Chereads / Unbroken / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

"A Demon Lord! Everyone steadfast!" Artreus could hear Captain Marius shout. "Devin, Grisha, Bran, and Moira. To me! The rest of you, do not let any demon get pass!" He commanded as he and the other heavy hitters cleared the way of demons as they rush towards the 3-meter-tall winged Minotaur.

The group soon vanished from Artreus' view as the area they cleared was soon filled of as he and the rest of the Paladins stood their ground against the deluge of demons. Many times he thought that he will die that day. But as their line start to crumble with brothers and sisters start to fall under the overwhelming number of the enemy, a pillar of light shone down from the sky. Burning any demons to ashes.

That moment, he thought that the Goddess herself came down from the heavens to give them salvation. But when the light died down, there were no cheers.

Only lamentation as a hero passed away.

Devin of the Holy Sword, he always loves to bask in the light. With his long winded speeches and his flashy techniques, he always manages to raise their spirit. Whenever they begin to lose our way in the dark, he was always there to light the way.

Until the very end.


Artreus was suddenly shook awake from his deep slumber and he immediately knew that this day was different from the others. Gone was the usual angry shout of a legion of demon or loud explosion from magic intended to intimidate him.


What woke him up was the malicious Aura prickling his skin. There was only one time that he felt this kind of pressure.

"A demon lord." He whispered.

The horde of demons was still a kilometer or two away. But even from this far away, he could feel the evil presence like it is standing beside him. No doubt. This is his last day.

Turning his back from the seemingly thousand demons. Artreus walked towards the grave of his comrades. Placing his hand on their tombstones, he whispered. "This is why you made me dream of that dream, didn't you? To remind me of what we are fighting for." Kneeling in front of Captain Marius' grave. "Do not worry. I never forgotten. As long as I stand, our Oath stands. Although I have one last request to all of you." He said before holding Captain Marius' sword. "Please let me borrow all of your strength. One last time." He then grabbed each weapons of the dead Paladins from their graves and strapped it all over his body. "One last time. Let us fight together." He uttered as he walks toward the single demon who is advancing alone.

A demon wearing full armor and a large broadsword emitting dark flames strapped on his back. He doesn't need to ask. This is the demon lord.

Each step that the Paladin take, his instinct tells him to turn back and run. But with all the weapons of his comrades with him, his heart was full of courage and pushed through. Step by step, they closed the distance between them. Until there is but 5 meters separating the two.

Seconds, minutes, hours passed. The two figure continued to stare at each other. Until finally, someone broke the silence.

The Demon Lord was the first one to speak. "Even my commanders couldn't take a single step while under the influence of my Aura. To think that the time that I finally witness someone other than Lords like me capable of such feet. Lo and behold. It is a lowly human." He said. "Although I could say that you are far beyond human right now. I must say. I am impressed."

"I am not here to speak demon! I, Paladin Artreus of the Order of the Radiant Moon, will stop you. I will not let take a single step on our world, which everyone sacrificed their life to defend, even if it costs my life!" Artreus shouts. His Aura burst out, filled with courage and devotion to his mission.

But his show of determination was met by the mocking laugh of the Demon Lord, which made Artreus furious. Seeing this the Demon Lord spoke. "Don't be so uptight, Paladin Artreus. I am not laughing at your resolve. Far from that. What is amusing to me is your mission. Not letting me pass? I don't have any intent of the sort. Not after the divine seal have been completed a couple of decades ago."

"The seal has been completed? A couple of decades ago?" Artreus said in disbelief. "How can that be? If it has really been completed, then we would've been notified and allowed to come back home. Nice try demon. But I wouldn't fall for such obvious lie."

"Demons might be deceitful beings, but we never lie. Deep in your heart you must know it's true. Seriously, have you even been told of what your mission entail?" The Demon Lord said, mocking the lone Paladin. "Tell me Paladin. How long has it been since you felt your precious Goddess' presence? Aren't you even a bit suspicious that your Order didn't send any reinforcement after all of those years? Face the truth. You were abandoned. Nay. Sacrificed in order to fuel the Sealing magic with the soul of the demons you've vanquished since the beginning that you and your kind set your foot in this forsaken Plain."

"Our mission was to defend the portal while they are casting sealing magic." Although he doesn't want to believe it, but he can't deny that what the demon is saying have sense. There were many times that he wanted to ask their Captain on when they were going to be able to come back home. But he felt that it would disgrace the Order by asking such question. After all, a Paladin's job is to his duty, nothing more. To add to that, what the Demon said was true. It has been years since he last felt the presence of their Goddess, making him question his belief multiple times before. Is what he saying true? Were we cut off from our world? Has the Gods abandoned us here to die? No. "I must admit. You being a Demon Lord is not only for show. You almost got me there. But no more of these lies! If you are not trying to get past the Portal. Then why are you here?"

"I tell you no lie. Even with all my strength, I would never be able to break through a seal that is powered by thousands of demon souls, not to mention the 3 demon lords you have managed to slay. With the souls of the Paladins to further strengthen the seal, it would be impossible for any demon to break it, with the exception of the King." The Demon Lord explained. "No. I am here for a different purpose." He pointed his finger at him. "I've been watching you for quite some time you know. A lone survivor of the mighty Paladins who took down 3 of the 12 Demon Lords. A human who never backed down even when facing a horde of demons alone."

The Demon Lord suddenly appeared behind Artreus. "It was very entertaining you know." Artreus instinctively swung the double headed axe on his hand at the Demon, who melted into the ground like spilled ink. Only to appear where he was standing before. "Watching someone face impossible odd, believing that their conviction is enough to carry them through. Only to watch them fall to despair when they find out that it does not protect them from getting torn apart. But you're different, Paladin Artreus. You continued to persevere for decades. Fighting hundreds of demons alone. At first, I thought that you survive through sheer luck. Then I thought it was because of the strength of your arms. But I was wrong in each occasion. When the stray demons stopped attacking you. I started to send my men in order to find out what is enabling you to stand each day. Then it hit me. More than your strength, skill, and luck. The main reason that you still breathe is from your sheer willpower. You may get beaten but never broken. That very characteristic is what I've been looking for."

Extending his hand at the Paladin, the Demon Lord exclaimed. "Paladin Artreus, I offer you the chance to serve me, Astaroth, Demon Lord of destruction. Accept, and I will grant you immortality and power beyond your wildest imagination. Together, we will burn the heavens to the ground. Exacting revenge to those very Gods who condemned you and yours as sacrifice to save their skin. Together, we will be CONQUERORS!" The Demon Lord Astaroth shouts to the sky. Then extending his hand towards Artreus once more. "So Paladin Artreus? What say you?" But as soon as he finished talking, a polearm comes flying towards Astaroth, which he easily deflected sending the weapon towards the army behind him. Screams of demons filled the wasteland as the polearm pierced through tens of demons in its path. But the death of his men didn't even faze the demon lord. "So I take that as a no then?"

"It pains me that your impassioned speech reminded me of someone. But underestimated me too much. Astaroth. I haven't cared oThe only thing that I fear more than death is letting my comrades down, and although the Gods turned their backs on us. I will never turn my back towards my friends and let their sacrifices be in vain." With the Double Headed Axe in one hand, he unsheathed the Holy sword with his other hand. Raising both weapon to the heavens, he offered one last prayer. "Friends, I hope I haven't made you wait for too long. But it seems I will finally meet you soon. Don't worry though, I am bringing one hell of a gift with me. I hope you will enjoy it." Gazing upon the Demon Lord, Artreus quickly understood why it still haven't made a move. It was waiting for him. "So you want me to be in full strength for the battle eh? Don't worry, I will not disappoint you." He shouts as he started casting spells upon himself, with each spell his attack and defense rose to levels that he hasn't reached before. Lastly, he let his Aura run wild.

"I sure hope not. I waited decades for this." The Demon Lord answered. Finally, Artreus stopped casting spells. His body now brimming with power. "From the way you look, you are betting your all in this exchange. Foolish human. Your body couldn't contain that much power, but I guess, this is what you are aiming for the first place. What a shame. Here I thought I could enjoy your company for a bit longer." A dark flame rose from the ground and Astaroth grabbed it. When the flames fade away, it revealed a sword darker than the moonless night. "Come Paladin! If I can't have your body. Then I will have your soul!" He roared.

Both fighters are covered with their respective Aura. A bright Aura that illuminates the surrounding like the noon sun. While the other was an Aura so dark, that it threatens to swallow the very light itself. Then, as if a gong has been rung, both rushed at each other and at the moment they clashed, an Explosion erupted, decimating anything that their Aura could touch.

Soon, the blinding light started to fade, and fade, and fade. Until only darkness remained.

Thus, after decades of endless struggle. The last Paladin was no more.