Chereads / Ice Cream Cake-Taekook / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

I asked the small 6 year old girl in front of me. " I wanna go to the park and eat some cake!" Exclaimed the smaller nugget. Me being the bigger nugget obviously.And of course I had agreed cuz who can resist that little cutie? We got our shoes on and put Yeontan on his Gucci leash because we live and leave in STYLE. * add sparkly effects*

Time skip to the park for some trashy drama

"Learn how to control your animal and child before thinking of trying to touch my child!" Yelled the angry bitch

"Well, it's not my fault YOUR child attacked my dog by dumping ice cream on him AND having the guts to even push my child."

"So, you should be the one to apologise on behalf of your idiotic son!" I loudly said(which was totally not shouting) back at her.

By then we had gained the attention of mostly everyone in the park. "ME? APOLOGISE? NO YOUR DOG ATTACKED MY SON SO YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE TO APOLOGISE TO MY


At this point I was getting seriously tired and annoyed of this pointless shouting so I said "You know what? I'm sick and tired of this stupid argument when you know that you'll loose so kindly shut the fuck up or dead skin cells will start to come out of your dirty and unholy mouth."

"Now I'm just going to say this one last time, it's your sons fault not my dog nor my child." I then swiftly attached Yeontan onto his leash and and took Amira's hand into mine.

And then proceeded to walk away like nothing had happened but without failing to deliver my middle finger and mouthing 'fuck you dirty ass hoe'

Making the women more angry that she already was. Snickering I fastened my walking pace out of the park so I don't get my beautiful ass that I worked so hard on being beaten up.

Eventually, I began to calm my pace down. We exited the park and had started to walk down the gritty pathway to where the nearest cafe/bakery was.

On the way Mira began to get excited and suddenly started to run when the cafe was near our line of vision. She had ran and ran until she nearly fell backwards into the ground. Key world nearly.

She hit straight where the sun doesn't shine causing them to drop whatever they were holding and grabbed the little nugget before she fell onto the ground. The thing turned out to be a cake it if went splat onto the ground. *add cake splatting sound*

Worriedly, I ran (with Yeontan of course) towards where the crime scene happened. The crime scene of a murdered cake.

"I am terribly sorry si-" I looked up to see who I was apologizing to and was then met with the gaze of Jeongguk looking at me with some sort of emotion that I can't decipher. Gasping I hurriedly said "Omg I'm so,so,so,so,SO sorry Jeongguk. Oh no! I made your fancy suit, which is probably expensive dirty!"

Jk's POV

If dropping a pastel colored cake and ruining one of my best suits just to be able to see and talk to Taehyung then I would gladly waste all my money on these things.

Unknowingly I had chuckled at how adorable he looked when he is apologizing to me and it also gives me a front view of his fine ThIcC ass. Although I think he heard me because he seems to have a very confused look on his symmetrical face.

Deciding that I shouldn't leave him hanging I said

" Don't worry lo- I mean Taehyung. It is all right and the suit is not that expensive, it's only about 1,927,204 Won (this is roughly £1,250) and you don't have to worry about the cake, I can just buy another one from the bakery."

Tae's pov

"Don't worry lo- I mean Taehyung."

Was he about to say love? I then started to think (more like fantasize) about him calling me pet names like love,bub, baby etc would be a dream come true. I mean a man as handsome and sexy as Jungkook I'd think that my life has been completed. Snapping out of my thoughts I listened to the rest of what he is saying.

"It is all right and the suit is not that expensive, it's only about 1,927,204 Won" By then my eyeballs have basically popped out of my eye sockets

(or something I don't do human body or some shiz and a suit with exceptional quality is £1,200+ and this suit is made out of really good quality materials which makes it more expensive along with if you decided if you want it personally tailored. I don't know much about suits)

HoLY TaNnIe!! That's a LOT LOT! I mean I could afford it but like MY MONEYY.

After Jeongguk had finished his sentence I said "Are you sure, Jeongguk?"

"I mean I could pay you for it and then we could just forget that it happened..." I said unsure of my sentence when I looked up to see him displeased.

"No Tae, I said it's alright you don't have to pay for anything but if you are so persistent then how about coming with me to get some cake with this little munchkin?"

Deciding to give up I had been defeated in a back and forth 'argument'

"Fine" I sighed

"BUT I will be paying for the cake, it's the least I could do after ruining your suit and your cake." I said firmly.

"That's alright with me" replied the taller male.

.Time skip.

As we entered the bakery/cafe we had gained some attention of the people around us mostly girls who probably have no love life. They're probably drooling over the fact that the man beside me is super hot and smexy. Who could blame then? Cuz I would do the same if I were to say the truth.

Then a staff at the bakery said "Uh, sir we don't allow pets inside the store so could you perhaps leave your dog outside?"

I saw the way that the staff looked at me, his eyes were scanning my body up and down like he was trying to memories it.

Looking at disgust I had said "Of course, but could please stop looking at me like you are a rabid dog who is food deprived?" And fyi I had said it in the most calming way I could and it's worth it after seeing his embarrassed face.

Looking to both of my sides I saw that Mira and Jeongguk were trying to contain their laughter.

Mira is a very smart girl so she had understood on what I had meant. Not only that but she also is a little devil trying to be a baby matchmaker just like her mother y/n.

Going to the counter I asked "Jeongguk, what type of cake did you have?"

"Oh, I had bought the Deluxe Ice Cream Cake"

I then asked the lady at the counter "Could I please have 6 slices of the Deluxe Ice Cream Cake and could you make 3 of the slices take out?"

"Of course sir, that would be 40,731.37 won." ( about 34.36 US dollars and £25.99) Taking out my wallet I noticed that the raven haired male tried to get his wallet out.

"Ah,ah,ah" I swatted Jeongguk's hands away. "Remember that I'll be buying it as an apology."

Looking defeated I had a victory smile presented on my face and the took out my card to pay for the cake.

"Jeongguk, we should find a table that we could sit at." I suggested.


Our eyes scanned around the room until we came across an available table near the window in the corner of the bakery.

For some odd reason the bakery/cafe part looked like one of those old movie fast food restaurant seats in America.

(Like this)

"Samchon, when are we getting cake?" Asked the small girl that's been trailing behind and I kinda almost forgot that she was here. Oops. Oops indeed BaD tAeTaE Samchon is Korean for Uncle but I'm not quite sure since it's been put through google translate.)

"Well bub, samchon has to pay back this nice seonsaeng (mister) by buying a cake and the seonsaeng was kind enough to let us eat the cake with him." I explained to the small little girl.

"Oh, ok but what is the flavour of the cake uncle?" Asked the curious bean.

"Well the flavour was-" I had suddenly forgotten what I had ordered. Thankfully Mr.Jeon had answered for me.

"Your uncle got us the deluxe ice cream cake, baby munchkin"

The girls eyes started to lit up. Jumping up and down she excitedly said " THATS MY FAVORITE TYPE OF CAKE, THANK YOU UNCLE!!"

"You don't have to thank me bub, even if we didn't bump into Mr. Jeon I would have still gotten you the same cake." I said quickly so that I don't gain the attention of everyone in the bakery which most likely failed as soon everyone's eyes was on us.

Leading then we finally sat down where I instantly relaxed my muscles for a bit. I was quite exhausted after today but we'd still have to do much more after the bakery.

It was quiet for a while until a voice spoke out " May I ask the name of the little one, because I don't wanna call her little munchkin all the time."

"My name is Mira mister."

"Well then Mira you can just call me Jeongguk or Jungkook." Said the man.

"Uh- can I call you kookie instead Mr.Jungkook?" Asked the child.

It seems like it caught him off guard but he still replied.

"Oh, that's ok little Mira."

I started to laugh at how awkward he looked when he was called Kookie but I think Kookie is a good nickname for the latter.

I started to tease him. "Awwww is Kookie~ embarrassed?"

Encouraging Mira to tease him with me we say "Come on Kookie say something." I then added a little pout just for extra effects.

Suddenly I felt hot breath near my ear.

"Baby boy I don't think you'd want to tease me." He said which made a shiver crawl down my spine and excite my lover body a bit but knowing that Mira was here and that we were in a bakery I couldn't so I just had to resort into blushing ,which I may add made me look like a tomato.

Now it was his turn to tease me " Awww is the little baby blushing?" Blushing furiously he started to laugh and oh may god was that the most melodic laugh I have ever heard in my laugh. I may or may not have just had an eargasm. Omg I'd probably have an eargasm explosion if I ever heard him sing.

A cough then interrupted us, there stood a lady who looked like she was in her late 40's. She had that motherly vibe along with her eyes and the smile that she gave was bright and making her have moon Eyes. ( honestly idk .-.)  "Here is your 6 slices of the Deluxe Ice Cream Cake and just as you asked 3 of them are wrapped."

Scanning over the food items I found something that wasn't there. "Um Mam I never ordered these 2 drinks." I said with a confused face.

He face then lit up " Oh they are on the house since both of you look like such a cute couple with your child."

My face had then started to heat up before I could say anything a voice butted their butt in "Thank you, Miss."

I turned to the man beside me and started at him shocked. Before we knew it (me, just me) the lady had walked away.

"Why did you just accept it and say that we are a couple?" I asked/kinda shouted.

"Well first of all, why waste such a great drink and second of all, I think we do look cute together." He said with a little wink added to the side.

"Especially when I tease you about something and you blush so brightly it makes you look like a strawberry and I like strawberries." He added just to probably tease me because who would like me? I look ugly when I blush.

But then again I can also appreciate my honey like skin so sometimes it covers the fact that I'm blushing but for some reason that's not the case with this man. I look like a freaking tomato and he said I look like a strawberry.-.

YumM. I mean- uhhh leTs GeT iT. YuHh.

"L-let's just eat yeah?" I stuttered damn it. He laughed just a bit and then started to eat while sometimes feeding Mira. God he looks hot the way his muscles flex when he stretches towards the 5 year old girl. Ngl I feel bad for the shirt that he's wearing because it looks like it's going to rip. Damnnn the boy must be super ripped.

Soon we finished and then packed up. All 3 of us walked to our houses although Mira did get tired half way. Jeongguk offered to carry her and I said no so now I am carrying her though she is kinda heavy. My struggle is obvious when he spoke. "Taehyung, I think I really should carry her since it's obvious that you're struggling and I REALLY don't mind carrying her."

Sighing I had to agree since my arms feel heavy and I don't want to risk Mira falling after all she is my niece. Even if she wasn't I would still do it, I love children it shows that they are pure and innocent. Yes they may be bratty and loud but it's part of growing up.

Soon we reached my house. We said our goodbyes and went into our respective houses.Yes I didn't do what I needed to do but it wasn't really urgent so I'll just do it some other day later. After waking up Mira we both had a bath and did our nighttime routine. We were in our onesie. I was a tiger and she was dressed up as a BT21 character called 'TaTa.'

Tucking her into bed I say a quiet "night night princess."

"G'night uncle TaeTae." Finally closing the door with a little gap I went to bed exhausted. Recalling today I sighed in contemplation. Today was a good day, it was really fun and I really should ask my neighbour for his number when I get the courage.

Laying down I finally drift into the night of dreams.