Chereads / Unbroken / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

"So rookie. How was the taste of your first real battle? Is it everything you dreamt of?" Grisha who is famously known as the Valkyrie, approached Artreus. Her flame red hair caked with blood and her silver armor is splattered red with demon guts.

Artreus wiped off the blood from his face, which only spread it more. Spitting after some of it fell to his mouth, he answered. "It was nothing like I've ever experience before. How could I describe it…? It was more intense than any battle I've faced. I fought like there is no tomorrow today." He fought bandits, enemy soldiers, and even beasts and monsters. There were a lot of times when he almost died in those encounters. But today. "Even so. I've never felt so alive. Like I am finally fighting for something worth fighting for."

"As well you should. For if we fail, then our world will be in grave danger." Captain Marius butted in. Unlike the rest of them, the Captain doesn't even have a speck of blood in his armor. "Clean yourselves up. We would dishonor the crest in our chests if we fought with our armor caked with demon blood."

"Aye Captain." Both of them answered.

Artreus tried his hardest but try as he might, he couldn't remove the stain of blood in his armor. He then heard Grisha chuckle. Facing her, he was surprised to see that all the sign of blood and viscera on Grisha disappeared. "How?" He asked.

"You sure are a hard worker. But next time, try to work smarter." Grisha is in good spirits as she teases Artreus. "You want to know how I cleaned myself so fast?" Artreus nodded. "If you do something to please me. I may be inclined to tell you how."

"Oh by the Gods! Your flirting makes me want to puke." Moira walks in on them. She is also looking immaculate. "Just use Purify on yourself and be done with it."

Artreus quickly casted Purify on himself, and as the bright light from the spell faded, so was the stain not only in his weapon and armor, but also in his body. "Wow. I didn't think Purify could be used like this." Purify. A holy spell that remove poison and other impurities. It was usually used to remove poisoned items, vanish poison cloud, and purify toxic puddles and water. To think it could also cleanse the body.

"Of course you wouldn't have thought to use it like this." Moira raised her finger like a professor teaching a lesson. "Purify is a holy spell. Not something to waste with something as simple as removing filth from your body. But here in the Void Plains, we don't have access to water, or food, or anything for that matter. So even though it might seem disrespectful to use such spell on such a demeaning as cleaning the body." She then placed her hand over the Moon crest on her chest plate. "We represent not only our Order but also the tools of the Goddess in ending evil. We can't be seen looking so unsightly."

After her impassioned speech, the rest of the Paladins cheered, which made the ever so strict Moira turn red in embarrassment before she stormed off. Grisha followed her friend and teased her along the way, leaving Artreus alone once more. His eyes wandered around the camp and saw the Paladins, the greatest warriors of their race, chatting and joking with each other. Some are even sparring with such intensity that he feared that they would kill each other only to end with one of them pulling their attacks at the very last second and laugh with each other.

"This is far from what I imagine." A voice from behind Artreus whispered. Turning his head towards the man, he found out that is was Bran, The Holy Swordsman. "Is that what you're thinking about?"

"Not really." Artreus sheepishly replied. "I was just surprised. I always thought that Paladins are supposed to be strict."

"Yeah. We do look like it normally." Bran sat upon a demon corpse beside Artreus. "Appearance is important for our Order. We must always look upright. The very image of Righteousness and Justice." He said as he fondly gazes upon the other Paladins. "All of those are important while in the eyes of the public. But here in the battlefield. It is different." He then flashed a serious look at the young Paladin. "What pose the greatest danger upon us Paladins? Is it the criminals? Rebels? Beasts? Monsters? Or is it demons? No. it is none of those. The greatest enemy of a Paladin is himself. Once a Paladin loses his way, abandons their beliefs and everything they stand for. That is when he is truly defeated. For even if we lose our lives, as long as we stood for our beliefs. We stand defeated but not broken." He then gestures at the other Paladins. "That is why we support each other, either by joking, chatting, or even forging friendship through battle. We help each other remember what we stand for." Suddenly standing and pointing his sword towards the dark sky, his sword began to shine in a blinding light. "In these dark days, we must steadfast and be the beacon of light to the world. Individually, we may be no more than a candle in the dark. But together, we become as bright as the blazing sun." Offering his hand towards Artreus which he accepted. Bran then pulled Artreus on is feet and clap his shoulder. "When you start to feel that you are losing your way. Always remember that there are those you could rely on. For we are brothers. We are sisters. We are Paladins."

"Thanks. I will always remember that." Artreus bowed in respect of the senior Paladin. With a final pat on the shoulder, Bran walked away.

As soon as Bran left, Captain Marius took a seat beside him. Pouring a cup of alcohol and handed it to Artreus "Bran just gave you the speech huh? Alcohol?" Marius offered. Seeing Artreus hesitate, he forced him to take it. "Lighten up greenhorn. We must always find ways to release stress. Focus your all in fighting when the fight comes but after that, rest. Your body and mind depends on it. Our body might not get tired or hungry, but our spirit will give out if we don't relax once and a while. There we go." He said cheerfully as he watches Artreus accept and drink the cup of alcohol in a single gulp. He then stood up and raised his cup. "Today has been an outstanding victory. No one died or got hurt, and I owe it to all of you." All the Paladins stopped what they were doing and focused their eyes on the Captain. "To the fine men and women of the Order of the Radiant Moon! More victories to come! For the Order, for the Goddess Yue, FOR ASTREA!" Everyone cheered at the Captain's short speech. After filling Artreus' cup once more, Marius left and walked towards the other paladins.

The merriment continued for another hour or so, but after that, the Paladins started to busy themselves by carrying the corpse of the demons and using them to create a makeshift mound. It may not stop the demons, but it will at least slow them down a little.

A hundred demons attacked today. How many did he kill? Artreus wondered. He must've killed at least 2 or three. A feat a normal human could only dream of, that is no doubt. But instead of feeling pride, he felt lacking. After seeing the great Paladins in action in front of him, how could he justify to himself that he is strong? No. He has a long way to go. He must continue to hone his skills so that one day, he would be able to say with confidence that he stood shoulder to shoulder with the greatest heroes of Astrea.

For now, he will finish the task given to him. Then he will train.


A loud piercing cry woke Artreus from his fugue. Shaking the drowsiness from his head, he looked around and saw the pile of dead demons surrounding him.

It was just a dream…

No. A memory.

A memory of a distant past when his view of the future was bright even though they are surrounded by darkness. Who wouldn't? With the greatest heroes of humanity by his side, he felt like nothing could get in their way.

But now…

He slowly stood up and walked towards the portal. He then knelt and offered a short prayer.

"Another day to prove our devotion to the Gods and our world." He spoke softly. "Forgive me for disturbing your rest my friend. But I will need to borrow your weapon. Don't worry. I will return it once it's done, or apologize to you when we meet on the other side if I fail." He apologized before reaching a sword which glowed with holy energy as soon as his hand touched its hilt. In front of him was the grave of Bran, the Holy Sword.

Grisha the Valkyrie, a woman who with her Polearm, Gierahod, won countless battles either with men, beasts, monsters, and even claimed the life of the demon commander, the beast demon Dark Fang.

Beside her is her best friend, Moira. A level headed woman whose mind is as sharp as her blade. More often than not, I go to her for advice for my swordsmanship and magic. Her understanding of the sword, the mind and the body is what made my advance in the way of the sword and magic possible. Even though she has a cold exterior, it was clear that she cares for her friends so much that she sacrificed herself to save Grishia.

To my left was the grave of Devin, a man who would've been a berserker without equal but chose to temper his battle lust to chase after a higher purpose other than grant death upon his enemies and became a Paladin. The fact that Artreus was still breathing is because of him. His courageous last stand was something to behold. With his twin double-headed battle axe, he didn't only push back the horde, but he crazed demons felt fear for the first time and retreated, the first time I've witnessed after years of fighting.

In the midst of the graveyard was their Captain, Marius the Lion Heart, their fearless leader. The reason they were able to hold out for this long. A man with strong arms, and even stronger conviction. The man he idolized and wished to be in the future.

Blocking the way to the portal as the grave of the rest of the Paladins who volunteered for this most sacred mission. Together, they laughed, cried, fought, and bled together. They knew that they might never return. But they chose to fight nonetheless. Not for glory and fame. But for the sheer desire to serve the Gods and save the world that they love so much.

For years he prayed to the Gods for salvation and answer. But all of them went unanswered. So after years went by, he stopped praying to the gods. Instead, he prayed to the souls of his departed comrades. "One day we will meet again, my friends. But for the meantime, grant me your strength and wisdom, that I may drive the evil that seeks to destroy that which we love, and if I fall today. I could at least be able to say that I did my very best, and hope that you would forgive me." Seeking for wisdom, courage and strength that he will be able to continue on their sacred duty. Even now, he can feel it. Although he is the only one left to defend the only portal to their world. He is not alone.

The roar of the incoming wave of demons filled the atmosphere and the very ground shakes underneath his feet.

Finishing his short prayer to his friends, he stood up. As he faced the horde, his long grey hair flew towards his eyes. His grey hair has become this long again, reaching up to his shoulders now. That means another year must've passed in this god forsaken wasteland. To be honest, he gave up counting the years he's been standing guard of the portal. The only thing he knew that he will continue to guard it until he dies. Not for his honor, or pride. But for those who have fallen in the line of duty. They have done their part. This time, it is his turn. "Goddess Yue. Give me strength. For the Order! FOR ASTREA!" He roared as he cut down the hulking demon who lunged towards him.

Alone against hundreds of demons, he continued to fight. Cutting down enemies like a scythe on wheat. All the strength he accumulated. All the skill he polished. All the blood he could spare. He put it all on the table as he faced the impossible odds before him. His armor was now filled with claw marks and dents. No. Not his armor. His armor was destroyed long ago that he can't even remember when. This was now the fifth armor that he borrowed from his fallen comrades, and although it pains him to disturb his friends' rest and borrow their equipment. There was nothing he could do but promise to pay them back when they meet again in the other side.

"Ice wall!" Artreus' barely avoided death as he summoned a wall of ice which blocked multiple Flame Spears which pierced through a demon and flew towards him. He then grabbed a bull demon by the horn and sliced it off its head with his sword. He then Empowered his arm and threw the decapitated head towards the floating imp demon with such force that the imp's head exploded like a watermelon.

Demons might be evil, but they are a prideful bunch. They wouldn't be able to stomach sneaking into the portal without taking care first of the remaining human who is left standing in their way. So like ants swarming around a piece of candy on the ground, they surrounded the lone paladin, intent to tear him apart, limb from limb.

They are about to flank me! I could not allow that. He thought. After slicing another demon in two, he gathered his mana and channeled it into the Holy Sword. Brimming with energy, Artreus raised his sword and roared. "Holy Explosion!" The sword shone brighter than the sun and the holy energy within explode, creating a dome and swallowing everything within 10 meters with Artreus at the center, dealing massive Holy damage to all evil being that were too slow to flee. Reducing them to ash.

A powerful spell, no doubt. A sure death to all demon caught within.

But there is a downside to using such spell.

Artreus' breathing is heavy. His energy reserve dipped by at least 1/3 after using Holy Explosion once. Although the ring of Endurance and Sustenance enabled him to fight for this long, it only affects his stamina. Using spells drain his mana, and mana can only be regained by resting. Something that he can ill afford now that he is fighting alone.

No. He is never alone.

The skills, the experience, the teachings that his comrades bestowed upon him made him feel that they were still with him. Giving him strength to soldier on.

Stabbing the sword in the ground, Artreus shouts. "You shall not pass! Gaia Blast!" as he channeled more of his mana and with a single upward slash, huge shards of earth and rocks flew towards the charging demons, shredding and crushing them to death. But as the demons in front of him get obliterated, more rushes in to take their place.

Like a whirlwind of death, Artreus swing his sword, left and right, even using the arm of the demon he just severed to pummel said demon to death. The decades of fighting forged his body, tempered it to steel. His skill honed by countless fight to the death, turning the once rookie paladin to the very image of death as he continues to slaughter each demon that comes his way, either by sword or spells.

Hours flew by and finally, Artreus cut down the final demon. Although he should be inexhaustible due to the effect of his equipment, he still felt like his limbs are made of lead as his legs gave out and he sat on a demon beast corpse. His tired eyes gaze around him as he saw piles and piles of dead demons littered around. Thankfully the portal and his comrades grave were left untouched.

Using what is left of his Mana, he casted a spell. "Purify!" All the blood and guts that was splattered on him and his equipment vanished to thin air. He then stood up and walked towards the Paladins' grave. Placing the Holy sword upon Paladin Devin's grave. He uttered a prayer. "Thank you for the weapon, Devin. I don't know if I could've survived today without it." Gazing towards the rest of the graves. "I have survived again today. Thanks to all the teachings you taught me. I hope you guide me once more next time. But for now." Turning towards the scattered demon corpses. "I have work left to be done." Bowing one more time at the graves, he then dragged and carried the demon remains and threw them into a single pile. He then sat and meditated for a while to restore some of his mana. Once he deem it enough, he got to his feet and started chanting. "Goddess Yue. The Goddess of Purity and Mercy. With the light of the moon that shines through the darkness. Grant upon me the power to cleanse these land of evil." His energy rises, shining like the sun in the midst of the dark Void Plains. Condensing the energy to his palms, it shone like stars in the sky.

"Descend from the heavens! Grand Holy Light!" He shouts as he shoots the two orbs of light towards the heaven and vanished to the darkness. Then after 2 seconds, a large pillar of light shone down from the heavens and purified everything it touched upon. 5 seconds passed before the pillar of light faded away, making way to the darkness of the Void Plains once more. Upon its wake, everything that is left from the demon corpses was a pile of ash, which was blown away by the wind.

"I hope all of you could see this in the heavens." He whispered before collapsing. His vision darkened and his consciousness fade away.