Chereads / Unbroken / Chapter 16 - Chapter 16

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16

* Author's Note *

Sorry for the late chapter.

But as they say, better late than never!

Anyways, enjoy today's chapter!


With a single swing of his great sword, the burly barbarian cut down one more tree and carried it to the camp to be made as a makeshift seat. With a thud, he dropped the tree trunk and sat upon it. "Ten bandits in less than ten minutes huh? That is quite the feat. You've gotten better little Mimi." Drogo told Mimi who also took a seat close to him.

Upon hearing his praise, the red-haired rouge puffed her chest in pride. She brandished her knives as she dramatically narrates her story. "That's right! In a flash, I threw my throwing knives at the group, killing three of them in an instant. The surviving bandits tried to put up a defense, but with my quick movements, I defeated them, one by one." Giving her knife a final flourish, she continued. "Quite easy really, if I truly wanted, I could've finished them quicker. But I wanted to play around so it took much longer. Still, not even a scratch on me."

Clapping at the rouge's story, Drogo was full of cheer, but his eyes flashed a glint of smugness. "Impressive! I expect nothing less than my apprentice." He grinned, with a few words, he claimed Micaela's achievement as his. For a student's success somewhat depends on the skill of the teacher. "After hearing such an amazing story, I just had to tell a story of my own! Be prepared! The story I am about to tell is grand. Someone might contradict what I am about to say, but rest assured, there is no blemish in what I am about to share to the world!"

"Bah! Before the two of you fight on who could blow the hotter air, how about the both of you help me butcher this rhino? After all, you are the one who requested we hunt them, old man." Claus complained. In his hand is a blood soaked knife which he used to expertly skin the tough hide from the meat of the twin horned rhino. By his side is Porsha who is also busy cutting the horns with her magic. Then she proceeded to grab some of the innards of the beast, probably to use as ingredients for her experiments.

"What are you saying lad? If an amateur like me handle such a high class meat like a twin horned rhino, I would only ruin the meat. Better leave a job like that to the expert." Drogo tried to act genuinely concerned but was ruined by the sound of Micaela chuckling by his side.

"Always dumping the chores on me. What else do I expect?" Claus sighed and continued skinning his second rhino already.

Artreus is watching the party banter while he is busying himself in preparing the ingredients that he will put in the cooking pot. Estella offered to help but after cutting her finger for the umpteenth time, Artreus healed her wounds and told her to watch and learn first.

Gazing around the camp as he expertly cut the veggies, he watched the matured women clean the camp and even raise makeshift shelter with branches and leaves. The older women, aging from 15-18 are passing around blankets while the younger women below 15 fetched water for drinking and to put in the pot. Few others tended to the flame, throwing a few more logs to keep the fire ablaze and ready for when he starts cooking.

"Can I try once more? I will be careful this time." Estella pleaded, her voice low.

Artreus noticed that she is restless, she tried helping the others with their chores too, but with every failure in each tries, her confidence in herself have sunk low. "No need to be restless. Everyone are bad at things at first." He consoled the woman. Seeing that it had no effect, he handed her the knife and held her hand with his. "How about this? I will guide your hand while cutting the vegetables?"

"Uhmm!" Estella let out a surprised gasp, but she didn't protest. She let him guide her hands, chopping the potatoes and carrots before placing them aside to be put inside the cooking pot later. After chopping the last of the vegetables, Estella placed the knife on the makeshift table. "Thanks." She whispered, her face turned away from him, before quickly marching towards the other women who were handing out cups of water.

"Quite a lady's man I see." Artreus almost cut himself in surprise as he heard a whisper near his ear. When he turned around, he saw Porsha, her face is so close that he could feel her sweet scent of dream smoke on her breath. "Look at her. She is quite the woman isn't she? So young, so beautiful. So eager to please." The eye-patched wizard raised her bandaged finger, pointing it towards Estella who is busying herself handing out a drink to Claus, who graciously accepted it. Artreus gaze returned to Porsha who was grinning mischievously. "How about it? Want to do naughty things with her? I could help. I could brew you something to keep you going all night."

"What are you saying? I don't harbor such thoughts." He quickly replied. Artreus knew that Porsha likes to tease, he thought that the woman would have some boundaries.

"Oh really? Is she not your type?" She smiled provocatively, "Then how about spending the night with me?"

"Wha---?" Artreus was about to reply but Claus suddenly yelled.

"Stop that grass breath. Seriously, as soon as the old man turns his back you start some shit." Claus angrily yelled as he cleaved the enormous hind leg of the rhino he is butchering.

"Stop being such a stick in the mud little boy. We are just having some harmless fun. Haven't we dear Artreus?" She said as her index finger touched his chin.

"Don't start with me woman. I will seriously whoop your ass. I will not clean after your mess again" Claus growled and he grabbed the crossbow that he left leaning against a nearby tree.

"Oh little Claus. I would like to see you try." Porsha replied and her mana, in a form of a blazing flame like the roaring flame in the camp fire, started to swirl around her body.

The atmosphere in the camp became a lot intense. Artreus' gaze wandered around, trying to look for Drogo. If someone could stop this, it is him. But after looking everywhere, the giant man was nowhere to be found, and so is Micaela. Damn it! Where did those two go?

Just as the tension was about to reach its limit, a voice broke through. "Mr. Claus, Miss Porsha. Please calm down. You're scaring the women." Her voice was shaking, but he couldn't deny her bravery.

The two suddenly realized what they were doing and Claus quickly lowered his weapons and calmed down his pets, while Porsha receded her blazing mana. Both coughed in embarrassment and apologized to Estella and the other women in camp.

How can I be so indecisive? This group reminds me so much of my departed comrades and I let my nostalgia get the better of me that I missed my chance to intervene, forcing the defenseless Estella to deescalate the situation. Artreus shook his head in shame. He then walked towards Estella, who is looking at him, her hands are still shaking. Artreus held her hands. "That was really brave. See? You can do something that even I don't have the power to do. You are strong. Never believe otherwise."

She smiled beamingly at the praise and nodded. Then her face turned red and she quickly withdrew her hands from him.

Artreus smiled softly at the sight of the woman who ran towards Claus who is apologizing to the women who huddled up in fear from the earlier situation and helped him calm the others down.

She will surely become strong one day. Artreus thought. A person with a strong will to overcome their fears despite their weakness will surely succeed in their endeavor. That is what Artreus believes.

Still, he wonders where those two went. Suddenly disappearing like that without even a word.


It was dead quiet as Drogo and Micaela zip pass through the forest. While they were exchanging stories earlier, the old man asked her to guide her back where she and Artreus fought Gen the Bone Crusher with the goal of checking out Giant Slayer after she told him that the bandit chief wielded a giant slab of metal like a normal sword. Before going, he made a scene where he made it look that he was offended that she was implying that the bandit chief was stronger than him, so to prove his strength, he will retrieve the sword in order to wield it himself.

Knowing the old man, he truly wants to prove his superiority. But this detour of theirs have another purpose.

"I have heard some news of your escapades with the bandits. I reckon you have something to report?" Drogo asked while they move. "So how was he?"

Micaela paused as she tried to construct words to describe what she witnessed today. After a few moments, she started. "The perv- I mean Artreus, he is complicated."

"Hmmm? How so?"

"He seemed adamant in exterminating all the bandits he sees. Watching him fight feels like watching a wild animal. No techniques, no skill. Using only brute force he ripped the bandits apart with anything he could get his hands on, be it by sword or the amputated limbs of his enemies, and if there were no weapons at his reach, he punched and kicked through human bodies like he was punching through clay. Even recalling the sight of his bloodshot eyes filled with wrath and hatred and his whole body drenched in blood, both his and his enemies, still sends shiver down my spine." She closes her eyes for a scond as the memory flashes in her mind.

"Hmmm… I see…" Drogo replied, "Well, seeing that the lad is still breathing and not lying dead somewhere with a dagger on his back, I reckon there must be more to your story."

"Yes." She continued. "As fierce and ruthless as he was with the bandits, he showed compassion and kindness to the women who were taken prisoner. Healed their wounds, gave encouraging speech that helped those who lost will to live to regain some hope. He didn't even think twice to cook for others. As if the terrifying persona he showed earlier was nothing but an imagination. It's driving me crazy figuring out which is the true him." She stopped in her tracks and looked at Drogo. "Tell me. What do you think? I know that he has a kind side to him. I saw him sacrifice himself to save someone he doesn't even know. Ready to extend a helping hand to those in need. But every time he is near, something inside me fears to see his blood thirsty eyes full of hatred and wrath looking at me."

"I think that everyone has their own demons. From what you told me, something haunts the lad. Something that involves bandits apparently. But I can also gleam from your words that he is not totally a bad person." Drogo placed his hand over her shoulder. Her firm grip gives her courage. "Anyways, it is still early to judge him. So for now we will keep watch." He continued. "Sorry I had you watch over him lass. I placed you in a dangerous situation without someone you can trust to watch your back."

Smiling at the man who she viewed as her father show concern, she replied. "It was nothing. You needed someone for the job and I am the most qualified. I wasn't even in danger. The pervert didn't even know I was there till I showed up to save his sorry ass. Besides, who else would you watch over him? Claus? He will sooner shoot him in the back than keep an eye on him. Not even mentioning Porsha. Judging by the hungry way she looks at him earlier, she would've exposed herself at the start and reduce the bandits into nothing but dust." Realizing something, she began to panic. "Oh no! We should head back! Porsha will surely do something to Artreus!"

"Don't worry Mimi. That is why I left Claus in the camp. He will make sure she doesn't do anything crazy."

"That is why I am worried! Claus will normally have no problem keeping Porsha out of trouble. That is if she is acting normal. But the way she looked at the pervert, she only looks at someone that way when she wants something intrigues her and wants to thoroughly examine him or her. You know what happens to someone who she examines right?" She warns him.

"Porsha surely wouldn't do that while Claus is watching her. Now quit stalling and let's go! The faster we find that oversized sword, the faster we could go back." Drogo started running towards the direction they were going earlier.

When he is set to do something, there is nothing that could derail the old man. Micaela sighed and turned her head towards the direction of the camp and offered a prayer to the Three Gods that she doesn't do anything foolish. After that she quickly followed the stubborn man she looked up to as a father before he gets himself lost in the woods.


Drogo and Micaela finally returned from their escapade. It didn't take long for Artreus to piece together where they went as the giant slab of metal that the deceased bandit chief Gen used to wield is not resting on the barbarian's shoulder.

With a stupid grin in his face, Drogo's boisterous voice filled the camp. "We're back! We also brought back a souvenir!" When he was met with silence, he further asked. "Why so glum? Did something happen?"

"Where did the two of you run off to?"

"Well. Little Mimi here mentioned that she met some Gen guy who was wielding a big chunk of metal as a sword like it was a twig. So we went retrieve it to see if it was really that heavy."


Grinning, he swung the sword with one hand without using Aura. The force of the swing was enough to create gusts of wind. "This is light as hell. My Voracity is much heavier than this block of iron."

"Are you kidding me?" Artreus blurted out at the outrageousness. So they left the group which almost exploded instantly as soon as his back was turned, just so he could prove that he was stronger?

"No, really." He dropped Gen's sword which created a crack in the ground as it landed. He then grabbed his own sword from his back and placed it in the ground. "Come on. Try picking it up." He says.

"That is not what I-" Before he could finish, Claus grabbed his shoulder.

"Just do it. The old man will not stop bothering you until you do." He said before returning to his seat.

Scratching his head, Artreus walked forward and touched the hilt of Voracity. When he tried to pull it up, it didn't budge. He gathered more of his strength and pulled again. Veins in his muscles bulge as he finally pulled the great sword from the ground. "Damn this is heavy." He said while gritting his teeth. If he loses focus, he might drop the sword and hit someone, much less swing it in a way that it will be effective in battle.

"Heavy ain't she? Much heavier than this ugly sword." He said as he picked the Giant Slayer like it was nothing.

"Damn it. How is this thing so heavy?" He estimates that this is about 200 kilograms. How could something that looks like an ordinary great sword weigh so heavy? Artreus unleashed his Aura to empower his body. It made wielding the heavy sword more bearable. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough for him to be able to execute complex moves, limiting his attacks to either a vertical or horizontal slash, maybe a stab if he focused more Aura on his arms and legs. Using strength buffs would enable him to do more, but doing so is so a quick way to emptying his Mana and Stamina reserves. Better use a lighter weapon. Both could kill an enemy either way.

"It is made from an ore that was out of this world. See, a huge rock fell down from the sky near the Azalea Mountain range. After that, monsters began to ravage the villages near it. An elder---" He began a long story of his adventure, according to his story, an Ice Dragon laid claim to the meteor which fell deep within the mountain range and drove away the various monster tribes that were living near the vicinity which cause the said fleeing monsters to flood the nearby villages. He, along with a young Porsha, fought and defeated the Ice Dragon, restoring the balance in the mountain range. As thanks, the council of village elders wanted to give him what was left of their money. Drogo denied, instead, he took the remains of the meteorite, while Porsha stored as much ingredients she could carve from the dragon corpse as their reward. As soon as he finished one tale, he started telling another story, all of them outrageous and hard to believe. But he tells the story so well that you feel that you are there, witnessing how he overcame all the challenges that comes along his way with the strength of his arms and his heart.

"He surely knows how to tell an engaging story huh?" Artreus said as he passed a bowl of hot soup and a big chunk of roasted meat to Micaela who was sitting at the edge of the camp.

She hesitated at first, but in the end, he took the food from Artreus' hand. "Thanks." He said before tossing a water skin at Artreus. Sniffing the contents, he finds out that it was wine. Artreus took a sip before handing it back to her. She also took a swig and continued. "The old man had a lot of practice. In telling story that is. After all, he had to take care of a brat who was too frightened to sleep." She smiled as she watched Drogo from afar.

Artreus sense that there is more to the story, but it would be rude to dig any further. After bidding goodbye to the rouge, he returned to the camp to serve more food to the others. The camp became lively as Drogo have started his second story as if those who listened forget their fears for a while, while they imagine that they were also in the story, fighting evil and saving the day.

So the night wore on, the camp went to sleep knowing that a hero was there to watch over them while they rest.

When the morning came, they ate the leftovers from last night and continued their march towards the town.

After a few hours, they finally can see the walls surrounding the town at the edge of the forest. A few more minutes, they arrived at the gates.

Upon seeing large group of people approaching, the guards scrambled and formed at the gate.

Seeing this, Drogo marched ahead of their group. He said something to the guards and presented a scroll. A guard wearing a feathered helmet took the scroll and read it. After a while he handed it back to Drogo and bowed.

After the commotion at the gate, Drogo came marching back, a big grin stretching in his face. "All of you are safe now." He declared. "Welcome to the town of Mukula!"

Finally, somewhere where he could rest and think about what he will do in the future.