Chrom started at his phone as they made it home. Cheren walked behind him, blocking from crashing into
"I really need to rack up on money, and get a new phone," Chrom stated.
"Yeah, you may have to get a new phone. You had that phone for 3 years, right?" Cheren asked.
Chrom nodded as he stuffed his phone in his back pocket. The only lights around to light their way were the moon and a couple of dim street lights, but the light was disappearing as they keep going. Not that many streets light leading home, and the moon once again disappeared behind some clouds. Chrom kept walking on alongside Cheren. As Cheren held onto Chrom shoulder as they walked.
"Quick question, can you see in the dark, unlike fares?" Cheren asked.
"Yes, I can see in the dark...I am also an idiot. I forget I can see in the dark, and pulled out my phone for the flashlight."Chrom muttered.
"Did you flash your eyes when you looked for the camera app? I think your eyes are just normal when they need to adapt to the light," Cheren wondered.
"You can say. I guess I had the light of my phone flashing in my eyes, which made me blind for a while." Chrom said
"I guess, well lead the way! My human eyes did not get the wolf genes to see in the dark. Unlike Mana, she got almost all the genes."Cheren muttered.
"Of course, just keep up with me." Chrom smiled.
"Yeah, just don't pick up the pace cause you said that," Cheren growled.
"I will, not pick up my walking speed," Chrom smirked.
Cheren gave out a sigh of relief as his brother lead the way. The brother kept walking title Cheren stopped them, complaining that Chrom have picked up the pace. While Chrom says, he have not picked up his pace at all. Cheren raised an eyebrow and warn him to slow down. Chrom started to wonder what he can do to help his brother. As an idea popped into his head.
"How about I carry you on my back?"Chrom asked.
Cheren gave him a blank face filled with disappointment. Cheren started to walk ahead in the dark streets. Chrom walked after him and watch his every move, blocking him from danger. Cheren almost hit his head onto a broken street light. Cheren keeps walking into the wall before Chrom jumps in.
"Just lead the way," Cheren begged.
Chrom rolled his eyes and pulled Cheren by the wrist towards their home. Chrom and Cheren were since till they made it home.
"We are home finally!" Cheren cheered.
"Cheren, you own a car. Couldn't you drive?" Chrom asked.
" yeah," Cheren whispered.
Chrom rolled his eyes and walked inside the house. Chrom followed behind judging him. Cheren could feel Chrom cold glance at the back of his neck as he something crossed his mind.
"Well, I have to share that my Aunt is coming to visit? " cheren stated.
"You mean my adopted mother's sister and your birth mother sister," Chrom asked.
"Yeah, can you stop saying that when you speak of mom! She have raised you as well, remember."Chrom barked.
"I know, but she adopted me when I was 10. She is great and all, but I know she is not my birth mother. Thought you know mom's sister never liked me." Chrom stated.
"I know, I know she is coming to visit Mana. You can stay away from the house while she visits." Chere said.
"I will do my best to avoid her tomorrow, just don't bring her to the cafe," Chrom muttered.
Cheren nodded as he got ready for bed. Chrom watched him as he pulled out his phone. Chrom started to head to his room and took off his clothes for an onesie. Chrom then walked to the bathroom to get his teeth brushed before heading to bed. Cheren gave him a disappointed look at Chrom as he walked into the bathroom.
"For an Adult, you have such childish things," Cheren stated.
Chrom turned him, giving a cold glare. "I need relive my childhood, which I did not get to live. So go to bed and let me relive my missing childhood."
Cheren slid away towards his room, As Chrom brushed his teeth, his tail wagged as he does so. Chrom finished up and walked toward his room and jumped into bed. He connected his phone charger and turned off his lights. Chrom stared in the dark as his eye adjust. Chrom gave a smile and fell asleep.
The next morning Chrom is woken up by his alarm clock; he got up and started to get ready for the day. Once finished, he made breakfast for his siblings, and as he headed off to work. Chrom walked around the back of the cafe and unlocked the back door. As he walked him, he grabbed his apron. He headed to the kitchen to bring a box of soft drinks to the fridge. Jennifer walked in to find Chrom working.
"Good morning Chorm."Jennifer greeted.
"Good morning Jennifer, How did you sleep today?" Chrom smiled.
"I sleep well, need help?" Jennifer asked.
"Yeah, I do." Chrom smiled.
Jennifer smiled back at Chrom as she put on her apron and went to join him. Jennifer lowered the chairs and cleaned the tables. Chrom swept the room and sweeps the dust outside. As they both finished, Sayuri walked into the cafe half asleep. She walked up to the coffee maker and make a cup for herself. She put on her apron and went to get her coffee. Sayuri drank the coffee up and washed the mug clean. Jennifer watched Sayuri closest as Chrom brings the broom in the cafe. Sayuri half-close eyes have opened widely as the coffee took effect.
"Good morning, Coco! Good morning to you, Chrom. "Sayuri smiled sweetly!
Chrom turned to Sayuri with shock as he witnessed the new change of personality from Sayuri. Jennifer could not help her self and laugh at Chrom's reaction.