the good ones.'
I get in his face, and since he's sitting on his desk my stilettos give me the extra inch that I need to look down on him, 'If you were so damn smart you would also know that I am still working with HR and sending them work to do, they're not just twiddling their thumbs down there.'
' have been altered and he is stealing money from your company.' I say jabbing my finger on his chest aggressively.
This new information seems to surprise him rather than shock him, 'But seeing as how you consider my working here a mistake there's no point in dragging this out, it's obvious I have a job to complete and you can't stand me so let's just stay out of each other's way from now on.'
He just stares at me in response and I see a look pass over his face that I can't quite decipher.
Just as I turn away for the door, his arm grasps my hand and pulls me back towards him so I am once again facing this devil, who is now towering over me with his glorious height.
His jaw is set as he says, 'I don't believe I said I was finished with you yet.'
I try and shake my hand out of his clutches but that only makes him hold on tighter, I sputter up at him, 'Are you fucking serious! Jesus! You just can't stand not having the last word can you?'
His face twists into a smug expression.
I'm so sick of this annoying bastard and his 'king' complex, he deserves a clean slap to his chiseled jaw so that he can feel even a glimpse of the rage that he has put me through.
Now motivated with a newfound goal I start to struggle aggressively against his arm to free myself, when I feel his other hand come around to grasp my waist pulling me toward his hard body and before I can process what is even happening, I am locked in a kiss with this bastard. My body tenses in confusion and outrage.
He pulls away abruptly and stops just in front of my face to say, 'For once you are right!' then he swoops back down and pulls my face towards him in a forceful manner as he resumes kissing me.
I keep my lips tightly pressed together in defiance, as if I'll let you in. I pry my eyes open to show him how unfazed I am with this pathetic act of shutting me up. He senses the tension in my body and I see him open his eyes to stare directly at me, he furrows his brow at my challenge. I feel his lips move into a smile against my lips, which only fans my anger and I ball my hands into fists as I try and smack him hard in the chest to get him off me.
Instead of pulling away, I feel his arm snake away from my head and move down to my waist. You'd think a gentleman would stop there; instead he dives down and grabs the globes of my cheeks in his massive hands and squeezes them heartily.
The heat from his hand burns through the fabric of my skirt, it's as if he's touching my ass through my clothing, which causes warmth to spread throughout my body. The sensations assailing my body momentarily distract me from the chest bashing that I was doing; I have to mentally shake my head to not get caught up in his pace.
Just as I move my hands to start hitting him again, he grabs my ass in a tight squeeze and presses the front of my hips up against his groin, I gasp at the violent length of him poking against me through his pants which causes my core to clench against my will. He takes that chance to delve into my mouth and deepen the kiss with his hot tongue.
I fight for control with him to redeem myself in this situation but he doesn't give me an inch, he seizes complete control over my mouth as if he owns it and my eyes drift close in response.
He starts nibbling my lips between the hot caresses of his tongue and leisurely explores my mouth feeling the ridges on the roof of my mouth and caressing them, causing my body to soften against his.