Sayuri have sat down on the couch in the living room in Chrom and Cheren's house. Ross looked around the living room, checking out the plants. Chrom sat on a stood that he waited for Cheren. They did not speak much as Sayuri have entered their house. Chrom kept a cold stare at Sayuri that brought a shiver down her back. She have started to fidget with her hands as Cheren brew the water for tea. Chrom's tail laid motionless on his right leg. Mana had her coloring book out; she is coloring in a happy flower and a sun. Cheren walked into the room with tea. Chrom's tail started to wag when he spotted the tea tray in his hand. The heavy air became easy to breathe in. Cheren placed the tray of a teacup on the coffee table and handled every their cup.
"Thank you, Cheren." Sayuri smiled.
"Thanks, Cheren." Chrom sips his tea.
Sayuri noticed the change of mood from Chrom; she wanted to point out to Cheren. Sayuri did not want to sound weird.
"So Sayuri, how long have you been living in this town." Cheren smiled.
Cheren smile brought a warm feeling Sayuri warming her than the tea did.
"I lived here when I was a kid with my aunt. That goes with Jennifer. Ross was brought here when he was a toddler." Sayuri smiled
"That is nice. Perhaps you can show us around town, get to know the residents here."Cheren smiled
"Oh, I would love too. Everyone love to meet you, Cheren." Sayuri smiled.
Chrom finished his tea and place in down on the tray. Cheren noticed the cup and grabbed the teapot to pour more tea. Once Cheren spent pouring the tea into his cup, Chrom right way drank it. Sayuri gave a look of worried as she does so. Chrom finished the cup and turned it upside. He got up from his stool and left the house.
"Where is he going?" Sayuri asked.
"He is not going far. He just going to do some training. " Cheren stated.
" Training while guests are in the house. Kinda rude of him." Sayuri stated.
Ross walked out of the house, curious what Chrom's Training it like. Sayuri noticed Ross leave the house. She stared at her cup filled with tea as the thought popped in her head.
"Well, there is not much I can tell you about my brother without giving something out," Cheren stated.
"You have a secret to cover the cause of Chrom," Sayuri stated.
"Indeed, mainly, it's just that he was adopted in my family with no memories of his past. He is an empty shell of what he used to be, Chrom says. I have been trying to help him out remember certain parts of his memories. The only thing he can remember is the war that ends a few years ago."Cheren poured more tea.
Syaurit held her cup tight in her hands as she felt guilt stab her n the chest. Sayuri felt like she needed to let Cheren know about Ross. "Ross Is the same. Though extracted that have his memories are still intact, He is waiting for someone. His brother, Aunt Akane, shares many stories about him. We wonder if he is alive or not. My cousin gave up on that idea." Sayuri stated.
"Don't let Chrom know I told you about this. I will do the same. " Cheren stated as he siped his tea.
"Don't worry, it's not much of a big secret. It's just Ross's..." Sayuri stopped
"You are right, my Secret that I keep with Chrom, not his back story. It's how I describe if I tell you the stories like he does." Cheren pondered. Sayruitand Cheren drank their tea in silence. Cheren drinks his tea. As Mana tugs on his shirt to share her master's pieces.
Chrom and Ross stare at the stars together.
"This is your tainting?" Ross asked. "I am trying to see if the stars seem familiar to me. I have lost my most important memory. I need to remember what it was." Chrom said
"Why is memory important?" Ross asked.
"Each memory you have is what make you well you. I lost that I want to remember the part of me that I lost." Chrom stated.
"If you find it, what will you do?" Ross asked.
"I guess I will use those memories to find something; like a map, I follow my memories to my treasured item or person," Chrom stated.
Ross stopped asking Chrom question to think. Chrom stared at the stars that glowed with the moon.
"Do you think my memories will lead me to my brother?" Ross asked.
"You brother; when did you lose him?" Chrom asked as he sat up.
"I did not really lose him. He left me here for my own being. I lost the memories of his face." Ross stated.
"Perpahs, you will see him in your mind once again when you think about them. Ask people that may have knew him." Chrom answered.
"My Sister, will Coco know something about him," Ross said.
"If you may, what is your brother like?" Chrom asked.
"Well, he was tough, smart, kind, thoughtful, and brave. He was like me, a troublemaker, but he is honest. That's what I have been told." Ross said.
"I see, I guess I will see if anyone I knew was like him? Maybe I knew him."Chrom smiled.
Both boys smiled as they laid back down to stare at the stares. Chrom was more focuses on Ross' brother, thinking up people that can fit as the brother. Ross focused more on the stars that twinkled from time to time. Ross glanced at Chrom that was not focusing on the view. Ross started to change the topic of a tv show he has seen once. Chrom joined in share his thoughts of it. They both begin to agree that lead to an agreement. Chrom and Ross shook hands, they decide they won't talk about this show due to how bad it was. They laid back down, watching the stars.