Chapter 14 - chapter 14

I hear him chuckle through the receiver, 'Come on now, you know I always love hearing your voice!'

My eyes go to slits, 'Haha is that right? Why are you tooting my horn all of a sudden?'

'Who? Me? Tooting your horn? That's rude Jas I always have nice things to say about you. You hurt my feelings!' he says.

I giggle, 'You're not convincing anyone, what do you want you fool? Spit it out!'

I feel his smirk through the phone, 'Fine guilty! I wanted to see if you wanted to go out clubbing with me, Nik and bunch of my mates tonight. There's a grand opening at one of these venues that's supposed pretty damn awesome, I even got us a VIP booth. So what do you say?'

'No thanks, I've got plans tonight!' and I could do without seeing Nik on my precious day off, no way that is gonna happen.

'What, with your couch and ice cream watching 'Friends' reruns?'

'Hey! I don't do that every Friday night thank you very much!' I hear his snicker in the background, 'Alright fine you got me there, but I am actually going out tonight with a friend I made a work, so I can't come. I'll come next time, you boys have fun!'

'Come on Jas, leave your boring friend and come out with the boys and me! We will be way more fun!'

'I already promised her, besides you'll probably be able to pick up more chicks without me there.'

'Hmm...touché! But no, I still want you to come, you can even bring along your new friend if you have to!'

'Gosh you're a pain in the ass! I'm not coming it's a girls night out tonight!

'You can't take that back now! Alright now go and have your boring night out with your frie—' I cut him off and end the call because I can hear the doorbell going off.

I swing open my door, and Cindy rushes past me with a whoosh of air, 'I know, I know, I'm late even though I said I would meet you at 9pm' she goes to my kitchen and gulps down a large glass of water, she puts it down and holds up two palms in a stopping gesture, 'You will not believe what happened to me after I left the office!'

She flops down on my couch as gracefully as she can, with her 9inch silver stilettos, a skin tight v-neck gold bondage dress that shows off a lot of her cleavage and doesn't leave much to the imagination. She looks stunning even though she is about 4 feet shorter than me she has definitely created an illusion of being super tall and thin, and her fire engine bob definitely adds to the 'fuck me' look she has going on.

She drapes her arm over eyes like she's ready to call it a night, 'After I left the office I couldn't fine my car anywhere, then I find out that it's been towed. So I took the damn train to the tow place in the CBD and the guy was such an asshole. He wouldn't give me my car back without proving my identity, and I didn't have my license with me. So I had to fill out this whole application on my phone to get a digital copy, that he finally approved off! Then he fucking fined me! I had to pay the discharge amount for my damn car like I was bailing it out of jail.' She was holding her arms out in shock, 'Can you believe that?'

I was biting my lip to contain myself, so she could finish her story.

She growls, 'As if that wasn't bad enough I get a phone call on the way to my apartment in Glebe, and it's my mum calling saying it's an emergency.' Cindy stands up abruptly, 'And do you want to know what her damn emergency ended up being? She narrows her eyes at me, as if she can't believe what's about to come out of her mouth, 'It was dropping my cousin off to her dance lessons in Newtown!' she plops back down on the sofa shaking her head, 'Honestly I'm surrounded by a bunch of lunatics'.

I can't contain myself anymore my shoulders are already shaking uncontrollably she turns her sharp gaze on me unimpressed and I break out in a fit of laughter.

Her lip twitches as she tries to hold back her own smile and then she rolls her eyes at me, 'Alright fine I guess the lunatic gene didn't skip me either.'

'Nope, definitely not.' I manage to get out through my chuckles.

She crosses her arms and pouts, 'Hey! Admit it! That's what makes me so entertaining.' Her face morphs into a smirk and that twinkle is back in her eye, 'So are we ready to go, I need to drown myself in a whole bunch of shots and find me some hot arm candy'.

I whistle, 'Wow someone is eager to find a boy toy tonight.'

She bounces her bob up and down, 'Well you know a girls got needs, plus we get to dance our buts off and have fun; it's like killing two birds with one stone girl. I'm definitely going to wingwoman you tonight'.

I snort and check the clock to see the time, 'Alright, I'll place my trust in your hands tonight Ms Cupid. Now let me grab my clutch and do a final touch up so we can get going.'

'You'll be thanking me later.' I hear her calling after me as I walk off to my room to grab my sparkly black clutch.

I do a once over in the mirror, my blonde locks are straightened to fan around my face which couples with my natural makeup that emphasises my cerulean eyes with mascara and black eyeliner, a bit of contour to accentuate my facial features. To add to my 'you can look, but not touch' look my boobs are held in place with a draping black v-neck style silk dress that wraps around my body in all the right places and emphasises my small waist and thick booty. Pleased with what I see I complete my look with some ruby red lipstick that ties in the whole look.

I slip my feet into shiny black 7-inch pumps and walk over to Cindy, she looks me up and down and starts clapping, 'Boy oh boy, we are going to ruin some boys hearts tonight' she says with a dark twinkle in her eye.