Chereads / Unbroken / Chapter 31 - Chapter 31

Chapter 31 - Chapter 31

Author's note

Hello everyone! I am back again from another busy week and once again I apologize for missing some chapters.

This chapter was written with some of my spare time last week, and god was it a draining week for me.

Oh well.

Anyway, enjoy today's chapter and tell me what you think in the comment section down below.



"Ye sure they will come?" Dom who's busy wrapping his wounded hand with bandages asked Niel.

"Them chumps will come." Niel replied. A wide smile stretches on his face. "Them city folks are so easy to provoke. Their frail ego will not let the slight unanswered. The bitch at the least will come, not knowing what is waiting ahead of em." Niel snickered, probably imagining what he will do with the members of the White Wolves during their fight later. "We've fooled them pretending we was weak and shit. They don't know what'll hit them soon enough."

"True. Them stupid townsfolk, looking down on us when they can't even strengthen them body with Mana or Aura. Can't wait to see the look on them faces when they see true strength." His other teammate, Dom, chimed in. Caressing his bandaged hand, he continued. "Imma beat that bitch so hard, her mama wouldn't be able to recognize her after I'm done with er."

"Ye got that right, brother. To think that those losers are A-rank." Niel spits on the ground. "It's discrimination of us village folks is what it is."

"All the dangers we put ourselves through ta get stronger, and they rank those pansies above us? Intolerable."

"Yea. That's why well show em all!" Niel declared. His eyes gleaming with anticipation of their supposed climb to the top.

"I envy ye Niel. Ye defeated that loverboy chump earlier today. Turns out the boy is a rank higher than us."

"Is he? Didn't notice since he's a total pushover! Hahaha!" Niel boisterously laughed.

"Arrogant bastard. I won't let ye steal a march on me this time. Imma go first!"

"Fine. Ye can go first. After all, the main event is always last!"

"Gods darn it! Ye fooled me! I changed me mind. Imma go last!"

"No backsies idiot! Bahahaha!"

Watching the shenanigans of the two musclebound idiots is Joe Nathan. Leaning against a tree and resting beneath its shade, Joe chuckles to himself as he hears the musings of his teammates who wholly believe that their rise to fame is a foregone conclusion.

Look at these idiots. He bet they have forgotten about their mission to hunt down the siblings who killed a wealthy landowner in a village down south. Not that he minds.

"Truly, ignorance is bliss." He murmurs to himself.

There is one thing that Joe Nathan wanted more in the world. That is to fight someone who could push him to his limits. Alas, he hasn't found someone who could fulfill that wish yet, thus, he has to opt for his next favorite thing to do.

Watching arrogant weaklings get their asses handed to them and humiliating themselves.

For that, his teammates, the original members of the Twin Ax, will do perfectly. He came across these two during his search for a worthy challenge. Back then, they were just a couple of troublemakers, the lowest rank of adventurers in a small guildhall based on an inconsequential village situated at the edge of the Kingdom of Krishna. It was when he saw them get their asses whooped when they tried to extort a visiting adventurer from the central, and after they tried multiple times to get even with that very same adventurer to only get themselves beaten more, a thought came to his mind.

That was fun.

Was it their incredulous arrogance in spite of their weakness, their stubbornness that borders the stupidity of not knowing their limits and continuing to challenge those a lot stronger than them? Which is it, Joe doesn't know. All he knows is that watching these two apes fumble is entertaining to watch. So, acting on a whim, he went and join them, secretly helping them on their missions and duels to make them believe that they are more competent than they truly are. Add the miracle that seems to be divine intervention where the two Awaken to Mana, their belief that they are truly strong solidified, further inflating their egos even more.

Which made their failings even more fun to watch.

As he tries to contain his smile, Joe proceeded to approach his teammates who are lost in their fantasies. Listening to their outrageous ramblings about becoming generals and joining the nobles might be entertaining, but a more entertaining spectacle is about to come. "They be coming." He pointed to the approaching figures.

The White Wolves. The top adventurer party came from the capital. While Joe thinks that the members of the group is not that big of a deal, unworthy of such high status that they are enjoying right now, their leader was on a whole another level. It was only a brief moment but Joe immediately recognized that he was a kindred spirit, one of the strong.

Which made his discovery that the man left town the very next morning more disconcerting. What made matters worse is that he lacks the knowledge of where the man has gone and the guild won't tell him. Only the knowledge that Drogo will come back, since his teammates were left behind, kept Joe from blindly chasing after the man. It is also not helping that his teammates seem to have become better at fighting, seeing that they haven't lost in a fight with adventurers of this branch.

Guess even weaklings get a little bit stronger after getting to all those fights.

Just as when Joe was about to get bored out of his mind, that is when it happened. Never in his life would he have expected that a plain-looking man would be able to defeat Niel, who has become quite adept in using Mana Reinforcement, so soundly. He almost burst into laughter after witnessing Niel get himself slammed against the ground and have a fist planted in his face.

Also, that fierce glare.

Joe could barely hold himself from excitement after recalling the way that commoner looked at him.

"Hey Joe, you okay?" The idiot Niel asked him.

No... No... I must calm myself. I need to hold myself back from fighting anyone but Drogo. Joe closed his eyes and took a deep breath to bleed away his excitement. "Yea. I'm just fine. Worry about yerselves." Yes. He must save his all. He must not waste his time with small fries. That way, just like taking a bite of your favorite food after a week of not having some, his long-awaited fight against Drogo will be much sweeter.

After waving off his idiotic teammate, he could hear him taunt their opponent, but barking dogs don't interest him. Instead, he watched the group approaching them and proceeded to study each of them.

First was the red-haired woman. If he recalls correctly, she is a member of the White Wolves. She is supposed to be an A-rank adventurer but so far, her ability is far from the level of her rank. Her attack speed is quick and each attack is lethal if it connects. The word is if it connects. The problem with her fighting style is that she is too direct. With her light frame and lack of arm strength and footwork, it only takes a fully armored opponent to charge at him like a raging Twin Horned Rhino and she's done for. Is she really an A-rank? Or did Drogo just carried her through the ranks? Joe thought, and if he is being asked, he believes it to be the latter.

Then there was the B-rank that Niel defeated earlier today. To be honest, the man was strong and skilled. His sword skill is fluid in transitioning through defense and offense. His movements polished that there is little wastage, and from what he heard, he is capable of using wind-based attacks which for some reason, he didn't use in his earlier match. Might be because he wanted to show off in front of that receptionist. Too bad his arrogance led to his downfall. He may have fallen for a ruse, but it was satisfying seeing his face twist in anger only to change into dejection when he realized that he was humiliated in front of the woman he likes. He may be strong and skilled, but he is still a greenhorn. He must've only faced foes that he has no chance to lose to. May his defeat today be a lesson to him and maybe one day, he will become strong enough to challenge Joe himself how unlikely that may be.

His eyes then landed over the kids, one boy, and one girl. Normally, he wouldn't take interest in children. After all, most children their age are nothing more than a little dirt-stained, foul-smelling sack of meat who doesn't care of anything other than playing with other kids their age. But these kids. They are different. He may be wrong but he could swear he felt them manifest their Mana before the scuffle earlier. Kids who have already Awakened and have some semblance of control at their age are extremely rare. Joe thought. Even he has only Awakened at the age of ten, but these brothers and sisters look like they are no older than eight and six, respectively. Should he snatch them away? Taking them under his wings and training them might be fun.

The thought of him training the two until they reach their potential and killing them in life and death combat put a wide smile on his face.

At that moment he felt extreme bloodlust pierce his skin. Joe's eye then landed on the source. It was the plain-looking man again. He really must learn this man's name. No one has ever made Joe feel this way. Its those eyes. The look in them promises violence if ever he steps out of line. How delicious. Naughty boy. Don't look at me like that. If you continue to look at me like that. I may not... Joe groaned as the warm feeling rises from his bottom half towards his whole body. "Imma head out a bit. I need to do sumthin. By the way, I advise ye ta use yer full power on the get go. These guys are not yer run of the mill opponents. Also, Dom. Ye must go first and play with that little girl for a bit. I hope ye don't finish the bout quickly. I wanna watch the match. I'll be back in a jiffy." He turned around to hide his raging boner.

Walking through the streets, Joe tries his best to hide his excitement. That was close. I almost jumped at him. He thought. He might not be strong enough to put up a satisfying challenge against him, but there was something in those eyes that makes him tingle. Oh, how he yearns to tear those eyes off their socket and see what is behind them. All in due time. He thought to himself. He couldn't afford to cause any trouble in this town before he could fight that Drogo, and as strong as the guild master might be, his powerset is not in Joe's liking. Telekinesis being a pain in the ass to deal with aside, Joe prefers the intimate clash of the blades more.

Taking a turn towards the backstreets, he was met by hooligans. "What do we have here? You seem lost." A hooligan started. "How about we help you out and escort you out of these streets. For the price of everything in your pockets of course."

His pearly white teeth flash out as a wide smile stretched on his face. Just what he needs. A meat bag to pour his pent-up excitement to.

Just like that, the town of Mukala is now five hooligans fewer than before.


Even after Joe has already left the area, Artreus still couldn't calm the anger in his heart. That look on his face, that smile. There is no doubt the bastard is thinking of malicious thoughts in that twisted brain of his. He would've let it pass if it was directed at him. But the way he looks at the kids. It is the look of a predator who has seen a prey.

"Sorry ta keep ya waiting. Joe just went out ta do sumtin. But don't ya worry. Not like he's needed to fight. It's just you two and us." The musclebound Niel told them.

He looked at the bald man and studied him.

"Watta ye lookin at ye bastard? Ye wanna piece of me?" Seemingly irritated by this, Niel blurted. "Don't ya worry pipsqueak. Imma beat ye real good that yer mama will not recognize ye. But it can wait. Ye see. Dom here want the first knack with that red-haired bitch over there."

Artreus sighed in relief. Thank the gods that he is just a knucklehead waiting to learn his place. It would be troublesome if they feel dangerous like Joe.

Dom then stepped forward, a serious look pasted on his face. "See this, missy?" Dom showed his bandaged hand. "Imma pay ye back tenfold fer wounding me. Better ready yer ass."

"Big talk. Just make sure you can back it up." Mikaela snorted in derision. "Let me make myself clear. I'm not gonna pay anything and after I'm done with you, that little scratch in your hand will be the least of your worries."

"Ptoo!" Dom spits on the ground. "We'll see." His eyes then turned towards the receptionist. "Ye there! Guild girl! Go and ready the stage. I can hardly wait to plant me fist into this bitch's pretty face."

Artreus then turned to the receptionist. She is shaking. Seeing a weapon hurling towards you and knowing that you would've died if not for the invisible barrier surrounding the sparring area, it wouldn't be surprising if she became traumatized by that even. Actually, after hearing the story about the spar, it surprised him more to see Claire acting like there was nothing wrong. It must've affected her more than she thought and is only hiding it to not worry Esteban.

Artreus placed his hand over Claire's shoulder. Surprised by his touch, Claire turned her face towards him and he flashed her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. He won't hurt you. In my life, I won't let him. So go ahead and ready the sparring area and we will handle the rest." He then used his Aura to instill within her the warmth of safety and courage. A technique he got from the Lion Heart himself, Paladin Captain Marius.

Seeing her stop shaking, a smile formed in her face. Her eyes are now brimming with courage. "Y-yes. I'm on it." She then started to run towards the guild. Probably to call the mages in charge in erecting the barrier around the sparring area. But after running ten meters away, she turned around and said with a concerned voice. "Good luck. Please win."

"Of course," Artreus replied. With that, she ran off.

"Oh wow. Flirtin with another man's woman right in front of em. What mighty big balls ye have." Niel jested.

Feeling a piercing glare from behind him, it must be Esteban. I should've let him be the one to comfort his woman. But he is too slow, and I can't wait to bash this arrogant man's face in. "Hmph. If you think saying kind words to others is flirting, then I pity you. You must've never been loved by even your mother."

"Don't ye drag my mother on this!" Niel growled. His veins are popping on his forehead.

"Would both of you stop with the incessant barking? Are we here to fight or are we going to cluck like chickens?" Mikaela snidely remarked from beside him.

"Lucky ye. Yer woman save ye this time."

"I am not saving him, and I am absolutely not his woman." Artreus agrees with her sentiment. But could she at least not look disgusted as she says those words? Artreus sighs as Mikaela continued. "I just want to stop you from talking and spreading your foul breath in the air."

Niel growled under his breath, but before he could do anything, he was stopped by Dom. "She's mine. The mages are almost here. Let's prepare."

The two of them glared at them. Not letting herself lose, Mikaela also threw a piercing glare back at them. With that, the two parties stopped speaking with each other.

As their group prepares for the upcoming bout, Esteban walked closer to Artreus. There was a hint of anger in his eyes, maybe because Artreus calmed Claire in his stead, but the man sighed deeply and warned him. "I think I don't like you. But..." His eyes wandered towards the members of the Twin Ax who seem to be busy gathering their energy. "But I don't want you to lose to them. You are skilled. That much is evident in our spar against each other. But these guys. They play dirty. Be alert when fighting them. You don't know what kind of tricks they have under their sleeves."

"What? Are you concerned about us?"

"Not really. I just plan on defeating you once you win."

"Is the B-rank rising star afraid of a rematch against C-rank scrubs?"

"Stop speaking nonsense. Instead, you should worry about yourself. An A-rank being defeated by a C-rank scrub, especially a member of the famous White Wolves is much worse for your teams' reputation." With that, Esteban bid us farewell and walked towards Claire who just came back after calling the mages who are responsible for the barrier.

Watching the mages slowly approach the sparring area, Artreus noticed someone among the crowd. "Oh hey. Guild Master Paul Bret Anderson is here." He notified Mikaela who is surprisingly silent. Now that he thinks about it, it was unusual for her not to fire back insults at Esteban after what he told her. This is not good. "Hey," Artreus called her attention. "Don't worry about what Esteban said and fight like you usually do and you'll be fine."

Mikaela slowly nodded, then like she was struck by lightning, she shook her head and with her usual snide self, she huffed. "I don't need you to remind me. I will win this for sure." She declared.

"Y-yeah! Mimi is strong!" Juliet timidly cheered her.

Opposite to his little sister, Timothy, in an almost shouting fashion exclaimed. "Beat his ass Mimi! They're nothing to you!"

Hearing this, Niel and Dom glared at their group. Expecting the two to roar in anger, they instead closed their eyes once more and continued Reinforcing their body with Mana. They might be slow in powering up, but using the time for the mages to prepare the sparring area, Artreus could feel that they are about to reach the peak of their strength.

Against Mikaela who is not only unable to utilize Mana or Aura to strengthen her physical ability but has also abandoned her effective hit and run style in favor of fighting head-on which doesn't suit her, a Mana enhanced Dom might be more than she bargained for.

"They are Reinforcing themselves. Fight like you do when you when we first sparred here. Use your footwork and strike at his blind spots." He warned him once more.

"I don't need you to tell me what to do. I'll fight the way I want to." She scoffed. Then seeing that the mages are done with the preparation, she entered the sparring area to wait for her opponent, but as she goes, Artreus' keen sense of hearing heard her murmur. "I won't lose. On my life, I won't lose."

Damn it, woman.

Don't Jinx yourself.