Chapter 16 - chapter 16

I huff, 'So...I obviously got called to his office as you know and when I got there he was yelling at me and angry and then...'

'omg stop keeping me in suspense woman!'

I furrow my eyebrow at her, 'God you are impatient, are you going to let me talk or not!'

She makes a 'go ahead' gesture with her hands and I continue, 'as I was saying...then he kissed me and that's pretty much it' I quickly grab my drink to calm my erratic heart caused by the mere mention of the kiss.

Cindy squeals, 'Omg, omg, omg! That is crazy! I have no idea how you managed to get his attention, he has a "no employee fraternization" clause in the employee handbook that he has followed to the letter since the establishment of Milordov Corp.' Then looking as if she's been struck by something she grabs my hand in a death grip, 'that doesn't mean he's going to fire you does it?'

She looks genuinel worried for me, I chuckle, 'Of course not, if anything he should be worried about me going to HR or quitting'.

Breathing out in relief she relaxes again and says, 'Well he must have it bad for you, never thought I'd see the day where the demon fell'.

'pshh, what bad for me? He hasn't got anything for me, he just wanted to have the last word, nothing more, nothing less'.

Cindy leans back on the couch with a smirk, 'And that's it aye?'

I glare at her, 'yes, what else would there be?'

'Mhmmmm...I'm sure that getting to kiss one of the hottest bachelors in Sydney must have been a chore', she quirks an eyebrow at me calling bullshit.

'Ughh you annoying hoe' I slam my drink down on the table, ' fine yes I enjoyed the damn kiss, the bastard definitely knows what he's doing with his mouth that's for sure'.

'There that wasn't so hard to admit, it's not like you lost anything to him by admitting that to yourself and me!'

I mutter under my breath, 'yeah...I only had my pride to lose' as I stare darkly at my drink.

She yells over the music, 'what did you say?'

'Don't worry I was just saying we should forget all about work and Nikolai. Let's get smashed and have a wildly awesome night.

She winks at me, 'Good thinking, let's go to the VIP area, we're going to spoil ourselves before we shake our booties for all the hungry men out there' Cindy pulls my arms again as we head upstairs to the private lounge area and bar.

I know that we're in the VIP area, when as soon as we enter, instead of smelling like stale drinks and over priced cheap perfume, it has a rich woody scent and amber lighting that shows over priced chandeliers hanging overhead. Beams of light from the dance floor bounce off of the crystals creating soft rainbow lights hitting different areas of the room. Even the music isn't as raunchy as the rest of the club it has a softer beat that gently seduces the rich, beckoning them to stay and spend their money.

The bar is just as lavish with it's marble counter top, the pristine looking bar tender with good looks that could burn, and a mirrored back wall highlighting drinks that cost more than 3 months of my wages, and plush bar stools. I stare at Cindy reevaluating her. Her cousin must be making some serious money to be able to afford all of these things. She catches me staring and winks at me with a knowing glint, but doesn't say anything. I feel her tugging on my arm again, making us beeline straight for the bar.

Cindy waves her hand with the wristband in the air, 'Hey sexy, can you get us two sex on the beach' she winks at the bartender and bats her eyelashes at him, 'and make it a double shot' she says as she works her charm on him.

The Adonis seems unfazed by her feminine charms and easily replies, 'You got it beautiful' he says as he's fast at work, muscles rippling as he shakes our drink in the drink shaker, pouring our drinks and handing it to us in record time. He didn't even break a sweat while doing it.

We sit at a plush brown lounge with silk pillows next to the entrance of the massive balcony patio that is just as luxurious as the inside. I glance over at Cindy and she has a sour expression on her face, 'What's got your knickers in a twist aye?' and she huffs in frustration, 'That bartender back there didn't fall for my charms, that almost never happens to me. How could he ignore a fine lady such as myself? Maybe he's gay?'

My shoulders shake with mirth, 'Of course if a guy isn't interested in you, he's gotta be gay' only she could come up with a far fetched conclusion like that.

'Exactly! No one has ever been that disinterested in me before. Either that or he's impotent' she winks at me like she's got the Adonis all figured out, and I just shake my head at her good-naturedly.

I continue drinking the concoction the bartender made and already my body is buzzing from the drink, making me feel more relaxed and carefree. As I sit back and listen to Cindy tell me about her crazy sex escapades, the male laughter from the patio gets louder and louder and I try to ignore it but I can't help but feel like there's something familiar about one of their laughs.