Chereads / Unbroken / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Artreus doesn't know how long he has been sleeping. He felt his body heavy like it was made of lead though he felt like his body floating. He tried opening his eyes, bright light assaulted his sight and he was forced to close them.

What is this place? Where am I? What happened?

Suddenly, Artreus felt a warm sensation wash over him. Slowly, he tried to open his eyes once more. Right there before my eyes was a woman floating right above me. I cannot see her face as her whole body illuminates the darkness around us.

"You're finally awake, o brave one." She said warmly.

There was something about her. Something familiar. Although what, Artreus doesn't know.

"What happened to me? Where am I? Who are you?" Artreus mind flooded with questions.

"I see. You have a lot of questions in mind. So allow me to answer them one by one." The woman said. "About your first question, I sadly inform you that your life has perished during your confrontation with Astaroth. Your body couldn't bear the strength you summoned and it crumbled to dust after a single exchange with the Demon Lord."

Upon hearing what the woman said, memories flooded Artreus mind. The overwhelming power as he continued to buff his abilities to the brim and even forcefully removed his limiter, which was the last safety measure of the body to avoid self-destructing under his own strength.

And upon unleashing his final attack, self-destruct he did.

"So… Did Astaroth…" Artreus hesitated to ask.

"Unfortunately, he survived. Although the shockwave from your clash did wiped away a considerable amount of his troops. But other than that, the Demon Lord Astaroth is very much alive." The woman told him.

"Is that so…" Artreus' felt a hint of sorrow upon hearing the news. Although he knew that deep in his heart that he couldn't possibly defeat the demon lord, somewhere within him hoped that he could've taken Astaroth with him, as a gift for his departed friends.

"To answer your second answer, we are currently in a space between Planes." The woman said.

"How can that be? There is no such thing as a space between Planes, as every plane are connected through the Void Planes." Artreus couldn't believe what he heard.

Ever since he entered the Order or Radiant Moon, he was thoroughly educated in the different Planes. The Material Planes, which are the different worlds that Mortals like him resides. The Heavenly Realm where all the Gods and Goddesses who watch over the mortals. The Planes of Abyss where Demons conspire to take over the other Planes. Last was the Void Planes, the Plane that bridges the different Planes. Not once did he hear about a space between Planes.

"But there is, child. If the Void Plane is a bridge. Then the chasm it bridges over is this place. If you don't want to believe it, then it is up to you. I wouldn't force you to believe something, for free will is a right of every creature, and I would never dare to take it away from someone." She declared.

Artreus couldn't see her face, but he got a feeling that she is smiling warmly at him. Her voice is full of compassion and just being in her presence brings him comfort. This feeling. He felt it before. Back when…

"Could it be?" He whispered. "Goddess Yue?"

"Yes. It is I my child." She answered.

Yes. It is her. The one who guided him in his darkest hour when his parents were slayed by rebels. The divine presence that he felt when he first took Oath as a Paladin of their Order. She who blessed them with protection when they fought the forces of evil from their world, and even though she sent them to this suicide mission, there was still a part of him that reveres her. For it his belief in her and what he and his friends fought for is the only thing that kept him going for all of these years. Artreus tried to kneel, but his efforts were in vain for he couldn't control his body.

"No need to kneel my brave child, for I am not worthy of it. I sent you and your Order in a mission where I knew it will cost you your lives. For that, I will not ask for your forgiveness, but still, allow me to offer my sincerest apologies." Goddess Yue bowed her head to Artreus.

Seeing the Goddess that he wholeheartedly served once in his life, bow in front of him, he felt a pinch in his heart. Clutching his chest, he closed his eyes.

If she knew that they couldn't come back? Why didn't she tell them? She should've known that even if we knew that we would surely die for a mission to save the world, that they would gladly do it without a second thought. Instead they were lead to believe in a false hope that they could come back home. Why couldn't she just tell them? Then he wouldn't have to feel the pain of betrayal in his chest.

Shaking the negative feelings within him, he slowly opened his eyes. "No need to apologize, Goddess. I only did what is asked from me.��

"You are selling yourself short my child. You are more valuable than you realize." Then with a hint of sadness on her voice, she says. "I know that you are tired, you've fought enough battles to last you several lifetimes. But the world needs you once more. Will you answer the call?"

"Why me? I am sure Captain or the others are far stronger than I am." He asked.

Although he couldn't see it, the Goddess let a sad smile escape her lips. "I am afraid this is no longer their battle."

Confused but since he doesn't want his friend's sacrifice to be in vain, he replied. "Very well. I accept."

"I am glad." The goddess answered. "I may not be able to revive you in your strongest, but let me give you one last parting gift." She floated near him and her radiance died down, revealing a silver haired woman, she was beyond beautiful with eyes overflowing with kindness. Although he senses a hint of guild behind her beautiful face. Her pink lips slowly touched his forehead and Artreus felt a warm feeling envelop him. "I hope I could give you more, but my power is at its limits." Artreus is confused about what the goddess is saying, aren't they all powerful? "Now go, my child. Be the light that cast the darkness away from this world."

Then Artreus felt like he was falling, further and further, until the figure of the Goddess he served was out of sight.

Then darkness.


"Urgh!" Artreus clutches his aching head as he slowly opens his eyes. When he finally opened them, what greeted him was a lush forest, as far as his eyes could see. "Where am I? Huh?" He was astonished at what he found out, his hands. His hands look so smooth compared from the rugged and veiny hands that he remembered. "Could it be?" He touched his face next, no wrinkles. Plucked some of his hair, no trace of the white hair of his advance years. "Did I get younger?" All the evidence point to this, unfortunately, there are no mirrors to check how young he became.

Unfortunately, Goddess Yue must've forgotten something.

"Where are my clothes?!" Not just clothes, no weapons, no accessories, no nothing. "What in the world would I do now?"

No, this is no time to panic. The Goddess gave me a new life. That is a blessing enough. That is right. At least she didn't revive me as a helpless baby in the middle of the forest. Count your blessings. Artreus thought.

Since it would do him no good to just stand around and die of exposure. Without his Ring of Sustenance and Ring of Endurance, he must quickly find food and water source if he doesn't want to die of hunger or thirst so he started to wander in the forest, and who knows, he might even find something to wear.

As he wanders alone in the forest, he was able to recognize the trees and the animals frolicking around. "Good. At least I know the Goddess sent me to the same world, not in some alien world." He said to himself. He saw blackberry bush and he gathered some to satiate his hunger. "Sweet!" He exclaimed. This is the first time he ate for ages and he savor every bite as the berry juice flows down his throat. Sadly, he couldn't stay there much longer for he must find a clean water source and a shelter. So he put in mind the location of the berry bush and continued to go his way.

"How long has it been since I've seen sights that is not an empty wasteland, or one that is full of demons." He then inhaled a lung full of forest air. "Ahhh! How wonderful. If only…" He stopped as his thoughts trailed off to the past once more. His friends would've love to see this.

This is the world they sacrificed their lives for. Now it is his duty to protect it.

In the distance, he could hear could hear sound of flowing water. Running towards the source of the sound, he found a stream. He knelt down and tasted the water first. It was fresh. After making sure that it was drinkable, he dunked his face in the water and drank until he satiated his thirst.

"Puaaahh! That was refreshing!" He said once he is full. Then, his eyes were locked at his reflection. Gazing right back at him was his reflection. He is not deluded as to say that he is handsome, at most he could say that he was average, with his short black hair, fair complexion, and big brown eyes. His physique is also average, he is not a muscle bound warrior like Devin or even the slightly smaller Captain Marius. He is more like the athletic Bran, who look thin while wearing long sleeves and armor, but underneath have a solid frame of muscle. "I look a lot younger like when I was at my 20s. But why do I feel a lot weaker? Is it because my body is not as battle harden as before?"

As he was ruminating on his questions about his current situation, the forest which was full of life became eerily silent. Sensing that something is afoot, he slowly stood up and scanned his surroundings. Then, from the tree lines appeared…

"Iron Fang Wolves." He whispered as he watch at least 20 wolves slowly surround him.

Iron Fang Wolves, a 1-meter-tall and 2-meter-long beast with fangs strong enough to snap an iron rod in two. From his memory, a pack made up of this many wolves shouldn't be possible as usually they roam around with just 5 up to 10 max. Unless. Appearing from the rearmost part of the pack was a battle scarred wolf larger than the rest. The Alpha.

"Well, ain't this a pickle? Caught with my pants down and without a weapon in hand." He said as he ready himself for the first fight he ever had since the Void Plains. "I guess this is all good. I was just wondering of my current strength, and here you are. I just hope I am not biting more than I could chew. It would be shameful for a warrior who fought hordes of demons to die against a pack of wolves." Thinking of using Blessing to buff his physical abilities, but thinking otherwise. If he wants to check how strong he is, then it is better to use his base strength so that he can gauge it better. "I know I want to test my strength, but it wouldn't hurt to tip the scale in my favor a bit."

Then he quickly picked up a pebble and threw it at the Alpha. The Alpha must be thinking that he was an easy prey and didn't expect to be attacked, which slowed its response and got hit in the eye. Howling in pain, the other wolves started to attack. Artreus ran into the forest, running around trees and jumping over rocks and bushes, using the terrain to avoid getting surrounded by the wolves. Once a wolf got too close, he attacks it by either a punch, kick, or even grabbing the wolf and using it as a club to hit the other wolves or shield to block the biting maws of the beasts. Turning around and kicking the wolf who lunged at him at the head which sent the 100 kilo beast flung against a tree. Delivering an uppercut on the other beast who got too close, it was definitely got dizzy and he finished it with a soccer kick to the head, flinging it towards the others. A wolf jumped at him, aiming to bite off his neck. Artreus grabbed it by the neck in mid-air and slammed it against his knee, breaking the wolf's back. He then used it as a shield when he his face was almost bitten off, causing the poor wolf's stomach torn apart by its own kind. Artreus keep moving and fighting the wolves. He noticed in the fight that his strength was a far cry from his old days where he could've torn these wolves apart with ease, but compared to the hell that he experienced in the Void Plains, this was a picnic.

There was a saying, Pride comes before the Fall, and nothing embodies it than what happened next.

As Artreus' confidence increases, he became a bit cocky and played around the wolves, his blood tingles as he enjoyed the fight. But then, out of nowhere, the Alpha appeared. After being out of the portrait since the start of the fight, the large wolf suddenly pounced from behind the bushes, saliva dripping from its wide open maw and almost bit Artreus in half. Thankfully, he was able to dodge at the last minute, although he didn't come out unharmed.

"Damn it. I was careless." He said as he press the large gash in his chest. He started to chant a healing spell but the Alpha and his pack interrupted him. "You mutts are not even allowing me to heal eh? Fine! I will slaughter you all first!" He roared before snapping the neck of the wolf closest to him. Knocking down the other before stomping on its head, there are now only 3 wolves remaining along with the Alpha. The wolves are now being careful, no longer are they attacking wildly, instead, they are slowly encircling him. "Trying to box me out eh? No dice!" He then kicked a wolf corpse towards one of the wolves which triggered the others to attack, using the wolf corpse in his hand as a makeshift weapon, he swatted away the other two and used it to block the Alpha. As the Alpha bit the corpse in two, Artreus quickly delivered a swift kick to its jaw which lifted the beast mid-air, then following up with a back kick that sent it flying a hit a tree in the process. "That should keep him down for a moment." Artreus said to himself as he dodged another lunge from a wolf and wrapped his arms around it's neck, and with a snap, he broke its neck.

The final two wolves started to back away, their tails between their legs. It is clear that they are now afraid of him. But as they backed away, the Alpha growled at them. With a whimper, the two wolves throw themselves at Artreus, determined to kill or be killed. So kill them he did. He punched the chest of one of them which caved its ribs, then grabbed the other by its tail before slamming it to the floor repeatedly until it is no longer breathing.

"Looks like it's just you and me mutt." He says as he slowly walks towards the Alpha wolf.

At the sight of the bloodied man, the Alpha wolf took a step back for the first time in its life. For all of its life, it has been the top predator, but now, in front of the man soaked in blood of its brethren, the Alpha felt like a pup once more. Letting out a bone chilling howl towards the sky, the Alpha wolf charged at Artreus, maws open to bite the man in half. He is a king, and he will die as a king.

Artreus started to chant and also charged at the beast. Jamming his whole arm at the wolf's mouth, he whispered. "Holy Force Blast!" The wolf started to become bloated and then explode in a mist of blood and guts as Artreus emitted a wave of holy energy from his palm.

Finally, the bloody battle between beast and man finally ended.

"Whew. That was intense." Arteus finally was able to breathe easy. As he walks around, gazing at the bloodbath, he almost tripped from lightheadedness due to blood loss. "Oopss. I guess I lost a lot of blood there. To think I would get careless here. If this was against demons, I would've been turned into paste in a blink of an eye. How shameful." Vowing to himself not to get careless ever again, he started chanting a heal spell and once he was finished, he felt a warm feeling envelop him and his wounds started to mend.

If there was something he realized during this battle, it was that he was severely weakened.

After mending his wounds, he started to walk towards the stream. He could just use Purify to clean himself, but as a dear friend told him, it was a gross misuse of the blessing of the Gods to use it to cleanse oneself of filth. So instead of using Purify, he will bathe in the stream instead. It would taint the water but he could just go upstream and he will have clean fresh water.

"What do we have here." A male voice came from the forest.

Not knowing if it the one who spoke was friendly or not, Artreus quickly hid himself.

Appearing from the behind the trees, a large man as big as Devin appeared. He was carrying a big sword at least 1.5-meter-long in his back. Wearing his fur-leather type armor, he looks intimidating.

I wonder how I would do if I fought him. Artreus thought. Although it would not be much of a match if I am unarmed.

He continued to watch the man as it approached the site where he exploded the Alpha wolf. "This is one hell of a mess. Wonder who did it." The mysterious man said.

Do I reveal myself? Or do I ambush him and ask questions later? Artreus thought.

But before he could make a move, he felt the coldness of hard steel pressed on his neck.

A voice of a woman could be heard from behind him. "Looks like we have our culprit right here." This woman, he didn't even sense her sneaking behind him. "And he's a filthy pervert." She added.

Artreus felt his sweat crawl down his spine. Shit. Just when I vowed not to get careless. Snuck upon without a weapon in hand. Now he is also being called a pervert. Oh Goddess Yue, why must you test your children so?