Even as smiles are pasted on each of the old men's faces like they are meeting a dear friend, the atmosphere in that room tells otherwise. Artreus doesn't know what the issue is between the two leaders, but whatever it is, there was clear enmity between them.
Unable to get in a single word to break the tension, Artreus instead turned his gaze towards the one who brought them here. His gaze met with Mikaela and Artreus gave her a questioning look. As if understanding his meaning, Mikaela shook her head, telling him that she didn't have anything to do with the guild master personally coming here, which is highly likely since she made it clear that she doesn't want to cause any trouble that may involve the guild master since it will cause more debts for Drogo to deal with later.
The silence stretched for seconds, even minutes until Artreus finally had the courage to break the tense atmosphere. "Guild Master, you came here for my defense?"
To which the guild master replied with a genuine smile on his face, "Of course, you're a member of the guild, are you not? As the guild master, it is my duty to help my members."
"Those words could've been more convincing if not for the fact that a couple of your adventurers were tried and convicted without you intervening." Mayor Adam chimed in. "For someone who didn't lift a finger on those times, it wouldn't be bizarre for one to conclude that you may be harboring some ulterior motive for you to get involved now. Hmmm. If my guess is right, then you should give up. Unlike others who wouldn't take it to heart your attempts to steal other people's disciple, the White Wolf wouldn't leave the pup under your wings without a fight. Better look for a disciple somewhere else."
"Mayor Adam, surely you jest. I have no ulterior motives, and never in my wildest dreams would I ever dare to forcefully take away a companion of the White Wolf or any other masters for that matter. Also, let's not deny that a certain disciple has improved by a wide margin under my 'unsolicited' guidance. But I've not come here to argue about that. I am sure someone as wise as the great founder and mayor of the fastest-growing town of Krishna would know the reason why I didn't get myself involved with the ones you have convicted, and that is the fact that they are guilty of all the crimes that they are accused of."
"I see. So, I would assume that fact that you're here is that you believe that the wolf pup is innocent?" The guild master didn't answer the mayor's question, they just continued to look at each other with smiles on their faces. "Well, I guess we have to find out if your assumption is correct. We have wasted enough time, let's start the hearing."
"But mayor. This is a matter that the town government should deal with. For the adventurer's guild to intervene, that's illegal!" The guard named Negan interjected. His rejection of the involvement of the guild master was met by shouts of agreement from the 'witnessess' that he had brought.
"I see. Your concerns are understandable. After all, since the accused willingly let himself be apprehended and is now under the custody of the town's guard, the matter of his guilt or innocence is now outside the guild's jurisdiction."
"Y-yeah! Does that mean-."
"But, that doesn't bar them from participating in hearings or defending themselves from allegations. We will hear out their defense, but I, as the judge, will have the final say. I hope this will alleviate your worry about tampering unless you doubt my being impartial on this trial?" The mayor threw a playful gaze at Negan, but Artreus could feel the tension behind his gaze. Sharper still than the mayor's gaze came from the man who's standing behind him. With the amount of killing intent oozing out from the man, Artreus wouldn't be surprised if he would pounce at Negan and tear out his throat at any moment.
With the amount of pressure, Negan couldn't do anything but look in the ground and apologize. "Deepest apologies, mayor. I would never dare question your impartiality. From the founding of this town up to now, everything you have done for the town and the people has been nothing but just and wise."
"It gives me much pleasure to know that you think of me that way. After all the recent anomalies happening around, it's a breath of fresh air to know that people still have high views of me." Mayor Adam chuckled. Then, placing his hand on the table, his expression changed, gone was the playful look on his face and was replaced by a serious, business first look. "Now, let us proceed. First, let us hear the charges against the defendant."
Dan, as the captain of the guards, stated the crime that Artreus was suspected of doing. A grisly murder of five men on an alleyway by the market has happened yesterday and three people stepped forward as witnesses of Artreus being guilty of the crime.
"I see." Mayor Adam Longley placed his elbow on the table, his fingers interlocking with each other as his chin rest against his thumbs, a pose that Artreus often witness which often tells that someone was deep in thought of a dire situation. "That particular alley wasn't that the haunt of Lowe and his ilk?"
"Indeed it was. Actually, one of the witnesses is one of Lowe's 'boys'" Dan added.
"I see." Mayor Adam said as he straightened his back and leaned against his chair. "My condolences to their families and friends. While I would like Lowe and his friends to stop their harmful activities, I would never wish harm on them, least for their death. Truly a heinous crime especially on these trying times where people are seeking refuge from the mysterious events happening around the vicinity of our town." He closed his eyes for a few moments, before opening them once more. "That's why we must find who is responsible not only so that those who grieve for their loved ones receive justice, but also that we could at least assure those who seek safety within our walls that they could be protected. Hear me, my people, whether it be the one before us at this moment or not, justice will be served."
As Mayor Adam finished saying those words, cries of 'justice' and condemnation of Artreus could be heard from the crowd that he didn't notice have assembled right outside the guardhouse, all the while Negan and the 'witnessess' nods in agreement as if they have already won.
Why is he doing this? Does the mayor truly believe that I'm guilty? Artreus thought. From their first meeting, Artreus viewed the mayor as a shrewd man, offering to be put under his tutelage in front of a crowd of strong and probably influential people to put pressure on Artreus to accept his offer. While it is true that the atmosphere around town has become somewhat grim with the deluge of refugees seeking the safety of the town's walls, to have a murder add up to that tension will only make the situation more volatile. If the people belives that the Mayor and the town's guards couldn't protect them, chaos may ensue.
So, to avoid that, does the mayor intend to sacrifice Artreus?
While Artreus doesn't believe that the mayor is that kind of a man, when driven to a corner, a leader of men must sometimes do despicable things. Many such acts were witnessed by his own eyes even in his youth and from the looks of things, not much has changed from his time thousand of years ago.
His eyes then wandered towards the captain of the guards, Dan, who is standing beside the mayor. He wonders what is going through his mind. Will he let Artreus be sacrificed to pacify the masses even if he's not guilty, or will he stick true to his conviction and uphold justice?
His train of thoughts was then cut short as he heard a loud clap. It was the mayor. "Settle down. It's not like we have condemned the man before us to be guilty of the crime." He continued despite the murmurs of disapproval from the gathered crowd. "We have heard the accusation and their witnesses. Now, let's hear your side, young man." He said as he extended his hand towards Artreus, prompting him to speak.
Artreus then narrated what had happened yesterday. From his fight against the Twin Axes to his mad dash towards the Sleeping Giant Inn after the match. To his statement, Mayor Adam Longley just nodded as he contemplated on the statement Artreus gave. After a moment, he spoke. "Indeed, if what you said was the truth, then it would absolve you of the crime. Still, such claims must be backed by evidence. Do you have anything to back up your claims?"
"The Innkeeper, Douglas could vouch for me. I could remember him telling me to take a bath as soon as I barged through the Sleeping Giant's door." Artreus replied. While all the customers and staff in the inn were shocked at the sight of him soaked in blood, the old man was surprisingly calm as he asked him to take a bath before Artreus could dirty and stink up the place, as if he is used to seeing such sights.
His words were then answered with a scornful snort from Negan. "As if you could trust that smelly old man. He hates us Lowe and his men as much as he hates us guards. No way he would tell the truth." He shrugged. A smile formed on his face as he enjoyed the situation.
"Said the man who tried to swindle us before." Mikaela huffed. Her anger and irritation are evident on her face as Artreus could sense her barely holding herself back from punching the guard straight to the face. "You are the ones who look untrustworthy. Just look at you and those so-called witnesses of yours. No one would dare leave their belongings unguarded when you're around. You look like good for nothing crooks."
Her usual foul-mouthed rants aside, Artreus was mildly surprised to see her trying to calm herself down as normally, this fiery redhead would've drawn blood already just because someone annoyed her. Seeing little Juliet holding Mikaela's hand with her brother behind her clasping her shoulder, Artreus could see why the fiery woman was able to curb her urge for violence, which earned Artreus a small sigh of relief for the current situation couldn't be solved by brute force. He should be absolved because he is innocent, not because they have the strength to trample over anybody who accuses them of wrongdoing.
Just like how the captain and the other would.
"You better shut your mouth if you know what's good for you." Negan answered back. He may try to look tough, but Artreus could notice him twitching like he is ready to guard himself against an attack that may come at any moment. Not that he could blame the guy for being vigilant. Mikaela does have a penchant for assault.
As tensions flare, a sound of a hand slamming against the table was like a splash of cold water, extinguishing the volatile atmosphere in an instant. "Calm yourselves. We are not here to fight. We are here for the truth." The mayor said in a calm and stern voice. "Guardsman Negan. Your job is to enforce the law and keep the peace. Adjudicating on matters of the law is not one of them. It is mine." After admonishing Negan, he then turned towards Mikaela. "And you, young woman. It is not good to judge a person based on their looks but their actions. Noble-looking men can still do bad things while those who look like no-gooders could still do good. Right now, if those you deign scoundrels could help solve this heinous crime, who am I to decline their help?"
Faced with that logic and stern gaze, Mikaela could do nothing but turn away her own eyes from the mayor's.
To see her back down to someone other than Drogo, a rare sight indeed.
"Now that is out of the way, let's return to the matter at hand. Oh, yes. You said old man Douglas would vouch for you. While we could bother him by calling him over for his statement, I rather not. Also, I could see in your eyes that what you said about what happened in the Inn was the truth." As soon as he said those words, yells of disagreement arose from the crowd that formed outside the building. "Still, that isn't enough to clear you of any suspicion. After all, someone with your abilities, slaughtering five men on your way back to the inn is as easy as turning your hand. So unless you have evidence or a witness to absolve you of the crime, you are still our primary suspect. Now, have you found any evidence? If so, bring it forth."
Upon hearing that, Artreus turned towards Mikaela. As their eyes meet, Mikaela turned her eyes away in shame. So they were unable to find anyone to testify for me. It should've been easy to find one since the street where he dashed through to get to the inn was teeming with people. There must be a reason why no one wants to testify. Artreus thought.
As those thoughts float in his mind, the crowd began to become rowdy as they call for his arrest, even demanding his execution.
This is troubling. With the three witnesses testifying against him and the growing crowd that has assembled outside the guard headquarters watching the proceedings, even if mayor Adam believes that Artreus was innocent, the mayor must show that he is willing to put the citizens' safety first and at the very least imprison Artreus if not to put the peoples' mind at peace just until Mikaela and the others could procure unquestionable evidence of Artreus' innocence or when the real culprit has been caught.
Or at worse, he might be executed to appease the crowd.
While he could accept being imprisoned for a short time if just to put the mind of the people at ease, he has a mission to accomplish, and although he has no idea what the plans of Goddess Yue for reviving him, for his companions who sacrificed their lives to protect this world, he must not fail. Because of that, he could not sacrifice his life or his long-time freedom just to appease some people. For if a God deemed it apt to personally take action, something that they didn't do even when the world was in great turmoil a thousand years ago, then a great calamity must be looming just beyond the horizon.
Steeling his resolve, he recalled one of his fondest memories to mind.
Darkness comes my friends. But we will not falter. Just as the Moonlight illuminates the world, driving off the darkness of the night, we will be the light that will drive off this darkness that threatens to destroy everything that we loved. Brothers, sisters, raise your swords up high! In this moonless sky, we will be the light! Let your spirits burn bright as the merciful moonlight! For the Order of the Radiant Moon! For the Merciful Goddess Yue! FOR ASTREA!
As if the roars of him and his friends were ringing in his ears as he recalled that moment. The oath that they swore and the faces of those who swore them replayed in his mind as if he was there right at this moment. Just as the face of someone he holds dear come to mind, he stopped. Right now, to show weakness is suicide. He could reminisce his memories about her later. Right now, he must think of a way to get himself out of this mess. Still, thanks to those memories, he has steeled his resolve.
He will complete his mission. That he swears.
But just as Artreus was about to make a stand, help came from an unexpected place.
"I'll testify to his innocence!" A shout came from behind the crowd as the people who has gathered outside the guardhouse began to run wild. Captain Dan quickly ordered his men to pacify the masses but as they did, the crowd has parted aside, revealing one of the Twin Axes, the one who spoke with him earlier, Joe Nathan.