Chereads / Unbroken / Chapter 23 - Chapter 23

Chapter 23 - Chapter 23

Author's Note

Hello everyone! Sorry for not being able to post new chapters for so long. Ever since entering adulthood, I have always known that one of my weaknesses is time management, and it still is as all the work I've been putting aside came back to bite my ass and I almost didn't have any spare time to write last December.

Honestly, I was ashamed of not being able to continue the story for a month that I seriously thought of abandoning my dream to be a writer.

Then I realized that I would never be able to reach my dream if I give up just because I am ashamed.

That is why I am back.

To all my readers who I let down due to my long absence, I apologize to you all. I can only promise to try and deliver a good story that everyone could enjoy.

I guess that is enough for today, here's today's chapter!



After his defeat in the sparring, Artreus refused to get healed by the healers. Instead of licking his wounds from this defeat, he used it as a motivation to get stronger, thus he headed to the clearing where he practiced yesterday to get more training. He may have gotten himself beaten up, but his bruised body and mildly fractured bones can be of use. With this much damage, Tempering would produce more effective in strengthening his Aura and body.

Hobbling towards the town's gate, he could feel the eyes of bystanders glued into him. He could even hear some whispers about he got himself mugged or beaten up. While some people would get embarrassed from the side comments of strangers and quickly get themselves healed up and dress in proper clothes, Artreus isn't one of them. He was used to these kinds of comments. After all, such comments targeted at him was common to him during his childhood days.

Remembering his childhood made Artreus frown. His experience in the past may have given him the skills to survive till he entered the Order, it may also have molded him to what he is today, but those times are not something he is fond of remembering. Luckily, his thoughts were disturbed when he heard a familiar voice.

"Good morning Mr.!" Little Timmy greeted Artreus. Then, seeing his bruises, he asked. "What happened to you Mr.? You don't look so good."

"Did bad men do it to you?" The trembling in Juliet's voice could be heard as she asked. Her eyes let out a hint of fear.

Doing his best to assure the child, he put a wide smile on his face. "No, it was just training. Sometimes, to get stronger, you must get hurt first. So that in the future, it would hurt less."

Looking at the unconvinced look on the kids' faces, it warmed Artreus heart to see that kindness is still alive and well in this world. So, to quell their worry, he told them the action-packed story of their sparring, painting the imagination of the children with words that he didn't know he could. Maybe Bran's knack of dramatic storytelling rubbed on him after the years they were in the Void Plains.

After he finished the story, cheer and amazement could be seen on Timmy's face, while Juliet doesn't seem to be amused, although the worry in her face has faded. Must be because she is a girl and doesn't like fights as boys do.

"Wow! That Drogo guy sounds amazing! Taking the hits head on and dishing out his attacks like an unstoppable juggernaut!" Exclaimed by the excited Timmy. "And how about Esteban? He was like the storm, going whoosh, whoosh, and sharp winds come out! Oh man, I wish I was there to see it. That would've been cool!" He then looked at Artreus and coughed. "You also sound cool Mr."

Juliet also chimed in. "Yes. Mr. is also cool." She smiled.

Artreus laughed at their effort to cheer him up. Truly, children are the balm for the soul. "Am I? I'll take your word for it then."

Both children were all smiles. Then Timmy spoke. "By the way, Mr.," Scrummaging from his small bag, he took something that is wrapped in leaves, unraveling it, it revealed that it was a thin loaf of bread, closely resembling hardtack that he used to eat when he was in the army. "Here mister! My mother baked it for you."

Accepting the bread, the smell is earthy. Knowing that they spent what few they earned from his purchase of the handkerchiefs, Artreus was touched by their action. For him, he didn't deserve it. For a single silver coin, they are showing this much appreciation, what kind of hardship these children must've experienced.

"Thanks." He uttered with all the sincerity he could muster. Taking a bite from the bread, it was soft and sweet, so unlike its hard appearance. Savoring the taste, he chewed the bread slowly and when he finally gulped it down, he felt something is happening in his body. He felt his fatigue being washed out, giving the strength of his tired and beaten limbs to function at their highest performance once more. Although his cuts and bruises hadn't healed, this bread's restorative effect would be a big help in long excursions where both the endurance of the body and mind are being tested.

This bread, the embroidery of the handkerchiefs. With their mother's skills, trade with just one of those merchandises would've assured that they would live in comfort, if not in luxury. Then why are they here in the streets? Peddling such luxurious items for mere copper coins?

So many questions that he doesn't know how to ask. Does he even have the right to ask? Who is he to meddle in the lives of people? Can he even help? These kids don't seem to be bad people, not to mention their mother who could raise such children.

It took him a few seconds before noticing that the children are looking at him with curious looks on their faces. "Did you like it, Mister?" They asked.

"Yeah. It is delicious." He answered, which earned him wide smiles from the children.

"Wow. He liked it. That means that Mister is truly a good person." Timmy exclaimed. Seeing the confused look on Artreus' face, Timmy continued. "Mother said that only good people like the taste of the Lembas bread. Since you said that you like it, you must be a good person."

Still confused about why or how a person could be determined good or bad by a piece of bread, he just shook his head and smiled at the children. "I guess I am. Since you gave me such wonderful bread, how about I treat you to lunch? You could even take some home to your mother, as thanks."

Both children looked at each other with a concerned look on their faces. "Would it be alright Mister? You already helped us before, we wouldn't want to seem taking advantage of your kindness."

"Why feel that? You are not taking advantage of me, I want to treat you because I want to."

"It's just…" Timmy stammers.

"Don't think about it." Trying to think of a way to make the kids agree, he came up with an idea. "How about this. Before we go and get lunch, I will need to meditate first. How about I hire both of you to watch over me while I am meditating, and once I am done, I will pay you with lunch?" The two seem to have something to say, but he cut them off. "Ah, ah, ah. I won't take no for an answer." He then walked towards a nearby stall and bought some sugar-coated apples. He bought four and also a water skin filled with freshly squeezed fruit juice. He gave them to the kids and when they accepted them, Artreus smiled and spoke once more. "Now that the down payment is received, you can no longer refuse. I will just need a few hours to meditate and heal. If I don't finish an hour before lunch, feel free to call for my attention, then we will go grab some lunch. Does that sound good?"

The two shyly nodded their heads.

Flashing another smile, he walked ahead towards the clearing while the two kids are eating their treats behind him.

Upon arriving at the clearing, he quickly went to business and meditated. While he does so, he repeated what he did last night, drawing his Aura from his Core and letting it circulate in his body, enhancing his recovery while strengthening it in the process. All the while he let his Mana out, using it as his eyes to Sense his surroundings. Twenty meters away, from behind the trees are the ones on who Artreus is keenly keeping his Senses on.

The spies.

He is not sure, but Artreus thinks that these are the same ones who are keeping an eye on him last night. Originally, he is planning on leaving them on the loose. But since they spotted him with the kids, he is beginning to think otherwise. IF he was their only target and wouldn't drag other people in, then it wouldn't be a problem. But since they have seen him with the kids, they might involve them in their schemes, and that is something he couldn't leave to chance.

For while he doesn't know what he must do to accomplish the mission given to him by the Goddess Yue, he could at least do what he and his companions swore to do.

To protect the weak.

For now, he will keep an eye on them and move only if they try something, but as soon as they are out of the sight of the kids, he must find a way to deal with them. But not before he beat all the information that he could out of them.

Although, he was also surprised to see the kids react when his Sense washed over them. Was this just a coincidence? That level of Mana Sensitivity at that age is unheard of in humans. Could it be that they are gifted in the ways of Mana?

Questions for another day. In the meantime, he must meditate while keeping an eye on his surroundings. This would've been impossible, but being able to utilize both Mana and Life Force, he is an exemption. For while he is looking inward and managing the flow of his Life Force, his Sense will act as his eyes.

Lost in the cycle of Meditation and Mana training through extensive use of Sense to keep watch of the rats, Timmy finally decided to call his attention. Uncertain whether to touch his shoulder or not, the child is stuck in indecision. So to spare the child from his dilemma, Artreus decided to finish today's session on his own.

Opening his eyes, he greeted the two. "Hey there. Did I make you two wait?"

"By all the holy, Mister. You frightened me, suddenly opening your eyes like that." Timmy blurted out.

"Hahaha!" He laughed, before adding. "Also, would you stop calling me Mister? I told you I have a name. Artreus. Call me that."

"Mmmm… Okay. Mister Artreus." He answered.

Messing his hair with his hand, Artreus smiled. "That's a start. Okay then, let's go and have lunch. What do you want to eat?"

The two fidgets for a while before answering… "meat." Timmy said meekly.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." He asked while cupping his ear with his hand in a gesture that tells the kids to say it louder.

"Meat dish please," Timmy repeated with a louder voice.

Then the soft voice of Juliet broke the silence. "Uhm… We haven't eaten any meat for months… It would be nice to taste it again." Then she shook as if she said something that offended him, "Ummm… I didn't mean to impose. I am so sorry." She repeatedly bows like a hen pecking for corn.

"You don't have to do that. I am not angry in any way." Artreus grabbed her shoulders to stop her bowing. After calming the little girl down, he spoke to them. "So meat it is then? Any particular way you want it cooked?"

Excited at the prospect of eating meat, Timmy hurriedly replied. "Oooh! Oooh!" He raised his hand before answering. "I want roasted pork! Or spiced beef!" Artreus can tell that the kid is already imagining eating that food as his mouth starts to water.

Laughing at the sight of the hungry little kid, Artreus then turned towards Juliet. "How about you? What would you like to eat?"

Juliet twiddles her fingers before answering. "Uhmm… It would be nice if I could have some beef stew." Her voice ever so silent said, before adding. "If you wouldn't mind."

"Of course I wouldn't. I did offer to buy you guys lunch." Artreus again tussled her hair before straightening his back. After stretching, he spoke once more. "So, roasted pork, spiced beef, and some stew." He muttered, seeing their hopeful eyes, he flashed a smile. "Okay then! Let's go to the inn and have some lunch!"

The children are full of cheer at his declaration and they started to walk back towards the town, and as he has expected, the two spies continued to follow them, thus he continued to monitor them with Sense while they approach the town. Upon entering the gates, Artreus and the kids mixed in the crowd, which further solidified the incompetence of the ones following them as they have lost their group. His Sense closely monitored the spies but a few adventurers noticed his skill after his Mana washed over them. The adventurers became curious and wary, their hands grabbing the hilt of their weapons as they look around, trying to figure out his position.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed his shoulder. Artreus was about to pull out his sword but another hand grabbed his, preventing him to unsheathe his sword.

As he was about to turn and attack the mysterious figure, he stopped after he recognized her voice. "Stop dumbass. You are making a scene." The voice said. It was none other than the hot-headed redhead, Mikaela. While he is relieved that it was not an attacker, the only thing that is in his mind is how was she able to sneak up on him despite him using Sense to track each passerby. "Pull your Sense back too. You're making the other adventurers nervous."

Turning off his skill, Artreus apologized. "Sorry. Although I don't know why they would be nervous just by feeling a little mana washing over them."

Sighing and shaking her head, Mikaela replied. "You truly are a dumbass." Artreus frowned at her. Why is she so hostile to him? If she knew why she could just answer. No need to be mean. "In our line of work, it is inevitable to step on someone's toes. Either from working for a rival of an influential person, or even go head to head against powerful people in the criminal underworld, not to mention bad blood with other adventurers. Veteran adventurers thus developed vigilance, even inside towns. For if they are not, then they would've bitten the dust." She then poked his forehead with her finger. "So, mister pervert, answer me this. What do you think are those veterans will think if they felt unknown mana washing over them?"

"They will think that they are being watched by their enemies?" Artreus answered.

Hearing his answer, Mikaela huffed. "Good. At least you are not that stupid."

"Why would they think that? Aren't the guards use Sense to monitor the streets?" Back in his time, multiple Senses overlap anywhere you go in a town. Usually coming from the guards and the other Paladin Orders. A way to survey people and a warning that they are being watched, so they better not do anything stupid.

"Here I thought the pervert has grown a brain, then you say something stupid again." Truly, this woman is getting on his nerves. "If the guards can use mana and skilled enough to use Sense, then they wouldn't become town guards. They would most likely become an army officer or a private guard. Or if they want freedom, an adventurer. But since they don't, the only way for muscle heads to earn honest money is to become a town guard."

Their conversation was cut when the children call him. "Mister Artreus! There you are! You suddenly disappeared. We…" Timmy suddenly stopped when he saw Mikaela. "Oh! Sorry for interrupting. We didn't know that you are speaking with your girlfriend."

"Who's someone's girlfriend you brats?!" Mikaela angrily responded.

"Hey now. Don't get angry. He is just a child." Artreus said as he holds back the fire tempered redhead. Then turning towards Timmy. "And no. She is not my girlfriend. Hmmm… Now that I think about it, I couldn't call her a friend. She is more like an associate. Yeah. Let's go with an associate."

"Oh… Then is she the one that you told us about? The fleet-footed woman who kicked you and broke your ribs? Miss, you are one badass woman!" Timmy declared.

Caught off-guard by the sudden praise, Mikaela blushed, before catching herself and coughed. "Of course! I am a member of the White Wolves after all!"

"A member of the White Wolves! Wow! You must be incredibly strong! No wonder you kicked Mister Artreus' ass!" Timmy continued. Which only made Mikaela hold her head even higher, to the point where her nose is pointing at the sky.

I see. So the foul mouth loves compliments. You learn something new every day. Artreus thought.

"Now, now. Stop with the flattering. We have lunch to go to right? Or are the two of you not hungry anymore?" He asked.

Timmy quickly kept quiet and looked at Artreus with pleading eyes, as if to tell that he wants to eat lunch.

"Stop teasing them, stupid. Come on kids! I know a place where they serve delicious food. My treat!" Mikaela started in an unusual upbeat manner. But her spirited declaration was met by unsure looks from the children. "Wha? What's wrong? Don't you want to eat lunch?"

"Uhm… But we already agreed to eat with mister Artreus… It would be impolite to go with you, Miss." Juliet meekly replied, unable to look Mikaela in the eyes.

Wow. What well-mannered kids. Most kids who grew up in the streets would go along with people who will give them more benefits but these two are honoring their commitment to him first before their needs. One day, he would like to meet the parents that were able to raise these two kids. "Nicely said, kid. How about we head to the restaurant now?" Turning towards Mikaela, "You could also tag along if you like."

Hesitating at first, Mikaela then huffed and agreed. "Okay then." She said, walking in front of the group. "But I am not tagging along because I want to. I am tagging along so that I could keep an eye on you. The old man wants to meet all of us later, and I don't want you to wander off and make him wait."

"Okay. By the way. Why are you in front? Aren't I supposed to be the one leading since it's my treat?" Artreus jokingly said.

"Oh, you are treating us to lunch alright. But I will pick the place where we eat. Gods know you might bring the kids to a shady place."

Artreus just shrugged his shoulder. "Whatever you say. Come on kids. Let's follow the hothead redhead."

The two continued to throw jabs at each other while the kids laugh at the sight of them bickering, which made their walk towards the restaurant as lively as ever.

While he is still aware of the men following him, Artreus doesn't want to tell the hothead their presence. Gods know he will never hear the end of the nagging she will unleash upon him. Not to mention causing the kids to worry.

For now, he wants them to enjoy the moment.

He will deal with those rats later.