Chereads / Unbroken / Chapter 36 - Chapter 36

Chapter 36 - Chapter 36

Seeing the events in front of him unfold, Guild Master Paul Bret Anderson could only shake his head and smile. White Wolf, you bastard. How lucky could you be? Picking talented people one after the other to place under your wing. Paul could already imagine the insufferable man grinning at him as those thoughts go through his mind. If only he has the same ability as that man to draw people's hearts towards him. Then maybe Paul wouldn't have to go to such lengths to achieve his goals.

"Well. Would you look at that? The little firebrand won." His long-time friend and now assistant, Michelle commented, drawing Paul's attention back to reality. "And to think she would not only Awaken in the middle of a battle but also given Insight to use such an advanced skill from the get-go. The gods truly are unfair."

Paul chuckled at his friend's remark and poked fun of her. "Says the woman who's was regarded as one of the best fighters in her youth."

Michele was about to argue but then something happened. They thought that the bout has ended. But it seems, the Twin Axes are just as stubborn as Mikaela. Michelle wanted him to stop the match, but he placed his hand on her shoulder, a gesture that tells her to stay and watch how things will unfold.

The little girl already showed them what she could do. Now it's the newbie's time. Paul couldn't wait to see what kind of surprise does the plain-looking man is hiding.

Let me see what you got. Paul thought.


The feeling of relief of seeing the troublemaking redhead claim victory made him lower his guard. He knew that their opponents were lowlife, so he should've expected that they were going to do something low. He was angry with himself for not being prepared for what transpired next.

"Me, lost?" It was not just Artreus who was caught unaware of the bald bastard's word, but also Mikaela who was pressing her dagger against her opponent's neck. "Don't kid yerself! I haven't lost yet!" A burst of energy followed by a burst in action caught them off guard as Dom turned his body, not caring for the dagger pressed against his neck which left a trail of blood as the blade cut his skin, before swing his ax towards Mikalea's head.

"NO!" Artreus shouted. This is bad. Even a blind man could see that Mikaela is drained. Her being able to fight despite of the grievous injuries she received was already admirable, and her claiming victory on the brink of defeat by Awakening was nothing short of a miracle, but it was evident by her shaking legs that it must be taking all of her efforts just to stay upright, she doesn't have anything left in her to defend against an empowered strike.

There is not a second to waste!

Unleashing his full-powered Aura, Artreus easily freed himself from the grip of the Guild Master's telekinesis. Freed from the invisible force that was holding him down, he focused his Aura on his feet, and with all the strength he could muster, he lunged forward to save Mikaela.

But even as he uses the full extent of his Aura, it seems that he won't make it in time. If only he has even a split second!

Yue! Goddess of Mercy! I know I haven't prayed to you for a long time, but please, grant me a miracle! Artreus prayed to the heavens.

He didn't believe that his prayer will be answered, After all, none of his prayers were during those years he and his companions were trapped in the Void Plains. After the years of silence from the Goddess that they served, he slowly lost his faith. Even when the Goddess Yue resurrected him, he couldn't help but resent her. It's blasphemous, he knew. A Paladin's duty, their very life, is to the service of their God. If need be, they must be ready to sacrifice their very lives for their God, Order, and creed.

Still... After burying friends... And the woman he loved, with his very hands... His devotion to the beliefs that led them there slowly faded away... Until the only thing that kept him going is the memories of his friends and what they fought for.

The safety of the world they so loved, and the people that live on it.

But even when he believed that no one will answer his prayers, he still prayed with all his heart.

Then, as if the Gods themselves deemed to grant him his wish, Mikaela was able to escape certain death. Artreus doesn't have a clue how she was able to raise her dagger, as awkward and unnatural as her motion might be, to receive the attack and successfully block it with a single hand. But this is not the time to question good fortune.

He prayed for time, and he was granted time, and he will use it!

With Mikaela being thrown back from the impact of blocking Dom's attack, Artreus charged directly at the man who couldn't accept his defeat and had to resort to such an underhanded attack against someone who doesn't have the energy to fight back. Not even thinking of using his sword, Artreus unleashed a full-body punch, directly towards the opponent's hateful face, and with his speed, along with the Reinforcement, the force behind the strike would send the bastard ff the stage, if not outright kill him. But whether the bastard lives or dies, Artreus couldn't care less. All he feels at the moment was intense anger that is blazing from within his chest, and if he doesn't strike the root of that anger as hard as he could, he fears that it would never fade away.

Too late to realize the danger that was about to fall upon him, Dom raised his weapon to block the attack but with the delay on his reaction, it was already too late as Artreus' fist was only a few centimeters away from landing upon his wretched face. That was when Artreus felt the Guild Master's energy wrapped around him once more. and while it was not strong enough to bind him like before, it was enough to slow him down for a second, and a second was all that Dom needed to raise his weapon to block his attack.

A loud bang echoed upon the stage followed by the huge frame of Dom skidding a few meters back. The crowd fell silent once more. Unable to believe the sound was produced by a fist hitting metal, not a solid rock hitting a wall.

Dom was quiet, carefully watching him, wary from another surprise attack. Unfortunately, someone else was causing an uproar from the side. "Motherfucker! Ye interfered with the match! Can't wait ta get yer ass kicked eh? Come back ere, ye bastard!" Niel yelled insult after insult.

Not paying attention to the bald-headed idiot, Artreus quickly helped Mikaela up. "Are you okay?"

Taking his hand, she replied. "I've been better." She tried getting up to her feet, but Artreus could tell from her grip that she doesn't have any strength left. Thus, he carried him in his arms. "Wha--! What are you doing?!" Surprised by his action, she mumbled.

"You're injured. How else could I get you to the healers?" Artreus answered.

"Put me down! I can walk." She replied, her face is turning red.

Artreus doesn't know why she has to be difficult. How stubborn could she be? SIghing, he gently let her down to her feet, and as expected she almost fell down. "See? You're in on condition to walk on your own." His comment goes unheeded as the stubborn woman tried to walk on her own, but failed once more. Quickly coming to her side, he let her lean against him. "You don't want to be carried. I can understand that. Then, how about you lean against me? That way could still walk on your feet and not embarrass yourself from falling on your face."

Seconds pass with no reply. Then she nodded and placed her hand on Artreus' shoulder, using him as a crutch as she slowly walks towards the healers' tent. At the same time, the healers rushed towards them, offering to carry the hard-headed woman towards the healing area, but just as she refused Artreus' help, the healers attempt to assist her in walking was refused, opting to continue to lean against Artreus until they reached the healer's tent, Timothy and Juliet came to check upon them.

'Mimi! You're hurt.' 'Will you be okay? Should we patch you up?' 'You were awesome back there.' 'If you had those moves, then you should've used it earlier. Then maybe you would've even kicked mister Artreus' butt when you sparred.' A barrage of concerned questions and praise from the two showered Mikaela, who just smiles as the children fuss over her.

"Save the questions for later and let her rest." He scolded them. He then stood up and head out of the tent. "As for me. I have some unfinished business to tend to."

As he was about to step out of the tent, Mikaela called out to him. "I know you're angry. But remember what the old man has told you." Artreus nodded. Stepping out of the tent, he barely heard what Mikaela said next. "Kick their assess for me."

Artreus turned to face the now resting Mikaela, the healers busy in casting healing magic on her. He then whispered his reply. "I will."

Walking towards the stage, Niel kept on hurling insults at him while Dom quietly watch him, his weapons still at the ready. But Artreus didn't care for the two of them. Instead, he cast a glare at the one who stopped him from landing his punch earlier. The Guild Master, Paul Bret Anderson, just kept a smile on his face. Then a voice ringed inside of Artreus' head..

"I know you're frustrated. I apologize for getting in the way of your revenge." He heard the Guild Master's voice inside his head. He's also a telepath? As those questions floated inside Artreus' mind, Guild Master Paul answered. "Yes. Just another one of my abilities. But that's beside the point." The voice inside his head then became serious. "You are allowed to beat up your opponent. Break their bones. Make them suffer until they admit defeat. But there is one thing that is not allowed." With a short pause for effect, he continued. "Killing your opponent is not allowed. Disregard my advice at your own risk. Just remember, actions have consequences." For a second, Artreus felt a menacing aura coming out of the Guild Master. Just as quick as it appeared, the menacing feeling faced and Paul continued to speak with him in his mind. "Good luck on your match. I'm expecting a great show." With that, Artreus felt the connection between them was severed, and he's alone inside his head once more.

"Ye done nursin yer loser of a harlot?" The hateful bastard, Niel, welcomed him with another insult. "Good. Now we can go on with the ass kickin."

Not paying mind to the bastard's barking, Artreus pushed his anger within him. If he doesn't, his anger would consume him and he might outright slaughter those bastards on the get-go, tearing their hateful head from their body. No. They don't deserve to be killed so easily. No, they have to live. They must live and suffer from their arrogance, believing that just because they have a little bit of strength, they can trample those who don't. He will show them the error of their ways.

The pride that pushed them to commit such atrocities, he will crush it all beneath his feet, and he will cause them as much pain while doing it.

Simmering in cold anger, Artreus unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards the ones who drew his ire. "Shut up and both of you come at me."


Unable to contain his anger upon hearing such arrogance from the pipsqueak, Niel unleashed his energy, his Mana formed an Aura around his body as he roared. "What did ye say?"

The bastard looks uninterested as he replied. "I said, Let's not waste any time. Come at me. Both of you. Don't worry. I'll make sure to take good care of both of you. Just like you took good care of my f-" He paused for a second before continuing. "My acquaintance."

"Dom. I think we're being underestimated here." Gritting his teeth from such disrespect, he spoke to his friend who is standing beside him.

"Let's do it, Niel." Dom whispered back to him.

"Wha-?" Niel gasp in surprise. "What are ye sayin, fool? Don't tell me yer afraid of that bastard?"

"He's no joke, Niel. He is strong." Dom then looked at his hands. They were shaking. "I blocked a single attack, and look at me. Me hands are still numb. Seriously. I thought I was dead, even saw me life flash before me very eyes."

Niel can't believe what he's seeing. The man who has been with him for the longest, a man who doesn't shy away from all the battles they fought and dangers they faced, is now reduced to a shaking coward. "Pull yerself together, man. Ye just got surprised. He's nothin."

"What are you two ladies clucking about? Are you afraid that the two of you fighting against me is unfair? Okay, how about this." The hateful man then dropped his sword on the ground. "There? That should balance the fight a little bit."

This damn commoner! What does he think he is? So he really thinks that he could take both of them when he's not even half of their size? Unarmed nonetheless?

A man could only take so much, and for Niel, that was the last straw. Roaring in anger at the arrogant runt, he leaped forward, raising both his ax over his head before bringing it down towards his arrogant opponent. The little bastard, he's just standing there. That Dom was wrong. This bastard is not strong, with his skinny arms and legs, he looks mediocre all around, looking no better than farmhands. His being defeated by this weakling was just because he was not using even half of his strength and he's off his guard. Now that he's ready, and his body was Reinforced with Mana, this runt doesn't have an inkling of a chance.

Just look at his deadpan face. He doesn't even realize that he's gonna get chopped up in seconds.

Niel couldn't wait to see the look of surprise and dread on the bastard's face as he lay down dying, and when the Guild Master confronts him from his death, Niel could just make an excuse that it was an accident, and he didn't expect that the bastard wasn't able to dodge such a weak attack.

He could already see it...

Huh? Where is that bastard? Why is he looking at the sky?

Niel was confused at what had just happened. With a thud, his huge body hit the stage floor. He tried to ask Dom what has transpired, why he was flung away. But when he tried to speak, he felt immense pain emitting from his jaw.

It's broken! His jaw is broken!

What did the bastard do to him?!

Confusion and anger warred inside Niel as he tried to push himself to his feet. As he does, he caught a glimpse of Dom unleashing a barrage of attacks upon the runt. Those are the same attacks that decimated countless monsters and people who happened to stand in front of it, but against the unremarkable-looking pipsqueak, it looks nothing more than a mere nuisance as he slaps each attack away like they were nothing but insects before kicking Dom in the stomach, sending his muscular friend sprawling on the floor.

Niel roared in wordless anger, disregarding the pain of his broken jaw. More than the pain, he couldn't accept that they are being embarrassed by a weak-looking bastard. Seeing the man smirked at him was the last straw, sending Niel over the edge.

Niel raised his weapons once more, unleashing a barrage of attacks. This was his wall of blades. A string of attacks linked so well, not a single opening would be found. It acts as both offense and defense.

Earlier, he was careless. That is why he was blindsided by the bastard. This time, he's ready. He wouldn't let the runt have even the slightest chance to fight back, and with Dom finally recovered from the earlier attack he received, the two of them are now flanking the bastard. It might be overkill, but for shaming Niel and in extension, the Twin Ax, this bastard's death is not enough.

After they are done with him, Niel will hunt his friends down. Break those hateful kids who don't know their place, even selling them to slavery for the extra coin, and for that red-haired bitch, he has a lot planned for that one.

He would not stop until they beg for death.

That is the price of hurting the pride of the---

As those thoughts swirl around Niel's brain, he finally noticed that even with Niel and Dom, neither of their attacks are landing on the runt.

What the hell? He's parrying everything! Using one hand for each of them to redirect each attack away from him. How is this even possible?!

"Is this it?" A simple question from the deadpan face of the hateful bastard only further added fuel to the flame inside Niel. With a smirk, the runt continued. "After all that talk. This is the best you bastards could muster? I expected more. You disappoint me."

"Disappoint ye, did we?" Blinded by rage, Niel couldn't even feel the pain from his broken jaw. He then jumped a few meters back before focusing all the Mana he could muster unto a single ax. Finishing his preparation after five seconds, he shouts once more. "Arrogant bastard! Take this! Mountain Cleave!" This is his finishing blow. A slash attack that cuts everything in its way. Not a single monster, or man, ever survived after being hit by this attack.

Dom, recognizing the attack, quickly retreated so that he would not get caught by Niel's attack. The bastard Artreus on the other hand didn't move an inch. With the same hateful smirk on his face, he raised his hand in an effort to catch his attack.

Such arrogance! Niel couldn't stop but berate the stupid bastard. "Fool! Ye think ye can stop me attack with yer bare hands! Think about yer sin of tryin ta humiliate the great me in the afterlife! Get cut in half bastard!" He swung his axe down with all his might.

Niel couldn't believe his eyes on what happened next.

Eyes wide, jaws agape. He gazed at the small figure of the man who, with a single hand, is holding the blade of his Reinforced and Sharpened weapon between his fingers, which was also covered by Aura. The left sleeve of his shirt was blown away, revealing not a thin weak arm that Niel expected, instead, it was a muscular arm. Not big and bulky like his and Dom's, but well-defined, toned muscles hiding unbelievable strength inside them.

"I expected much from an attack named Mountain Cleave... But I guess that was my point for expecting too much from weaklings like you." The man named Artreus stated. Then, all of the sudden, he felt immense pain as the man's fist planted itself unto Niel's sides.

A liver punch.

"Guaahh!!!!" Niel screamed in pain. Each time he drew breath, he felt a searing pain. It seems a couple of his ribs were broken, stabbing his lungs.

"It seems I went too easy when I punched your jaw, seeing that you can still speak." The bastard slowly walked towards him. "Let me fix that. Can't have you say that you surrender this early. I have a lot of things prepared for a bastard like you."

With a crunch, Niel felt his jaw reduced into pieces. Then, even before he could roll on the ground in pain, he caught a glimpse of Dom putting a futile effort of fighting against the monster of a man, only to have both of his arms broken, followed by his tongue cut out from his mouth as he screamed.

By the gods. How could such a cruel man like this exist?!

He wanted to surrender. But only unintelligible words, along with a stream of blood, escaped his mouth.

Breaking more of Dom's bones, Niel watches in horror as the man slowly approaches him.

Closing his eyes, as if doing so would end the nightmare he's in, Niel prated to the heavens.

Gods save us.