Chereads / Unbroken / Chapter 45 - Chapter 45

Chapter 45 - Chapter 45

The trial was supposed to be an easy win, an act of easy revenge to the bitch who cut of his arm and embarrassed him in front of the whole town. He wasn't able to do anything back then, with those merchants testifying against him, leaving the mayor with no room to demand more than just the fees for reattaching his severed arm.

Those ungrateful bastards. They should be thankful that he was only collecting ten percent of their profit for protection. While their boss only demands five percent from the merchants, Negan has to line his pocket somehow too, thus the additional five percent. An amount that is close to nothing compared to the price they have to pay for protection fees to those bastards in the Central. If this were the Central, they would have to cough up as much as fifty percent of their profit to make sure no bad things happen to their stores.

How the boss manages their little underground group, the Bräken Organization, with the measly amount of protection money they get weekly, Negan doesn't have a clue. But one thing is for sure, to be able to hire strong members like the brute Stone Fist Dawson and the cold-blooded killer 'Cyclops' Paulee, the boss has other means to earn money, a lot more lucrative means.

There was a time Negan was eager to earn the boss' approval and get in on whatever moneymaking scene he is up to. But since no one has ever seen the boss except for his two guards, Negan has gotten nowhere nearer to him than when he first joined the Bräken Organization.

After getting his arm healed, Negan sought the help of the two guardians of the Bräken Organization. Negan knew that even if there were a dozen of him, he could never dream of getting back at the bitch who took his arm. But if it was those two, they would be able to easily wipe the floor with her. So Negan went to ask for their assistance, but to his dismay, 'Cyclops' Paulee was out on some kind of mission assigned to her by the boss, while Stone Fist Dawson said that he wouldn't leave his post for something irrelevant.

Negan almost lost it after hearing those words. Irrelevant is he? The Bräken Organization may still be able to take root in Mukala without Negan, but they sure wouldn't be able to take control of the underground organization at such a short time without his help. As a guard and most importantly, a person who has deep ties with the Guard Captain, he was able to put the merchants and the other guards in line and not interfere with the Bräken Organization as long as they don't cause any trouble within the sight of the other unaffiliated guards.

But those bastards. After all the effort he did to make the Bräken Organization take roots and thrive in Mukala, they had the gall treat him as disposable trash when he asks for their aid?

Negan wanted to get back at them also. That's why when an underling of a high noble from the Central, a member of the prestigious Grant family, approached him, Negan knew that his revenge is at hand. It seems that they also have a grudge against the red-haired bitch and gave him both gold and men for him to use, and in return, he must help them find something to use against the woman and her companions.

Negan quickly took the offer. This was a god-given chance to get not only revenge, for if Negan plays his cards right, but he would also be able to ingratiate himself with one of the members of House Grant and possibly land on a cushion job and stop having to eke a living out of collecting protection money from ungrateful merchants.

That was the plan. But it seems that the world is obsessed with fucking him in the ass as everything he built up comes crumbling down around him.

It should've been perfect. Negan turned the public's opinions against them by pre-emptively spreading the news of the crime and pinned it on the red-haired bitch's companion, which the people swallowed hook bait and sinker as the people were terrified of him due to his brutality in his latest 'sparring' that they even started to call him the 'Bloody Savage' from where he bathed in the blood of his opponents and left them barely breathing.

For those who don't believe that the man could do such a crime, or have witnessed him running straight to the inn, Negan opted to threaten them to silence as he set the men that the nobleman from the Grant Family has given him. Negan reported the crime and the suspect to Dan. Knowing him, he would personally apprehend the bastard, which is crucial since Negan knows that even if he brings all the other guards, without Dan who was able to learn some of the techniques of their Mayor after catching the old man's eyes with his talent, they would be like lambs in the slaughter. Once the man was in their custody, his plan was good as completed as the Adventurer's Guild wouldn't be able to save him with their influence.

But then these bastards came and much it up!

Now, that Artreus is even calling for a trial by combat. This is bad. Dan and the others now know that he tried to frame this fucking adventurer. Add to a fact that this dense noble antagonize them. There is no way they would fight for them now. I must do something to avoid this going to trial by combat. Negan thought.

"Trial by combat? We're no longer in ancient times, kid. We're now living in a civilized society. Not everyone is a bloodthirsty savage as you, who only know to use violence for everything. Keep those barbaric laws to whatever backward ass village you come from." Negan said while trying to seem as righteous as he can. He knows that he has lost the trust of the mayor and his peers. His only way out is to be useful to this noble and hope he took him under his wings. For that. He must make the crowd side by him. Which is working as the men they planted within the crowd have succeeded in riling them up.

Unshaken by the roars of the crowd, Artreus spoke with a staunch look on his face. "You try to frame me, an innocent person, with a crime I didn't do, and when you are presented evidence that proves my innocence, you choose to disregard it. Knowing that you have lost, you now use this crowd against me. Tell me. Which one of us is a savage?" Negan was left speechless. The way he stood. The look in his eyes. Every word that comes out of his mouth was filled with power. He's heard nobles in the Central giving speeches back when the war was raging on, but this man, he's a level above them on how he could affect people with his words.

His voice is like daggers piercing Negan's soul. He could feel his disappointment, his anger, and resolve to solve this himself, even if he have to use force.

This is bad. None of them is at his level. Not Negan, not the men under him. But... If it's Viktor who's a noble from a distinguished family, he might be able to take him on if it comes to a duel. After all, he's also an adventurer so he must be strong.

Just then Viktor decided to speak up. "Ha! Acting tough thinking that we would back down?" Viktor started. It was obvious that even he's affected by Artreus' voice from the way he's breathing heavily. Negan began to worry. If Viktor is already like that just standing before the man, how could he even hope to win when it comes to blows? "Just because you beat up weak adventurers, you have begun thinking that you are strong? What arrogance!"

"M'lord. Maybe we should consider things carefully."

"You think I will lose to some peasant? Me? A member of the Grants? How preposterous! Know your place, knave!" Viktor shouts out loud, not because he's angry with Negan, but as if he's trying to convince himself that he could take on Artreus.

"I apologize if I offended you, m'lord. I also believe that you would win against a lowly adventurer like him. It's just, it is not suited for someone of your noble stature to stain your hands with the blood of a filthy commoner like him. How about we let someone fight for you? I'm sure one of your loyal subjects would be willing to fight for your honor." This man is his only way out. If he dies, then there would be no saving Negan from the wrath of these adventurers. Dan might step in for him, but then, Negan would just be thrown in jail and left to rot for the crime of framing up a member of the Adventurer's guild. Negan would prefer to die rather than be stripped of his pride and be locked up in a cell for the rest of his life. But if he could convince Viktor to have someone fight for him, it would save the prickly noble from some of the shame, but at least he would be alive. If the brat has half a brain, he would realize that Negan has saved his life and might even give him some sort of reward for doing so.

Negan has given the man a way out with only a minor hit on his pride, he only needs to take it.

Viktor coughed before speaking. "I see. You're right. It would be unsightly of me as a noble to bully those who are beneath me." Thankfully, Viktor relented. At least the man knows his limit. Regaining his posture, he continued. "Thus, I will give a chance for someone here to be my champion."

Negan was filled with new hope. Surely a noble of his caliber would have an elite guard accompanying him. If that guard fights, then maybe they might even win this thing. But after a minute has passed without anyone stepping up, that hope began to fade.

This idiot didn't have an elite guardian accompanying him? What the hell? Negan was beginning to panic. If no one steps up to fight for Viktor, then Negan, as a known accomplice of him, would be forced to fight for Viktor to uphold his pride. His ploy has backfired and it felt like he has just thrown himself in a lion's pit.

As seconds pass without anyone volunteering to represent Viktor, Negan began to become uneasy. Uneasiness becomes worried, and worry becomes despair for he knew that if no one steps up, he will be forced to face the bloody savage and he knew that the bastard would not show him any mercy.

Negan could feel his knees shake and stomach ache. He thought that it would be better to die than to lose everything in disgrace, but as he sees the scythe of death slowly approach him with every second that pass, He then realized that he wants to live. Screw everything. He could regain what was lost but he only have one life.

Negan closed his eyes, wishing that everything was just a bad dream and that when he opened his eyes, everything would be okay.

Then a voice ringed out.

"You?!" A female voice exclaimed in surprise.

Opening his eyes, Negan saw the man who was raising his hand. It was Joe Nathan, the member of the Twin Ax who testified against Negan and his witnesses. While Negan is still furious at the man for fucking up his plan, he would not refuse his help on this matter. At least Negan would live to see another day. Let the adventurers slaughter each other. He will make sure to gain from this. Negan thought with a smile in his heart.

Growling in anger, the red-haired bitch asked the turncoat adventurer. "What are you trying to do, you bastard?"

With an innocent smile on his face, Joe answered. "Why? They are asking for someone to fight for them. I see that no one is stepping up, so I decided to present myself. It is rude to make a noble wait, you know."

Speechless with the blatant mockery of someone that was supposed to be on their side, Negan and Viktor relished the disgruntled look on the bitch's face while the kids that are clinging on her sleeves have the look of confusion on what was happening. Negan's eyes then landed on Hans who has a look of disinterest, he then turned to Dan who stared at Negan with a dejected look on his face, which Negan ignored.

He can never understand Negan, he never would, and Negan doesn't want to make him understand. From the start, they were different breeds of men.

Negan then took a pee on the Guild Master and Mayor Longley's reaction, and to his astonishment, they don't look surprised at the sudden turn of events, as if they were expecting that this will happen.

Lastly, he anxiously looked at the man who demanded the duel. As expected, the man was unperturbed as he stood straight and locked eyes with the man who is to be his opponent.

"Hmmm? Are you not surprised that I presented myself to fight against you? No questioning my motives?" Joe asked Artreus.

With a steely look in his eyes, he replied. "None. I don't care why. If you choose to stand in the way of my absolution, then I would just have to defeat you."

"Is this even legal? He was on our side just a moment ago." Protested Mikaela. The two half-bloods standing at her side nodding in agreement.

It was one thing that the bitch was trying to screw Negan over. But it is another thing when two half-knife-eared brats are doing it. Negan wanted to curse at them. But since Mayor Longley warned them vehemently to not reveal the identities of these filthy half-blood brats. If there was a line Negan knew not to cross, it was the Mayor. The old man may seem kind on the outside, but Negan saw how ruthless he can be when angered. Countless men and women who opposed him are now sleeping with the fishes down by the river. Not that the Mayor would have the chance to rip Negan apart before the boss gets to him first since the boss also forbids them from disclosing that useless secret that all the inhabitant of the town knows.

If Negan angered those two, not even a noble from the Grant family could ensure that they would be able to get out of Mukala in one piece, thus, he chose to shut his mouth up and bottle in his anger.

Anxious about what Dan and the others might say about the legality of Joe presenting himself as their representative in the duel, Negan was able to breathe a sigh of relief at his answer. "It's fine. Nothing is written in the lawbook that prevents anyone from representing either side."

"I see." Hummed Mayor Longley. "Then it's set. I reckon adventurer Artreus doesn't have any complaints about this arrangement?"

"None," Artreus answered abruptly.

Why is he so calm? Negan thought. Then, it suddenly hit him.

What if this is a part of their plan? What Joe presented himself to fight so that he could just surrender at the start of the fight?

It seems his worries were picked up by Viktor as he asked. "What stops you from just surrendering in the middle of a fight, thus absolving the criminal of his crime?"

"I understand your worries. But I promise I won't do that. After all, I also have my reasons to fight him." Joe answered. His unnerving smile was ever-present.

"Is it for revenge for your companions?" Negan reluctantly asked.

Joe paused for a moment before answering. "Hmmm. Yeah. Let's go with that. I want to avenge those two blokes. You beat them good. I'm here for payback."

Negan and Viktor looked at each other. Confused about what to do. Will they trust him? Thankfully, Negan was not the one who have to decide as Viktor spoke. "Then. I accept your proposal to stand for me in a duel. But remember. If you do something disgraceful as forfeiting, I will make sure that you will regret it."

"Of course, of course. Let's get this show on the road already." Joe eagerly answered. He then locked gazes with Artreus.

The red-haired bitch still tried to argue, but she was stopped by Artreus. Thus, everyone finally agreed with the duel and they started walking towards the sparring area turned dueling area.

Both fighters were given weapons of their choosing. Joe with the signature weapon of their group, twin ax. Artreus on the other hand was wielding a longsword. They were holding ordinary steel weapons so as to not give an unfair advantage to those who have superior weapons.

"This match is a trial by combat. The rules are simple. Fight till one of you either forfeit, is unable to continue fighting, or dies. You are allowed to use any skills and magic..." A referee chosen by Viktor Lewis Grant announced the rules as both fighters stood at the middle of the stage. Only the distance of mere ten meters separating the two.

"What do you think. Will this Joe fellow be able to win?" Viktor asked Negan.

"I-I'm not sure, m'lord. I've never seen either fight before." Negan's answer elicited an annoyed look on Viktor's face. This is not good. His value is falling. Negan thought as he tried to save face. "But he's of a higher rank than that Artreus who is only G-rank. There is no way he would lose to a low-rank adventurer."

"But didn't his companions lose to this man? No matter. Weaklings fighting each other does not concern me. All I want is to see that bitch beaten bloody and crawling on all fours up to my feet. After that, maybe a bit of the fury I feel in my heart will subside." Viktor spoke through gritted teeth that blood began to drip from his mouth. As soon as it came, the wrathful visage of Viktor disappeared and he composed himself. "Anyways, let's watch these weaklings fight. Who knows. They might both kill each other. Wouldn't that be funny?"

"Yes, m'lord. It would be really funny." Negan agreed with him.

Little did they know what they would witness as soon as the referee get out of the stage and signaled the duel to start, both fighters lunged at each other, and as both their weapons clash against each other, a thundering boom erupted from the middle of the arena.

The shockwave of that single clash rushed against Negan's body and he shielded his face from the rubbles that flew from the force of that single exchange. The force of the shockwave was intense that most spectators were toppled down like trees in the middle of a storm. Even Negan himself almost fell to the floor if he didn't brace himself properly.

When he opened his eyes, the spectacle before him was unbelievable that he can only describe the fighters with a single word.

Monsters.I DEMAND TRIAL BY COMBAT Those words are still ringing in his ears as if it was stuck in Negan's head.

The trial was supposed to be an easy win, an act of easy revenge to the bitch who cut of his arm and embarrassed him in front of the whole town. He wasn't able to do anything back then, with those merchants testifying against him, leaving the mayor with no room to demand more than just the fees for reattaching his severed arm.

Those ungrateful bastards. They should be thankful that he was only collecting ten percent of their profit for protection. While their boss only demands five percent from the merchants, Negan has to line his pocket somehow too, thus the additional five percent. An amount that is close to nothing compared to the price they have to pay for protection fees to those bastards in the Central. If this were the Central, they would have to cough up as much as fifty percent of their profit to make sure no bad things happen to their stores.

How the boss manages their little underground group, the Bräken Organization, with the measly amount of protection money they get weekly, Negan doesn't have a clue. But one thing is for sure, to be able to hire strong members like the brute Stone Fist Dawson and the cold-blooded killer 'Cyclops' Paulee, the boss has other means to earn money, a lot more lucrative means.

There was a time Negan was eager to earn the boss' approval and get in on whatever moneymaking scene he is up to. But since no one has ever seen the boss except for his two guards, Negan has gotten nowhere nearer to him than when he first joined the Bräken Organization.

After getting his arm healed, Negan sought the help of the two guardians of the Bräken Organization. Negan knew that even if there were a dozen of him, he could never dream of getting back at the bitch who took his arm. But if it was those two, they would be able to easily wipe the floor with her. So Negan went to ask for their assistance, but to his dismay, 'Cyclops' Paulee was out on some kind of mission assigned to her by the boss, while Stone Fist Dawson said that he wouldn't leave his post for something irrelevant.

Negan almost lost it after hearing those words. Irrelevant is he? The Bräken Organization may still be able to take root in Mukala without Negan, but they sure wouldn't be able to take control of the underground organization at such a short time without his help. As a guard and most importantly, a person who has deep ties with the Guard Captain, he was able to put the merchants and the other guards in line and not interfere with the Bräken Organization as long as they don't cause any trouble within the sight of the other unaffiliated guards.

But those bastards. After all the effort he did to make the Bräken Organization take roots and thrive in Mukala, they had the gall treat him as disposable trash when he asks for their aid?

Negan wanted to get back at them also. That's why when an underling of a high noble from the Central, a member of the prestigious Grant family, approached him, Negan knew that his revenge is at hand. It seems that they also have a grudge against the red-haired bitch and gave him both gold and men for him to use, and in return, he must help them find something to use against the woman and her companions.

Negan quickly took the offer. This was a god-given chance to get not only revenge, for if Negan plays his cards right, but he would also be able to ingratiate himself with one of the members of House Grant and possibly land on a cushion job and stop having to eke a living out of collecting protection money from ungrateful merchants.

That was the plan. But it seems that the world is obsessed with fucking him in the ass as everything he built up comes crumbling down around him.

It should've been perfect. Negan turned the public's opinions against them by pre-emptively spreading the news of the crime and pinned it on the red-haired bitch's companion, which the people swallowed hook bait and sinker as the people were terrified of him due to his brutality in his latest 'sparring' that they even started to call him the 'Bloody Savage' from where he bathed in the blood of his opponents and left them barely breathing.

For those who don't believe that the man could do such a crime, or have witnessed him running straight to the inn, Negan opted to threaten them to silence as he set the men that the nobleman from the Grant Family has given him. Negan reported the crime and the suspect to Dan. Knowing him, he would personally apprehend the bastard, which is crucial since Negan knows that even if he brings all the other guards, without Dan who was able to learn some of the techniques of their Mayor after catching the old man's eyes with his talent, they would be like lambs in the slaughter. Once the man was in their custody, his plan was good as completed as the Adventurer's Guild wouldn't be able to save him with their influence.

But then these bastards came and much it up!

Now, that Artreus is even calling for a trial by combat. This is bad. Dan and the others now know that he tried to frame this fucking adventurer. Add to a fact that this dense noble antagonize them. There is no way they would fight for them now. I must do something to avoid this going to trial by combat. Negan thought.

"Trial by combat? We're no longer in ancient times, kid. We're now living in a civilized society. Not everyone is a bloodthirsty savage as you, who only know to use violence for everything. Keep those barbaric laws to whatever backward ass village you come from." Negan said while trying to seem as righteous as he can. He knows that he has lost the trust of the mayor and his peers. His only way out is to be useful to this noble and hope he took him under his wings. For that. He must make the crowd side by him. Which is working as the men they planted within the crowd have succeeded in riling them up.

Unshaken by the roars of the crowd, Artreus spoke with a staunch look on his face. "You try to frame me, an innocent person, with a crime I didn't do, and when you are presented evidence that proves my innocence, you choose to disregard it. Knowing that you have lost, you now use this crowd against me. Tell me. Which one of us is a savage?" Negan was left speechless. The way he stood. The look in his eyes. Every word that comes out of his mouth was filled with power. He's heard nobles in the Central giving speeches back when the war was raging on, but this man, he's a level above them on how he could affect people with his words.

His voice is like daggers piercing Negan's soul. He could feel his disappointment, his anger, and resolve to solve this himself, even if he have to use force.

This is bad. None of them is at his level. Not Negan, not the men under him. But... If it's Viktor who's a noble from a distinguished family, he might be able to take him on if it comes to a duel. After all, he's also an adventurer so he must be strong.

Just then Viktor decided to speak up. "Ha! Acting tough thinking that we would back down?" Viktor started. It was obvious that even he's affected by Artreus' voice from the way he's breathing heavily. Negan began to worry. If Viktor is already like that just standing before the man, how could he even hope to win when it comes to blows? "Just because you beat up weak adventurers, you have begun thinking that you are strong? What arrogance!"

"M'lord. Maybe we should consider things carefully."

"You think I will lose to some peasant? Me? A member of the Grants? How preposterous! Know your place, knave!" Viktor shouts out loud, not because he's angry with Negan, but as if he's trying to convince himself that he could take on Artreus.

"I apologize if I offended you, m'lord. I also believe that you would win against a lowly adventurer like him. It's just, it is not suited for someone of your noble stature to stain your hands with the blood of a filthy commoner like him. How about we let someone fight for you? I'm sure one of your loyal subjects would be willing to fight for your honor." This man is his only way out. If he dies, then there would be no saving Negan from the wrath of these adventurers. Dan might step in for him, but then, Negan would just be thrown in jail and left to rot for the crime of framing up a member of the Adventurer's guild. Negan would prefer to die rather than be stripped of his pride and be locked up in a cell for the rest of his life. But if he could convince Viktor to have someone fight for him, it would save the prickly noble from some of the shame, but at least he would be alive. If the brat has half a brain, he would realize that Negan has saved his life and might even give him some sort of reward for doing so.

Negan has given the man a way out with only a minor hit on his pride, he only needs to take it.

Viktor coughed before speaking. "I see. You're right. It would be unsightly of me as a noble to bully those who are beneath me." Thankfully, Viktor relented. At least the man knows his limit. Regaining his posture, he continued. "Thus, I will give a chance for someone here to be my champion."

Negan was filled with new hope. Surely a noble of his caliber would have an elite guard accompanying him. If that guard fights, then maybe they might even win this thing. But after a minute has passed without anyone stepping up, that hope began to fade.

This idiot didn't have an elite guardian accompanying him? What the hell? Negan was beginning to panic. If no one steps up to fight for Viktor, then Negan, as a known accomplice of him, would be forced to fight for Viktor to uphold his pride. His ploy has backfired and it felt like he has just thrown himself in a lion's pit.

As seconds pass without anyone volunteering to represent Viktor, Negan began to become uneasy. Uneasiness becomes worried, and worry becomes despair for he knew that if no one steps up, he will be forced to face the bloody savage and he knew that the bastard would not show him any mercy.

Negan could feel his knees shake and stomach ache. He thought that it would be better to die than to lose everything in disgrace, but as he sees the scythe of death slowly approach him with every second that pass, He then realized that he wants to live. Screw everything. He could regain what was lost but he only have one life.

Negan closed his eyes, wishing that everything was just a bad dream and that when he opened his eyes, everything would be okay.

Then a voice ringed out.

"You?!" A female voice exclaimed in surprise.

Opening his eyes, Negan saw the man who was raising his hand. It was Joe Nathan, the member of the Twin Ax who testified against Negan and his witnesses. While Negan is still furious at the man for fucking up his plan, he would not refuse his help on this matter. At least Negan would live to see another day. Let the adventurers slaughter each other. He will make sure to gain from this. Negan thought with a smile in his heart.

Growling in anger, the red-haired bitch asked the turncoat adventurer. "What are you trying to do, you bastard?"

With an innocent smile on his face, Joe answered. "Why? They are asking for someone to fight for them. I see that no one is stepping up, so I decided to present myself. It is rude to make a noble wait, you know."

Speechless with the blatant mockery of someone that was supposed to be on their side, Negan and Viktor relished the disgruntled look on the bitch's face while the kids that are clinging on her sleeves have the look of confusion on what was happening. Negan's eyes then landed on Hans who has a look of disinterest, he then turned to Dan who stared at Negan with a dejected look on his face, which Negan ignored.

He can never understand Negan, he never would, and Negan doesn't want to make him understand. From the start, they were different breeds of men.

Negan then took a pee on the Guild Master and Mayor Longley's reaction, and to his astonishment, they don't look surprised at the sudden turn of events, as if they were expecting that this will happen.

Lastly, he anxiously looked at the man who demanded the duel. As expected, the man was unperturbed as he stood straight and locked eyes with the man who is to be his opponent.

"Hmmm? Are you not surprised that I presented myself to fight against you? No questioning my motives?" Joe asked Artreus.

With a steely look in his eyes, he replied. "None. I don't care why. If you choose to stand in the way of my absolution, then I would just have to defeat you."

"Is this even legal? He was on our side just a moment ago." Protested Mikaela. The two half-bloods standing at her side nodding in agreement.

It was one thing that the bitch was trying to screw Negan over. But it is another thing when two half-knife-eared brats are doing it. Negan wanted to curse at them. But since Mayor Longley warned them vehemently to not reveal the identities of these filthy half-blood brats. If there was a line Negan knew not to cross, it was the Mayor. The old man may seem kind on the outside, but Negan saw how ruthless he can be when angered. Countless men and women who opposed him are now sleeping with the fishes down by the river. Not that the Mayor would have the chance to rip Negan apart before the boss gets to him first since the boss also forbids them from disclosing that useless secret that all the inhabitant of the town knows.

If Negan angered those two, not even a noble from the Grant family could ensure that they would be able to get out of Mukala in one piece, thus, he chose to shut his mouth up and bottle in his anger.

Anxious about what Dan and the others might say about the legality of Joe presenting himself as their representative in the duel, Negan was able to breathe a sigh of relief at his answer. "It's fine. Nothing is written in the lawbook that prevents anyone from representing either side."

"I see." Hummed Mayor Longley. "Then it's set. I reckon adventurer Artreus doesn't have any complaints about this arrangement?"

"None," Artreus answered abruptly.

Why is he so calm? Negan thought. Then, it suddenly hit him.

What if this is a part of their plan? What Joe presented himself to fight so that he could just surrender at the start of the fight?

It seems his worries were picked up by Viktor as he asked. "What stops you from just surrendering in the middle of a fight, thus absolving the criminal of his crime?"

"I understand your worries. But I promise I won't do that. After all, I also have my reasons to fight him." Joe answered. His unnerving smile was ever-present.

"Is it for revenge for your companions?" Negan reluctantly asked.

Joe paused for a moment before answering. "Hmmm. Yeah. Let's go with that. I want to avenge those two blokes. You beat them good. I'm here for payback."

Negan and Viktor looked at each other. Confused about what to do. Will they trust him? Thankfully, Negan was not the one who have to decide as Viktor spoke. "Then. I accept your proposal to stand for me in a duel. But remember. If you do something disgraceful as forfeiting, I will make sure that you will regret it."

"Of course, of course. Let's get this show on the road already." Joe eagerly answered. He then locked gazes with Artreus.

The red-haired bitch still tried to argue, but she was stopped by Artreus. Thus, everyone finally agreed with the duel and they started walking towards the sparring area turned dueling area.

Both fighters were given weapons of their choosing. Joe with the signature weapon of their group, twin ax. Artreus on the other hand was wielding a longsword. They were holding ordinary steel weapons so as to not give an unfair advantage to those who have superior weapons.

"This match is a trial by combat. The rules are simple. Fight till one of you either forfeit, is unable to continue fighting, or dies. You are allowed to use any skills and magic..." A referee chosen by Viktor Lewis Grant announced the rules as both fighters stood at the middle of the stage. Only the distance of mere ten meters separating the two.

"What do you think. Will this Joe fellow be able to win?" Viktor asked Negan.

"I-I'm not sure, m'lord. I've never seen either fight before." Negan's answer elicited an annoyed look on Viktor's face. This is not good. His value is falling. Negan thought as he tried to save face. "But he's of a higher rank than that Artreus who is only G-rank. There is no way he would lose to a low-rank adventurer."

"But didn't his companions lose to this man? No matter. Weaklings fighting each other does not concern me. All I want is to see that bitch beaten bloody and crawling on all fours up to my feet. After that, maybe a bit of the fury I feel in my heart will subside." Viktor spoke through gritted teeth that blood began to drip from his mouth. As soon as it came, the wrathful visage of Viktor disappeared and he composed himself. "Anyways, let's watch these weaklings fight. Who knows. They might both kill each other. Wouldn't that be funny?"

"Yes, m'lord. It would be really funny." Negan agreed with him.

Little did they know what they would witness as soon as the referee get out of the stage and signaled the duel to start, both fighters lunged at each other, and as both their weapons clash against each other, a thundering boom erupted from the middle of the arena.

The shockwave of that single clash rushed against Negan's body and he shielded his face from the rubbles that flew from the force of that single exchange. The force of the shockwave was intense that most spectators were toppled down like trees in the middle of a storm. Even Negan himself almost fell to the floor if he didn't brace himself properly.

When he opened his eyes, the spectacle before him was unbelievable that he can only describe the fighters with a single word.
