Chereads / Unbroken / Chapter 25 - Chapter 25

Chapter 25 - Chapter 25

Artreus closed his coin pouch after paying the sixteen silver coins for their meal, expecting the waiter to clear up their table, instead, the man stood still and coughed, his palm still open, waiting for something. Artreus was confused. He is sure he pay for their full meal, then why is the waiter's hand still beckoning for more? Did he miscount?

Her patience wearing thin, Mikaela elbowed him in the rib. "Give him his tip." She whispered.

A tip? What is that? Artreus was confused. "Tip of what? My sword?"

"Gah! Seriously?! Gimme that!" Mikaela grabbed his pouch and took out two silver coins and handed it to the waiter. The waiter smiled and started clearing up their table.

"Why did you do that? I gave him the exact payment for our bill?" Artreus was confused about why they have to pay more than they owe.

"That is for our meal. The extra two silver is payment for the service fee." Mikaela said like it was a matter of fact.

"Service fee? What the hell is that?"

"I don't know if you are serious or just doing this to make me mad. The service fee is paid for their service." She answered, getting more and more irritated at him.

"Why are the customers have to pay for such a fee? Don't they get their salary from the restaurant?" Why does the customer have to shoulder the employee's payment? Isn't that the responsibility of the owner? How business work these days, Artreus don't have a clue.

"It is customary. Stop with the questions. Now let's go and meet the old man." Eager to end the discussion, Mikaela started to walk towards the door.

"Wait. I have something to do first." Artreus told her before walking towards the children who are smiling as they hold a bag of food to take home to their mother.

"Where are you going? Didn't I tell you that we are going straight to the Sleeping Giant Inn once we finished eating? I don't want to make the old man wait." Mikaela told him.

"Where I am going is escorting these children back to their home. You wouldn't let helpless children go home unsupervised right?" He answered with an eyebrow raised, patting the head of Timmy.

"What do you think of me? A heartless woman? Of course, I would. But I don't think they need to be escorted." She huffed and crossed her arms. "They are not helpless, you dunce. Use your head and think. How long have they been living in this town without you? They can take care of themselves."

"Miss is right. Don't worry about us Mister Artreus. We always go home safely by ourselves after all." Timmy reassured him.

They might say that, but this time, it is different. They are being followed by people they don't know. Whatever their intent is, it doesn't bode well for the kids. That is why he must keep them safe. "But." He tried to retort, but he was cut off as Mikaela, like the wind, moved to his side.

"No buts. I will not be late and make the old man waiting, and I won't let you be late too. So come on." Then, moving closer, Mikaela whispered to him. "If you're worried that the ones tailing you would harm the kids, then worry not. Someone is watching over them."

"Who?" Someone watching over them? He didn't Sense anyone doing so. On the other hand, he couldn't fully rely solely on his Sense. Just today, he found out that his Sense isn't fully dependable, not since Mikaela was able to slip by unnoticed by his Sense, there was also that mystery figure which his gut knows surveying him, but his Sense couldn't detect also.

"You don't need to know." She brushed off his question.

Artreus could feel the veins in his forehead popping up.

He doesn't need to know? Why is this woman being difficult?

Breathing deeply, he cooled off his nerves. Calming himself, he spoke. "Look. I dragged these children into this, and now they could be targetted by the people following me. That is why I have to make sure they don't come to harm. So if you're not going to tell me, then I will have to deal with this matter with my own hands." Artreus whispered his threat.

Unaware of the boiling situation, Juliet spoke. "Don't worry Mister Artreus. Really, we would be okay. Please don't worry about us."

"Yeah! Big brother is here, so you don't have to worry one bit." Timmy shows the muscle in his bicep. These children, how heartwarming that they try to ease his worry. He, an adult is being assured by children. If they are in a different situation, he would be happy to see such strong-willed children.

But they don't know how dark and unforgiving the world could be. Some things couldn't be overcome just with a strong will.

"Trust me. Even if you make a move, how sure are you that there will be no repercussions?" Mikaela elbowed him. "Let's go. The other customers are all looking at us. Don't make it a bigger deal." She urged him while eying the people around them.

Artreus fights his urge to use Sense to detect the ones spying on them, lest he attracts the unwanted attention of the adventurers like before. It's his fault, relying too much on Sense to be his eyes and not identifying the face of the one tailing him.

Artreus shook his head. It seems like the decades of facing his enemies on the battlefield made him dull to anything but a straight-up fight.

Blind and not sure what to do, he reluctantly asked. "Are you sure they will be okay?"

"I swear by the Gods of the Trinity that they won't come to harm." She assured him.

Again with gods that he doesn't recognize. To not remember gods with such a catchy name is unthinkable when he could even remember Tchaka, God of the homeless. Which only solidifies his belief that there such gods in the past. Damn, there is so much that he doesn't know about the world of today.

Suddenly, an idea pops inside his head.

"Sheesh. If you would go as far as to swear by the gods, then I will take your word for it." He sighed. If she is courageous enough to risk incurring the wrath of the gods, then maybe she knows what she's doing. Then he moved closer and whispered. "But know this. If the kids get hurt, I will make you pay." Then turning to the kids, he took his pouch and took out what silver coin left in it, and gave it to Timmy. "Here."

Eyes wide open, Timmy tried to return the pouch to Artreus. "Mister Artreus! I can't accept this."

"Why not?

"You have already given us a lot. The meal, this take out. Now, these silver coins. We already accepted too much of your generosity. I don't think that we deserve it."

"Silly child. I told you already, I give because I want to. To me, someone who doesn't know many people, those with who I am at ease to be with is worth more than gold." Placing the pouch once more on his hands, he clasped Timmy's hand that it closed upon the pouch. "It is not a lot. But consider it as an advance payment for your company tomorrow. Also for the merchandise. Since it is my fault that I haven't sold any of it yet."

"Holding a little boys' hand in public. Aren't you ashamed, Pervert?" Mikaela said in a low tone.

Quickly letting go of Timmy's hand, Artreus is red-faced and threw Mikaela a pointed look. "It is an innocent gesture. Please stop sexualizing everything." He coughed before turning back to the kids. "Don't worry about it. After all, it is payment for your wages in the future. From now on, I will ask you to accompany me again in my training. You will watch over me every time I go to meditate. Is that okay with you two?"

"Accept it, big brother. It is rude to keep on refusing Mister Artreus' generosity." Bowing her head, Juliet thanked him.

"It's a deal then." Artreus stretched his hand and shook Juliet's hand. "For now, we're going on our separate way. Take care on your way home." He bid them farewell.

Waving goodbye to the kids, Mikaela whispered to him once more. "Why give them that many coins in public? Seeing a pair of defenseless kids carrying a lot of silver is just inviting cutthroats to take them."

Without looking at the woman, Artreus began to walk towards the Sleeping Giant Inn. "Well, you did say that no harm will come to them, right? Or am I wrong?"

"Hmph. Is that why? Sneaky bastard." Mikaela huffed. "Don't worry. Even if a bunch of low lives gangs up on them, it will be of no problem."

"Then, it is settled. Come on." With that, they both walked towards the meeting place.


When they arrived in the Sleeping Giant Inn, they saw Claus eating alone at a corner table. Both he and Mikaela silently walked towards him. "Are you alone? Is the old man haven't arrived yet?" Mikaela asked.

Drinking the wine from his mug to wash down the turkey meat down his throat. "He came with me. He just went to meet the guild master since you two haven't arrived yet." Taking another bite, he added. "I didn't bother ordering for the two of you. Since you already had lunch."

Before he could ask how the ranger knew that, Drogo arrived with a small chest tucked under his arm. "Well, well. The love birds finally arrived. A little bird told me that you were on a date. So... How was it?"

Mikaela glared at Claus, then at Drogo. "Have you gone senile, old man? There is no date. Why on the gods' name would I date an ugly guy who is also a pervert?"

"A simple no, we are not on a date would've sufficed." Artreus chimed in.

"Bahaha! Don't take it too heart, lad. She just likes acting tough. Anyways. Let's order something for the moment. I know you two already had your bellies filled, but I am as hungry as a two-horned rhino after a rampage." Hollering to attract a waitress's attention, who abandoned her now disgruntled customers to hastily cater to him, he placed his order. "I would like to order a plate of roasted mutton, a roast turkey, and a meat pie. Also, add two jugs of beer and a jug of wine."

Writing down his order, the waitress nodded her head before hurrying towards the kitchen. Then, Drogo was about to take another drink from the wine jug when a group of men came to their table.

"Hey! What's the big idea? We wuz here first! Who do ye think ye are, cutting in line?" A buff man, standing at 190 cm, came to their table. He is wearing a sleeveless fur jacket showing his bulging muscles and a 1 meter double-headed battle axe strapped on his back.

"Yeah! No cutting in line, if ye don want to get cut herself!" Another similarly buff man added while carressing his hand axe like a lover would.

The third man in their group remained seated, and even without using Sense, the man is emanating strength. Too bad it is far below Drogo, who is now looking like a teenage girl who have seen her beloved.

"This is real right? I am being threatened right now right?" He said with an excited voice that doesn't suit his uber masculine features, which only further infuriate the two men standing over him.

By the gods, it is like this group is a magnet for trouble. Not to mention that Drogo and his party seems to cherish trouble.

"The gods truly do provide. When I was looking to relieve myself of stress, here come the stress releaver." Drogo's smile exudes of mischief.

But before he could stand and further antagonize the men, Artreus quickly stopped him. Drogo did cut in line, although technically, it was the waitress's fault for taking their order first after these men are giving their order, still, it is only right that they apologize and make amends.

"Gentlemen, no need to escalate this to violence. I would like to apologize for my friend. It's just, he doesn't think about his actions thoroughly when he is hungry. We didn't mean to cut in, and by no means try to disrespect you." Artreus started. With the best smile pasted on his face, he continued. "How about we pay for meals then-" But before he could finish, the man back slapped him across the face.

"Who do ye take us fer ye damn lackey? That just cause we're from da countryside, that ye city folks could just bribe us with food and we be okay with it?" The man spat at Artreus' boots. "Also, why is a puny weakling tryin to interfere? Know yer place, boy. Weaklings should juz stay in the corner when the big dawgs are talkin."

Artreus could feel the veins in his face begin to burn hot, his heart racing, and the vein in his forehead pulsating. WIth fists clenched until it turns white, he tried to reign in his anger.

Just as he breathe deep to cool down himself, he sees the man with a shit eating grin on his face. He continued his barbs. "Oh? Ye what are ye doin with them fists clenched? Ye gonna take a swing at me, little man? Come on. Go ahead. First one's free." He taunted him.

Calm down Artreus. You are, or were, a Paladin. Don't fall for it and stay calm. Such childish behavior is beneath you. Artreus continued to tell himself in his mind.

You are an adult. A hundred-year-old adult. Even if this brute acts like an insufferable buffoon, it doesn't mean you must stoop to his level. You are better than that. He continued to tell himself, like a mantra, he breathes deeply as he watches the man make a fool of himself.

All the while, the culprit stands by the side, looking amused.

"Want me to step in? A punch in the face will solve this." Drogo whispered to him.

This bastard. What is he trying to insinuate? That it is because of him that they have a problem when this bald head is the one who started it all. Artreus cursed the man in his head.

As the situation continues, the waitress who took our order rushed to our location. "I am so sorry dear customers, please don't fight. It is my fault for taking other people's order when someone is already in line."

"Ye damn right, ye dumb bitch!" The buff man yelled at the waitress. "Just because we're not one of them town kid ye dare disrespect us? Us? The Axe Gang? Why I oughta-" The man raised his hand to hit the woman.

But his strike never landed, as Artreus caught it with his hand.

"What are ye doin ye bastard? Let go of me wrist!" The man said, before whinced in pain as Artreus tightened his grip. "Ow, ow, ow! This bastard's crushing me wrist!"

Artreus let go of the man's wrist, who proceeded to cradle "You could strike me, and I will not retaliate. For I could take it. You may slander me, call me names, and berate me, I wouldn't mind. For the words of a stranger means little to me. But for someone with your strength to try and strike those who are defenseless, be it a man, woman, a child, or an elderly, that is where you cross the line."

"Oh yea? I crossed da line, did I? Then what are ye gonna do about it, pipsqueak? Ye may have a strong grip. But is sure damn won't help ye with what I am about to do ta yer stupid ass!" He cocked his arm back, ready to throw a punch.

No other way huh? Why does he even bother? Artreus sighed and readied himself to counter.

"Didn't you hear the lady? No violence in the premises." A familiar voice said then suddenly, Artreus felt foreign mana wrapping around his body, sealing his movement completely, not even able to turn his head to see who is the one suppressing him. From the looks of it, he isn't the only one experiencing this based on the buffoon struggling to even breathe from the pressure.

Unleashing his Aura, it is still not enough to fully free him from the invisible grip that is binding him, but at least he could move enough to see the person walking towards them. With both arms behind his back, he effortlessly suppressed two grown men like they were nothing. Artreus quickly recognized the man.

It is the Adventurer's Guild Master, Paul Bret Anderson.

Noticing his limited freedom from his grasp, Anderson raised an eyebrow directed at Artreus before turning towards the bald man who caused all this ruckus. "Well, well. It hasn't been a week and you lot are already stirring trouble, I see. I'm beginning to think that I should punish you guys, lest the others think that there is preferential treatment afoot." He then address Artreus and the buff man. "Both of you, I trust that you will cease this nonsense right this instant. Unless you would like me to grip the both of you, a little bit harder." Artreus nodded while the other guy is unresponsive as his mouth begin to foam and is about to lose consciousness. "I guess I went a bit overboard. Off you go." Suddenly, the invisible force suppressing them vanished, and both of them were able to finally breathe in ease.

"Grrrr... Damn it all. Just because yer in yer turf, ye gone gang up on us? No fair." The other buff man said as he helped his companion to his feet. "Joe Nathan. Come back us up ere."

The third of their group finally stood up. But instead of backing them up, he just carried the near unconscious man back to their seat. "The Guildmaster told us to stop, didn't ye hear? This their turf, their rules. So quit yer whinin." Then turning towards their group, he nodded slightly. "Sorry fer the inconvenience. Have a nice day." After that, they returned to their seats where the other man started to bicker with him.

"It seems at least one of them is using their head," Drogo commented.

"Says the man who is already causing trouble after I told him not an hour ago to behave. The previous incidents that you lot has incited has caused me stacks of paperwork. Please don't add any more." Said Guild Master Anderson as he massages his temple with a hand.

Hmmm... I guess the perk of immunity against persecution is a headache for the guild master, huh?

"Come now. Paul. We didn't start it this time." Drogo explained.

"Hah..." The Guild Master sighed. "As long as you uphold your end of the bargain and not cause any more trouble. Here." He tossed a stack of posters on the table. "Just as we agreed upon. These missions will net you quite the profit. If you do well and the requested gives you a bonus, maybe even enough to cover for your incoming debt. Just make sure to complete the missions by the order of most urgent. I also don't need to remind you that all of these must be completed. My name and that of the guild is on the line here." The guild master explained.

Debt? From the sound of it, it's not by a small amount. Also, what about the stack of quest posters? Confused about what is happening, it is a small relief that Mikaela is also as clueless as he is.

After a few more minutes, the guild master finally left, saying that stacks of papers are awaiting him in his office. Leaving only their group and a table full of food. As Drogo began gorging through the roasted turkey, Mikaela was the first to voice her concern. "What the hell old man? We're in debt? I thought we're loaded in gold after getting the finders' fee from Bone Crusher Gen's stash? What happened?"

"Come now lass. It could wait till I finish eating, ya?" Drogo tried to delay the inevitable, but he failed.

"No. Explain now, or I'll eat these all." She grabbed the mutton.

"I was saving that for last! Oh, what has the young ones have become. Bullying the old folks, taking their food. What a world." Drogo lamented dramatically.

"Damn it, old man. Be serious." Mikaela said angrily.

"Oh okay. I guess I owe you guys an explanation." Drogo finally relented.

Thus, Drogo told the story of how he ordered an expensive suit of armor with the money they don't yet have. Which would've been fine if they got the whole finder's fee that they are owed. Unfortunately, Mayor Longley could only grant them a small part of their cut, which is understandable since a town like this doesn't have thousands of gold just lying around to be given as finders fee for adventurers who happen upon such a large horde of stolen goods.

All of these leads to the current conundrum. The party leader is now in debt with a prestigious craftsmen guild that abhors those who break a contract., and if their leader gets himself banned from accessing the craftsmen's services, it means that the member of the party is also banned, which puts them in a tight spot. The stronger a person is, the higher quality the equipment he needs if he wants to not be left behind by their equals.

Haah... All of these troubles just because someone counted the chicks before the eggs hatch.

Here he thought he could buy himself some armor and a few equipments for training.