"That was so cool, Mister Artreus! I knew you would win against that man! You just went and flipped him like he was nothing!" Timmy enthusiastically reenacts the battle earlier.
"Big brother, you liar. You had your eyes closed the whole time." Juliet chimed in.
"Wha-... What are you talking about Julie? I watched the whole thing!"
"Big brother, it is not good to lie. Mom said so."
"Urk. I'm not lying. I did watch it! Maybe not with my eyes. But I did Sense it."
Without a warning, Mikaela grabbed Timothy's shoulder. "You're able to use Sense?" She asked the kid, but after seeing the boy wince in pain, she quickly let go of his shoulder. With face flushed in red with shame, she pats his head and apologized. "Sorry little Timmy. I was just surprised. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"It's okay, Miss Mikaela. I'm okay." Timothy flexes his muscles to reassure her.
"Yeah. You're a strong big boy." Mikaela smiled sweetly at the child. "Anyway, did I hear correctly that you could use Sense?"
Timmy visibly sweats as Juliet throws a pointed look at him. "Uhm... Did I say that? I think you are just imagining things, miss." His eyes wander around, avoiding her gaze.
He is so obvious.
"No. I think I heard correctly. You were able to describe what happened even when your eyes were covered." She said with an eyebrow raised and arms crossed. "So... When did you learn how to use Sense?"
"I don't---" Timmy give it another shot to lie, but Artreus chimed in.
"They learned it for two days now."
The two kids gasped in surprise. "Mister Artreus, you knew?" Timmy asked.
"Yes. The two of you use Sense a few meters away from me and think I wouldn't know it?"
"Oh, man… Here we were hoping to surprise you." Both kids have a sullen look on their faces.
"Wait a minute… So these two kids knew how to use it for two days now. But from what you're saying, these kids didn't learn it from you? What's happening?"
"They didn't. They learned it by themselves. These kids. They're natural." For some reason, Mikaela is visibly troubled after hearing that. Then turning towards the kids, "You two, I am so proud of you that you have learned a skill. This is by no means an easy feat. But heed my advice, only use it when we're in the clearing. Neven while inside the town. Okay?"
Although they seem to be confused on why their use of their newfound skill is being limited to the outside of town, they both nodded and promised to not use their skills while in town. "Could we at least tell Mom?"
"I guess you could. She would surely be delighted to know that her children are blessed by Mana. Now, let's not loiter around and go have lunch. The usual restaurant." This garnered wide smiles from the kids and they ran ahead. With the kids gone, Artreus turned his attention to the scowling redhead behind him. "Why the long face?" He asked, which earned him a punch to the arm. "What was that for?"
"Why did you have to jump in earlier? I could defend myself. I am no damsel in distress." She grumbled.
"I know. But if you had your way, the man would've been a few kilograms lighter at the end of it. The guild master said we had immunity, but I don't think it extends to maiming other guild members in broad daylight." Not to mention the two companions he have would never take it lying down if their friend get himself sliced up in front of them. The other muscle head doesn't bother him, it is dealing with the one called Joe Nathan which will be a problem.
He trained for a week, in a regiment that revolves around pushing his body to the limits, wearing heavy armor and weighted weapon for weight resistance after which he heals what was left of his battered body through Meditation. Each day he was tempted to quit, to train normally, and save himself from the pain. But he persevered, for he has no time to do things normally. he needs strength, and he needs it as soon as possible. After enduring a week of self-torture that borders insanity, he was rewarded by a body forged in steel, with both strength, stamina, mana capacity, and amount of Life Force equivalent to what he has acquired when he survived for a year in the Void Plains.
But even with his increased strength, he is still not confident that he could win against that Joe. Not without giving it his all.
Which is the root of his other problem. As after hearing the stories of the kids, it seems that the advice from Drogo about not using his spells in public was right. For with the current state of the world as of now, and the powers that are governing it today, his safety wouldn't be guaranteed if his abilities become known.
According to the stories of the kids, the Paladins of the Holy Order are revered as heroes, especially after their contribution to ending the Thirty-year war with the elves by killing the general of the Elven army through single combat and taking possession of his weapon, an important artifact of the elves which dates back to the beginning of their race. This resulted in a treaty where both parties release all their prisoners of war, the Elves relinquishing the territory they captured, which is about a third of the Kingdom of Krishna, the return of the elven artifact in the possession of the Kingdom of Krishna, and a pact of peace between the two races. There must be more about the Treaty, but those are the only things that he can piece together from the stories that he heard.
After all that, him having the skills of a Paladin should've been a great boon, but it is the other way around for him. The Divine Order, which consists of the Trinity, the Order of the Sword serving the God of War, Carthas, the Order of the Hidden Hand that serves the God of Secrets, Morthul, and the Order which Artreus is most familiar with aside from his own Order, is the Order of the Flaming Sun which serves the Goddess of Justice, Goddess Aine, all of these three Orders are the only ones that were left after the Holy War, where the Paladin Orders fought against each other. Why they fought, Artreus doesn't know, the reason which the stories tell us that the Orders fought for dominance after the Twenty crossed the Void Portal to protect the world. But there must be more about it. The different Orders didn't particularly get along with each other, but it shouldn't be enough to start a war over. Whatever the true cause of the Holy War, the victors, which is the Holy Order, are wary of people wielding powers granted by Gods who don't belong to their Order in suspicion that they work for the vanquished Gods in hopes of revenge. That is why he, a person unaffiliated to the Holy order, a person who draws power from Goddess Yue, who for some reason isn't included in the stories, which is odd since the famed Twenty, that includes him, are all part of the Order of the Radiant Moon who serves her and is one of t he strongest Paladin Orders of his time, only rivaled by the now members of the Holy Order in power, is a person who poses a danger to them.
The sound of a snapping of finger shook him off his thoughts, turning towards the sound, it was Mikaela, who is looking annoyed as usual. "What happened to you? I was speaking to you and you stand there like an idiot staring at nothing." She murmured. "Hmph. Whatever. Let's go. The children are waiting for us. Also... Next time, mind your own business. I can take care of myself." She said before sauntering off.
"If you say so." Artreus wonders why she's being more difficult than usual. Must be that time of the month.
Finally, they arrived at the restaurant. The waiter who usually serves them quickly gets their order, and after a short while, their meal was served and they started to dig in. Between the enthusiastic retelling of the earlier battle by the ever so energetic Timmy, Artreus heard some troubling gossip from a group of adventurers who are eating on a table across them.
"Did you hear the news?" One of the adventurers whispered. "A nearby village has been raided a few days ago."
"Raids are becoming more frequent these days. Still, there is no subjugation quest being posted in the guild."
"Must be Bone Crusher Gen. That fucker is said to have set up a base near here."
"Couldn't be him. The damn bastard's dead already. The White Wolves got him."
"Yeah. Just a week ago. You must not have heard about it cause you were out on a mission at that time."
"Oh wow. Which one offed that bastard?"
"Must be the wolf himself. Drogo. That man is as big as Gen. Must be a lot stronger too, if you believe all the stories about him."
"I guess so. That guy is legendary. But couldn't the other have dealt with him? They have the flame witch Porsha don't they? One snap of her finger, then poof. Gen would've been sent to the afterlife after being reduced to ash by her flames."
"If her beautiful face was the last thing I see before being burnt to death, I don't mind dying."
"What the hell man? Are you serious? Did you hit your head too hard from your last mission?
"No, you idiot. But let's be honest. If I was about to die, I would prefer dying in her hands."
Damn it. Typical bar talk. Come on, guys. Get back to the subject. Tell more about the attack on the village. Artreus cursed the group under his breath.
"That's some fetish, you masochist bastard."
"Well, don't you find her beautiful?"
"I do find her beautiful. Gorgeous even. But not to the point of letting myself be burned to death. On the other hand, if I was fucked to death, that is a different issue altogether."
"Scoundrels both of you. Just because she has a beautiful face and big titties, you go and salivating like dogs in heat."
"Hey, a little fantasizing isn't hurting anyone."
"Yeah. It's all harmless fun. Which one do you prefer anyway?"
"Well, if you have to ask. It's Claus.?"
"What the fuck? He's a dude!"
"What of it? He may be a dude, but he looks more beautiful than women. Also, talk about his figure. So slender. So delicate. Like a fair maiden that has to be handled carefully."
"Damn it, man! We go to the bath together!"
"Don't flatter yourself, fugly. Like I will get aroused by you two."
"Let's change the subject. I want that damn image off my head."
Finally. It's about time they change the subject.
"Yeah. Also, setting aside Mark's gay fantasy, the best girl is Mikaela. Her beautiful red hair flowing down her neck like fire. Her sharp eyes could pierce through your soul. Her ever scowling face that makes you want to make her smile. Oh, what would I do to spend some time with her."
Hearing her name being mentioned, Mikaela's ears perk up. These idiots don't know the danger they are in. Artreus was about to go over their table when they continued.
"She may have a short temper, but that is not something a good fuck couldn't fix. I tell you--- What the fuck!" The man was shocked as Artreus lunged at them and pushed the man down.
"What's the meaning of this!" His companions were outraged and were ready to attack Artreus, only to realized the three knives sticking in the wall coming from the direction where their friend's head was earlier.
"Watch out!" Artreus warned them. But it was too late as the enraged Mikaela kicked one of them in the head, sending him sprawling on the floor. The second companion drew his sword but had his legs swept under him and he fell on his back. He tried to quickly get up from the fall, but he finally gets knocked out after his face was stomped by the steel-plated heel Mikaela. He hoped the two would be able to put up a bit of a fight against the hot-headed girl, buying him time to restrain her, but even if all of them were adventurers, they are clearly leagues below Mikaela. If not in pure strength, then with speed and deadly accuracy of her strikes. Turning towards the man behind him, "Run quickly. I will buy you time." He told the man before swatting away Mikaela's hand which aimed to stab the man in the face.
She continued her attacks, never standing in the same spot for more than a second as she tries to maneuver around Artreus and attack the man who dared say such lascivious things about her right in front of her face. She continued her assault, her expert use of the surrounding enables her to prevent the man from escaping, cutting his escape by always in motion. Alas, it wasn't enough for with her each attempts to take the man's life, Artreus blocks her path. Not harming her, but also prevents her to harm the man. "A pervert protecting another pervert. What a surprise." She snarled at him.
Artreus tried to grab her arm but failed as she expected his move and withdrew from her attack instantly. "I just don't want you to get into trouble. You are about to kill this man."
"You heard what he said. That man saying lewd things about me. Perverts need to die."
"Isn't that a bit too much? I am sure he doesn't intend to act upon it."
"Yeah! I am sorry! I didn't mean it!" The man pleaded.
"Shut up and die!" She jumped around, using the tables, posts, and walls as a springboard. Then she disappeared. Thankfully, Artreus' battle instinct kicked in, and looked up, just in time to see her rocketing down from the ceiling. He expertly grabbed her wrist in mid-air, spun around to kill the momentum, and finally pinned her to the ground. "Get off me!" She wriggled under his grip, struggling to get free.
"Only if you calm down." Seeing the culprit smile as he watches the woman that tried to attack him restrained, Artreus snarled at him. "Wipe that smile on your face or I'll smack you. You and your filthy mouth is the reason we're on this mess."
"So--sorry." The man bowed his head and apologized.
Mikaela continued to trash around, but Artreus held her firmly. Not too tight that she would injure herself as she struggled to free herself, but not too loose that she might escape his hold. "Could you calm down? I know you feel slighted, but killing the man is going overboard."
The kids then chimed in. "Please miss." They pleaded.
Only after hearing the shaking voice of the children did Mikaela calmed down. "You okay now? Will you stop attacking the man if I let go of you now?" Artreus asked.
Mikaela took a deep breath before answering, "Yes. So could you please get oof of me, you pervert?"
"Bah! Dishing insults but could take the heat. Good thing I am a gentleman." Artreus then let her go and tried to help her up, but she brushed him away.
"I am so sorry Mikaela. I didn't... Argh!" The man crumpled down, holding his private parts as Mikaela performed a sneak attack and kick the poor man in the balls.
A smile now pasted on her face, she told the fallen man. "Don't you ever utter my name with that filthy mouth of yours again? Or next time, it won't be my boots." She then walked towards their table and continued her meal.
The kids were shaken, but with a few reassurances from Artreus, they too calmed down and finished their meal. In the meantime, Artreus tended to the knocked out adventurers, and when one of them finally regained consciousness, he instructed him to take care of his companions. A few minutes later, he watched as the man proceeded to carry his companions out of the restaurant, in case the short-tempered redhead attack them again.
After the adventurers leave, they silently finished their lunch. Mikaela paid for both their meal and the tables and chairs that were damaged during the scuffle. After that, they escorted the kids out. After bidding farewell to the children and making sure that the spies stayed to watch him instead of following the kids, the two of them started to walk towards the adventurers guild hall to gather information.
It was unusually silent as the two of them march towards the Guildhall, but after a few minutes, Mikaela broke the silence with a single question. "Why?"
"Huh? You should add more words to that question, for I don't have a clue what you're asking." Artreus replied.
"Why do you keep on getting in my way?"
"Is this about those idiots who are gossiping about you?" A single nod was the answer.
"Do you think I can't handle it myself? Do you also think that I am a weak damsel that couldn't take care of myself and needs a man to protect her? Well, I am not! I trained for years to get to where I am! I may not be as versatile as Claus, able to do things that I can and more with his ability to train beasts, or blessed by the heavens like you, with your control of Mana and Aura, and talent and battle instinct. But I am trying, god damn it!"
"Is that what you think? That I am blessed? That my skills and abilities are gifts by the gods?" Artreus chuckled. It is far from the truth. His skills were earned with sweat and blood, not gifted, for if he doesn't develop such skills then he wouldn't have been able to survive the harsh life that he lived in before he met the Paladins. His strength? It was cultivated after years of risking his life battle after battle. Ability to use Mana and Aura? It was more a response to a need, for each ability awakened when he was on the brink of death. Talent? Battle instinct? He has no such thing. Everything he has, everything he knows, he learned through years of experience. Years of loss. Years of loneliness, with only the memories of his departed comrades and their desire to protect the world they love keeping him going as he stood in a vigil for a mission that has been accomplished a long time ago.
"What's so funny? Is my predicament amusing you? Well, fuck you!"
"I'm sorry. I am not laughing at you. I am laughing at myself. You see... I am not as gifted as you think."
"You and I know that is a load of crap."
"Let me ask you one thing. What do you intend to do if ever you gain the strength you desire?"
"What I want is none of your business."
"Then I can't help you."
"Wait." She stopped him. "If... If I tell you my desire, then will you help me?"
"I may. I may not. To tell you the truth, this will be the first time I am going to train someone."
"So, you don't have a clue if you will be able to help me? Then no deal." She then stomped away. "Bastard. Getting my hopes up for nothing."
"Hold on." "I may not be sure if I could help, but there is still a way that we could benefit from each other?"
"What the hell are you talking about? I swear to the gods, if you are thinking about something inappropriate, I will cut you dick and feed it to you."
"What? What in Gods' name do you think of me? No, I am not suggesting something indecent. I want to propose that we spar."
"Spar? You and me, spar?"
"Yeah. With Esteban being sent by his master to undertake missions after he lost again to Drogo, I don't have someone to spar with, and to tell you the truth, lately, I don't think I've been gaining much from training alone. To spar with someone as skilled in battle as you would help me greatly in polishing my own skills."
"Well, you have revealed that you have much to gain from this. My question is, what do I have to gain if I spar with you?"
"For starters, battle experience and a chance to polish your own skills." Seeing that she is still not convinced, he continued. "Also, I will help you with your problem with your awakening. I may not be able to teach you how to exactly do it, but I could share with you my own experience when I awakened and some training that could help you attain it." It would also be to his benefit if she learns how to utilize Mana or Aura. After all, the stronger the sparring partner, the better.
"Hmmm... Well, if you insist. Let no one say that a can't be amicable." She crosses her arms, acting all magnanimous.
"Wait. I have an additional condition?"
"and what's that?"
"I want both of us to agree to respect each other from now on. Meaning, no badmouthing each other. No calling each other names. I won't work with someone who constantly berates me."
She was silent for a minute, probably weighing if the training is worth enough for her to stop her insults. Finally, she answered. "Fine. But only if there is an exemption that I am still allowed to call you stupid or a pervert if you do things that are stupid and perverted."
"When did I do something perverted?"
"Remember having your penis dangling in front of me when we first met?"
"I don't have clothes with me back then, and I was restraining you after you tried to kill me remember? I didn't mean to dangle my private parts in your face."
"Damn you. Making me remember that horrible moment. You really are a pervert."
"Why am I the pervert? You are the one who brought it up first." Artreus then let out a sigh.
"Whatever. Do we have a deal?" She asked.
Shaking his head in exasperation, he held out his hand. "Okay. Deal."
Seeing his outstretched hand, Mikaela hesitated for a moment, before taking it and shook his hand. "Then we have a deal. Could we start tomorrow? I have things I need to take care of."
"Okay. Let's meet at the inn tomorrow." Waving farewell to the frustrating woman, they parted ways. She going somewhere to do god's know what, and he, to the Guildhall and gather more information about the village raid. Something so vile happened so close. He couldn't let it pass. But before he would take action, he must gather more information first.
After a week of doing nothing but training to gain strength, he now has something to put it into use for.