slowly my eyes opened to my surroundings...It was cold and it hurt to move. Where was I ? and why couldn't I remember how I got here? My head hurt so much. I tried to sit up only to cry out in pain at the sudden stinging between my legs. Why was I naked! I was covered in bruises and cuts all over my body. I even had bite marks and blood all over my thighs. As I stared at myself in horror the memories of last night started coming to me one after the other and I Let out a sob as I recalled the events that brought me to this very moment... My mind had allowed me to forget if only for a few minutes.
how could I have been so stupid to to believe everything...
2 weeks before:
Feng Wei's POV:
"Xiao Lin I'm so excited! I'm finally getting married to Du Rong in a week! Where do you think he will take me on our honeymoon? I hope it's somewhere with a really nice view of the mountains and Romantic like those movies we used to watch as little girls! Oooh I can't wait to spend my first night with him And grow old with him! I love him so much ! "
I stopped as I suddenly felt worried.
" I'm so nervous, what if I can't please him the right way?"
"Xiao Mei calm down, everything will be just fine. Don't you worry about anything..... besides you and Du Rong have been engaged since you were 16. He's head over heels in love with you. He's always making sure you are ok and that you have everything you want. I'm sure he won't be able to get enough of you" Feng wei laughed as she tried to cheer up her best friend.
" eh Su Lin what's wrong? Why are you making such a face? Feng wei asked.
" huh? Oh no ... nothings wrong my stomach just felt a bit upset just now, oh sis I really don't feel so well all of a sudden. I think I need to go home and have a lie down." Su Lin looked pitiful as she grabbed Su Mei's hand gently.
"Oh xiao Lin it's ok, I'll send you home. Let me just call the driver back and we can get the doctor to come. ..."
"No!... no it's fine I can go home by myself I don't want to ruin such a nice day out for you two. Please sis I'll go first. "
"Well ok " Su Mei hesitated. " fine but I'll wait outside with you while the driver comes to pick you up. Xiao Feng please wait here for me and order whatever you like." Su Mei smiled and helped Su Lin to the front of the hotel lobby. The restaurant they were at was at the fanciest hotel in A country.
Feng wei watched as Su Mei supported Su Lin as they walked away. Something didn't feel right. She could have sworn that Su Lin was fine just now and only started feeling bad when talk had turned to Xiao Mei losing her virginity. " could it be... " no I may not like Su Lin's pretentious actions but she wouldn't do something so horrible as wanting to steal or lust after her elder sisters fiancé. They were too close for that. No she wouldn't. ... although she did always seem to act more pitiful and damsel like whenever Du Rong was around.
" I'm back did you order anything while I was away? Hehe ... Xiao Xiao are you ok ? You're spacing out on me again. Don't tell me you are thinking about Wei Li again?" Su Mei teased Feng Wei about her crush.
" you know you should just take the initiative and ask him out. Hasn't it been 3 months already of you two saying hi and bye at school? "
" hmmm? .... what oh no . I did it again hehe. Well you caught me I'm guilty "I couldn't decide whether or not I should tell her about Su Lin but in the end decided that it was probably just in my head. There was no way Su Lin would do anything to hurt her sister.
They were family after all. I don't like her so maybe my minds just looking for reasons to not like her even more. There was no way I was going to say anything about it to Su Mei without evidence. Su Mei loved Su Lin ever since there grandfather had brought her home from the orphanage at 5 yrs old to be apart of the family and was a secret that no one outside the Su family knew, well except for me as I was Su mei's best friend since childhood and Su Mei had told her the week She had been adopted into the family officially.
Su Mong ( the family patriarch)had brought her home to the family after Su Lin had saved his life at just 5 yrs old. She had noticed a man with a knife walking up behind Su Mong and had shoved the him out of the way with all the strength she had in her little body. Unfortunately Su Lin hadn't gotten out of the way in time and had been stabbed herself. a police officer had been walking out of a nearby restaurant just having finished his lunch at that very moment and apprehended the crazy knife wielding fiend.
Su Mong had raced to the hospital with little Lin in his arms while blood had steadily flowed from her wound. From that day forward she had stolen the Su family's hearts and was there favorite. The family treated her as if she was their flesh and blood.
However they were sworn to secrecy about her adoption and made it so that everyone believed she had been there the whole time and just been kept out of the limelight of society.
Of course no one doubted it as they were a very rich family and it was only natural for young children to not be seen until older. And since she was only 5 they were able to say she had simply been to sickly to attend regular school and been tutored at home until then. I find it kinda weird that they keep it a secret but hey not my family so not my problem.
Su Mei had always wanted a sister and treated Su Lin as if she was really her blood. Su Mei's mother ( Su Lingling or Mama Su) had convinced Su Ming ( Su Mei's father or also known as papa Su ) to adopt Su Lin and he agreed. Originally she was to be adopted by the patriarch but as his sons wife wanted to adopt her he settled himself with being the girls grandfather.
However throughout the years as she had grown up being close friends with Su Mei, she had noticed that Su Lin was always compared to Su Mei by Su Ming. Everyone compared them to each other but Su Mei still tries to give Su Lin all the praise as she didn't like it when Su Lin was upset.
Su Lin takes advantage of this fact big time and it really annoys the hell out of me. But I cant say anything to Su Mei as Su Lin knew how to act pitiful to her elder sister and had her wrapped around her pinky finger. The only reason I see the true side of us Lin is because I'm not from a rich family and she willingly shows her real self to those who she can't get any benefits from.
But it's subtle and the minute you try to out her she will paint you in a bad light. The last girl that tried to put her in senior high had to drop out of school ….In fact Su Lin could be a downright witch to others while pretending to be the perfect little sister to Su Mei. I can't say anything unless I am willing to risk being ostracized from su mei …. She's the only friend I've got that su Lin hasn't tainted against me. The only power I have over su Lin is being friends with su mei since we were babies. I don't know maybe I'm just being paranoid… but if I'm not and su Lin hurts my bestie I will not rest until I tear down her lotus flower act.
there's nothing I can do except to leave it be for now. If I ever found concrete proof of anything Then I could provide it but until then i just had to keep being Su Mei's best friend and be there for her no matter what happened. God please let my mind just be playing tricks on me.
All of this ran through my mind as I pretended to be reading the menu and Su Mei continued teasing me.
" Xiao Mei stop it you know how nervous I get around Wei Li. "
A rosy color was spreading over feng wei's face and Su Mei laughed.
" alright alright I'll leave it be. Anyways I can't figure out what to eat so let's just get a little bit of everything. Besides Du Rong did say that I could spend as much as I wanted today as he was feeling quite apologetic for not being able to attend lunch as promised today." Su mei smiled at Feng Wei trying to not show that she was a little upset and I knew she would much rather have had Du Rong here then be told to spend on whatever she wanted. All these years and Du Rong still didn't seem to get that throwing money at her every time he canceled wouldn't really make it up to her. I just didn't care about that kind of thing which is why I would have just gone home if it was just me alone. However Su mei was with me and I had promised my best friend lunch and that's what I was going to do.
I didn't want Su Mei to worry so I acted cheerful about it and just hoped that whatever Du Rongs business was that was causing him to cancel so much wouldn't cause any disturbance on their honeymoon.
" alright and after we finish our lunch we can go shopping to find you the most perfect lingerie outfit for your first time" Feng wei teased her.
" yes definitely!" I was excited and decided to push the nagging thoughts away as we discussed what type of lingerie su Mei wanted to try out.
Fast forward to wedding night 1 week later:
Su Mei's POV:
I couldn't believe I was married to Du Rong finally I thought as I looked over at my new husband lovingly. I blushed as he turned his head and caught me staring.
" I'm so happy we are finally married my beautiful wife"
My blush deepened as his fingers trailed down from my cheek to my neck and stopped just below my collarbone.
" me too I'm so happy my heart feels like it's ready to explode" I gushed and leaned forward in my seat to kiss him but Du Rong suddenly dodged and reached into the ice bucket that was provided by the limousine service to grab the wine.
" eh first let's make a toast to us and our marriage and the beautiful wedding we just had "
" ok " I said smiling and reached for the glass he handed me.
" to us and our marriage and to hopefully starting a family soon "
My eyes glittered with happiness at what he said just now because he had said before that he wanted to wait for a few years before trying for kids. I put my glass in the the cup holder and hugged him.
" really Rong .. do you really mean it? We can try ? "
" yes baby we can try " he said nuzzling her neck and trailed kisses up her neck to finally plant a light kiss on her mouth.
" here let's seal the toast with the wine for good luck " he handed the wine glass back to Me and with his coaxing I drank it all and then a second glass.
I was starting to feel a little dizzy. No way was I this much of a lightweight with alcohol? I hardly ever drank and I only did so just now because it was bad luck to toast without wine and especially when it had to do with her marriage. But how could only two glasses of wine make me feel so dizzy . I was having a hard time staying awake to. No something was wrong why was I so tired.
" Du Rong I think there's something wrong...." I looked up at him and froze. The look in his eyes wasn't the loving look he had just had as he toasted to our Marriage. He looked coldly at me as if I was but a bug that he had found on his suit.
"Su Mei you should really be more self aware. You didn't even notice the sleeping pill I put into your drink just now."
I couldn't understand what he was saying.
"Sleeping pill.... why ? " I didn't get a chance to finish my question because at that moment unconsciousness too over.
I woke up to cold water being splashed on my face. I spluttered and coughed as I tried to breath.
" finally you're up I was getting bored of waiting for you to wake up . I have better things to do then wait for you to wake up Su Mei. "
Wait what ?what was Su Lins voice doing here?
I looked up to find Su Lin standing before me.
" xiao Lin what's going on? Why did you splash me with such cold water. Better yet why are you here ??? And where are we? "
All my questions came out fast .
"Wait where's Du Rong?"
" Su Mei slow down all your questions will be answered soon and as for Du Rong you don't need to bother yourself with him any longer." A cold sneer was on Su Lin's pretty face. I froze. I'd never seen such a look on my sisters face before...
" what are you talking about xiao Lin. What do you mean I shouldn't bother myself with him? He's my husband!" I said getting agitated now.
" Su Mei haven't you realized the situation you are in right at this very moment? Hmmm" I watched as Su Lin sat on the bed right behind her and haughtily looked at her manicured nails.
I looked around and saw that it was a basement with only one little window but it was just out of my height range. There was only one twin bed with a mattress and nothing else. I went to stand up and felt something heavy and cold on my right ankle suddenly. I looked down and saw that there was a metal chain with a padlock on and it was cemented to the floor. it seemed that it was only long enough to sleep on the bed.
" what the hell is this!? If this is some kind of joke it isn't funny!"
I was starting to panic a little as I realized this might not be a joke.
" oh this isn't a joke it is very much happening. I hate to break it to you... actually no I don't hate it. I'd love to break it to you big sis but you won't be leaving this room at all for the rest of your life ... or for however long my Baby Rong decides to keep you alive." I stared at Su Lin blankly not fully comprehending her worlds right away as I was shocked.
And the only words that came out of my mouth were " what do you mean?"
I could feel myself getting cold and it had nothing to do with having been splashed with cold water.
" Su Mei you cant be this stupid to not understand what I'm saying to you...."
just then the sound of a door opening and footsteps coming down a set of stairs could be heard until finally a tall dark silhouette was seen in the basement doorway.
"Du Rong is that you? Please tell me there's a mistake and this is just some joke you guys are playing on me? !"
I was hoping that I was dreaming or that this was just a sick twisted joke because I just couldn't believe that my dear sister that I loved so much was actually like this.
I waited a few seconds but he wasn't responding to me and instead he walked over to Su Lin .
"Hi baby you explain what's going on yet?" And leaned in to kiss Su Lin
I froze .... what did he just say to her!
" BABY!"
I couldn't calm myself as it finally clicked into place that this really was happening. Before I realized what I was doing I had rushed forward and grabbed Su Lin's hair and yanked with all my strength. " Ahhhh! Owe owe owe BABY RONG SAVE ME!!!!"
This only pissed me off more who the fuck was she calling Baby !
But before I could do anything more I was grabbed and thrown to the concrete floor with enough force to knock the air out of me. I gasped for air.
" don't fucking touch my woman. You're nothing but a waste of space. "
I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.
" why are you doing this! I am your wife now. You can't do this to me!"
" I can and I will. You're nothing but a means to an end. I never loved you .... I've only ever loved my Su Lin. I only married you in order to gain all the properties and family wealth that comes with you as the heir to your fathers vast wealth. My Lin couldn't inherit it as she's not the first born so you will do until I get what I want. Even if you are adopted as the first born it is quite bothersome that the old man specifically wrote in his will before passing away that you are to be the heir to the vast wealth and my poor Su Lin is only entitled to some properties and wealth. Tsk tsk you're not even blood related but they dare to still do this to my baby.... but it's still of no problem as I've married you to get it all for her."
I felt like the room was spinning as I processed what he was saying....
" but I won't inherit until papa dies or decides to pass everything over to me..... are you planning to keep me locked up as a hostage for papa to give me my inheritance now..? I don't understand how this is going to work for you my papa would never allow you to just keep me hostage like this...Su Lin papa will be very upset when he finds out about this.."
I was trying to scare them into at least unlocking the padlock on my ankle so I could leave.
" oh but Su Mei you poor thing I forgot to tell you something so important... while we were in the limo making that lovely toast to our marriage your father was busy being poisoned so as of right now it seems that everyone thinks he has died of a heart attack. I assure you the poison I had my people use exhibits the symptoms of a heart attack so I won't be caught . Hehehe" he laughed as Su Mei chocked back a sob.
It can't be true they couldn't have done so....
" why? Because it should be me that the family praises not you. I am the one with the better grades in school. I am the one that saved that old oaf!
You never tried and went straight into being an actress and yet the family always praised you instead. Every boy I liked growing up liked you always had to be the center of attention while I was pushed aside. I didn't want your love Or praise. I want what's supposed to be mine!!"
" you are nothing but a piece of trash and you took all the attention and love that was supposed to be for me!" Su Lin's face was no longer the sweet gentle face of a damsel. She looked every bit of the evil witch she truly was inside.
" but I purposely did bad in school so you would do better..... I made sure those boys stopped once I realized they liked me and I alway tried to make the family praise you more. I even made sure my grades were bad so you would shine…Su Lin none of that is my fault...." before I could finish I was slapped hard in my right cheek and before I could react I was slapped twice more. Su Lin stood before me ready to slap my face again but I pushed her away and she stumbled to the floor.
Su Lin cried out as I watched her fall on her ass. " you Bitch! " this time it was Du Rong who slapped my face. I could feel my face starting to swell a bit from the many slaps I'd taken already.
" Baby Rong !
See how she pushed me to the floor ! She's trying to hurt our poor unborn baby! I told her before you walked in that I was pregnant ! "
Su Mei how can you be so heartless to an unborn child I could miscarry are any moment!"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing ... a baby? I watched Du Rong as he tenderly checked Su Lin to make sure she was fine. He then turned his eyes towards me and I could feel the killing intent emanating it of them.
" YOU DARE HURT MY WOMAN AND CHILD! I'll make sure to make your death nice and painful..... better yet I'll make sure I can make some money off of you before you die as well."
Then before I had time to dodge him he had punched my face and my body was thrown back to the floor from the force.
As I lay there in pain with blood flowing from my nose I could feel that I was going to get a black eye soon.
I looked up to see them walking out while Su Lin hung on to Du Rong and smirked at me. As soon as they were out of the room and the door could be heard being locked from the outside I let all my tears and sobs out.
Back to the present day:
As I lay there
I could hear the wind howling outside the basement window and the tree branches making swishing sounds as they moved along with the wind. The howl of a wolf and the crying of the poor animal that had become the wolf's prey. I shivered as I curled up in the moonlight that was coming in through the small window trying to keep warm with nothing but the torn rags of what used to be my red dress. My body was sore and so cold that I was starting to feel numb.
I tried to drag my aching body away from the cracked window as much as I could but the chain on my Ankle kept me from moving far. The bruises all over my body hurt and stung and the pain in my lower regains hurt as blood still pooled their. How much more of this torture could I take? No one new that I was being tortured and raped every night as this was supposed to be my honeymoon time. Everyone thought I was away having the time of my life and instead I had to endure beatings and the countless men that Su Lin and Du Rong sent to rape me as they prostituted me out.
They sometimes watched in the corner of the room and they even seemed to get turned on by it themselves. I hated them both with every fiber of my being. Su Lin even encouraged the men they brought to injure me as it would be fun for her to watch. And Du Rong just went along with it all and looked on Su Lin with gentle eyes that would turn cold and horrible once he looked at me. I looked out the window At the moment I was alone but judging by the moons position in the sky I wouldn't be alone for more then 30 min.... then Su Lin would bring another round of men to rape and beat me and I couldn't take it any longer. She took everything from me.... she had even confessed to me last night after everyone had left the basement that she had poisoned mamma Su for having convinced papa Su to propose engagement between Du Rong and I on my 16th birthday.
She had made it look like my servant Lulu had poisoned mama. I had been so heartbroken by it that I believed her then and slapped lulu in the face cursing her for having taken my mama Su from me.
Not only that su Lin was in fact my fathers illegitimate daughter that he refused to acknowledge and never tried to see her as a baby so her mother and uncle planned for su Lin to fake saving my grandpa.. it had been planned by her mother and uncle so she could infiltrate my family and slowly steal the family wealth.
Now all I had was remorse for not believing lulu then. If I could go back and change all this from ever happening I would. I looked over and noticed something glinting on the floor under the now broken basement window. Last night one of the men had a gun and I had managed to take it , but before I could use it it was knocked out of my hands in a struggle and it had gone off on accident. Unfortunately for me the bullet just broke the glass and didn't hit anyone else.
It was a piece of glass that hadn't shattered. It was big enough that I could stab myself with it or slice my wrists. Finally I could make this suffering end.
I had no more will to live if this was to be my future.
I dragged my aching body over to the wall and leaned my back against it. I grabbed the shard of glass and quickly sliced open my wrists ..... 30 minutes should be enough to bleed out shouldn't it? I closed my eyes and waited for my life to end. I was starting to feel light headed. I thought of my papa and mama Su. If I could just go back to before either of them died then I would take revenge on Su Lin and Du Rong. I would make sure that they had miserable lives and die just as miserably as me.
Just then the door was thrown open and fend Wei came rushing in.
At least I thought it was her as my vision was going blurry.
" OH MY GOD ! SU MEI ! SU MEI ! SOMEONE GET A FIRST AID KIT QUICK ! Su Mei don't you dare die on me ! Do you hear me ! Hold on please! "
I felt my body being pulled into someone's lap and tried opening my eyes to see but they just wouldn't open. I heard the door open and someone rushed in only to here a loud bang. Something wet hit my face and the hands holding me went limp. The loud noise woke me up enough for my eyes to open and a small bit of energy came through me. Fang Wei was slumped over me …dead and a maniacal laugh made me look to the crazed woman in front of me holding a gun. Su Lin stood there and laughed once more before aiming the gun at my chest. I looked at her and with the little bit of strength i had left. " I will make you regret ever setting your eyes on my loved ones in this life and the next " a shot rang out and hit me in my chest and my body slumped lifeless.
Light shown on my eyes and I grumbled as I tried to block the sudden attack of sunshine on my face.
" young miss it's time to get up you'll be late for school"
Wait I know that voice .... was that lulu? No she was put in jail when I was ..... wait wasn't I dead ???
I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the young girl standing by the bed. I sat up fast and tried to get up only to fall over the side of the bed onto the floor.
" Lulu it's really you!" I cried as I hugged her to me on the floor as I sobbed and cried my eyes out.
" miss?....."