He's just the best!
Those are the words that are running through Joe's mind as he watches his severed left hand fly through the air. To think that he could find someone that will entertain him to this point. Joe knew that Artreus was hiding something. Waiting for something. But he would never have imagined that he is hiding something so wonderful.
Such strength.
Such finesse.
Such a splendid technique and skills.
To have the courage to wait till his opponent's weapon almost touch his skin and the skill to execute an unavoidable counter that would render most opponent two hands lighter. Joe couldn't help but praise the man standing in front of him.
Unfortunately, Joe is not most people.
The moment he felt the blade of his opponent slicing through the flesh of his now severed left hand, Joe understood what was happening. Such a cunning move, waiting till Joe fully committed to his attack before executing his counter, leaving him no room to avoid the attack. With no other choice, Joe used his limb to slow down his opponent's blade by a fraction of a second by Reinforcing every fiber of muscle and bones of his left wrist and using the fraction of the second he earned by intercepting the attack with the hilt of his sword, and he did it just in the nick of time. If he was even a tenth of a second slower, his right hand would've suffered the same fate of his left hand, making Joe another hand lighter.
"To think you've been hiding such a splendid surprise. You're making me like you even more!" Joe stated with glee. How long has it been since someone made him bleed? His gut was right when he thought that this man would be able to grant him what he's been looking for for a very long time.
A real fight.
Unfortunately, their bout was nearing its end.
For the first time since their duel started, his opponent has started to become haggard. Panting heavily, Artreus looks like he's struggling to keep on his feet much less swing a sword.
Was that it? Was that strike all he had? Is this the extent of his strength?
To others, that may seem so.
But Joe's gut tells him otherwise.
You cheeky bastard. You're still hiding more surprises for me, aren't ya? Yes. There is more fun to be had.
"Kill him! He can barely stand! Finish that bastard!" The Noble bastard yelled from behind him. The crowd also followed suit, demanding the death of the man that brought Joe so much joy.
Responding to their cheer, Joe raised his sword with his remaining hand.
Then he dropped it.
"I surrender." Those words slip out of his mouth at the same time as his sword hits the floor.
The pouring cold water on a campfire, the crowd went silent.
No one dared to say anything even as Joe stopped the bleeding of his severed wrist by applying Mana to put pressure on his wound. Not even a single peep as he went to pick up his severed hand and extending it towards his opponent to shake his hand. "That was one hell of a fight, huh? To be honest, I want to fight more. But unfortunately, we don't have enough time."
This time.
As soon as he spoke those words, like the smoldering flames of their anger was splashed with gasoline, the crowd roared in anger once more. "What the hell was that? Why did you surrender?"
"No surrender!" "FIght you, coward!" "Kill him!" "Kill that bastard!"
"You blood-thirsty bunch. Have you no heart? Can't you see I'm one hand short? Don't tell me you are going to send an injury to his death by making me continue to fight a fight that I'm bound to lose. Such heartless bastards." Joe told the crowd in a mocking tone.
"What a bunch of shit! You're here to fight to the death! SO DO IT!" Viktor Lewis Grant ordered. He is yelling so loudly that Joe could see the veins in his neck popping out.
Following his lead, the crowd also cheered.
The crowd was driven into a fervor and was at the brink of rioting. But then, a shout pierced through the clamor of the crowd. "SILENCE!" Extinguishing the fire of their madness like a storm, the voice of the mayor boomed. Like children being scolded by their parents, the spectators clammed up, waiting for what the mayor has to say with bated breath as if the sound of their breathing will earn them a stern scolding. "A fighter has surrendered. The duel is over and a victor has been decided. What need for this unsightly behavior?"
"This is a sham! This is supposed to be a fight to the death! The bastard surrendered so he could save the life of his fellow adventurer." The incompetent guardsman who plotted to falsely accuse the man Joe is now admiring complained. He was named Nergal or something. Joe doesn't have time for weaklings. Although, in this case, Joe might have to do something to the man who is so blatantly trying to take away Joe's prize.
Taking advantage while the flow of the moment is with them, the other bastard added. "Yeah! Just look at that murderer. He could barely stand. Compared to this man losing an arm, his opponent is in a way worse condition. He could've ended it with one more attack!" the Grant brat yelled on the top of his voice.
Although there is nothing more than Joe wants at this moment than to bash these bastards' heads in for trying to get in between his prey, Joe tried to maintain a calm appearance and answered. "You think I'm throwing the match now, are you? Such shameless men. Just when I put myself in grave danger to represent you in this duel, losing an arm and the other with broken bones that I can barely lift my severed hand, you still have the nerve to say such things to me?" Joe could see the tide turning against them bit by bit. Now to deal with the finishing blow. "If you think that I have thrown the match against this worthy foe, then how about you come up here and face him? As you said, he can barely stand. I doubt you would have any trouble dealing with him at his state."
"Such a thing will not be permitted." Suddenly, the guard captain took to the stage and stepped in front of Artreus as if to shield him from the gazes of the people. "You have agreed to have adventurer Joe represent you in this duel, and he has surrendered due to receiving a grievous injury. According to the rules of judiciary duels, a victor would be determined if a duelist was deemed unable to continue the duel, one of the duelists conceded defeat, or through death. Adventurer Joe has surrendered due to a severed hand and a broken wrist, thus making it not only hard to continue the duel, but also dangerous to his life. Thus, I, as a guard captain and keeper of the law, find no foul play in this duel and accept the circumstance of his surrender, and I assume our Mayor, the leader of this fine town agrees."
To that, Mayor Longley answered. "I agree with the guard captain's assessment."
Guard Captain Dan drew his sword and pointed it to the sky as he announced Artreus' judgment. "With the mayor's agreement and the power he vested upon me as the protector of peace within the town of Mukala, I announce that adventurer Artreus, through the law of trial by combat, is deemed innocent of the crimes accused of him." He then pointed his sword towards Viktor Lewis Grant. "And if anyone wishes to dispute it and fight the victor while he's in this state, then I, as the guard captain, will fight you in his stead."
But as those words escaped Dan's lips, Artreus brushed him aside. "While I appreciate you standing up for me, I require none of your assistance. If anyone wishes to challenge me, come on in. I have a prior engagement and I don't want to waste any more time."
"You bastards keep underestimating me." Growled Viktor. "There's only so much humiliation a man can take!" He then leaped upon the stage. "For that, I will have your head!" He roared before charging towards Artreus.
Even if he wants to hide it, Joe could see that Artreus is scraping the last remaining energy within his body. How would he handle this? Joe thought as he excitedly anticipates another surprise from his new favorite.
Artreus didn't move an inch as his opponent closes the distance. Enraged that the man who couldn't even lift his weapons dare to look at him with nonchalance, Viktor infused his weapon with all the Mana he could muster as if he intends to split not only his opponent in half but also the guard captain who is standing behind his opponent.
That is when he made a move.
That's it! Show them how weak they really are! Show them the difference between them and men like us!
Drained of energy, Artreus wouldn't stand a chance in a head-on fight. So if Joe's guess is correct, then his hidden move is a counter.
And he was right.
At the moment his opponent was only two meters away from him, Artreus took a single step forward, not heeding the blade that was about to slice his head in two, and stretched his arms forward. With a foot firmly planted behind him and the other bent to maintain balance and stability, along with his outstretched hand he was like a log planted deep within the earth at a forty-five-degree angle, and like a bull charging straight to the said log, as soon as his chest touched Artreus' hand, the momentum of his charge was transferred right back at him, sending him flying back a few meters.
"Healers! Quickly! Save the Grant boy's life." The mayor quickly called upon the men standing at ready by the stage.
"That looks nasty. You caved in his chest." Joe congratulated his prey. He then noticed that Artreus' hands and legs are trembling. Must be multiple fractured bones, which is not unthinkable for while you can defeat a man using Reinforcement while not using it yourself, using the technique he just used against someone equivalent of a rampaging bull, he would not get out of there unscathed. Still, with his drained body, he could not wish for a better outcome. "You must be hurtin. Better have the healers take a loot at ya."
"I don't need help. Instead, look after yourself." The man then started to shuffle away.
What a prideful man. He provided Joe a much welcome amusement so he will disregard that snarky remark of his. Also... He has something more in mind at the moment.
I know you're hiding more of your power. I felt it in my bones. I don't know why you kept it hidden even when your life is on the line. But I will find out how to make you use it. I will fight you in your strongest whether you like it or not, and I will eat you up until you have nothing left to show me. Joe thought to himself.
As the crowd was still in chaos about what has happened, a shout could be heard from behind. "FIRE! FIRE!"
It was later than he have wanted. But there's his signal to escape.
While the town's guards are busy keeping the crowd in order, Joe quietly slipped away.
As he watches the guards stop his dear Artreus from leaving the place, a thought floated within Joe's mind.
See you later, my delicious prey.