*Author's Note*
I would like to thank everyone who read my story! It brings me great joy that someone appreciate my work even though I lack in so many ways as a writer. Hopefully I develop my skill and become a good one.
Wanted to write more but I needed to work earlier.
I will start writing the next one tomorrow after work.
Gotta sleep now!
Enjoy the chapter!
"This kingdom, this town… They didn't exist when I was alive back then." Artreus whispered as his eyes wandered around. Travelers flow along the roads like ants while the sound of the merchants peddling their wares that he never has seen before filled the surrounding. He wondered how much the world have changed.
Town of Mukula, a frontier town set-up by the forest southwest of the region of Lorstad. An up and coming town where travelers pass through on their way to Crisana, the capital of the human kingdom of Morthal.
"What are you standing around like an idiot? Move along. You are hindering other people who wants to cross the road." A voice shook him from his fugue, and when he turned around, the scowling face of Micaela greeted him. "Come on. We need to go to the Guild house." She says. "That old man. Running off to gods know where and leaving me with the pervert." She muttered to herself as she angrily stomped her feet and marched towards one of the largest building in town.
The moment they entered the town, Drogo quickly vanished, which is surprising for such an eye catching man. Claus also left without a word. From what he heard from Micaela's rambling, he is going to his farm to visit his pets. Estella told him that she is going home to speak to her father. She quickly turned around and with her voice cracking, she bid farewell without looking at him. On her way, she insisted to accompany Porsha in leading the rescued women towards the town guard hall to coordinate with the authorities to send the women back to their home.
That leaves him with the company of the hot-headed rogue, so to avoid her further grumblings, he quickly followed behind her. The woman marched through the crowd with ease, slipping through the crowds without disturbing them. Artreus on the other hand is like a bull in a pottery shop, bumping with people left and right.
A loud cracking sound could be heard as a vase fell and broke to pieces. "Hey! Watch it!" A sharp voice boomed. "You bumped into me and made me drop my expensive vase! This was an heirloom passed down to my family." The skinny man was furious, attracting the attention of the crowd. "I was going to sell it in order to buy food. Now how will I ever be able to feed my starving family?" He said in anguish.
The crowd murmurs as they watch the spectacle. Artreus looked at the broken vase, which looked poor quality and is brittle, then he looked at the wailing man. He could swear that he could see the man smiled for a split second before working the crowd.
"What's happening here?" The crowd parted and revealed a burly man wearing a guard uniform walking towards them. "What's with all the commotion?" The burly guard asked.
"Sir! This man bumped into me, making me drop and break the vase that has been in my family's possession for generations." The skinny man clasped his hands as if praying. "Please sir. I was going to sell it to feed my family. But now it's broken, I won't have any money to buy food and this man is refusing to pay."
Artreus was not sure of what to say, so he kept silent for the moment. He knew that this man is scamming him, but he can't prove it. If it was back in his youth, he would have just beaten up this man for even attempting to scam him, or if he had the prestige he had when he was a Paladin, then the man wouldn't even dream of crossing him. "How frustrating." He sighed at his powerlessness. Micaela said not to make a scene, and here he is, in the middle of a commotion.
"What did you just say? Is my misfortune that you are responsible for a nuisance to you?" The skinny man's veins in his neck was about to pop in anger. "See that sir? He is not even a little bit remorseful for his crime."
"Now, now. Let's not escalate this any further. I have other places to patrol. So how about we settle this here?" The guard looked at the skinny man. "So how much was your broken vase?"
The skinny man scanned Artreus from head to toe, apparently calculating how much he could squeeze from him. Upon seeing the sword in his waste, his eyes squinted and a sneer appeared on his face once more which only lasted for a split second. Licking his lips, he replied to the guard. "It is an antique vase dating back to the Holy Wars. It's basically priceless. But for this gentleman, I would be appeased by 500 gold." He declared, soliciting gasps of disbelief from the crowd.
Holy Wars? What was that? Was it an event that took place after they crossed the portal? Artreus shook his head. This is not the time to ponder on what happened during his absence.
The guard should be able to see that this skinny man is clearly trying to scam him. The bastard is not even trying to hide it.
"I see. 500 gold then." Artreus was surprised to see the guard not even blinking twice before agreeing with the man. "You there. Pay the 500 gold so we can go on our way." He commanded.
"You could see that he is just trying to scam me right? His scam is as old as time. As a guard you should be ashamed that you are even considering that he is in the right."
"Did you break his vase?" The guard said in an uninterested tone.
"Technically he dropped it. But if a bump like that was enough for someone to drop their precious vase, then he should've dropped it earlier considering everyone was bumping to each other in this thick crowd. He was clearly in the middle of the road like an idiot. Anyone could've bumped into him." The skinny man twisted in anger at Artreus' answer and was about to jump at him, but the guard held him back with a hand.
The guard still looked bored, like he had handled situations like this before. "Explain as much as you want. But you are still the reason he dropped his priceless vase. So either pay up or be locked up in jail." His eyes then wandered to his waist. "Or. If you don't have the gold to pay this poor man, you could hand over your sword, then I will pay the man for you."
I see, so that's how it is. Artreus thought. The guard and this skinny man are in cahoots it seems. Seeing the victorious smiles pasted on the face of the guard and the skinny man, he felt the vein in his forehead twitch.
After thousands of years, there are some things that never change. That is the greed of men.
If he had a normal sword, he would've given it without second thought, just to save himself of the hassle. But this sword is not just any sword. This is a gift from a thankful woman whom he saved. A special equipment filled by gratitude. It is not something for him to give, and if he turned himself in, there is a hundred percent certainty that this sword will be confiscated and then declared lost, only to fall into the hands of the corrupt.
This won't do. Artreus thought. He is left with no choice but to cleanse the filth in front of him.
Artreus was about to grab the hilt of his sword when a familiar voice pierced through the murmurs of bystanders. A voice filled with anger.
Micaela leaped above the crowds and landed beside him. "What the hell are you still doing standing there? I told you to follow me, not to make a commotion." For the first time today, Artreus was glad to see the scowling face of the red-haired rouge.
"Who're you? Can't you see we are in the middle of something?" The skinny man yelled at Micaela.
The guard pulled him back and stood in front of Micaela. "Sorry miss. But we are in the middle of dispensing justice. Could you please stand back?"
Giving the guard and the skinny man a quick look, Micaela chuckled. "You? Dispensing justice?" She sneered. "All I can see is a lowlife thug and a corrupt guard trying to scam a traveler. If you don't want to get reported, just fuck off and let us through." Not minding the fuming guard in front of her, she turned towards Artreus. "We are already running late and the sooner I could leave you in the guild house, the sooner I could take a long bath. Now let's go!" She was about to walk away when the guard grabbed her wrist.
"Where are you going you bitch? You think I am going to let you get away after insulting a town guard?" He snarled.
Upon hearing the guard's words, a cold bloodlust filled the air. "If you don't want to lose fingers, I advise you to get your filthy hands off me." She said in a cold voice.
Seemingly unaware of the bloodlust directed at him, the guard tightened his grip. "You think that threat will work on me you bitch? How about---" But quickly his words were cut off. The guard let out a shriek as blood spurts out the stump of his cut fingers. "ARGGGHHH!"
"I warned you." Micaela said as she twirls a bloodied dagger in her hand, and with a flick of her wrist, the blood was splattered at the guard's feet.
The crowd began started screaming and running at the sight of a guard on his knees, fingers of his right hand cut off cleanly.
"See how much trouble you made? Now let's go before you make an even bigger commotion." Not bothered by the crowd moving away from her, she marched off once more towards the guild house.
Glancing at the kneeling figure of the guard and the skinny man who was running away, Artreus just sighed. He guesses that it is better this way. After all, severed fingers were a lot better than being cut down. He could heal him, but he won't. He doesn't have any pity on people who preys on others. Still, it is surprising how Micaela could maim someone without a second thought. He could just imagine what she might do if he gets her even angrier.
With that in mind, he ran after the hot-headed rogue towards the guild house.
A clamor of laughter and chatters greeted them as soon as they entered through the doors of the guild house. Numerous adventurers of various race and genders huddled in groups as they eat and drink and shared stories with one another.
They stop for a moment when they see the two of them enter. Artreus could feel their eyes staring at him as they walk towards the front desk.
"Hello! My name is Amari. How can I help you?" A busty brunette woman in the reception desk asked. Artreus noticed that she has a pointy ear, but not as long as the ones on elves. A half-elf maybe?
Noticing that I was starting at the receptionist, Micaela elbowed him hard in the stomach. Fixing him with a stern gaze, Micaela then turned towards the half-elf receptionist. "This man here wants to sign up as an adventurer." She said.
Surprised at what Micaela just said, Artreus whispered to her, "What? I didn't say that I want to be an adventurer."
"If you want to be free to enter towns and villages and be thrown into dungeons and be tortured because you lack papers, becoming an adventurer is your best bet. You can use your adventurer's ID instead of identity papers." She answered. "You need this especially since you are a magnet for trouble."
Realizing that the commotion earlier would've been much worse if the guard found out that he has no papers with him, Artreus just nodded in agreement.
The receptionist handed him sign-up sheet. "All right. Just write down your basic information here then we will start with your test."
"No need for him to sign. He is recommended by the White Wolves. Please proceed with the test." She declared as she showed the receptionist her Adventurer's ID.
Upon hearing her declaration, the other adventurers started gossiping about them. The gossips range from surprise to mockery, while some even sound envious. Artreus heard some muttering about the famous adventurer party, while some saying that the Ogre picked up some weirdo again.
The receptionist remained smiling even as the guild lobby is going wild. "A recommendation from a top party. That should make Esteban quite excited." The receptionist said while smiling. "Could I at least get your name young man? I need to something to write for your introduction to the testing instructor."
"Artreus." He replied.
Still smiling, the receptionist wrote something down before curtly standing up. "I will deliver this to the testing instructor. Please wait a moment." She bowed before leaving.
Artreus watched the woman walk way. Her movement was full of grace. Unlike someone. Just like before, staring at the receptionist earned him another elbow to the stomach from the hot headed rogue.
As they waited, a tall blonde man approached them. His long flowing hair accentuates his handsome facial feature and his clothes fit that of a noble's son. Looking at the lion head insignia on his collar, his assumption must be correct.
Leaning against the reception desk, the nobleman started chatting with them. "So. The Ogre drag another stray mutt to his group of 'Wolves'." He said with confidence that is borderline arrogant. Seeing that either he or Micaela is responding to him, the man started to get annoyed. "Hey! Answer when I am talking to you!"
"Oh… Are you talking to us?" Micaela said with a blank face.
The man just gritted his teeth in anger at being ignored. His friend, an even taller blond man with a large physique stepped forward. "Mind your manners. You are speaking with Master Gregorius Lucian, a scion of the great house of Leonid."
"Oh. Well look at that. Master Gregorius Lucian, the 6th son of the head of House Leonid." Micaela looked surprised. Seeing her recognize him, Gregorius smiled victoriously. She then turned towards the large blond guy. "From the look of your Elk insignia, you must be Viktor Lewis Grant. The 8th son of the head of the Grant household, and I'll guess who that woman behind you is." Micaela placed her finger on her chin as she thinks. Then as if clarity hit her, she declared. "You must be Christine Luisa Grant." Both Grants were both pleased that they were recognized. But their happiness was short lived, for Micaela continued. "I heard nobles were coming to join this far-off branch of the adventurer's guild. I expected high ranking nobles, but all I see are the spare of spares. Men and woman who don't have the slightest chance to inherit their family's wealth." The three were visibly angered at her every word. Not caring, she continued. "Are you here to raise your prestige in hope that when your names are well known that your parents will deign to grant you scraps of your family's fortune? If so, I advise you to return whence you came. Adventurer's life is not a stroll in the park."
Unable to reign in her anger, Christine yelled at her. "Arrogant woman. You think you are so great because you're a high ranking adventurer? You just get carried by the Ogre and the Dark Flame Witch. Without them you are just another low level trash."
"Oh you think so? How about we test your theory?" It was clear that what the woman said angered Micaela.
"Arrogant bitch, why I ought to---" Her words were cut off when in a blink of an eye, Micaela drew her dagger and pressed it against the woman's cheek.
"Bastard! Get your hands off her!" The large man raised his fist and lunged at her, intent on punching her on the face. But someone suddenly jumped in and caught his fist.
Recognizing who the stranger is, it was Claus. "Tsk, tsk. Not even an hour in town and you two are already raising havoc left and right." He said, his hand still clamped around Viktor's fist. The large man was trying to pull his hand off Claus' grip to no avail. The ranger is stronger than he looks. "I have a gut feeling that something is going to happen. Good thing I arrived just in time. Sheathe your dagger Micaela. Seriously. You have such a hot temper."
"These stuck up nobles said that we just got carried by the old man. How do you think I would react to that?" She answered, her dagger now drawing blood from the shivering Christina.
"And you let that affect you? You are just giving credence to their slander." Claus sounds calm, but from the sound of the pained whimpers of Viktor, he was also angry. "Now would you please sheathe your weapon? You already caused a commotion earlier, you wouldn't want to cause more headache to the old man, would you?"
With a huff, Micaela drew back her dagger and put it back to its sheathe. "Okay, whatever." She then glared at the woman she just freed. "I'll give you a free advice, as an apology to what I did earlier. Don't run your mouth if you can't back it up. Otherwise, you will end up dead." Her eyes then wandered to the other two. "The world is an unforgiving place. It doesn't discriminate the rich from the poor. It will try to knock you down all the same."
"Wow. I didn't know you could say such profound words." Claus teased her as he let go of the fist of Viktor, who finally was able to let out a sigh of relief as he blows at his possibly broken fist.
"I am in a bad mood. Make fun of me again and you will be the one who will get stabbed." She warned Claus.
While the two are bickering, the three nobles quickly ran out of the guild house. Where they will go, Artreus doesn't have a clue, and he didn't care. He knew a few nobles back in his days as a trainee Paladin, but those were all upstanding people. Comparing them to these three is an insult to the great nobles he bonded with.
Claus and Micaela started chatting with each other out of earshot, so Artreus didn't bother trying to listen to them. Instead, his eyes wandered around the guild. They are quite numerous compared to back in his time, and while human are the majority here, the number of other races living in this town was far greater than back then when seeing a person of another race was a rare sight.
As he is swimming in his thought, the voice of the receptionist pulled him back to reality. "Mr. Artreus. The testing instructor is waiting for you." She stated. "Please follow me."
Artreus just nodded and followed behind the half-elf receptionist.
Getting an adventurer's id would be most helpful in his quest. This way, he wouldn't have to be scared of being thrown in jail for not having identification papers.
The only thing on his way right now is this test.
He wonder what would it be?