Author's note
Sorry for the wait. Got swamped with work.
Thankfully, my schedule is now free so I can write once more.
Here's today's chapter!
Have a nice day.
Damn it. He didn't even consider that there might be prisoners from the caravan. Based from the wreckage and the corpses of both young and old, he thought that they took no hostages and just slaughtered everyone for their cargo. Gazing at the still figure of the woman, Artreus tried to calm himself down. This is not a situation where he could let his emotion get wild. With a hostage in the hand of that bastard, he couldn't just charge in like an idiot. Such an action will just endanger her.
"Heh! Watchu glarin at me fer ye pipsqueak?" The bandit captain jeered at Artreus. "That some fierce eyes ye got there boy. Makes me wanna pluck em right of yer skull." He then dropped the corpse of the bandit in his grasp and threw the woman towards one of his remaining lackeys.
A quiet scream could be heard from the woman as she was flung mid-air like baggage and was received by the arms of a bandit bastard. At least she is alive. As long as she is alive, he could save her. If there are others like her, he would save them too.
His eye still fixed on Artreus, the bandit chief extended his open hand towards his remaining lackeys. Seeing this, the terrified bandits scrambled towards him, they were carrying something heavy based on the grunts and the strained look on their faces. Finally, when they got close enough, Artreus saw what they were carrying. A large sword made up of metal, as tall as a fully grown man and as thick as his arm. It should weight no less than a hundred kilograms. It is more accurate to call it a slab of metal than a sword. Placing the sword upon their chief's hand, the two of them scurried away.
"This here is Giant Slayer. A fine sword isn't she?" The Bandit Chief caressed his sword like it was his lover. "It doesn't matter if it can cut. This here baby hit ye, ye will wish ye died upon impact. Oh the sound of crushed bones and dying screams, tis better than sex. Not by much. But still better." The hateful face of the hulking man in front of him was full of arrogance. "Ye know, when me men dared to interrupt me fun time, I thought that I would face some strong foe. Imagine me disappointment to see that a skinny bastard like ye were able to twist their panties in a bunch. So disappointed that I am thinkin of slaughterin them all weaklings. But that look in yer eyes." He puts his finger in his chin at a mock gesture of thinking. "It makes me gut feel that there is more to ye than meets the eye. Hopefully, there is. Fer with me clients ghosting me, I might break all them girls in boredom." He's so full of himself that he doesn't even consider Artreus as a threat. Only as an opponent to toy with.
Arrogant bastard. I bet Drogo would keel over in regret if he knew that he would have been able to face a muscle bound idiot like him if he only accompanied him in eradicating these bandit scum. Well, too bad. For he will not be able to face this scum. This bastard will die here and now. First kill this scum, then save the hostages. Artreus thought. He quickly lunged at the bandit chief. The bastard was big. A lot bigger than even the Captain, bigger than freaking Devin, both in height and girth. But without the skill and techniques of those two, such a large body comes a weakness. He will surely be slow. Quickly closing the distance, Artreus was confident in his speed advantage, that he could end the battle in a flash.
But after seeing his next action, he realized his mistake.
Muscles bulging and veins popping, the bandit chief swung his sword. Sensing the danger, Artreus dodged to the side as he watches the gigantic sword crush both the corpses and the cave floor with sheer weight and force. I guess his body is not just for show. But still. With his weapon buried in the floor, it means he is open! Artreus thought and he tried to attack once more, only to see a shadow about to swallow him. He quickly jumped back just in time to dodge the meaty fist of his opponent. It seems that he was also arrogant. He also underestimated the bandit, thinking that he could end things quickly. He is not only fighting a stronger enemy, but also someone experience.
Those scars weren't just for show huh? Artreus thought. He couldn't let his guard down. The enemy has the range and the strength advantage, and although he is much faster, the enemy seems to be experienced in fighting a quick opponent. He gazed at his surrounding and sighed. This enclosed space is also not doing him any favor. With the only path being forward, the enemy need only focus on one direction, dampening his speed advantage.
Still, this is not an unwinnable situation, Artreus thought. If he couldn't win with power and speed, he will win with skill. He lunged once more at the brute, baiting him to attack. Once the bandit chief swing his sword, Artreus matched it, intent on slicing off his foe's wrist. Seemingly aware of his plan, the bandit chief turned his arms, letting the blade sink unto the back of his arms instead of his wrist. Thick flesh stopped the weathered blade from cutting through the bone. As if he didn't have his flesh cut, the bandit used the flat of his blade to try and crush him, fortunately he jumped back just in time to avoid getting crushed underneath the heavy blade, and quickly ducked under a haymaker that followed before jumping back once more to dodge a front kick.
Grabbing the sword embedded in his arm by the blade and wrenching it off his flesh, the bandit chief dropped the sword to the ground, soliciting a clanging sound. He then smiled at Artreus. "Dat yer best shot shorty? Ye think such a trick will work on me? I lost count on how many of ye pipsqueaks try dat move on me."
Although he wants nothing more than to tear the bandit apart, Artreus tried his hardest to stay calm. "Oh yeah?" But seeing a filthy bastard mock him, is not something his pride could bear. Picking up a sword, he mustered the energy that he was able to recover for the last five minutes. "How about this?" He couldn't afford to hold back. He will end it in one shot. His battered muscles ached as they were being reinforced as a thin film of Aura engulfs his body. At the same time, he offered a prayer to Yue.
"What's this? Yer ultimate move is it?" The bandit's bloodshot eyes were filled with anticipation. "Come! Show me what ya got, and I, Gen the Bone Crusher, will crush it with my strength, along with your body!" He roared as he raised his giant sword.
I don't care about your name. My only care is that you're still alive. Artreus thought.
Upon reaching the attack range of his opponent, Artreus finished his prayer. His free hand shone with holy light and pointing it at the attacking opponent, he casted the spell. "Holy Force Blast!" As a blast of holy light pushed the foe back.
"That it?" The bandit sound disappointed as the spell barely had any effect on him, only able to break his stance and push him a few centimeters back.
But that was enough. Slowing down the bandit in a fraction of a second, Artreus focused his Aura on his leg and charged at the out balanced Gen. Not expecting that he could speed up faster than before, Gen wasn't able to react on time as Artreus plunged his sword deep in his gut.
"Guh! Ye sumbitch!" Gen tried to grab Artreus but he quickly jumped away from his reach.
Weaving, ducking and side stepping to dodge the deluge of punches and kicks, Artreus is not stepping back. At this range, the gigantic sword is next to useless but heh didn't dare lose concentration as even unarmed, the enemy could still end him in a single shot, Aura or no. Not even bothering to pull out the sword from his enemy's gut, Artreus opted to pick up swords lying in the ground and started hacking at the giant. His attacks only able to dig to his skin and flesh, but with the bandit's tough muscles, he was unable to cut through his thick bone. Maybe if he focused all his strength and Aura to his hand, but with him already running on fumes, he couldn't afford getting incapacitated too since he still have to deal with the other three lackeys of this bastard. With the bandit chief protecting his vital points under his deluge of attacks, he could only inflict flesh wounds, but those wounds stack up and after a few attacks, the bandit had seven swords stuck all over his body.
"Stop dodging like a cockroach and fight like a man, ye bastard!" Gen shouts as he used his gigantic sword as a shield, plunging the tip to the ground and with a heave, he sent rocks flying towards Artreus, forcing him to back away. "Gah… Haaahh… Haaaahhh…" The bandit chief panted. His face continued to cycle from anger to anxiety as he begins to doubt if he could defeat the man before him.
His head is getting light as his exhaustion reach its peak. Artreus is heaving like crazy but still tried to get to the nerve of his opponent. "What now big guy? Not so tough now are we?" Artreus fired back at the bandit chief. He couldn't let the enemy think clearly. In between breathes, Artreus started to pray once more to Yue. This would cost what was left of his Mana so he better make it count. He clenched the sword with both his hands, channeling the holy energy in its blade, waiting for the right time to unleash the death blow.
Face now full of fury, Gen roared. "Grrr! Dammit! Don't ye move!"
"What's up Mr. Bone Crusher? Tired of chasing me around? How about you just lie down and let me chop your head off. Save both of us the time." Artreus replied.
"We'll kill the hostages if ye move!" Seeing Artreus freeze up after hearing that, Gen smiled. "Yeah, das right. One move and we kill them hostages. How bout that?"
These damn bandits! Artreus cursed. "Why use hostages in a fight? Where did your confidence go? Are you afraid that you will lose to a 'pipsqueak'?"
"Of course not. I just don't want to waste any more time chasing down a cowardly rat who just ran around and not fighting fair."
"Dumbass. Just look at the difference between us. You are big and strong, and I am short and quick. If you think that I will engage in a battle that I know I will lose, then you truly are dumb as bricks." Artreus continued.
'I need to stall for time. Recover as much energy I can and use it to deliver the finishing blow. I wouldn't be able to deal with him using half ass spells. I need destructive power.' Artreus thought. If there is a chance to defeat this bastard with his dwindling Mana, it would be that spell.
"Bah! Don't care what ye say. Don't move and drop yer weapon or we'll kill the hostages. Startin with this woman."
"Heh. Why do you think I give a crap if you kill the hostages? I am here to kill you trash. Not for them."
"Say that all ye want. But I know you people." Artreus raised his eyebrow after hearing him. He know him? "Ye are one of those pompous Paladin bastards. Don't ye deny. I hear yer chants. Prayers for the Gods to bless ye with power. I dunno why yer sauntering about with nothin but a cape, but that is a mystery I don't care not to solve." He then spat at Artreus' direction. "So which order are ye? Oh it matters not. Fer ye wont be able to run back ta yer daddies for help. Sacrifice yer own ta save a life. Ye will die here fer yer lofty beliefs. Now weapons down!"
Shit. What do he do? Even if I now have enough Mana for the killing blow, the bandits at the back will still have time to kill that woman. Putting down my weapon is out of the question. If I lay down my weapon here, then it is no different than leaving them to the mercy of these vermin. Do I kill this bastard and let them kill the hostage? She might lose her life but I will be able to save the others. Sacrifice one life to save more.
Artreus curse himself. If only he was stronger. Then he could've saved everyone. But he was weak. Just like before, to achieve the goal of the Gods, someone have to be sacrificed.
No! If he sacrificed someone just for the better good, then he is no different than the Gods who sacrificed him and his companions to fight alone in the Void against the whole army of demons. How could he stoop so low? There must be a way! Think Artreus. Think!
"Eh? Yer not putting yer weapons down? Does that mean that yer sacrificing this broad? Bahaha! The high and mighty Paladins finally show yer true color. Ye think fer yer own safety first. Yer no better than us. How ever you dress a turd, it still a turd."
Artreus grits his teeth and clenches the hilt of the sword until it draws blood. Uncertain of what he will do. Then, with a heavy sight, he dropped his sword.
The bandit chief Gen smiled at the sight. He was about to say something but his expression changed into that of alarm as a flurry of daggers flew towards him. He hid behind the huge hunk of metal he calls a sword but with his large frame, some of the daggers were able to find their target and sunk unto his flesh. As all these are happening, a shadowy figure fluttered in the darkness of the cave, dashing beside Artreus before vaulting over the Bandit Chief's effort in grabbing it. Upon reaching behind him, dying shrieks could be heard as the bandit holding the woman hostage fell, a dagger embedded in his skull.
"To think that you will really lay down your weapon. I guess you're not a total scum. Mr. Pervert." Illuminated by the torch fire revealed the identity of the figure. The red hair and sharp eyes piercing through the darkness as she stands in front of the hostage. It was the rogue, Micaela.
"Who're ye? Why have ye come ere?!" The Bandit Chief roared at the unseen enemy.
Using the commotion, Artreus quickly grabbed his sword and with a quick prayer to the goddess, his sword was enveloped by holy light. Filling the dark cave with brightness, Artreus raised his sword. "Banish evil with your raidiance! Sword of Light!" He yells as holy energy extended from his sword in a form of a blade of light.
Gen tried to raise his sword to block the attack, but with his wounds, he failed to lift it and decided to use his thick arm and sturdy muscles to block instead. But it was futile, for without Aura or defensive spell, the holy blade cut through him like hot knife through butter, slicing both arm and his body in half without even a chance to let out a cry.
With a loud thud, the two halves of Gen's corpse crashed to the ground with the gigantic sword embedding itself into the floor with its sheer weight. Artreus felt his head is going to break in half as he suffered through Mana exhaustion. But he couldn't afford to collapse here yet. He needs to help Micaela deal with the other bandits.
"You ok there, pervert?" He heard Micaela's voice call to him.
When he directed his gaze towards her, he saw her standing over the corpse of the second bandit lackey, with the last one cradling his broken arm, clearly the work of the rogue.
"Why haven't you killed him yet?" Artreus forced himself to walk towards them, only to fall to his knees in exhaustion.
"If you're exhausted, then rest. Don't force yourself. You fought hard you know." She took out a coil of rope from her bag and started to tie down the surviving bandit.
"Don't waste your time tying down that trash? Kill him now and be done with it." Artreus snarled as he crawls through blood and gore, dragging a sword in his hand to end the life of the miserable excuse for a human.
The bandit panicked at the sight of the one who killed their leader, crawling towards him with eyes full of bloodlust. He cried and plead to the rogue to spare his life.
Before Artreus reached the tied down bandit, Micaela stood in his path. "Hey. I took him down so he's mine to do what I want."
"Why are you protecting this wretch?" Artreus stared at her and asked.
"I am not protecting him, you dummy. I don't want to waste time combing through this dark cave to find out where they are keeping the hostages. That's where he comes in." Pressing her dagger against the bandit's neck, she asked. "If you want to extend your sorry life, you're going to lead us to where you're keeping the hostages."
The bandit whimpers in agreement.
"Bah! Trust a filthy bandit will only get you stabbed in the back." Artreus protested.
"My prey, my choice. Now go take a rest over there, far away from me. You stink." Micaela just huffs and checked on the crying woman. Consoling her.
Seeing that she will not budge, Artreus couldn't do anything but accept. They do need a guide if they want to reach the hostages faster.
That and he's too tired to argue.
So he started crawling to the other side of the cave wall and started meditating. He needs to recover his Mana, not only to alleviate the pain in his head, but also to regain enough mana to cast Purify. For the insufferable woman was right.
He stinks.