Chereads / Little Miss Pay Back / Chapter 5 - Rise of the Phoenix

Chapter 5 - Rise of the Phoenix

" Miss Su please take your seat. The test will be starting soon so quickly go and get ready."

Mrs. Gao looked back down at what she was doing. Before I could make my way over to my desk in the back of the classroom one of the girls in the first row rolled her eyes as she turned to her desk partner.

" it's a pity some people will just not do well in the test and will always score so badly. shouldn't these type of people just go and drop out. It's not like they are good for anything anyways."

I looked at the girl who spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear. It was so obvious she was talking about me.

" yes, you are right Mo Lingling. Some people just have no sense and bring shame down on others. Bringing down the class average just because they have no sense to actually try and study. "

" oh, Lu Ray it's a pity some people might never be able to be anything more than a waste of space." They both shot smirks at me waiting to see how I would react. I simply ignored them and walked to my desk in the back. but just as I was sitting down I decided to taunt them.

" maybe but shouldn't you worry about your own grades and not bother with others.... oh but I forgot ....if you two didn't gossip about everyone else then you wouldn't even be able to catch the attention of other people and morph back into little flies."

I pulled out a book I brought from home to read leisurely in between lessons and free time. as I wasn't worried about the test. I may have bad grades but that didn't mean I didn't study. I had just been making sure I answered things incorrectly to make it seem as I wasn't good at school and get my parent's attention. and as I had photographic memory I could remember what I had studied before I was reborn in my teenage body. as I thought this to myself the whole class had been staring at me frozen.


how dare you! "

I raised my eyes to see Mo Linging standup at her desk. A look of outrage clear on her face. Lu Ray was sitting next to her with a similar look.

" I don't recall ever saying any names."

I looked back at my book and pretended to be reading while I laughed inside. If I remember correctly both of those girls had constantly humiliated me and I had a feeling that they did so on Su Lin's orders as I had never actually said or done anything to them in the first place in my past life.

before Lu Ray or Mo Lingling could say anything back Mrs.Gao stood up from her desk.

" Alright, class time for the test. everyone clear your desks. Lu Ray, please hand out the test papers."

Lu Ray put a sweet face on as she stood up and started distributing the tests. as she got to my seat a wicked glint flashed in her eyes. I knew before she did anything what she would probably say.

" Mrs. Gao we should keep a close eye on Su Mei in case she tries to cheat. I saw her the other day writing some answers into her phone yesterday. It wouldn't be fair to the rest of us if she were to get a better grade then the rest of us." She looked at Mrs. Gao innocently. I could feel the suspicious gaze's on me from my classmates.

" Well if that's true then that is a serious offense to our school's integrity. Su Mei, I'm afraid I'm going to have to send you to the school head." without even looking for proof she went to sit down at her desk.

Lu Ray smirked at me and went to sit down as well with a look of triumph.

"excuse me Mrs.Gao shouldn't you look for evidence first before sending me to be disciplined?"

Mrs. Gao looked up her nose at me a bit surprised.

" As it turns out I left my phone at home. if you would like to search through my possesions you are welcome to. I wouldn't mind if you stood by my desk as a proctor to make sure I do not in fact cheat. " I looked at Mrs. Gao calmly. My calm demeanor made all the students in the class second guess Lu Ray's words.

" Mrs. Gao even if Su Mei does poorly, if she doesn't have her phone it would only be fair to let her take the exam. Other then Lu Rays word there is no proof that she will cheat." I looked over to the girl who spoke. From what I could remember this girls name was Xia Cai and was usually quite. But even so she was one of the girls who tried being nice and stood up for me in the past whenever the snobs started shit with me. It wouldn't hurt to make her a new friend.

I smiled at her.

" yes I suppose that can be an option. Su Mei you may take the test I will be standing by your side to proctor you then. Every one you may start the maths exam"

I smirked at Lu Ray before writing my name on the exam paper.

I noticed the slight annoyance in her tone as she was caught in a corner and would have to allow me to take the test. Come to think of it she probably thought that it was a waste of her time since she thought I would most like get a low score anyways.

The test began and I began to fill out the answers with ease. Usually these tests would take 30min -1hr. It had only been about 15 min by now and I was already done. I looked up at Mrs. Gao only to see a look of dumbfounded surprise.

I could tell she was trying to figure out how I got all the answers and couldn't help but feel smug about it. I nodded my acknowledgment and thought to myself that I would make them all see me as a phoenix rising from it's ashes in all its glory. I smiled happily to myself as I opened my book to read while I waited.

" you may study while the rest of the class finishes..."

Mrs. Gao was shocked yet excited. She couldn't believe that her lowest student was such a secret genius. Some of the questions had been very hard on purpose and others weren't even taught to these students yet. She did this so that they would strive to be better and study harder to be able to compete with one another and yet here was her lowest student getting a perfect score. None of her smarter students had ever been able to score more then 85% let alone 100%.

There was no absolute way she could have cheated since she had been watching her every move. She hadn't even used scratch paper.

She couldn't wait to see what scores she got on the other exams.