"So, your mission was to find out what is causing the unrest in the forest? Now I understand why you're suspicious of me." Artreus said after hearing their story.
"Seeing a naked weirdo alone in the forest is always suspicious." Micaela chimed in.
"Mimi, you are too harsh. But yes, she's right." Drogo chuckled before continuing. "It's a good thing it is us you came across, any other group found you like that would've run you through, or capture and torture you for information at the least."
"Yeah. I know." Artreus answered while looking at Micaela.
"It is not my fault. I warned you, I said don't move didn't I? You moved." She said defensively.
"It's water under the bridge now." Artreus waved his hands, as if to say let bygones be bygones. "By the way, if you're in a mission to protect a town, then you should know where the nearest town is."
"You want us to point you towards the nearest town? I would give up on that at the moment if I were you." Drogo said. "The guards wouldn't let you through without identification papers. Even if you managed to sneak into one, the locals will surely turn you over to the authorities. They are not trusting of strangers nowadays, with all the incidents that are happening lately."
"Specially a pervert weirdo stranger like you. You will surely get executed on the spot." Micaela butted in.
"I am not a weirdo. Especially not a pervert." Artreus answered furiously.
"Who in their right mind wanders the forest naked?" Micaela asked pointedly.
"I don't know, someone who was just robbed?" He said.
"Were you robbed?" She asked once more.
"Not that I know of. I woke up like this." He answered in a light tone.
"Maybe you are just an exhibitionist" She says in an accusatory tone.
"I am most certainly not. Could we stop talking about that?" He is starting to get angry with all the pervert accusation. He was a paladin for gods' sake.
"True. Stop teasing him Mimi." Drogo reprimands her. "So, regarding your request, I could point you to the nearest town, but as we have discussed, it is not the wisest idea." Scratching his chin, his expression then lightens as if he just thought of a great idea. "How about this. You join our party in our mission?"
"How does that help me?" Why is he asking me to join them? What is their goal? Artreus thought. Even though he feels that Drogo could be trusted, he still must never lower his guard. His mission depends on it.
"Well, for starters, you will be safer with us, seeing that we are seasoned armed adventurers. With us around, no adventurers or wild beast would harm you. Also, once the mission is over, we could vouch for you in town. It may not look it but we are a respectable party." Drogo said
He does have a point. Artreus thought. "Well…" He was about to reply but he was cut off.
"Eww�� I don't want a pervert in our party." Micaela refused. "Also, we already have weirdos in the party. We don't need more."
"I told you. I am not a pervert. Quite the contrary, my friends told me that I am such a gentleman." When Grisha tried to make a move on him when she was drunk, but he refused her. But that is more because Moira was behind her friend ready to skewer him if he tries to do something.
"Hahhh…" Drogo just sighed in exasperation and walk towards a large tree about 10 meter away from where they were sitting. Waving at Micaela, "Mimi, a moment." He then turned towards him. "Sorry for her rudeness. I am going to have a little talk with her. Just a moment if you please."
Artreus just nodded. Drogo seem to be a stand-up guy so he has no issue with him. If he could talk to Micaela in stopping calling him a pervert, then it would be great. The woman is beautiful, in a wild sense, with her messy wavy hair, round eyes, cute nose, and red lips. But her mouth is vulgar.
Not that he fancies her. The Goddess Yue was far more beautiful. Far, far more beautiful.
"I don't trust him Drogo." Micaela started. She doesn't know why Drogo is so much trusting with this stranger, and even if he says he vouch for him, she still can't stomach having a complete stranger in their party. What if this a trap? If he wouldn't see reason, then she will be the voice of reason. As her adoptive father, the person who took her in his wings when she has no one, it is her job to keep him safe.
"Why? Because you saw him naked? You are already 19 little Mimi. You're at that age already." Drogo says, then all of a sudden, his eyes light up. "Actually, this is a good practice. One day you will see that on the one you love. You can't act like this when that time comes."
Face red at the insinuation of the man that she looks up to, she replied. "What are you saying you old buffoon? I am here to make sure we're safe and you're cracking jokes? Go ahead and keep him to lead us in an ambush. See if I care." She huffed. "Also, I've seen larger penises than his. The guild has a mixed bath remember?"
"Oh, so little Mimi is also a lecher eh? I didn't know that." Then with a fake sniffle, Drogo continued. "Where did I go wrong to raise such a perverted child?"
Face red with shame, Micaela snarled at Drogo, "Damn it old man! This is no time for jokes! We have a quest to finish and I don't want some stranger with us who would likely plunge a dagger on our backs. You could not just trust anyone just because another barbarian trusted him enough to teach Aura."
"You got it wrong child. You must know me better. Us barbarians are the least trusting bunch." Drogo spoke in a serious tone. "Trust me. Taking him with us is the best choice of action." Seeing that Micaela is still not convinced, he continued. "Look at it this way. With Artreus on our side and if he really does have something to do with the recent incidents, then we can closely monitor him, and if he's not, then we gain a valuable companion not only capable of healing and support magic, but is also a capable combatant. It's a win- win either way."
Although she still has some reservation in letting the perverted man in their party, Drogo's logic is reasonable, so with no more room to argue, she agreed. "Okay. I will no longer disagree with letting him join. But with one condition."
"And what is it?" Drogo asked.
"That I don't see him waltzing around naked during this whole trip." That man, not only is he naked the whole time they fought, he even has the nerve of pointing a dagger on her neck while his dick is dangling in front of her. Such a pervert.
"I thought you are used to seeing penises already? Why fuss about it now?" Drogo jested, but after seeing her angry expression, he finally relented. "Okay, okay. I will lend him some clothes. Although I don't think he will fit in mine. His body is too small." After thinking for a short while, he added. "Oh I know. I think Claus is the same size with him. Let's ask him when they come back. But for now, he will just have to do with just a cloak to cover his body."
Letting out a sigh, she says. "Okay. Now that that is settled, let's go and check with our guest. Hmmm? What is that noise?" She asked after hearing a commotion from their camp. Running back to see what is the commotion about, they saw Artreus being attacked by two large eagles. They swoop down with such speed and agility that they are able to sink their claws on his flesh and at the same time dodge his attacks.
Smiling ear to ear, Micaela enjoys seeing the pervert struggle. That'll teach him not to parade around naked with a maiden around.
These damned birds! I would tear you apart once I get my hands on you! Artreus thought as he tries to hit the eagles. But it was all in vain as they were too quick and agile to for him. How could these beasts move in coordination at this high level? They won't even let me rest for a second, much less cast a buff or a spell. As if they are used to fighting humans. Artreus rolled under an attack but was clawed by another while he is rolling as if the beasts knew he would do that. He then picked a rock and threw it at an eagle but it easily dodged his attack. Another eagle was swooping from behind him, he tried kicking it at it swoops down but the bird was faster and able to claw him and fly off. My eyes could follow, but my body couldn't. If only I had the strength I had before, I wouldn't be in this position. He knew it was futile to fight these beasts but his pride won't allow him to call for help. Although his body is much weaker than before, he still fought against hordes of demons for decades. He will, no, he must overcome this if he wants to complete his mission.
An idea then struck his mind. Waiting for the right moment, he grabbed the cloth covering his body and threw it towards one of the birds. Anticipating where the bird will dodge, he lunged at the beast and wrapped his arms around its body. "Got you!" He then started to tighten his grip around the struggling bird in order to break its spine, but suddenly, he felt a searing pain in his side. He looked down and saw a bolt plunged deep in his rib, possibly puncturing a lung.
"Let go of Jora you brute!" A voice could be heard from the treetop. Landing on the ground was a man, at least as tall as Artreus is. In his hands was a crossbow.
Damn. I didn't sense him at all. Artreus though as his strength wanes and he let go of the bird. Artreus started to chant under his breath. He must cast a healing spell at the same moment he pulls the bolt off his body, then he will attack this intruder. The problem is, the bolt sunk too deep and he couldn't grip it too tight since it became to slippery with blood.
"What are you whispering? Chanting a spell eh? Not on my watch!" The intruder shouts. "Time to die you butcher!" He pointed his crossbow at him once more.
Shit! Is this the end? I still have a mission. Will the sacrifice of my friends would be in vain? No. It couldn't be. I wouldn't let it.
Artreus growled and surrounded his body with all the Aura he could muster. Even if he breaks his legs again, he must defeat this enemy and survive.
As he was about to charge at the intruder, Drogo's voice boomed. "That's enough Claus! Lower your weapon." Artreus was surprised to see his attacker respond to Drogo's command, are they in cahoots? But even if they are, he doesn't have a choice but follow them for now, seeing that he is not only outnumbered, but they also have a hunter of some kind with this asshole, so escaping is out of the question. As Artreus was pondering about this, Drogo spoke once more. "And you, Artreus. I will pull the bolt out and cast a healing spell."
Artreus started chanting the healing spell and gave the signal to pull the bolt out when he was near finished with the spell. A searing pain could be felt as the metal pointed shaft was pulled from his flesh, but it was quickly replaced by relief as the warmth of the healing spell washed over him. "That's better." He said as stood up and checked on the newly healed wound. But as soon as he did, he felt a cold murderous aura in the air. An assassin?! He thought, as he prepares for battle. But as he was about to turn around to find the source of the malicious aura, a cloak was thrown at him.
"Here, wear this if you don't want to become a eunuch." Drogo said as he covered Artreus with the cloak, an while he was pondering what Drogo meant, the killing intent he felt subsided as soon as he wrapped the cloak around him, making him wonder if the blood loss made him feel things that weren't there.
"So. Are we going back to the city and turn this bastard in?" The bowman said. The eagles from earlier are perched on top of the tree behind him
"No Claus. This is Artreus, and he will accompany us on our mission." Drogo answered.
"What?! I am not going to travel with a butcher. You must've seen the carnage he wrought with the Iron Fang Wolves. I will never want to group up with a man like him. Besides, aren't you even a bit suspicious of him? A lone man wandering in the forest with nothing but a cloak to cover his body. He might even be the one responsible for the troubles here in the first place." Claus was furious. Sensing their master's agitation, the eagles behind him readies themselves to swoop down.
Drogo raised his hand to stop him. "Mimi and I already discussed about it. We both agreed to let him come with us."
"The hell you two will allow him to travel with us. He butchered those animals in cold blood." Claus snarled.
So he is one of those eh? Those who are animal lovers. "What would you want me do? Just lie down and let them maul me to death?"
The man's face twisted in anger. "I am not an idiot. Either when hunting for food or confronted by an animal who seek to kill you, it is acceptable to take a beast's life. I don't hate the tiger when he hunts a rabbit. It is the circle of life. But it must be done causing the least amount of pain. What you did to those poor animals are beyond brutal. One was even reduced to a pile of mush. You heartless wretch."
"Could you tone your fetish down even for a moment. We are on a mission and both the old man and I deemed that Artreus would be beneficial to us. Don't let your feelings hinder the mission you furry." Micaela chimed in. Earlier she was disgusted by him. She looked annoyed but at least the violent red-hair is on his corner now. Artreus wonders what Drogo told her that she is now acting like this.
"Che. Just wait till Porsha comes back. She will see reason."
"Actually, I am on Micaela's side." A woman suddenly appeared out of thin air from behind Artreus. This is crazy, how many people were able to creep up on him today? The ranger and the rouge he could understand, but this dark hair busty woman doesn't look or feel like the stealthy type with her robe, and her wizard hat. She must also be injury prone too, judging by her bandage wrapped arm and eyepatch.
"Why? You would let a stranger we don't know anything about in our party? What if we get backstabbed?" Claus tries to explain to his companions. While Artreus would also think like him if their positions were reversed, his survival hangs on the balance so he wouldn't complain.
"Why?" The woman taps her chin while she is walking towards Artreus. "Because I find him interesting." She says while staring at him with a lustful gaze.
Why is she looking at him this way? Is she a pervert? Artreus thought.
Seeing him avoiding eye contact with the woman, she chuckled. "it is rare to see a healer this far from the capital. I wouldn't miss this chance to study you close~ly." She said with a sing-song voice at the end.
"Damn. It is like I am the only sane person here in the group!" Claus throws his hands out in frustration.
"It's been settled. So don't argue anymore. Anyways. Seeing that you are back early, you must've learned something new." Drogo started, motioning the others to take a seat. "Report."
Artreus focused on listening on the report of Claus in hopes of finding clues on his own mission. Save the world the Goddess Yue said. Well, he doesn't care what the Goddess wants him to do. He is not doing this for her, but for his friends who sacrificed their life for this world. For them, he will even lay his life to protect the world they love.