Chereads / Unbroken / Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

***Author's Note ***

Two storms passed through our country today. Strong enough to knock down electric poles, inducing blackout that lasted for a day while also flooding my room.

In short, I had a few shitty days.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter! Feel free to leave a comment or review. I aim to be more active in participating in discussions. if there were any.  


Splendid move, old friend. You're still as devious as ever Drogo thought as he watched Adam Longley offers to mentor the young Artreus in front of a crowd of adventurers who have gathered to see the examinee who is giving their star adventurer a hard time. Adam's move didn't come out of anywhere, in fact, it was a calculated move to make it so that the boy wouldn't have the room to decline his offer without him offending not just a powerful man who has great influence in this town, but also the people present here who respects him.

To be honest, Drogo wouldn't mind leaving the boy to his old friend's care, for not only he will surely be well taken care of and will grow stronger under his friends' tutelage, but Artreus will also be under the surveillance of the strictest man he knew. Who knows, maybe once he gets stronger, he will join them once more. He may only have been with them for a few days, but his gut is telling him that this man is going to become someone important in the future.

But as good as all that may be, something deep inside him hates to leave the boy in his old friends' care. It makes him feel that he lost something to his old rival and that is a feeling that he doesn't want to feel.

All eyes on you. So what are you gonna do now boy? Drogo thought as the man in question stood in the middle of the sparring area with nary a peep.

After a few tense moments of silence, the boy let out a deep sigh and spoke. "I appreciate your offer, but I must respectfully decline."

Drogo almost laughed at the dumbfounded face of his friend as he thought he already had the lad at the palm of his hands, but he held himself back. It is Artreus' time on the stage and he wouldn't want to ruin it for the lad.

Cool-headed as usual, Adam recovered quickly from the unexpected reply of the young man and spoke. "Would you tell me why?"

"While your offer is tempting, I have prior commitments that I want to accomplish. One is towards my benefactor, the man who is sitting beside you." Without skipping a beat, Artreus answered. "Second reason is that I want to travel and see the world. Something I wouldn't be able to do while in your tutelage."

Good answer. To use him, also a person of power and refute, as a reason to refuse Adam. He was more versatile than he expected, he thought that the lad only knew how to fight, just like Claus and Mimi. From what he showed today, he also knew how to handle delicate situations. Something that he welcomes since most of his companions is like hammers and all the problems in front of them a nail.

He should reconsider his view of the young man.

His friend looked at him and Drogo grinned widely as if to rub to his rival that he won. Adam then sighed and looked to Artreus once more. "I see. While it is lamentable that you've to decline my offer, I wish you the best in your endeavors." Adam then turned around and was about to exit the room when Artreus spoke once more.

"Wait!" Artreus yelled. Adam turned around, curious about what the lad would say. "Could you please hear my request?" 

Drogo muffled a chuckle at the young man's bravery. To decline a man's request only to ask a request of his own.

"You got some nerve…" One of Adam's guard was understandably angry, but raising a hand, he stopped him.

Adam then turned towards Artreus once more. "I am curious about what the young man's going to ask. Let me hear your request."

"I am grateful for your understanding." Artreus curtly bowed before speaking once more. "I would like to request you to allow me to spar with your student, Esteban."

Raising an eyebrow, Adam asked once more. "Oh? Why do you think I would agree to that when you have turned my request down?"

Undaunted by the pointed question, Artreus responded. "Because both of us would gain from this." Seeing the question on Adam's face, Artreus continued. "As you have said, I am still lacking in strength while on the other hand, your disciple lacks confidence. If you allow us to spar with each other, I would surely learn and grow with every match, while Esteban will gain more understanding of his strength by sparring with someone of his level, thus increasing his trust with his power. Both of us will benefit from this."

A logical take, Drogo thought. Both may gain from this, but it is the lad who will benefit more in the short run. Artreus was skilled, but his body seems to not be able to respond quickly enough or with enough power to what he intends to do. Must be because of his memory loss, or so he said. But if what he said of him losing his memory, constant battle with someone of his caliber will help him get used to using those techniques in the boundaries of his current strength, maybe even further once he gets stronger. 

Esteban on the other hand will be able to benefit from this in the long run. The kid showed a higher skill than today when they first met. If he was able to recover his confidence, he will be able to reach those heights once more, or even higher since he is still young and very talented.

"Hmmm… Your offer is accepted. But it is not for me to decide. Ask him." Adam answered. He then pointed towards Esteban who is still kneeling.

Confused as to why his master is pointing at him, Esteban asked. "Me master?"

"Yes, you. Since this pertains to you, you decide if you want to accept his invitation to spar." With those words, the whole surrounding was quiet, waiting for Esteban's decision.

The struggle within Esteban was clear upon looking at his face as he weighs the pros and cons of his choice. After a few more seconds, he answered with a somewhat uncertain look on his face. "Please, let me train with him, Master. I want to become stronger. Strong enough that I will be able to bring honor not only for myself but also to you, my Master."

"Hmmm… Hmmm… Do as you wish." Adam abruptly answered before turning around and left the room, but before he stepped out of the door, he shot a glance at Drogo, who responded with a smug smile on his face. With a sigh, Adam left.

"Thank you, master!" Esteban yelled as his master left.

After Adam left, a lithe, bespectacled man stood up. He is the guild master. With a clap, all the attention was focused on him. "Well, that was interesting." He said before continuing. "That was a splendid match. Certainly not something you see every day. Anyway, Esteban, please escort the newcomer to my office. I wish to have a word with him. As for the rest…" Turning towards the crowd, he spoke once more. "Show's over. If you don't have any business in the sparring area, please return to the hall."

One of the adventurers answered. "No way we could return after we saw something spectacular." Turning towards the other adventurers, he shouts. "Anyone wants to spar with me?"

Another adventurer responded. "Me!"

The who sparring area was soon drowned by the shouts of challenge to each other by adventurers and they started to queue up, eager to test their mettle with each other.

The guild master shook his head as he watch the adventurers get increasingly rowdy, he instructed the receptionist something then waved at Artreus and Esteban to follow him. Soon, the three of them exited the area.

Meanwhile, Drogo stood from his seat and boisterously laughed at the sight of the adventurers itching to fight against each other. The battle between rising stars has lit the competitive spirits of the adventurers, who just this morning was content of just lazing about. Marching his feet towards the queue, he roared, "Okay! Let me in on this! Let the party started!"

With that, almost a third of the participants scattered and returned to the guildhall.


Arriving at a spacious room on the third floor of the Adventurer's Guild, the man who seems to be the guild master took a seat on a chair behind a table made of solid wood.

"Take a seat, both of you." He offered. Artreus and Esteban took a seat on the empty chairs in front of the guild masters table. Once they were settled, the guild master spoke once more. "Splendid show both of you."

"Thanks for the praise guild master, even if I wasn't able to do my best," Esteban said while sulking.

"I don't mind. If you were in full form, I doubt I will be able to watch such an intense battle. So it worked in my favor. But, please. Call me by my name. Being called a guild master is so formal." The guild master said to Esteban.

"Yes! I'm sorry Mr. Paul Bret Anderson." Esteban bowed his head.

"Sheesh. So uptight. Just like your Master." The guild master smiled. "Anyway, let's move on to business. Mr… Uhm… What do I call you?"

"Call me Artreus," Artreus answered.

"Oh. Artreus huh? As in one of the Twenty. Kids these days. Always want to emulate their heroes. Although if you aspire to become like one of the twenty, isn't the better choice to be like Marius the Lionheart? Or Bran the Light Bringer? Why then pick the least of the bunch?" The guild master laughed.

"You knew of Captain Marius and Mr. Bran?" Hearing their names from the mouth of a person other than him, stirred something in his heart.

"Of course? Who wouldn't? The Twenty. The great warriors sent by the Divine Order to stop the hordes from hell and seal the portal that links hell to our world. Although the famous ones like Marius, Bran, and Moira were the often subjects of the ballad. The others not so much. Especially the one that you want to be named as." Guild Master Paul Anderson fondly said. He seems to be amused by the stories about him and his companions. "But at least that name would likely be available for you to use. Too many Marius and Devins running around. Maybe using an unlikely name would be for best." He then proceeded to write something on a thick book.

Divine Order? What was that? There was no Divine Order back in his time that he was aware of. Artreus thought. He would like to ask more questions, but since the information seem to be common knowledge, doing so will only invite suspicion towards him. So he stayed quiet for the moment and hear more of what Guild Master Anderson is about to say.

"You must be itching to know if you pass, no?" Seeing him nod, Paul continued. "Well, that is a no brainer. You pass of course. Unfortunately, even if your fighting capability is high enough to be placed into B-rank, all newcomers are placed to the lowest rank, as per Adventurers Guild protocol." Although it was understandable that Paul Anderson was only following protocol, it kind of hurt his pride, being placed in the lowest rank after showing the culmination of technique and experience that he accumulated for decades. Seeing this, Guild Master Paul Anderson continued. "Oh. Don't frown. With your prowess, I know you will rise in ranks in no time. Tell you what? Since you are in good relation with both the White Wolves and our esteemed Mayor, I will allow you to take missions that are a rank higher than yours. That would allow you to rise in ranks after five or so missions depending on the difficulty. Especially if you take them by yourself. We do add to consideration achievements in rank evaluation. Also, as you rise in the ranks, the perks follow." He said while raising a finger to bring home his point. "For example, I've heard that you and the other White Wolves caused quite the commotion in town. First was with the town guards, next was with the young nobles who were to join the guild themselves. Normally such actions would've sent you to the dungeon to be tortured or executed, but since you have high-ranking friends, who saved you from suffering such fate by acting before you made a mistake, they, and in an extension, you, are protected by the guild from persecution. Unless you acted without just cause of course." After his bit, he slid a parchment towards Artreus. It is an admission form. "So. Will you join us?"

Does that mean that Micaela intervened earlier for his sake? Artreus then remembered the look on her face earlier and he quickly shook his head. That was the face of a furious woman and the guard was unlucky to be there for her to bent on.

Artreus then considered the guild master's offer. To be honest, those are quite good perks. Add to the fact that he will also be able to travel around the world with his adventurers' id, there is no reason to refuse. "I will join." He answered.

"Splendid! Now, a drop of your blood here, and here. Then were are good to go!" He pointed to the parts of the document with my name written on it. Biting his thumb, Artreus dropped his blood on the parchment, which then glowed in a bright blue glow. Once it was over, Guild Master Paul Bret Anderson rolled up the parchment and shook his hand. "That's it. Welcome to the guild! Please head to the reception desk to receive your adventurer's id papers and tag. Glad to have you aboard. Artreus." 

"Thanks. Happy to be here." Artreus responded.

"Congratulations." Esteban congratulated him.

"Esteban, could you stay behind? We have something to talk about." Then turning towards Artreus, Paul asked. "You could go now."

Nodding at the guild master, Artreus stood up and then left the room. Whatever the two will talk about, it doesn't concern him, for today, he felt good. While he doesn't have a clue on what his mission entails, except to save the world, at least he was able to take a step towards his goal. By being a member of the adventurer's guild, not only does he have the freedom now to go wherever he likes, but he also could have a network of intelligence if he played his cards right and form connections with the right people. 

People like Drogo and the White Wolves. 

While Micaela and Claus are somewhat hostile to him, Drogo seems amicable, and Porsha, well, although she is weird, she must be knowledgeable since she is a wizard. He just had to tread carefully when it comes to her so that he will not end up like the other men were able to catch her fancy. Who knows, she might also be able to teach him a bit of magic. Gods know that he could use more power if he ever faced demon lord caliber enemies again.

Upon reaching the reception desk, a different receptionist greeted him. "Hello, newbie! Here are your adventurer's paper and tag!" She said as she handed a piece of parchment and a metallic tag towards him. Upon touching the tag, he could sense a familiar feeling. Studying the tag and the paper closely, he could sense his energy flowing within them. "Wow. Able to use Sense already. I haven't watched the match personally, but the stories might be true. Another talented, if a somewhat plain-looking person joined us." Although the woman is smiling, Artreus couldn't help but feel that he was being insulted. Thankfully, he doesn't care much about how he looks, so he let it slide. "You must have sensed it right? The energy in your papers and tags emits the same energy that you do, acting as proof to people who have Sensed that you and the name written in the paper are the same. Also, before you ask, no, we don't track your tag. We value the privacy of our members so the tag only serves as identification. Nothing else. It is also illegal to sell your tag, a crime that is punishable by a lifetime ban in joining the adventurer's guild again. However, if you lost your ID or tag, you must report the incident to the nearest Adventurer's Guild House and prove without reasonable doubt that you did lose your ID." Without skipping a beat, the receptionist continued. "Upon receiving your ID and Tag, you will be officially recognized as a member and will be able to take up missions on the mission board. Missions that you can take is based on your rank. Upon completion, you will receive the corresponding reward to your mission, along with a star, depending on your performance and mission difficulty. Upon accumulating 5 stars, you will be eligible for an assessment, where the Guild Master and other officers will judge if your accomplishment and strength are worthy enough to rise to the ranks. Any question?"

That was quite a lot of information, but Artreus got the gist of it and nodded his head. Taking his papers and tag, he turned around and walked towards an empty table. As he did, he could hear the adventurers gossiping about him. Not that he cares. He has intense training to plan. Taking a seat, he noticed Porsha walking towards him.

"Sitting alone boy~?" She said in a sing-song voice. Artreus was nervous in her presence. Seeing this, Porsha let out a soft chuckle. "Oh don't be like that. As I said, I won't bite." She took a seat beside him and called on a waitress. "Why so nervous? Have you been listening to the stories of that little boy? Let me assure you, while some of it is true, I promise that I won't do you any harm~."

"That is reassuring." He lied. He was nervous, more than he would like to admit. For right now, even after hearing all the things that she had done, how the men who pursued her were left in a vegetative state, there was something about her that attracts him despite the danger that he may face. "If I may ask. What is it that you're after from me?"

"Do you know that it's rude to ask that question to a lady~?" Her demure look made Artreus blush. Seeing his red face, she let out another soft chuckle. This woman likes to tease. "Sorry. You're just too fun to tease. Allow me to be serious for a bit." She then put on a serious face. "Your energy intrigues me. It is far different from what I have seen in my lifetime. I see the question on your face. How different? You see." She then produces a small ball of mana on her palm. "Mana in its natural state is colorless, and when we use it, the color changes to its corresponding spell. Red for flame, blue for water, brown for earth, and so on. On the other hand, yours already have color even when unused. Why that is, now that is the question."

Does his mana already have color? How could that be? "Is that why Drogo doesn't want me to use spells and had me only use Aura?" Artreus asked.

Artreus brought down his defense to let Porsha's mana scan him. After a few seconds, she answered. "That is one of the reasons." She stares at the alcohol on her cup, a smile pasted on her face. "The leader is a wise man, despite his appearance." Then she turned towards Artreus once more. "How about it? Want to know more about your Mana? We could run some tests if you like." She smiled mischievously.

"No thanks. I would like to study it myself for a while. If I ever think it is necessary, you would be the first one I would ask." Artreus told her the thing she wanted to hear so that she would settle down for the moment.

"I guess that's fair. I'll hold you to that~." She accepted the cups of alcohol and handed one to Artreus. "By the way, the little lady Estella went on her way home earlier."

"Oh? How was she?" They weren't able to talk since they entered the town.

"She looked fine. She said that she is going home to train. Understandable, considering what she's been through." She stated as she took a sip from her cup. "Although I was surprised to see her leave without saying goodbye to you first. The little lady must've felt that she wouldn't be able to leave if she sees you before she left." She then grinned. "Fine young lady, that Estella. Comes from a wealthy family too. You should've wooed her. I can see that she's enamored by you. With her by your side, you will be set for life."

"She may be infatuated to me, but that is because I saved her life. To take advantage of a young maiden's heart is something I would never do." Artreus declared. He knows. That is why he wanted to refuse from accepting the sword. That is also why once they meet again in the future, he will return this precious weapon to her. For that reason, he mustn't lose her gift. He gave her his word.

"Wow. A noble heart. How rare. If only you don't have such a normal-looking face and is more handsome like the little kid or little Esteban, I would mistake you for a noble." She then raised her cup and drank all its contents. Upon finishing, she stood up and produced a pouch and threw it towards Artreus. "Here. A present from the leader. Go use it to rent a room and buy something to eat. For tomorrow's noon, we will have a short meeting here. In the meantime, he said that you can do whatever you like~." Hips swaying as she left, she turned towards Artreus once more. "Oh before I forgot. That round of drinks is on you. Bye, ~!" With that, she left the building, where she's going, he doesn't know.

The audacity of that woman. To make him pay for her drinks. Oh well. Since she's the one who gave him spending money, the least he could do is to treat her to a drink. Raising his hand, he called the waitress's attention. 

For now, he will have something to eat, then find lodging.

For tomorrow morning, his training will commence.