Chereads / Unbroken / Chapter 29 - Chapter 29

Chapter 29 - Chapter 29

***Author's Note***

Long ass chapter again.

Sorry if this chapter was late. I don't know how to end it and it just gets longer and longer until the word count is equivalent to that of two chapters.

Anyways, here's today's chapter!



After over a week of adventure, Esteban now stands before the gates of Mukala. A week where he went from hard-fought battle, one after the other. Finally, he is back. To think that a week before, he was crestfallen when he left town, ashamed of himself after he was admonished by his master for his lackluster performance in his bout against Drogo.

He himself couldn't recall much on how the battle went, but from what he can tell from witnesses' accounts, he really screwed up. According to them, he recklessly attacked Drogo, flinging Wind Blades one after another in an attempt to overwhelm the legendary adventurer with the sheer volume of attacks. Unfortunately for him, Drogo was pretty much unfazed by his onslaught, his defense far eclipses his attacks. Comparing his effort to a man throwing eggs against a castle wall and expecting it to fall might not be much of an exaggeration.

As expected, his master was not pleased. Master Adam Longley. The man who took him in when everyone, even his own parents, cast him aside, deeming him useless and a waste of space. The man who took care of him, clothed him, fed him, put a roof over his head, and taught him everything he knew. But most of all, the one who saw him as a person of worth.

He could still remember the words he told him like it was yesterday. "Child, no one is useless. Everyone has a part to play in this world." His voice is soft, like the soft sunlight caressing his soul, Esteban was shaken but still, his eyes were that of the dead. "If you still think that you are of no worth, then come with me. I will make you see your worth." Just like that, his soul was pierced. Never had he realized that those were those simple words are the words that he so yearned to hear.

"Master. I will not betray your trust. I will make the world see that you're not wrong." He muttered under his breath, like a prayer.

Clearing his mind, he continued to march towards the guildhall to turn over his quests. Pushing through the double doors, he was quickly greeted by everyone he met.

"Hey, Esteban! Have you already completed your quests?" "How you doin' Mukala's Star?" "Esteban! Let's spar!" "Are you free later? Do you want to go to dinner tonight?" A deluge of greetings, questions, and requests came his way and he tries to answer any that he can.

After a few minutes, he was able to push through towards the counter. "Good morning Esteban. How could I serve the number one adventurer of Mukala Branch?" Claire Asher, the Guild Clerk asked him with a wink.

He could feel his face flush red, and he couldn't look directly at her face. "Erm… I-I'm done with my quests." He placed down the trophies that he acquired during his mission.

She rummaged through the bag. "Twenty goblin ears, ten pairs of warg fangs, and an orc ear. All of the monsters included in the quest description has been accounted for, even more. Impressive, not even a week and you already subjugated the monster nest near Amalir Village. Truly a Feat fit for the rising star of

"That's not all." He then placed a sword on the desk.

Upon inspecting the sword, Claire's eyes widen. "Wow. This sword. Isn't this the sword of the bandit chief Polusk, the Eviscerator?" Examining the edges of the jagged sword, she eyed it with amazement. "Wow. I hear he is a tough man to catch. A devious, cunning man who only picks on the weak, and escapes as soon as they strike. How were you able to catch him?"

"Uhmm... I- It's a trade secret. But.... hmm... Maybe we can talk about it over dinner?"

"I would love to." Her answer made Esteban's heart flutter. Only for it to crash upon hearing what she said next. "But you said it's a trade secret. So I will have to decline. I wouldn't want you to get into trouble with your master. We both know how strict he could be."

He quickly hid his disappointment. "Oh! Yeah. You're right. How stupid of me. Forget I said anything." He gave her his best smile.

They continued to talk about his accomplishments, both trying their best to pretend that his failed attempt to ask her on a date didn't happen. Which is a welcome relief. After their recording his completed quests and handing him his reward, their awkward conversation finally wrapped up.

"I, um... See ya." He then turned around.

But before he could leave, he heard her voice calling to him. "Well, you might not be able to tell me how you did it. But I reckon there are other stories you could tell me later." She wrote something on a piece of paper and slid it towards him. "See you later." She winked at him.

With his hands shaking, he tries his hardest to look cool. "Yeah. See you later." He quickly left before he makes a fool of himself again as his heart pounds louder and louder.

As he walks towards the door, a group of adventurers is getting rowdy. "Ey! Ye bitches got sumthin ta say, say it ta me face."

"Wha-what? We didn't say anything!" The other adventurer stuttered as he slowly backs off.

The bald muscular man continued to walk forward, like a hungry lion stalking his prey. "Now ye say I'm deaf? I heard what I heard. You say we Twin Axes wuz weak? Ye think them White Wolves are stronger? Peh!" He spat near at the adventurer's foot. "That monkey Artreus juz got lucky. The bastard pretends not ta know how ta fight ta lower me guard and sucker punch me. Next time we meet, Imma flatten him in no time."

So, this man has been defeated by Artreus, eh? He seems strong, but not skilled. Defeating him is easy as long as you use your head. Bark loudly as he might, he is not worth his time, so he will let this disturbance be handled by someone else. He was about to go out the door when he heard a voice.

"Please stop disturbing the peace. You're inside the guildhall. If you continue with such childish acts, you will be escorted out of the premises."

"Childish? Did ye just call me a wee child? These city folks don't have a lick of respect in their body." "How about this child teach ye some manners?"

"Stop it, Niel. You're going to get us in trouble again."

"What's this about Joe? Don't tell me yer taken their side?"

"Heed your comrade's advice. If you cause any more trouble, I will be forced to take you down."

The musclehead scanned him from head to his feet. Then with a snarl, the man said. "Lookie here. Another white knight to protect them bitches. Take me down will ye? Wanna put your gold where yer mouth is, big boy? Come and meet me in the sparring area."

"Esteban. Don't." Before Claire could continue, Esteban raised his hand to signal her to stop.

"Don't worry. This will be over in a minute." He said confidently. After undergoing the quests that master has given him, exterminating a monster horde, and even defeating an infamous bandit chief in one on one battle, he feels more sure of himself. At least against people who he knew is weaker than him, and this man is levels below him.

"Heh! I'll wipe that smug look on your face soon enough. Follow me." Niel marched off, followed by an eager companion, while the other one doesn't seem to be too keen about his friend's upcoming battle.

What was his name? Joe? The Twin Axes that Esteban remembers from the records only have two members. Is he a new member of the Twin Axes? Whatever the case is, he could sense an aura of danger emanating from him. This man is strong. Esteban thought. Not as strong as he is from what he can tell, but near enough to make a battle against him a challenge.

Finally, they arrived in the outdoor sparring area. The sight of the place triggered some painful memory for Esteban and his feet froze just in front of the stage. Just more than a week ago he humiliated himself in this very place, damaging his master's reputation by associating him with an embarrassment of a disciple. One who let his nerve get the better of him forgot his training that master had painstakingly drilled into his very being, and made an ass of himself in front of the whole town.

For that, he has to redeem himself. Get rid of the stain of defeat and make them see that he is still the rising star of the Mukala Adventurer's Guild branch.

A smile was then etched on his face as a thought came up in his head. Maybe he should thank this foolish man, for he gave him a chance to redeem himself. With this in mind, he took to the stage and faced his opponent.

"How do you want to do this?" Esteban asked the man.

"Be my guest. Not like anything will change if I let you chose how ye want to be beaten." The man crossed his arms. A wide, confident grin pasted on his face.

"How about first to draw blood wins? Real weapons."

"Esteban! That's dangerous!"

"Hehe. Listen to the bitch, little boy. Don't think I'll settle with a little cut. I think I'll have yer leg."

"And I'll have that filthy tongue of yours that I may stop you from spouting such garbage. At least until the healers reattach it."

"Heh! Big talk. I hope you can back it up!"

"Are we going to fight or are we just going to stand here and argue?" Upon hearing his rebuttal, Niel growls and unlatched the two hatchets in his hips. As he was about to unsheathe his own sword, his arm was pulled by Claire.

"What are you doing? First to draw blood? What if you get fatally injured?"

"I won't stand by and let you get insulted. Don't worry, I'll win for sure."

"Hmph. Where did you learn to sweet talk like that? Have you been taking notes from Artreus?" Claire asked.

Artreus? Sweet talk? "Is Artreus hitting on you?"

"No. I don't think so. But he is just so sweet to the ladies you know. A real gentleman. You should learn a thing or two from him."

"Hey lovebirds! Have ye finished saying yer farewell? Don't ye worry, both of ye will have time ta talk in the healer's tent after I'm finished with ye." The musclebound Niel began twirling his axes. Beside him, the one called Joe whispered something in his ear and Niel's face became red with fury. "Do ye think I will lose to this weakling? Do ye think I am a pushover just because I got sucker-punched by that nobody? Just sit down and watch. I'll show ye how strong I am." He pushed Joe who did not budge one bit. Which only fuels his rage.

"Claire, just stand back. I will finish this in no time." He winked at Clair. Upon hearing this, Niel became more enraged, which is the aim of Esteban. A lesson taught by his master, the angrier your opponent, the more he will be left open.

Niel lunged at him, both axes raised over his head. Esteban knows that he wouldn't be able to block such a heavy attack, and he doesn't mean to as he slides to the side to dodge the wide swing. But as he did, the trajectory of Niel's strike changed. this was his true aim. Esteban quickly raised his saber to block the ax aiming to lop off his head. His blade bends and creaks under the force of the attack which forced him to jump back to kill most of the force and avoid his blade from being broken. Such arm strength. To be able to change the trajectory of his attack mid-swing and still have this much strength behind it. Guess he is not a C-rank adventurer for nothing.

This man might be an uncouth bastard, but he is one bastard. Esteban

Niel pushed on with his attack, quickly charging at Esteban, his axes swinging wildly in front of him, forcing Esteban to retreat. Multiple times he aimed to cut Niel's wrist midswing, only for his blade to be deflected by the other ax with the other quickly following through the opening and almost chopped his arm off.

This man is harder to deal with than he thought. Although the attacks of each hand are easy to deal with, the coordination of each attack leaves little for him to exploit.

Executing a wide slash to stop his opponent's momentum, he used the brief pause to jump back and create some distance between them.

"Heh! Why are ye running boy? I thought yer gonna finish me real quick?" He said in a haughty tone, twirling his blades all the while. "If ye think yer in trouble earlier,

Esteban didn't answer, he just concentrated on what he will do next. The opponent is stronger than him physically. He would be able to overpower him easily if he uses his spells, but he won't do that. Master specifically told him not to use his spells until he comes back to him as a punishment for his blunder, and he will not disobey him. His maser said that it is good to make use of the gift of the winds, but he has relied on it too much, forgetting the most important gift that was given to him. The swordsmanship that his master taught him.

Taking a stance, he held the hilt of his sword and pointed it towards his opponent. Niel laughed and tried to charge at him. Esteban's answer was to take a step forward, with his opponent almost skewering himself to his sword. Niel tried again, this time from a different angle, but Esteban just turned around, and with a quick thrust, he almost stabbed him in the chest if Niel was a split second slower to retreat. Snarling as he circles around Esteban, thinking of a way to attack, his every attempt was stopped by a simple technique, and every time he swats away the sword that is pointed at him, Esteban just disengages from the attack and with his sword tracing a small circle, his sword quickly returns to its earlier position. Just like that, he stopped his opponents' charge.

This is the swordsmanship of his master. There might not be enough strength behind each strike to cleave his opponent in half, but it is the deadliest swordsmanship he has seen so far. Other warriors think that the stronger they swing their sword, the stronger they are as a swordsman. But that is far from the truth. His master's swordsmanship does more with less. While cleaving your opponent's head will kill him, so does a deep enough cut on the jugular. Stop an armored foe? Just pierce through the joints of his armor or the slit of his visor. Master always says that the one who wins in a battle isn't always the stronger fighter, but the one who is more skilled.

Which he quickly proved by expertly controlling the battle with a simple point of the sword. His opponent's defense might be formidable, but it is when he is focused on defending. With Esteban also focusing on his defense, this is now a battle to see who will break first. A question which is easily answered as Niel's impatience already boiled over as he swats away his sword once more to attempt another charge. This time, the willy man threw his other ax at him to break his stance. While it succeeded and Esteban was forced to sidestep, it also would spell his own defeat as with only a single ax, he wouldn't be able to defend against what will come next. As Esteban's sword is on the trajectory to intercept Niel's attack with the purpose of hitting the fingers holding the haft of his ax.

This is my win! Esteban thought. But before he could hit, he heard a cracking sound as the previous ax hit the barrier behind him followed by a shriek. It was Claire!

"Claire!" Esteban shouts as he turned around to see if she was okay. But as soon as he did, he felt pain as the edge of Niel's ax licks his face, drawing blood but leaving the man open due to overextending. Seeing the exposed flank of his opponent, Esteban quickly took this chance to strike.

Only for his sword to be caught mid-strike between the index and point finger of Joe.

"The bout is over." Joe calmly said. Esteban was confused, between the anger that Niel obviously targetted Claire and the pain in his cheeks, he finds it difficult to comprehend what's happening. "The bout was for first blood." Pointing to the bloodied edge of Niel's ax, "Your blood was drawn. You lost."

"How was it? The taste of defeat after acting all high and mighty?"

"Bastard! You threw your ax at Claire!"

"Why? I aimed my ax at ye and ye dodged it. Is it my problem that the bitch is standing behind ye? If ye don't want her to get hit, then ye shouldn't have dodged." Niel smiled mockingly at him. "Also, what are ye bitchin about? Me ax has been stopped by the barrier didn't it? Just take yer loss and go. Loser."

"Why you!" Esteban wanted to charge at him but a pair of soft hands wrapped around his waist.

"Stop, Esteban. The fight is over. Let's just leave." Claire implored him.

Seeing the sad look on her face, Esteban couldn't take it. He unwrapped her hands around him and quickly left the area to hide his shame. How could he even face her? After all that big talk he has nothing to show for.

He failed.


The fight would've been easy.

How did it go this way?

He was clearly the better swordsman. There were multiple times he could've ended the bout. But it wouldn't have been a satisfying victory without utterly beating him and putting the man in his rightful place.

He should've won.

But he lost.

If he lost against Drogo, he would've been able to accept it. Drogo was far superior to him. Both in strength and ability. A legendary adventurer who was said to have fought with and against his master.

It didn't take long till he reached the Town Hall. Entering the doors, he couldn't even meet the eyes of the people guarding the place.

Upon reaching his master's office, Esteban doesn't even know if he could face his master. Thankfully, Hans, who is guarding the door opened it for him. "Welcome back Esteban. The mayor has been waiting for you." Ever the serious man. Hans greeted him in a gruff manner.

"Thanks, Hans. You're a lifesaver." He thanked the man who's like a brother to him. A man who also received the kindness of his master and was wholly loyal to him. A shame he didn't have the talent to learn master's swordsmanship. Ever since that day, he felt that a gap between them appeared and the man who he considers as a brother become distant to him. To be honest, he would've been a better disciple to the master than him. After all, he is more decisive than him, able to do things that need to be done without second-guessing himself like he is.

After entering the room, he sees his master mulling over a sheet of paper. The old man who raised him raised his eyes for a moment to look at him before returning to what he's reading. "You finally arrived. Took you long enough. The gate guards told me you arrived hours before. Quite unusual for you to not go straight back here to report." Placing the document down on top of his table, the master examined him. "I see. You've been busy."

"I'm so sorry master. I got sidetracked."

"Hmmm... The wound on your face." Master leaned back on his chair and studied his face. "It's fresh." He let out a sigh. "Spar. First blood and you lost. Surprising since with the exception of Drogo and his new protege Artreus, who's been reported training in the forest from early in the morning till afternoon, none of the warriors around here would've been able to match you."

"I am sorry master." Esteban quickly knelt on the floor and bowed his head. "I failed you again."

Resting his elbows on the table, Master interlocked his fingers and asked. "Hmmm... Before we discuss your latest defeat. Tell me of your mission first."

Sharing every detail from his departure last week and his arrival this day, he described all the things that happened. From his encounter with the monsters and his victory over Polusk.

"I see. You have remembered my lesson well. Cut off the head and the rest will scatter. Such is the weakness of undisciplined bandits and monsters alike. All of these you did without using spells as I have instructed." His master scratched his chin. "You have done well with your mission, my disciple."

"I don't deserve your praise." Esteban remained to kneel. To be honest, Esteban wanted nothing more than to be praised by his master. For his usefulness to be recognized. But as much as he wants to bask on his master's praise, his shameful defeat earlier has eclipsed his accomplishments.

"Nonsense. A job well done deserves praise." His master disagreed. "But that goes as well to the bad." His master then stood and slowly walked towards the window to gaze at the bustling town outside. "Do you know why I sent you on missions after you lost to Drogo?"

"Is it because I disappointed you because of my disgraceful performance in the battle?" He answered.

Without looking at Esteban, his master shakes his head. "That's not it, foolish disciple. It is understandable that you act like you did, since not so long ago when you first tasted defeat against that monster of a man, only to face him again whilst unprepared. No. I sent you away for other reasons."

Esteban racked up his brain to come up with an answer, he couldn't keep on disappointing his master by not coming up with an answer, then it hit him. "Is it to regain my confidence?" He recalled what he felt after coming out victorious from the battles he had to overcome during the mission. The adrenaline pumping in his veins, the elation after vanquishing the monsters and triumph over an infamous bandit chief. His self-esteem that hit rock-bottom suddenly skyrocketed and he believes himself strong again. That he could win against anyone, except against Drogo or master, that is.

"That is correct. Unfortunately, it worked too great since it seems you become full of yourself which led to your unfortunate defeat. What do I always say, dear disciple? If an opportunity presents itself to defeat your opponent quickly and cleanly, take it. No need to drag it out in order to grandstand. You could boast later after you win." His master's voice becoming harder and harder as he admonishes Esteban of his errors. "And you dear disciple, you have a lot of opportunities earlier. But you wanted to humiliate your opponent. To utterly crush him and show your superiority. For what? To impress a woman?"

Esteban was speechless. How did his master know? Did he saw the fight? Esteban's spirit drops as he imagines his master's disappointment in him.

"You should learn how to hide your thoughts more, foolish disciple. I can read you like a book." His master chuckled before tossing a crystal ball towards him. Esteban caught the ball and wonders what it is. "A gift from the good Guild master. It is a viewing crystal that shows the outdoor sparring area in real-time. A great gift, keeps me entertained while doing deskwork. Although it's quite pricy."

"So, you saw my fight master?"


"I have no excuse. I failed."

"And you shouldn't make any excuses. He defeated you fair and square."

How was it fair? He threw his ax at Claire to distract him. Even though there was a barrier to protect the onlookers, it is still an ignoble way to win.

"I told you earlier, hide your thoughts better. You think he cheated because he involved outsiders in the fight? Foolish boy. Remember this. There is no fairness in battle. Both of you look to get the upper hand. You may have out skilled him, but he outsmarted you and won. Simple as that."

"You are right, master. I was careless. Because of that, I lost a battle that I should've won. I don't deserve to be called your disciple."

"Maybe not." Upon hearing this, Esteban felt like his world turned upside down. "But that is only if you don't learn from this mistake. It is good to be confident, for that is something you need most. But too much confidence will also prove to be your downfall. Moderation is key, foolish disciple."

"What should I do, master?" His tone almost pleading as tears running down his cheeks. Even though his master seemed to forgive him, he could not. Not if he doesn't prove to his master that he is of worth.

"A rematch with that man will not do you any good at the moment. You will only get yourself defeated again if you let your emotions take control of you. Go on a few more missions to clear your head."

A chance to redeem himself. He must pick a mission that will be of great help to master. If so, then there is one mission that he could do. "As you will, master. Should I go investigate the disappearance in the nearby villages?"

"No. No need for you to get involved in that. I've already sent people for that." Master quickly replied, agitation clear from his voice, something that is uncharacteristic to his ever so calm demeanor.

Is the disappearance of the villagers making his master upset? What a stupid question. Of course, his master would be upset about that. Master is a kind person who cares deeply about the people under his care.

Although why his master is adamant not to let Esteban investigate in his stead puzzles him. Whatever it is, he's sure that the master's decision is correct, so Esteban quickly shook the idea out of his head.

Master quickly caught himself and continued. "You should take a mission that leads you furthest from town. That should be enough to clear your head before you arrive at your destination."

"As you wish, master."

"Good. I know you've just arrived, but you have to depart tomorrow. You may go now." With that, his master returned to the stack of documents on his table.

Offering one last bow, Esteban stepped out of the door.

As soon as he did, Hans calls his attention. "Could you spare a minute?"

"Of course."

"I may be stepping out of line, but I just need to get this out of my chest." Hans started. The serious look on his face becomes even more serious. "These past days brought nothing but trouble to the master. So I ask of you. Stop disappointing him. You have been gifted by the gods of the skills and abilities to become the successor of a brilliant, kind, and merciful man. So stop squandering his goodwill and live up to your fate. Gods know if I have half your talent, I will make sure to make master proud."

"I know you will." That is the only answer he could muster, for he would offer no excuses. This is no time for words. This is time to act. With that, Esteban left the hall.

As he walks down the street, he is lost in thought. Before he knew it, he is back at the guildhall. All eyes are on him, the loser who talked big, only to crash and burn. To escape their judging gazes, Esteban turns around to exit the building, but before he could, a hand touched his arm.

"Is there something troubling you?" Claire asked.

"Aren't you supposed to man the desk? What if an adventurer comes looking for you?"

"No need to worry. I'm on break. Tess is covering for me at the moment."

"Is that so..." His mind begins to trail off once more.

To get his attention, Claire clapped her hands. Earning his attention, she smiled. "You seem to be lost in thought. Care to share it over lunch?"

"I don't know." Esteban avoids eye contact with her. To be honest, he is too ashamed to even hold a decent conversation and he just wants to leave.

"Come on. It's my treat, and I won't take no for an answer. You know me. I'm stubborn. I will hound you until you come with me." She smiled so radiantly. She is not only beautiful, but more importantly, she is a caring, kind, and genuine person who likes to make people smile.

Unable to resist her, he finally agreed. Before they leave, Claire gave her replacement a few instructions. Once she's done, both of them left the Guildhall, jealous eyes following them all the way to the door.

As they walk side by side, Claire started to share stories after stories. Some funny. Some intriguing. Some, even romantic as two adventurers from the same team is about to get married. It's like she will not run out of things to talk about. But as many subjects and stories, she has shared, she hasn't touched upon what has happened earlier.

He gets it.

She wants to get his mind off his defeat, only telling stories that may lighten up his spirits, and he loves her for it.

Soon enough, they were both laughing and giggling until they reached the restaurant near the edge of town.

"Here we are! It might not be great to look at. But this place serves a badass stew. You like beef stew right? You should try it."

"Okay then." But before they could enter, he heard a familiar voice.

"Lookie here. Long time no see, and what do we have ere? Ye even drag these snotnosed brats with ye."

There's no mistaking it. It's those guys again.

"Esteban... Let's just go to another place." Claire looked at him with concern as she holds his arm.

"Okay---" He was about to agree, but was he stopped as soon as he heard another familiar voice.

Looking through the windows of the establishment, he saw the Twin Axes accosting a group of diners. One a red-haired woman, a little boy, a little girl, and a man who looks like a farmhand with a sword on his hip.

"Just our luck. You just have to forget to buy ingredients for our lunch." A voice that sounds like the red-haired woman from the White Wolves said.

"Today's your turn to buy ingredients, not me." That sounds like Artreus.

"If you know that I forgot, then you should have the initiative to buy. Now we have to go to a restaurant to eat. What's more, we just have to bump in with these goons. Seeing this guy's ugly mug. Now my appetite is ruined." Mikaela continued to ridicule the man.

This is bad. They might be skilled, but without Drogo to protect them, they dont have a chance if they get in trouble with the Twin Axe.

Like clockwork, Niel roared in anger. "The hell ye say to me?! This little bitch don't really know how to respect yer betters eh?"

Instead of getting intimidated. Mikaela continued to taunt him. "You? My better? I would eat my boots before I think you are my better."

"Why you!" Niel grabbed his axes and started to move towards them.

Seeing that there would be trouble, Esteban barged through the door.

He might redeem himself sooner than he expected. He might've lost earlier, but now, he will no longer play. He will go for the win at the very first moment!

He will make his master proud.