Chereads / Unbroken / Chapter 34 - Chapter 34

Chapter 34 - Chapter 34

Author's note.

Here's another chapter!



The roar of cheers coming from the crowd started anew as both the fighters on the stage are locked in battle. One was like a tempest of blades and death, with axes scything through the air, while the other one looks like dancing, like the wind, she dodges each attack that could take her life if she takes even a single wrong step. Not that he'll allow both of them to receive grievous harm while he's here.

Paul Bret Anderson watched the spectacle in front of him with a smile on his face. The more excited the crowd, the better it would be for him and the Mukala Branch of the Adventurer's Guild. As an upstart branch, the adventurer's Guild of Mukala lacks both members of high potential and clients who will entrust them with high difficulty, high reward quests. Not that he could complain, after all, low-level difficulty quests are just right for the low-rank members of their branch. But if he becomes complacent and does nothing to increase the guild branch's prestige and along with it, the ability to receive higher ranking quests, the adventurers who will be able to reach the higher ranks would no doubt relocate to another bigger town with a bigger branch of the guild not only to receive higher paying quests but also to further they climb in the ranks. After all, humans are beings driven by ambition, and like them, Paul has big ambitions.

Back when he revealed his desire to found a new branch in a town that has only been founded a few years ago, a lot of people in the central, both high-ranking adventurers and nobles, have laughed at his face and called him a fool. They ask him why he would leave his life as a highly paid S-rank adventurer only to live as a guild master of a branch in an upstart town, surely he should know that it wasn't the most lucrative choice even with the high numbers of quests since a newly established town naturally face a lot of problems particularly with dangerous beasts and monster lairs near the area, the problem lies with the number of adventurers who could deal with those dangerous quests. While he himself could complete those quests without shedding a single sweat, the fact that a guild master has to step in to complete quests will negatively impact the branch, sending a message that the members are inadequate and their failure reflects on the Guild Master's competence.

Thankfully, he was saved from such humiliation, and it is all because the Mayor himself gave him such a talented member. Esteban.

Paul Bret Anderson's eye turned towards the man who is standing beside the Guild's receptionist, Claire. Young love. Must be the reason why the man didn't even try to accept a mission that will lead him too far away from the town...

Oh well. The more strings that tie him here, the better.

A man blessed with talent in both sword and magic, and while his thirst to gain fame and with that the praise of his master allowed him to climb the ranks and become one of the rising stars of his age, it is also his weakness. For as much as he loves to be recognized by his master and his peers, the same goes for his fear that he losing it, The boy fears failing so much that his reaction slows for a split second, imagining the worse possible scenario happening, and in the world of adventurers, a split second is often the difference between success and failure.

He might've been fine since he started, but unless he wants to survive in the big leagues, he must change his mindset, and change he must, for the more famous he becomes, the easier it is to recruit more promising members. Strength attracts strength after all, and ever since Paul founded a branch here, Esteban was his only ticket to success.

Until now.

Paul Bret Anderson's attention once more turned towards the ones fighting in the sparring stage. Upon it was another unpolished gem waiting to shine. Watching the fiery member of the White Wolves, Mikaela, dodging the tempest of attacks with such fluidity while in such an injured state could be considered a work of art. It is safe to say that in terms of skill, she is at the peak of human agility, almost near the level of even the elves. Paul is even wondering what heights she would reach if she was able to utilize Reinforcement, or if she Awakens with the Blessing of the Elements. Imagine an Elementalist with the mobility and stealth of an assassin, she would be unstoppable by anyone at her age and the rest will find her hard to deal with, except for those at the very top.

The White Wolf really knows how to pick them. All of the members of his party are top-notch. The only thing that is keeping them from reaching the very top was the White Wolf's lack of ambition, being fully intent on traveling around, having adventures, saving people, and bragging about it.

But that is what made him charming for Paul. Well, he liked him better before the man became a braggart.

Now, with the famous White Wolves owing him a favor, it cut years off of his plans. Paul was so happy, he could barely keep himself from smiling while the thought lingers in his mind.

A voice then pulled him back from reality. "Guild Master. That man is glaring at you." His assistant, Michelle whispered to him.

Paul didn't have to look who's glaring at him. The hostile Aura was telling enough. It was the new addition to the White Wolves, the man he forgot due to his inactivity in the guild, along with his forgettable face. It was such a shame too, for the skills he displayed with his spar against Esteban are quite high, to the point where Paul thought that Mayor Adam took in another promising disciple. While most of the newcomers try to get involved and take up quests as quickly as they can to climb the ranks, this man seems to be content on lazying around for almost a month.

But now that he is right in front of him, Paul understood that he was wrong. The man has been busy alright, and although he can't see through the man's clothes, he could tell that he is much stronger than before. "Don't mind him," Paul replied to his assistant. "His anger is understandable. Who in their right mind likes to see their friend get hurt?"

"Adventurers get hurt. That is a part of their job. Anger muddles the mind. Distracts one of their surroundings, and distraction will lead to failure, or worse, death." Michele answered in a deadpan voice.

Spoken like the veteran adventurer that she is. "Don't be like that. He's still young. He'll learn, one way or the other. Also, you're not in the position to talk about him that way, you act just like him back in the days." Paul teased his now scowling assistant. He could remember it like it was yesterday when they would go on adventures, she was the first to rush in the thick of battle, shield first to keep him and the others away from danger.

His long-time friend turned assistant just huffed. "If you would stop bringing that up every time we have an argument, that would be great. I not, I could just go back to Central and leave you with all the work."

She always says that whenever they argue or when they face a seemingly impossible predicament. But just like in the old days, she never leaves her friends behind. Technically, it is just a friend now.

"Of course. I apologize. How about we ignore him and focus on the match? The pup the White Wolve is keeping. Quite the talented gal, isn't she? I wonder if I could steal her and make her my protege. I'm sure she will become powerful in the future. With the right mentoring of course." Paul continued while watching as Mikaela continue to dance around her opponent, further enraging the second-rate adventurer, not noticing that he is now opening himself up for a counter by widely swinging around his axes. "How about it? You could even take that new guy. Artreus. Don't let his plain looks fool you. He is strong, and skilled to boot."

"While you're at it, why not poach the White Wolf himself?" Michele answered, which earned her a questioning look from Paul. "Oh? Are we not telling each other wild dreams? You know that will not work just like it didn't work with Esteban. They're too loyal to their leaders."

"It's not bad to dream you know. Who knows. Maybe it'll come true." A smile stretched on Paul Bret Anderson's face.

It might be impossible to get Mikaela or Esteban. But maybe, he can entice the new one.


Artreus' temper is at its limits. The bastard Guild Master is smiling again while watching a person suffer needlessly at the sparring stage. As much as he wants to charge at him and smack some senses into his head, he has no choice but to stay put and endure. No. He can only stay put and endure as the invisible force is holding him down.

The Guild Master restrains him with Telekinesis. That much is clear. If not for the invisible hand-like force holding him in place, he would no doubt have ripped that bastard Dom apart. But, seeing the dance of death in front of him, Artreus realizes that it was good that he didn't step in. For if not for that, he would not be able to see Mikaela's sublime, art-like, footwork, enabling her to slip through the torrent of attacks like flowing water in the rapids. It has been a while since he saw her move like this and seeing it now still leaves him in awe. Even in her weakened state, she was is able to move with such agility, avoiding each attack within hair's breadth, with the blade of the axes almost touching her skin. Seeing her display of skill, he wonders why she was so stubborn in not using it before, and why she is showing it now.

Guess it doesn't matter why, what matters is that she is now using her potential, and while he is glad that she finally stopped being stubborn and unleashed it, something within Artreus couldn't accept the price she has to pay before realizing the error of her ways.

The anger boiling from within him that he could barely contain, ready to burst at any moment.

For while he understood that something clicked within the redhead's mind, that made her stop being stubborn, the unnecessary pain, and worse, humiliation that she endured from the bald head bastard's hand makes Artreus' blood boil.

As his mind begins to drift, imagining how he will make those who made someone close to him suffer right in front of his very eyes, he suddenly paused as that one word flashed in his mind.


Does Artreus really think of that foul mouth, hot-headed, snob a friend? She's stubborn, quick-tempered, and doesn't hesitate to dish out pain if she thinks someone disrespects her, in short, big pain in the ass. Totally different from the comrades that he has found, and lost, in his past life. She is not someone who is powerless for his sense of duty to compel him to protect her, she can clearly protect herself.

If he has no reason to be angry... Then why?

As he goes through the cycle of anger and confusion on why he is angry, a weak tug on his sleeve brought him back to reality. Startled by the gesture and head still confused with the emotions within himself, his Aura flared up, weakening the hold of the Guild Master upon himself, and he quickly turned around with eyes filled with anger and raised his hand to strike the culprit. Thankfully, he was able to stop after realizing it was little Juliet.

The little girl flinched and raised her hands in surrender. After a second, when she realized that the hit wouldn't come, she mumbles, her hands still shaking in fear. "Uhmmm... I... Ah..."

Seeing his sister in distress, Timothy wrapped his arms around her, visibly calming the girl down, if just for a little. "What are you doing Mister Artreus? You suddenly became quiet and Juliet just wanted to know if you're okay. Why raise your hand against her?"

By the gods, what has he done? "I'm sorry... I didn't know what got into me. Are you hurt?" Artreus asked the still trembling Juliet.

"I... Ah... I'm okay... I'm sorry if I bothered you Mister Artreus..." Juliet replied, tears welling in her eyes.

"You're not bothering me little Julie. I am just..." As he looks at Mikaela's struggle, anger began to well up within him once more, but before he could show it, he pushed it down within his heart.

"Will Mimi be okay? She's injured. She must stop." Timothy asked Artreus, his sister picked up the first aid kit and clutched it in her arms.

"I would stop her if I could. But from the looks of things, she wouldn't let us, and if she will not give up, all we can do is hope she wins, and even if she loses, with the team of healers standing by, she will be up in no time." He tried to reassure them, but Artreus can see that they are not fully persuaded. Hell, even he does not believe that she could get out of this with her life intact with certainty, seeing that her opponent has abandoned trying to subdue her and began targeting her vital areas.

It only takes one slip for her to lose her life, with only the word of the Guild Master as assurance for the combatants' safety.

Damn it, you crazy woman. If you won't stop, then WIN! Artreus thought to himself. Then, turning back to the children, whose faces are riddled with worry, he tried once more to reassure them. "Don't worry though. I am definitely sure she will win. Can't you see her move?" Pointing at Mikaela who ducked under to avoid getting beheaded before casually stepping aside to dodge a downward slash. "The Mikaela who is fighting right now is worlds different from the one earlier. The Mikaela you are seeing now is someone who will give me a lot of trouble even if I am serious in a fight."

"Really?" Asked Timmy, still not convinced.

"Really," I answered with a smile.

"I think Mister Artreus is telling the truth, brother. Mimi... I can sense that she's different than before." Juliet added. Seeing the questioning look upon Artreus and Timothy's face, little Juliet continued. "Back when we were training, I can feel the Mana around her is disturbed, like she is fighting against it. But now. It is calm."

Hearing this, Artreus just became more curious, not only of Mikaela's condition but also of Juliet's ability. What is she saying? Sense disturbance in the ambient Mana? Is that even possible? As Artreus try to digest what Juliet just stated, a voice called out to him. The sound of that voice made his blood boil once more.

"Ey! What are ye little sissys whisperin fer? Tryin ta cheer each other on the bitch's defeat?" Niel jeered at the other side of the sparring stage. "Don't ya worry pipsqueak, once yer bitch friend stop her futile struggle, ye'll get yer head busted in next."

Just as he was about to lose it and wring the bastard's neck, a weak tug has brought him back to reality once more. This time, he tried to reign in his anger, and seeing the worried faces of the children, Artreus forced a smile on his face. "Don't worry, kids. Just believe in Mikaela. She will get through."

In response to his effort to assure them, the kids also forced a smile on their faces. Yes. Since they are not allowed to interfere, the fate of the match falls down upon Mikaela. So far, she is dodging everything her opponent throws her way. But this can't continue for long. As every missed attack, her opponent's frustration piles up, making him reckless and his defenses open up, so does Mikaela's strength fade with each dodged attack. With a broken arm, fractured bones, and multiple shallow wounds upon her body, it was a miracle that she was able to continue fighting at such a high level. But from what Artreus could see, her strength wouldn't last another minute. She must land a decisive blow before her strength fails her, and she must do it soon.

Missing another wild swing, Dom roared. "Stop runnin like a rat and face me like a man!" He then cocked his arms and delivered a simultaneous horizontal slash with his blades acting like scissors, with Mikaela in the middle.

Mikaela took a single step back and leaned back, letting the blades pass. "Because I'm not a man, stupid." She fired back.

Dom roared in reply and with a lunge, his now crossed arm was swung out once more, intent on bisecting the red-haired woman in two.

Then, for the first time since they resumed their fight, Mikaela stepped forward, ducking under the attacks, it was the opening she was waiting for. Clenching the dagger in her still working hand, she charges at the opening and closing the distance for that one decisive strike.

But before Artreus could celebrate, both he and Mikaela was greeted by a nasty surprise.

As if he was also waiting for that very moment, Dom unleashed a front kick, the shadow if his large foot eclipsing Mikaela's face. This is bad. her forward momentum is too great for her to step back and dodge, and even if she steps to either side, Dom's axes are ready to swing down.

There was no escape.

Between Dom's Mana Reinforced body and Mikaela's weakened state, such a kick with the momentum of both fighters behind it would no doubt be fatal. Artreus wanted to charge in and stop the match, but as he did, the invisible force of the Guild Master's telekinesis grabbed hold of him once more, stopping him on his tracks. Time seemed to slow down as they watch the incoming tragedy right before their eyes, the gasp of fear from the children as they watch the devastating attack about to hit Mikaela straight on her face breaks Artreus' heart, turning the anger within his heart to an almost unbearable level.

To hell with this! I can't just stand by and watch! Artreus was about to unleash his full strength to overpower Paul Bret Anderson's hold upon him, but before he could, another surprise was revealed.

Just as the attack was about to land, Mikaela suddenly vanished right before their very eyes!

What happened?! Artreus wondered to himself. Could it be she has Awakened?

But before he could gather his thoughts, Mikaela suddenly appeared behind Dom, her dagger pressed on his neck. "This is your loss, baldy." She declared.

Roars of cheers and disbelief filled the whole area, unsure of what had just happened.

Even Artreus himself was unsure of what she did or how she got behind her opponent as well. But if his hunch was true, then the troublesome woman would become even harder to handle from now on.