Chereads / Unbroken / Chapter 37 - Chapter 37

Chapter 37 - Chapter 37


Hello! I'm back!

Sorry if I haven't posted for two weeks. As we all know, I am bad at time management, thus, I was swamped once more with work. Presentations to be made, deadlines to beat, and tears of frustration and exhaustion were shed.

But I survived!

Now, I am back baby!

And this time, I will try to chip at my workload, daily, so I don't have to disappear for two weeks every two months when my work is due.

Again I apologize and don't worry, I won't drop this story.

After all, I am just beginning. There are lots to be told.

Anyways, here's the edited chapter 39!



The crow of the roosters signaled a new day. It was recently Timothy's favorite time of the day since it means he could go out and train. His goal is to become stronger like his father and protect both his mother and little sister, a goal which seems to be within his reach ever since they met Mister Artreus. But now, he doesn't know anymore. Ever since their father died, the townspeople, the ones who their parents has protected when this town was being founded, began looking at them with eyes filled with anger and fear. They wanted nothing of them, and even the travelers, who were kind enough to buy from them, began to avoid them when they find out about Timothy's family. It was Mister Artreus kindness, his patience, and eagerness to help them, not even caring to ask about their background, only wanting to genuinely help them, has revived Timothy's hope for humanity, renewing his dream of becoming like his father, and even Mister Artreus, those who help other people in need.

But now...

He's not so sure if he really knows him. For yesterday, the Mister Artreus he saw was nothing like the one he knew.

From the first time they have met, he felt at ease with Mister Artreus. Although he said that he was an adventurer, he doesn't look intimidating as the other members of the guild or look at Timothy and his little sister with disdain. No. He looked at them with kindness. Not to mention he bought all the handkerchiefs that they were selling for more than he and his sister priced them for, not like the merchants who bought them because of greed since even Timothy knew that his mother's ability when it comes to arts and crafts are one of the highest on this town, with people from far and wide admired her works when Timothy's father was still alive, no. Mister Artreus bought them to help two kids who are in need, even offering to sell those handkerchiefs for them at a higher price and share the profit with them.

Admittedly, Mister Artreus seemed to have forgotten to sell them, but Timothy doesn't hold it against the kind man, he understood that Mister Artreus have a lot on his plate. But even with his busy schedule, he didn't drive Timothy and his little sister away, instead, Mister Artreus apologized to them for not holding his end of the bargain, opting to hire them to over him while he is training for the time being. Not that Timothy mind since Mister Artreus was such a kind and generous man, not only paying them handsomely for such a menial task but also treating them to lunch, even going as much as buy food for them to take home and share with their mother for dinner. As if that wasn't enough generosity, he also trained them in the ways of Mana, leading to both Juliet, then after a few days of his little sister, Timothy's Awakening to its gifts. Mister Artreuswas in awe when he discovered their achievement, saying that he has never seen such talent. Timothy's chest was filled with pride and glee upon hearing such praise from a person he admired, leading him to wonder if that was what it would feel like if his own father praised him. Then, even when Mimi joined them in their training, Mister Artreus never neglected them, and even if he's strict, he continued to patiently train them not only in the use of Mana but also in providing them hot meals by cooking such delicious food for them.

Kind, generous, strong, and skilled in both combats and a lot of other things. Timothy looked up to Mister Artreus and made it his goal to become just like him.

That was until yesterday when Timothy saw another side of his hero.

Never had he seen Mister Artreus wore such a terrifying face. Although his ire was not targetted at Timothy, he could feel the seething hatred boiling from within Mister Artreus, like a roaring fire threatening to consume him and everything around him. Not to say that Timothy himself was not angry at the ones who hurt Mimi, but compared to Mister Artreus' wrath, it was nothing more than candlelight to a wildfire. When his little sister, Juliet, tried to call for Mister Artreus' attention, and his hero turned to her with that terrifying glare in his eyes, Timothy truly feared that Mister Artreus might hurt her. Not that he believes that his kind and gentle hero would, but that man was nowhere to be found, replaced by the personification of wrath, ready to smite anything and anyone unfortunate enough to accrue his ire.

Thankfully, his fear never materializes, as after Mister Artreus realized that it was them who tried to catch his attention, the softer, kinder side of him returned, especially when he was holding the injured Mimi in his arms, Timothy could feel the care and concern of Mister Artreus for his friends.

But just as he cared for those who are close to him, the opposite awaits for those who are dared hurt those who Mister Artreus considered as important to him.

To what extent Mister Artreus would go to punish those who dared to anger him was displayed to all yesterday.

Timothy hated those men for hurting Mimi, but even if he wished for them to pay for their transgression, what Mister Artreus did to them was way overboard.

Closing his eyes, he could remember it all. The howls of the anguish of those men as Mister Artreus crushed their bones, ripped their fingers from their hands one by one, the gasp of terror from the spectators from the bloodbath that they are witnessing, and the sight of what was left of those men after Mister Artreus was done with them.

If he could, Timothy would want to forget all of it.

To keep the image of the ideal man who he wanted to become.

But he couldn't, and because of that, Timothy wonders if he could ever fully trust Mister Artreus again. What if he or Juliet does something to anger Mister Artreus? Would they suffer the same fate as Niel and Dom? Laying the bleeding and broken, barely clinging to their lives?

While he knew that Mister Artreus would never do that. Not to them. But there is a small part of his mind that whispers of that possibility and shows him the image of him and his sister's body, soaked in a pool of their own blood. If by some reason, Mister Artreus do wish them harm, would Timothy be able to stop him? No. Not in a million years. Not counting on stopping such a powerful man, Timothy doesn't even believe that he could delay an enraged Mister Artreus long enough to let Julie escape.

But he would never do that... RIght?

No... No matter how small... There is a possibility of such a tragedy happening.

But Mister Artreus has always been kind to them... No matter how slow Timothy is in picking up the techniques being thought, or how Julie was unable to cope with the physical stress of training, not once did Mister Artreus show any signs of displeasure. He has always been patient with them... Even listening to their requests... Cooking the foods they like...

But he is also human... Goodwill and kindness have their limits. Just like the kindness and goodwill that the villagers have shown them had stopped as soon as the news of their father's death has arrived. Humans are kind as long as they found someone useful. But as soon as that user has ended, they will be thrown away like trash...

No... Mister Artreus is not like that... He...

A sudden nudge on his shoulder has shaken Timothy from his thoughts. Surprised by the action, Timothy quickly sat up on his bed and turned towards the intruder... It was his little sister. Juliet.

"What is it? What's the matter, Julie?" Timothy asked his little sister.

"What are you doing still laying in bed, big brother? Hurry and get up. I have already heated the leftovers yesterday. Mother is waiting so that we could eat together." Juliet threw a pillow at Timothy's face before continuing. "Seriously... If you keep lazying about, we'll be late because of you. I don't want to make Mimi and Mister Artreus wait for us." Seeing that Timothy is still not moving. Juliet asked with a concerned tone. "What's the matter, big brother? Are you not feeling well?"

"Don't worry, Julie. I am feeling fine." Timothy put on a smile on his face to alleviate his little sister's concern.

But it seems that it didn't work as Juliet put on a pout. "Stupid big brother. Don't think that you can fool me. I know you're keeping something from me. Tell me."

"It's nothing really. See? I am up now." Timothy quickly jumped out of bed so that his little sister would stop asking questions. "Race you to the kitchen!" He then bolted out the door.

"No fair! Wait for me!" Julie shouts, running after him.

Their house wasn't that large. Standing over a 50-meter square plot of land, the house has two stories with the living room, kitchen, and dining area on the first floor and two bedrooms and a bathroom on the second. The bathroom was at the edge of the right side of the second floor, followed by the master's bedroom, then by the room that Timothy shared with his little sister, followed by the stairs at the end of the corridor.

Timothy often races with his sister when she was younger to greet their father whenever he comes home from his adventures, both children were excited to receive toys and gifts that their father brought home. That routine stopped when their father passed away, and was only brought back recently when they started to train with Mister Artreus.

With his long legs and more developed muscles, it was Timothy who won almost every time, and today, it seems like he would win as usual. Reaching the stairs, his victory was already guaranteed since even if by some miracle, Juliet could catch up, he could use his body to block his little sister.

But it seems that he underestimated his talented little sister as a sudden spike of Mana could be sensed from behind him, then just as soon as he Sensed the sudden burst of Mana, Juliet rocketed over him, using the wall as a springboard to jump over to the railing, using her Mana to conjure some kind of invisible construct on the soles of her feet to soften her landing to not damage the railing, before jumping off and Reinforcing her body once more to almost double her speed and sprinted towards the kitchen. Everything was done in a span of a few seconds.

Witnessing such control of Mana by his little sister, Timothy could only shake his head. Even he could only use Reinforcement to a specific part of his body after a minute of meditation, mostly an arm or a leg, but his little sister could freely use the technique with all the parts of her body with such ease as if it was as normal to her as breathing. Both Mimi and Artreus praise Timothy and his little sister as talented, being able to Awaken and use Mana at such a young age. But witnessing his little sister's skillful use of Mana, Timothy is almost ashamed of his paltry skill. If Timothy is viewed as talented just because he can use Mana at his young age, then the word Talented is not enough to describe his little sister who seems to be loved by Mana itself.

Seeing that he already lost, Timothy stopped running and instead, started to walk towards the kitchen. There is where they eat now since eating in the dining room triggers a lot of memories of when their family was still whole, and recalling such memories pains his mother, who, ever since his father died, was never the same again.

Entering the kitchen, there was both his sister and mother, waiting for him. Sticking her tongue out, Julie poked fun at him. "Haha! I won, you slowpoke."

"Only because you used Reinforcement, you cheater."

"Hah! You cheated first, you cheater of a big brother."

"Settle down, both of you. It is not polite to argue in front of a meal. Now... Both of you, wash your hands so that we could start eating before the food get cold." Their mother, Eleanor, admonished them.

"Yes, mother." Both Timothy and Juliet answered simultaneously. After washing their hands, both Timothy and Juliet took a seat by the table, Timothy seating at the left side, while Juliet took the seat on the right. Then, they started eating in silence.

Noticing that something was off, his mother, Eleanor, asked Timothy is a question. "You are awfully quiet... Usually, you tell me stories of your time training with Mister Artreus. Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing mother. I'm fine."

"You're such a bad liar, big brother. You're always the first to wake up and get ready in the morning so that we could train with Mister Artreus and Mimi. But earlier, you were just skulking on your bed."

"Is that so? Hmmm... Now, young man, what is bothering you? Don't lie to your mother. Did something happen yesterday that troubles you?"

"Kinda..." Timothy pokes the meat of the beef stew on his bowl with a fork. "Mother... What would you do if you found out that one of your friends has a violent side of him?"

Knowing who Timothy is referring to, Juliet keep her mouth shut and just listened.

"It depends. I've met people who are kind to their friends, but merciless against their enemies. Some are merciless to everyone, even against the innocent. Not to discount those who are kind to their friends and merciful against their enemies." His mother then began to have that look on her face, like she was looking to the distance... Something that she is fond of doing ever since their father passed away. If they don't call her attention now, she will continue to drown herself in the memories of the past, all day, the frequency of which is increasing by the day.

Leaving the only times that their mother was lucid was early in the morning, or when he and Juliet share stories of their own adventures with Mister Artreus.

So before her mother's thoughts become lost in memories, Timothy asked for clarification to catch her attention. "And?"

The cloud in her eyes disappearing, Eleanor answered. "What I'm trying to say is that... There must be a reason why your friend became violent, like seeing someone important to you being hurt. If I see someone hurt the two of you, I would make sure that they would never be able to do that ever again."

Sometimes, Timothy forgets that his mother was once a fierce adventurer along with his father.

Hearing his mother's answer, he was somewhat reassured, but fear still lingers in his heart, so he asked another question that bothers him. "But what if that anger was turned against his friends?"

"Hmmm... In my experience, those who cared so much for their friends to the extent that they will jump through fire for their sake would never turn against them. But for some reason, if they do, then as his friend, it is your duty to stop him. For everyone has their own flaws, and as a true friend, you should cover for each other's flaws." Then, clarity could be seen in her mother's face, like lightning just struck her. "Is this about Mister Artreus? Did something happen with him?"

Guilt flashed on Timothy's face... For even after hearing his mother's words, he still couldn't fully accept the darker side of Mister Artreus. "Yes, mother... It's just... I couldn't believe Mister Artreus was capable of what he did yesterday... That someone so kind, gentle, and generous have such a cruel side of him... It's like everything I knew about the man is all a lie."

"Stupid big brother! How could you say that to Mister Artreus?!" Timothy was surprised that Juliet could yell that loud. "You say that all experiences, all the memories we shared with him are just a lie? That he's just pretending? That the him that we saw yesterday was the true him?! I refuse to believe it! Mister Artreus is good... He's kind... That was not the real him!"

"But Julie... He almost hurt you... That amount of anger... That malice... I have never felt such a dreadful feeling before. If he did try to hurt you... I don't know what I would do."

"But he didn't hurt me... He would never do that. You know it."

"Are you not afraid?"

"Of who? Mister Artreus? Never... He cares for us. So much that I can feel it... Underneath all that anger was fear... Fear of losing someone he cares about... and most of all... I can feel his pain... I don't know what happened in the past... But I can feel it... The pain from losing love ones, equal to what we felt back then... What's worse is that as if the pain of the loss has repeated countless of times..." Tears started to well on Julie's eyes... His sister has always been sensitive to other people's feelings. As if she could feel it herself... If that is what she felt from Mister Artreus, that it was equal, or even greater from the sadness that they felt from the passing of their own father, Timothy could only wonder how could he bear it... Wiping the tears from her eyes, Juliet continued. "So if you're asking me if I was afraid... No... Not one bit... Instead... I want to hug him... Help him... His heart was engulfed in sadness, and I want to ease his pain... He deserves as much after looking after us with such kindness when no one else would."

A smile filled with sadness and pride was etched on his mother's face as she looked at Julie. "To see my little daughter express herself with such passion... You sure have grown up. Daughter of mine." Mother pats Juliet's head. "The man who my daughter is so concerned about... I wish to meet him. This Mister Artreus."

Suddenly, a voice could be heard from outside the kitchen. "You know you couldn't do that." Entering the kitchen, it was their parent's friend, Aunty Amara.

"Oh, Maria... It wouldn't take long... I just curious and want to speak with him is all."

"Aside from your family falling out of favor with the townsfolk, the unsettling occurrences from the neighboring villages, and your propensity of suddenly losing yourself in your memories, which could spell danger for you in normal circumstance, the town is also infested with pure-bloods looking for you." Aunt Amara took off her hood, revealing her somewhat pointy ears, not as pointy as mother's, a sign of her elven heritage. "If I didn't promise Melchior to watch over you, then I couldn't care less what happens to you. But I did. So here we are."

"What about you? Wouldn't they target you?" Mother concerned asked, Aunt Amara.

"I guess they would. Knowing their loathe half-breeds like me. An abomination of their pure and perfect race." Disdain was clear on Aunty Amara's face, but she quickly hid it. "But don't worry. I am under the protection of the Guild and I have my own men to watch my back, unreliable as they were, they would still be able to buy me enough time to escape if push comes to shove. So don't worry about me, and worry about yourself and hide for the time being, since I can't move as freely while they are roaming around town." She then turned towards Timothy and Juliet. "These runts seemed to have been busy. I felt it earlier... The use of Mana inside this house. So... Who did it?" Seeing that Juliet raised her hand. A rare smile formed upon Aunty Amara's face. "Skilled like your parents, I see... While I would be glad that the two of you are learning at such a young age, I advise you two to hide your abilities for the time being. Your Mana has a bit of trace from your heritage... It would be bad if those bastard pure-bloods would use it to trace your location. Gods know what they would do to half-breeds like us." Then with a serious look returning to her face, she began walking towards the door. "I would do my best to silence the townsfolk of your location, they do hate the pure-bloods themselves, in turn, you should also do your best to keep hidden. I made a promise to Melchior, and I don't want to break that promise. I will be back after a few days. Till then. Take care."

With that, Aunty Amara left their house.

Now that there were only the three of them left, Timothy has to make a decision... If Aunty Amara was right, that they are in danger. Then all the more important for TImothy to become stronger so that he could protect his family. He could try to train by himself, but he knew that it wouldn't work. He's not talented enough like Julie who could learn and use skills on her own.

He needs a teacher.

A master.

There is only one person he knew who he could trust to teach him...

Mister Artreus.

Timothy was ashamed of himself for his lack of trust in the kind and gentle man who looked after them when no one would even bat an eye at them for his fear of the darker side of the man that he idolized.

Juliet and mother were right.

Everyone has their own flaws, and Timothy's flaw is his lack of faith. Faith and trust in his friends to never hurt him and watch his back.

But it's not too late. From now on... He will put faith and trust in his friends, and if Mister Artreus does succumb to his darker side, along with his little sister and Mimi, the three of them would drag him back to the light.

For that was friends are for.